Pastoral Honey Pet: Farmer’s Hot Little Lady

Chapter 58: Chapter 58 Do you miss me?


As soon as her feet landed on the ground, Liu Duo ran out like a gust of wind. She didn't know what was wrong, but when she saw Ye Ling, she wanted to go to him immediately, not wanting him to be alone.

Looking at Liu Duo's running figure, Yeliu shook his head and said with a smile, "You can't tell, the fourth brother plays a big role in little Duoduo's heart."

It’s been a while since I last saw him, so you’re so impatient to be by his side

Ye Ling saw Liu Duo running towards him, the smile on his face as bright as the sun. He also walked forward quickly, hoping to save Liu Duo from running away.

"Fourth brother, just stand there and wait for me, otherwise, don't walk so fast." When Liu Duo saw Ye Ling speeding up, she immediately shouted.

She didn't want anything to happen to Ye Ling, and she still remembered Shang Midnight's scolding.

After hearing Liu Duo's words clearly, Ye Ling consciously slowed down. He kept his second brother's instructions in mind and would not do it again lest they worry.

When she ran to Ye Ling, Liu Duo was out of breath, her face was red, and she was not in good physical condition. She was out of breath after running for a while.

"Fourth brother, you must have missed me, so you came to pick me up." Liu Duo gasped and laughed.

She didn't think that he was here to pick up his two brothers. Don't ask her why she thinks that, it's just how she feels.

Ye Ling didn't mince words and said bluntly, "Yes, I miss Duo'er. I'm worried if you don't come back for so long."

Even though Ye Ling was shy, he just missed Liu Duo and knew how he felt in his heart and how important she was to him.

Unexpectedly, the shy Ye Ling said it so boldly, which surprised her, and Liu Duole's face was bright.

"Me too, I miss you." He took Ye Ling's hand and walked home, "It's all your fault that your second brother, a philanderer, delayed the ride on the bullock cart and made me walk back. Fourth brother, you You have to vent your anger on me!"

Liu Duo shook Ye Ling's hand, with an angry expression on her face, but the corners of her mouth turned up, suppressing a smile.

The long-legged Yeliu walked in and heard Liu Duo say this, smiling helplessly. ‘Knowing that he is innocent, you deliberately spoil him in front of your fourth brother. ’

"Ah? No, second brother can't. Duo'er, you must have misunderstood."

Ye Ling became anxious when he heard this. How could his second brother get involved with women? Beat him to death and he won’t believe it! The four brothers are very clean and self-respecting, and such a situation would never happen.

Seeing Ye Ling's anxious look, Liu Duo hid his laughter and said seriously, "Why not? Fourth brother, you are just too naive. He is old and it is inevitable that he can't control his emotions. We must understand that you still can't control yourself." Xiao, you don’t understand.”

With a big sister look on her face, she patted Ye Ling on the shoulder.

When Yeliu heard this, he almost vomited blood. I thought in my heart, ‘What do you mean that he is too old to control his emotions? He is only 23, is he very big? Well, compared to you who are only 15 years old, you are indeed older. ’,

Step forward, take the cloth pad in Liu Duo's hand into your own hand, use your other hand to take Liu Duo's free hand, lean over Liu Duo's ear, and use only the two of them to hear, She whispered, "Xiao Duoduo, I can only have a hard time controlling my feelings for you. Try it tonight? Hmm..."

The loud voice of the old man, "Yes," touched Liu Duo's heart. Shaking off Yeliu's hand, he held Yeling with a blushing face and stayed away from Yeliu.

‘Emma, are you having sex with her? Damn it, I'm still so young, so shameless! ’

Well, she is small in body but not small in soul! And this is not a hookup, this is what a couple should want!