Pastoral Honey Pet: Farmer’s Hot Little Lady

Chapter 118: Chapter 119 This is the point


Hearing this, Ye Ling just blushed and said nothing. In the past, every time Liu Duo and I slept, they were covered with their own quilts and relatively far away from each other. This was the first time they were so close together.

He didn't speak, so Liu Duo had no choice but to continue, "Fourth brother, I want to ask you something. You have to answer it honestly. You can't lie to me."

She also knew that Ye Ling was shy and didn't tease him.

"Yeah.", nodded, looked at her with a blushing face, waiting for Liu Duo to ask questions.

Liu Duo said with a smile, "Fourth brother, look, I am your wife, so if you say someone is bullying me, do you think you are on my side?"

She had to teach her well so that Ye Ling could change from being controlled by her brother to being controlled by her wife!

"Of course, I am definitely on Duo'er's side. No one is allowed to bully you." Ye Ling immediately expressed his attitude. He would never let Liu Duo be bullied.

"Then whoever bullies me in the future, you have to speak up for me, even your brothers." Liu Duo answered immediately, and outsiders could not bully her.

Hearing this, Ye Ling looked at her and said firmly, "Don't worry, Duo'er, my brothers and I will not bully you. You are the treasure in our hands. No matter who it is, we don't allow anyone to bully you." bully you."

‘The treasure in your hand? Emma, would this fourth brother still say such things? ’, it was really beyond Liu Duo’s expectation.

However, when her man said such words to herself, Liu Duo smiled brightly and was in a very good mood.

"Fourth brother, if the mistress bullies me from now on, you have to deal with him with me. You are not allowed to speak for him." This is the point.

When Ye Mo was mentioned, Ye Ling frowned and said, "Duo'er, third brother is just a little impatient, but he won't bully you. Besides, third brother is kind-hearted and a very nice person."

Ye Mo and Ye Ling have the best relationship. It’s not that they don’t have a good relationship with Ye Yang and Ye Liu. It’s that Ye Mo has been growing up with him at home. After being with him for a long time, Ye Ling relies on him in her heart. A little more, care a little more, and be more tolerant of him.

If Ye Mo is weak and weak, and there is no support from his parents at home, and the grandma and grandma do not care about them, and the eldest and second brothers are often not at home, how can he and Ye Mo be the only ones at home to avoid being bullied

In the past, when he was in school, Ye Mo would be a little more restrained. Since he stopped going to school, he has become like a cheat. Anyone who messes with them or bullies them is ready to accept his violent storm!

Won't you bully her? Forget it, let her brother control her. This also shows that they have a good relationship as brothers, and she is still very happy.

Reaching out to smooth his frown, Liu Duo smiled and said, "Okay, stop frowning like an old man. The old man is not worthy of such a beautiful little lady like me!"

Hearing this, Ye Ling blushed and nodded.

A look or a word from her would always make him blush, and Liu Duo liked it very much.

The young and delicate face, the blushing face was so alluring, and they were so close that Liu Duo raised her head and kissed her.

Ye Ling's eyes widened with a look of disbelief. Liu Duo actually kissed him? Then his face was so red that it almost bled, his ears were also red, and his heartbeat was speeding up.

When he thought of what Yeliu had said to him, he immediately controlled his emotions and calmed down.

Liu Duo kissed Ye Ling's beautiful lips over and over again, but Ye Ling remained motionless, like a piece of wood. Not getting a response, Liu Duo opened her eyes and chuckled, "Fourth brother, do you like this? Do you want to learn?"