Pastoral Honey Pet: Farmer’s Hot Little Lady

Chapter 188: Chapter 189 Sultry and sexy?


When Ye Mo woke up, he saw Liu Duo's eyes burning like fire, glaring at him with anger on his face. It made him confused. Why was it exactly the same as in the dream

"What are you doing?" He just woke up, his voice was unusually hoarse, low but magnetic, and very nice to hear. He half-squinted his eyes, looking lazy and charming.

Liu Duo was stunned, could Ye Mo's voice and demeanor be so sultry and sexy

Seeing Liu Duo, her big black grape-like eyes were open, she was very lively and energetic, looking at him blankly, how cute she looked.

"What are you looking at? Let me go. My waist is about to be broken by you!" After being stunned for a while, Liu Duo said in a bad tone.

Hearing this, Ye Mo relaxed a little, but didn't let go of her. Suddenly I felt that she was quite cute when she got angry.

"I asked you to let go of me, but you didn't understand!" He was still holding her, so annoyed that one or two of them used her as a pillow!

"Don't let go." Ye Mo closed his eyes again and wanted to sleep for a while.

Seeing Ye Mo acting like this, Liu Duo found him extremely annoying. I yelled in my heart, 'Damn it, you woke me up, and you still have the nerve to sleep! You even hug me like a pillow, you are so beautiful! ’

The angry Liu Duo struggled hard, trying to escape from his embrace. As a result of the struggle, the collar of the dirty clothes shifted, revealing half of her fair and round shoulders.

"Xiaosan, let me go, let me go, let me go!" Liu Duo said while struggling.

Ye Mo closed his eyes and wanted to sleep for a while. Under Liu Duo's strong struggle, the little drowsiness he had was wiped out by her.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the angry-looking Liu Duo, yawned, and said coolly, "Call Brother Three, listen, and I will let you go."

She only called her third brother once, and it was when she was dealing with Xiaoling and Wang Liu who needed protection.

"Why? Let me go quickly."

"It's okay if you don't call me Third Brother. If you call me Xianggong, I'll let you go."

Looking at Ye Mo with a sullen expression, Liu Duo was so angry that her teeth itched! ‘Third brother, I don’t even want to call you, let alone your husband? You are so beautiful. ’

Liu Duo used her hands and feet to push Ye Mo, but there was a huge disparity in strength and she couldn't push him away. She was so angry that she was out of breath and wanted to roar, but it was too early and she didn't want to wake up Yeyang and the others.

After going back and forth, Liu Duo's hair was messy, her clothes were loose, and the quilt was retreated to her waist, only covering her lower body.

When Ye Mo saw Liu Duo no longer struggling and taking a breather, he couldn't help but smile.

The upper body was not covered by the quilt and was still a little cold. He stretched out his hand to pull the quilt and saw Liu Duo's fair shoulders, her jade breasts rising and falling through the clothes, and the lovely navel that was not covered by the clothes.

When Liu Duo went down to weed the paddy field, he knew that her skin was extremely white. When he saw her, her white shoulders and belly button, he swallowed his saliva. Suddenly there was an evil fire all over his body, making him unbearably hot.

Liu Duo, who gave up her struggle, looked at the roof angrily and didn't want to pay attention to him, thinking that Yeyang and the others were getting up and she was screaming.

He held Liu Duo's hand and circled her closer to him, while the hand pulling the quilt was placed on Liu Duo's exposed shoulders. He felt it was so slippery when he touched it. He liked it so much.

Liu Duo knocked his hand off, very unhappy. This guy wants to take advantage? :"shameless!"

Hearing this, Ye Mo blushed and did not refute or speak. Lailai leaned over and kissed her shoulder. Liu Duo was so shocked that she forgot to react!