Pastoral Honey Pet: Farmer’s Hot Little Lady

Chapter 171: Chapter 172 We are a priceless treasure


She knocked down the big hand that was stretched out in front of her and glared at him, "Well, your hands are so beautiful that I'm drooling when I look at them! You must be beautiful in every aspect, my great beauty!"

There's really nothing I can do about him. He's not doing anything right early in the morning. He's still a narcissist who's even more narcissistic than a woman.

After getting dressed and ignoring him, Liu Duo got out of bed, went to get a wooden comb, combed her hair, and gave him the hairpin she bought for him.

"Here, I bought it for you. Brother and the others have it. Use this to tie your hair. No hemp rope is needed." After handing it to him, he said, "Get up quickly. I will take you to buy clothes. You are the only one who doesn't have any." Bought."

Hearing this, Ye Liu nodded happily and said, "Yes, my little Master Duoduo!"

Liu Duo's eyes widened when she saw him sitting up. This was the first time she saw his smooth upper body so clearly. At night, due to the poor light, she couldn't see it clearly. That flat chest, clear lines, and eight-pack abs, the figure is really good.

Before Yeliu noticed it, Liu Duo immediately looked away to prevent him from squealing again! He immediately turned around and left the room.

Holding the hairpin, Yeliu looked at it, smiled and started to get dressed. After Liu Duo washed up, she went to the kitchen and helped Ye Ling fill the bowls with rice and set them up for breakfast.

Yeliu had washed up and was just ready to eat. Several people sat around the table. Seeing that Yeliu had already tied up his hair with a hairpin, his appearance has really improved a lot. If he puts on new clothes made of high-quality materials, he will become a handsome young master!

"After dinner, Erluzi and I are going to town to buy clothes for him. Are you going?" Liu Duo asked them while eating.

Ye Yang shook his head, so did Ye Mo, and Ye Ling didn't go either. : "Duo'er, you and your second brother go ahead. We are going to weed the paddy fields. We didn't finish weeding yesterday."

Hearing this, Liu Duo nodded.

When he went back to the house to get the money, Yeliu followed him. He handed Liu Duo a money bag and said, "Xiao Duoduo, this is the wages I earned from working as a temporary worker for a few days. You can take the three hundred wen."

Liu Duo was not polite and took it directly. : "Okay, I like money the most."

Don’t be a fool if you have money!

Yeliu bent over and stared at her with a serious look on his face: "Xiao Duoduo, you like money the most? Don't you like us? Money has a price, and we are a priceless treasure!"

Seeing the serious expression in his peach blossom eyes, Liu Duo was stunned for no reason. She casually said that she liked money the most, why was he so serious? However, Liu Duo's cheeks slowly turned red after being stared at by him at such a close distance.

I thought to myself, ‘This girl, her skin shouldn’t be too good, she looks even more handsome up close! ’

He shifted his gaze and turned around, ready to leave, saying, "Let's go, we won't be able to get on the oxcart if it's too late."

However, Yeliu refused to let her go. He pulled her over, put his hands around her waist, and held her in his arms, saying, "If you can't get on the bullock cart, I will carry you! Xiao Duoduo , tell me quickly, do you really like money the most and don’t like us who are priceless treasures?”

Looking at her blushing face due to shyness, Yeliu already knew the answer, but he just wanted to listen to her. He could feel that Liu Duo liked them. However, she was always easily shy in front of him.

Liu Duo had never been hugged face to face by a man like this before, and Liu Duo was very shy. Blushing, she glared at him and said, "Yes, I just like money the most! What's the matter?"