Pastoral Honey Pet: Farmer’s Hot Little Lady

Chapter 156: Chapter 157 Okay, it’s time to sleep


Liu Duo was hugged, unable to fall asleep. Start counting sheep in your mind, one sheep, two sheep, three sheep...

The more you count, the more energetic you become! Depressed, she turned around and faced Ye Yang. She put her arms around his waist, rested her head on his chest, and put her long legs on him. She muttered in her heart, 'If you deliberately prevent me from sleeping, you don't want to sleep either! ’

Ye Yang, who was also not asleep, responded to Liu Duo's behavior and calmly stretched out his hand to pull her legs down, thinking that she was sleeping and moving around.

However, as soon as he pulled her legs down, Liu Duo put them on again.

Although moonlight penetrated through the window, the light was not bright enough and only blurred figures could be seen.

Ye Yang looked at the blurry shadow of his head on his chest, and then reached out to pull Liu Duo's legs down. The result was still the same, so she put her legs up again.

So, Ye Yang whispered into Liu Duo's ear, "Xiaoduo, are you still awake?"

"...", I fell asleep and ignored you!

Seeing that, Liu Duo pretended to be asleep and didn't reply, Ye Yang didn't say anything either, but turned over and pressed her down, lowered his head and kissed her lips. To punish her for playing such a naughty prank.

Liu Duo immediately opened her big eyes. She didn't expect that Ye Yang would do this, which was beyond her expectation. Moreover, this is his second kiss, but this technique is really better than last time, not much more proficient, as if he had found a sparring partner!

After being surprised, Liu Duo accepted his kiss. She didn't feel disgusted and quite enjoyed it. If you can't consummate the marriage, you can still kiss.

Just when Liu Duo was feeling dizzy after being kissed, Ye Yang said in a hoarse voice in her ear, "Okay, it's time to sleep."

Leaving her body, lying next to her and holding her.

Liu Duo was confused. She had just entered a good state and was it over? If the light is bright enough, you can definitely see Liu Duo, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face!

She also knows that Yeyang loves her, respects what she says, and wants to wait for her to grow up, but now, she really hates this body, so young!

Just like that, Liu Duo went to sleep in depression, and her dreams were filled with worries!

In the dream, two Liu Duo were arguing about whether they should consummate their marriage now. One said it was still too small to be round. One of them said, "It's okay to get married early. At this age, there are almost two children..."

In the dream, two Liu Duo were quarreling non-stop, and it escalated into a fight, causing Liu Duo in reality to frown, toss and turn, move her hands and feet, and occasionally murmured something, but it was unclear what she said. What.

Yeyang never fell asleep. After Liu Duo fell asleep, he went to the latrine, solved the problem himself, washed his hands before coming back to sleep.

Seeing that Liu Duo was not sleeping peacefully, he hugged her and patted her back gently, coaxing her like a child to let her sleep peacefully.

After being hugged, Liu Duo became calm and stopped moving. But he still muttered a word or two occasionally.

Seeing that she was quiet, Ye Yang closed his eyes and started to sleep. It's quite late. If I don't sleep, it will be dawn in a few hours.

The quarrel in the dream ended at two or three in the morning, and Liu Duo truly slept peacefully. But I couldn't get up during the day, I stayed in bed completely, and didn't respond to anyone's calls. Ye Ling came to ask her to have breakfast. She called her three times, but there was still no response. She fell asleep like a mess!

Yeyang called once, but it was still the same. Finally, Ye Mo also came, but it was still the same. He was so angry that he opened her quilt and asked her to get up!