Pastoral Honey Pet: Farmer’s Hot Little Lady

Chapter 154: Chapter 156 Li Chunmei


Seeing Liu Duo, Ye Mo swallowed his saliva subconsciously. She couldn't let her know about this.

He coughed dryly and said coolly, "I speak so loudly, how can I howl! Is there something wrong with your ears?"

After saying that, he lowered his head to chop wood, as if I was busy, don't disturb me.

Liu Duo frowned and looked at Ye Yang and Ye Ling again, asking them to speak. She didn't believe what Ye Mo said! Seeing how he didn't dare to look at her, she felt like there was something wrong in his heart!

It wasn't that she had a rich imagination, but that she heard the words he said that were unintentional for her. who is she? Is it yourself or someone

If it was her words, she felt a little unhappy, thinking, 'Emma, you have no intention of me? I still have no intention of you! ’

It's someone else's words, and who is it talking about? Is it Li Chunmei? Or is there someone else

Seeing Liu Duo looking at him, Ye Ling also swallowed his saliva and said evasively, "Duo'er, we didn't say anything. Third brother - he usually talks like this, his voice is a bit loud."

He didn't want Liu Duo to know that they were talking about Li Chunmei. He was worried that Liu Duo would be angry with Ye Mo again if he knew about it.

When it comes to sleeping with Ye Mo, his brother control attribute is fully displayed.

At this time, Ye Yang spoke up and slapped them both in the face. : "Li Chunmei!"

This sounds good. Ye Mo and Ye Ling were so shocked that they both stared at Ye Yang.

I thought to myself, ‘Brother, do you want to cheat on your brothers like this? ’

They quietly glanced at Liu Duo again, and when they saw that she had no reaction, they both let out a breath.

After hearing the words Li Chunmei, Liu Duo moved a stool to the yard, not far from them, and sat down.

Crossing his legs, crossing his chest with his hands, he said with no special expression, "What's going on? How did it get involved with her? I wasn't going to chop wood. Is it such a coincidence that I met her who was also chopping wood?"

When she heard that he didn't mean anything to her, she felt a little happy, just for a moment. She couldn't understand why she was happy, but she was happy anyway.

Ye Ling immediately spoke up, "Duo'er, it's like this. After I gave Third Grandma food, I went to chop wood with Third Brother. Then Chunmei came. She didn't go to chop wood. Yes, she said she came to thank Third Brother and sent her home that day, that’s all.”

He spoke first to avoid Ye Mo and Liu Duo from arguing.

"Oh. Fourth brother, why are you so nervous? I'm just asking, I'm not that good." Liu Duo smiled, this Ye Ling is really cute.

Seeing her smile, Ye Ling felt relieved.

Seeing this, Ye Yang smiled in his heart and said, 'Little guy, you are quite good at changing your face! ’

He just put on a bad face, like a prostrate lion ready to explode, it's no wonder Ye Ling wasn't nervous!

At this time, I heard Ye Mo say, "Fourth brother is right, that's it. She just came to thank me."

Liu Duo looked at Ye Mo again and said, "Since that's the case, I won't say anything more. What I said that day was not just for fun!"

It's best not to cause trouble for her!

"I don't mean anything to her, no need to remind me!" Ye Mo muttered and continued to chop wood.

Liu Duo said to Ye Yang and Ye Ling again, "The same goes for eldest brother, fourth brother, and you. If there are any peach blossoms, you'd better break them for me, otherwise what I said that day will be equally useful to you!"

I added something in my mind, 'The second-rate guy is back, I have to tell him, he should be the one who attracts the most love! ’