Pastoral Honey Pet: Farmer’s Hot Little Lady

Chapter 19: Looks like a handsome man, behaves like a crazy man!


It was getting dark, and every household lit up oil lamps for lighting. There was little entertainment in the countryside, so the villagers went to bed early at night and got up early during the day.

Liu Duo felt uncomfortable all over and wanted to take a bath very much. She hadn't taken a bath in a few days in this memory, and now that her aunt was here, she wanted to take a bath even more, otherwise it would be very unhygienic.

Here, Ye Ling was in the kitchen, heating hot water for washing. Liu Duo came over and said, "Fourth brother, please boil more hot water. I need to take a bath. I feel uncomfortable all over."

"Oh, good." Ye Ling nodded in reply.

Yeliu, who came to the kitchen at some point, leaned against the door, crossed his arms, and said with a playful smile, "Just in time, I want to take a bath too, Xiao Duoduo, we really have a good understanding, so let's take a bath together!" "

"You have a good idea, just wait and see!" Liu Duo rolled her eyes, suddenly realizing that Yeliu was always not serious.

Yeliu walked into the kitchen, stood beside Liu Duo, lowered his head and said plaintively, "Xiao Duoduo, tell me, tell me, do you dislike me! Otherwise, you won't even wash with me. I can rub your back and I can give you a massage, how nice!”

‘Emma, that sad little look. This look is that of a male god, but this behavior is that of a man? ’, Liu Duo said, goosebumps all over her body!

‘Second brother, what’s going on? ’, Ye Ling said that he had never seen Yeliu like this before!

"Second brother, can you be normal?" Liu Duo held her forehead.

Ye Ling nodded in agreement!

Yeliu immediately stopped smiling, put his hands on Liu Duo's weak shoulders, and said seriously, "Little Duoduo, you don't have to worry about me being tired. I'm here to serve you. It's my duty to serve you!"

"Uh..." Looking into Yeliu's serious eyes, Liu Duo felt like he was being sucked in.

The two stood close to each other, their breath spraying on each other's faces. Liu Duo slowly felt that his cheeks were burning. I thought in my mind, ‘Emma, I’ve been seduced again, what a monster, so handsome! ’

Seeing his second brother and Liu Duo looking at each other at such a close distance, Ye Ling coughed awkwardly. : "The water is boiled and ready for use."

Hearing Ye Ling's voice, Liu Duo hurriedly pushed Ye Liu away and said, "Ahem, I'll get the bucket."

Looking at Liu Duo's back, Yeliu raised his eyebrows and asked, 'Why is little Duoduo so shy? ’

If Liu Duo knew that Ye Liu evaluated herself this way, she would find that this was not her evaluation of Ye Ling. It’s really one thing that brings down another thing!

He brought the wood over and filled two buckets of hot water. Yeliu helped lift it into the room and brought another large wooden basin. : "Xiao Duoduo, you really don't want me to wash with you?"

"Go, go, daydream!" Pushing Yeliu out, slamming the door.

There was no shower gel or bathtub. Liu Duo said she missed them so much! The function of the large wooden basin is that people stand in it and receive the bath water.

While taking a bath, he murmured, "The first thing I will do when I get rich is to make a big bathtub so that I can take a nice bath."


It feels different after taking a shower, I feel relaxed all over. After Yeliu helped pour out the bath water, Liu Duo climbed into bed and lay down wrapped in a quilt.

Ye Yang, who had washed up here, opened the door and walked in.

Hearing the sound, Liu Duo turned around and looked around, not surprised to see it was Ye Yang. After all, Ye Mo had already said that each of the four brothers would take turns for one night to prevent him from escaping.

"Brother." Say hello.

"Yeah." He took off his coat and pants, blew out the oil lamp, and got into bed.

Liu Duo felt very annoyed. What she couldn't stand the most was this kind of person who couldn't fart a few times with a stick!