Pastoral Honey Pet: Farmer’s Hot Little Lady

Chapter 370: This stinking scoundrel


"Hey, I'm telling you something serious. Can you be more serious?" Liu Duo glared at him.

Hearing this, Yeliu smiled and said, "Xiao Duoduo, why are you so unserious? You don't want to listen seriously."

She stood up, sat on the edge of the bed with her hands folded, and said seriously without teasing, "Xiao Duoduo, the tomato sauce you mentioned should be like bamboo shoots, very popular! We have to order a batch and put it in special ceramic jars." Sale."

Upon hearing this, Liu Duo glanced at him. Before she could think of a way to contain this, he thought about it all at once and his mind was spinning so fast!

Seeing that he was interested in this matter, Liu Duo stood up and pushed him forward, "Okay, now that we're done talking, you can go out. I'm taking a nap."

Yeliu didn't get up and leave. Instead, he pulled her over and sat on his lap, hugging her waist, "Xiao Duoduo, second brother, please sleep with you. I also want to take a nap today."

Liu Duo felt like she had goosebumps all over the floor, this girl was pretending to be in trouble again!

"If you want to sleep, go to your own room and let me go." She pinched his thigh lightly and asked him to let go.

Yeliu rested his chin on her shoulder and said with a ruffian smile, "Sleeping by yourself is not as interesting as the two of us sleeping together. Little Duoduo, are you giving me a hint by touching my thigh? Hmm... "

As he spoke, he blew into her ear.

Liu Duo shrank her head and scolded, "Why didn't I touch your thigh? I'm telling you, you idiot, let me go quickly!"

This stinky gangster.

When Yeliu heard this, he smiled so brightly that Liu Duo couldn't see it.

Knowing that it was her nap time, Yeliu didn't intend to tease her any more. He took advantage of her a few times and went downstairs contentedly.

Yeliu told a few temporary workers to plant some tomatoes in their own fields, and they planned to buy them like bamboo shoots.

Here, Grandma Liu sat aside and watched over Liu Qing, "Qing'er, from now on, don't go gambling anymore... follow your father to do farm work in a down-to-earth manner."

This leg is crippled. Although it is lame and cannot walk well, at least it does not have two legs. It is a blessing among misfortunes.

If you really pretend to be useless, then you will never think about marrying a wife again. Now if you change your past, you can still marry a wife and have a boy and a half girl!

Liu Qing stared at her legs, motionless and silent. She couldn't accept it for a while. Will she really be a lame in the future

Liu Quanyan looked much older. "Qing'er, your grandma is right. Let's work hard on the farm in the future and try to save enough money to marry a wife in one or two years."

They also want to hold great-grandchildren and grandchildren.

Hearing the words daughter-in-law, Liu Qing finally reacted and looked up at them, "Grandma, dad, can I still get a daughter-in-law?"

"Of course, grandma will help you find a wife. As long as you correct your past bad habits and stop being the same as before, you will be fine. Don't stress."

Grandma Liu now looks like a real, kind grandma, but the object of kindness is only Liu Qing!

Liu Qing lowered her head again, as if she really knew she wanted to change her ways. She nodded but couldn't see his face clearly.

"Grandma, Dad, please go out first. I want to be alone for a while."

Hearing this, Grandma Liu gave a few more instructions, telling him not to think too much and take good care of his legs.

It takes a hundred days to break the menstruation and move the bones, so you can't take it lightly.

When he was alone in the room, Liu Qing said blankly, "Liu Duo, why are you so cruel? Just don't give me the money, and you don't even want to borrow it? My legs can only be lame now."