Pastoral Honey Pet: Farmer’s Hot Little Lady

Chapter 133: Chapter 135 How did he make friends in the first place?


Li Wazi, who was also chopping firewood at the foot of the mountain, spotted Ye Mo, immediately put his basket on his back and walked over.

"Lao San, you are chopping firewood here and you don't call me."

Hearing Li Wazi's voice, Ye Mo looked back. :"Um."

There was a lot of dry firewood at the foot of the mountain. Within a short time, the two of them had filled their baskets with chopping, tied two bundles, and then sat aside to rest.

After wiping his sweat, Li Wazi asked, "Lao San, yesterday I saw your wife staring at you and Chunmei at the fork in the road for a long time, with a very expressionless face. Didn't you get criticized when you go back? ?”

Which pot won’t be opened? Ye Mo rolled his eyes at Li Wazi and said angrily, "Why do you ask so many questions about whether I was criticized or not? Why didn't you come over and tell me?"

I didn’t know how to tell him, so he went back unprepared, got scolded, and said he wanted to divorce me? What a shame!

Li Wazi said with a naive smile, "I care about you. I was in a hurry to go home. It's not like you don't know that my wife is about to give birth."

Li Wazi's wife is more than eight months pregnant. He is very happy. This is his first child. He also came from a poor family and married late, otherwise he would have had two or three children.

Hearing this, Ye Mo rolled his eyes at Li Wazi and said, "Now that you have a wife, you have forgotten your brother! I really misjudged you."

"Don't you also have a wife?" Li Wazi said without being angry at all, "You haven't said yet, have you been criticized after you went back? I think you should be, after all, your wife is amazing. "

Ye Mo, whose mouth twitched, really decided to break up with this bad friend! He was criticized one by one, as if he really wanted to be criticized.

Seeing that Ye Mo didn't say anything, Li Wazi said again, "Third brother, even if you get criticized, you'd better not confront her. Otherwise, you will be the one who suffers in the end! I saw your wife and your second brother last time We have a pretty good relationship, probably with your eldest brother and fourth brother..."

Li Wazi was talking enthusiastically, and Ye Mo was getting more and more angry as he listened. How could he have made such a bad friend in the first place

He stood up quickly, put a basket on his back, carried two bundles of firewood, and left angrily.

Seeing this, Li Wazi didn't forget to shout to Ye Mo, "Third brother, you'd better change your temper, otherwise, having a wife is also a monk's destiny!"

He didn't bother to care about ordinary people. Who made Ye Mo his good brother? So Li Wazi said a few more words to let him realize that he shouldn't be so irritable and impulsive when dealing with his wife.

When he got home, Ye Mo also kicked open the courtyard door, threw the firewood in his hand on the ground, and also used the basket on his back for throwing.

Seeing Ye Mo like this, Liu Duo and the others were all confused. What's going on? Who messed with him

"Third brother, what's wrong? You're so angry."

Ye Ling asked with concern, wondering, does the third brother know that grandma is moving the graves of his parents

"It's okay." Ye Mo replied angrily.

With an ax in his hand, he chopped firewood wildly to vent his anger. Li Wazi's words really pissed him off, 'Is it also the fate of a monk to have a wife? ’

Ye Yang glanced at Ye Mo and continued to work on his own. This third brother always did this, so he was not surprised.

Liu Duo rolled her eyes at Ye Mo. If he didn't lose his temper all day, he would be abnormal! At such a young age, if one is so angry, sooner or later he will die quickly!

The four of them were in the yard, each busy with their own things. Only Liu Duo and Ye Ling were talking and occasionally heard laughter.