Pastoral Honey Pet: Farmer’s Hot Little Lady

Chapter 95: Chapter 96 Oh



I went to a few more traps and caught a few rabbits, but nothing else. Put the rabbit in the bamboo basket and cover the mouth of the basket with a bamboo mat to prevent escape.

He re-arranged the trap, picked up the backpack, and walked away towards the cave where he would spend the night. The captured prey is stored in the cave, waiting to be taken home together when the time comes.


After resting enough, Liu Duo slowly walked to the paddy field and helped plant rice seedlings.

Repeating actions over and over again is boring, but Liu Duo always follows Ye Ling, talking and laughing with him.

Liu Duo felt a special pain in the lower abdomen of her right leg. When she lowered her head and looked down, she saw a black thing attached to the lower leg and abdomen, moving.

He screamed in surprise, "Ah..."

Ye Ling was so frightened by Liu Duo's sudden high-pitched sound that her hands shook and the seedlings fell. : "Duo'er, what's wrong?"

People in the nearby paddy fields were startled by Liu Duo's voice and looked in her direction.

"What's wrong?" Ye Mo didn't have his hands shaking with fright, he just came to her side and asked.

"What is that? Bite my leg, it hurts." Liu Duo pointed at the thing and asked tremblingly.

Ye Mo and Ye Ling looked down and saw that it was leeches. Ye Mo reached out and grabbed it, "This is a leech. When it sucks blood, it stings a little. It's not poisonous. Just remove it and it'll be fine."

Then he threw it on the shore.

"Duo'er, don't be afraid, it's okay." Ye Ling said comfortingly when he saw that the tip of Liu Duo's nose was sweating from fear.

Liu Duo, who was still frightened, exhaled. She was most afraid of the most disgusting creature, this kind of soft-bodied creature, which she felt was particularly disgusting.

"I quit, I'll wait for you on the shore." Liu Duo turned around and went to the shore, not wanting to stay in the paddy field.

It was normal for leeches to appear in the paddy fields. Ye Mo and the others were accustomed to it, but they found it strange that Liu Duo reacted so strongly.

Li Chunmei murmured in a low voice, "It's not like I've never seen such a fuss, and it screams like a slaughtered pig." ’

People working nearby felt that Liu Duo was making a fuss out of a molehill. Is he so afraid of little leeches

I pulled a handful of weeds and wiped off the mud on my legs and hands. I sat there and looked at my calf. The place where I was bitten was red.

Use the pads of your fingers to rub it gently and mutter, "I will never go to the paddy fields again! It's too scary."

It wasn't until almost noon that Ye Mo and Ye Ling came ashore.

"Duoer, doesn't it hurt anymore?" After wiping off the mud, Ye Ling came to Liu Duo and asked with concern.

"Yeah." nodded, "Are you going back?"

Seeing them both coming up, he stood up and patted the dirt on his buttocks.

"Yes, let's go back and make lunch. No one at home will cook it, so we can only go back and cook it ourselves." Ye Ling explained.

If there are a lot of people in the family, lunch will usually be prepared and sent to the fields. This can reduce the travel time back and forth and allow more work to be done.


The three of them were walking home. When they passed a three-way intersection, they met a girl carrying a basket.

"Third brother, fourth brother, are you going home?" the girl greeted with a smile.

Liu Duo didn't recognize her, so she ignored her and continued walking. Ye Mo looked at her with a cool face, but Ye Ling nodded without saying anything.

"Fourth brother, have you finished planting the seedlings in your paddy fields?" the girl asked with concern.

"Not yet." Ye Ling said two words lightly.