Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 105: Got a treasure?


The medical records of internal medicine can show a doctor's treatment level, the analysis of diseases, and the ideas of medication can all be reflected in the medical records, which is a good treatment file. Zhang Fan has a general background in internal medicine. He took the liver test after work. Now that he has a lot of medical records to study, he will definitely not let him go.

One hour, two hours, three hours, Zhang Fan sat in front of the computer without getting up once, but Zhu Qianqian went to the bathroom once and poured water for Zhang Fan twice.

"Doctor Zhang, don't be in a hurry. Anyway, it's best to finish the revision tonight. It's fine if you don't finish it tomorrow. Drink some coffee. My husband bought it specially. It tastes good."

Zhu Qianqian was so happy that she was dying, Zhang Fan was so capable of suffering, he was better than her, it was really a treasure. Zhang Fan worked hard, and Zhu Qianqian was also very generous once, making coffee and pouring water, and washing the fruit was very busy.

Zhang Fan didn't find it boring at all. He carefully studied and compared the medical records, and analyzed a lot of knowledge and experience. In the Department of Cardiology before, his instructors did not accumulate so many medical records, and he had no chance to analyze them in this way.

The teaching in my heart is a Buddhist system. If you can ignore the patient, you can ignore the patient, and if you can rest early, you can rest early. Zhu Qianqian from the respiratory department is really good at fighting.

"Doctor Zhu, why doesn't this patient receive respiratory stimulants?" Zhang Fan asked, pointing to a patient's medical record.

"Well, I also asked the director at the time, and the director said that the patient's lung function has declined, and the use of respiratory stimulants will aggravate the retention of carbon dioxide."

"Oh. So that's how it is."

"You don't know, the director of our department is too strict. A medical record like mine is considered a good medical record in other departments. Your surgical medical records are all pasted and copied. We can't do it. We can't write any experience, so we don't give it. Alas ~! I wasted a lot of time."

Zhang Fan broke out in a cold sweat, "I'm too thick-skinned, there are many typos in the medical records, and I dislike the strictness of the director. No matter how simple the surgical medical records are, the surgical records are typed out word by word. If you were at the starting point, you would Can be scolded to death!" Zhang Fan didn't know what to say.

But Zhu Qianqian really worked hard, she had the most number of patients in a ward, twice as many as the least number of doctors. A doctor can only take care of eight patients at most, and no amount of energy is enough. Fortunately, the director of breathing was strict and made meticulous rounds, otherwise Zhu Qianqian's posture of receiving patients would definitely cause problems.

The director can't say anything about her. What can a doctor who is trying to manage patients have to say. We can't stop her from receiving the sick number. Zhu Qianqian is like a doraemon, a small snack for a while, and a small snack for a while.

The respiratory department is highly contagious, and she washes her hands all the time. Zhang Fan doesn't like to eat snacks very much, and he doesn't want to get up and wash his hands when he is fascinated by the medical records. It is very simple to read medical records just to modify them. Anyway, there are templates, but you have to study carefully. Zhang Fan was upset when he heard it. No wonder I don't eat dinner at night, and pack after pack of snacks, can I be hungry!

No way, if it wasn't for asking Zhu Qianqian for advice, Zhang Fan would have sat down at the door. "Doctor Zhang, you don't need to be too careful about this, just take a look and change it. It's all a routine, just a few kinds of medicines. Just look at it and change the typos, and modify the places where the points are deducted!"

She edited three medical records, but Zhang Fan didn't finish any of them. If Zhang Fan hadn't left the computer from the beginning to the end, she would have felt that Zhang Fan was doing foreign work.

"It's okay. I have few transfers in internal medicine. I just need to study Dr. Zhu's medical records." Zhang Fan ignored her. Does it make sense to sit here

Although Zhu Qianqian has a lot of things to do, she is really not slow in her hands. The keyboard is flying, and the mouse is hardly used. Various shortcut keys, paste, copy, modify, and line feed.

"You use the shortcut keys, the speed is faster. This is what I have summed up over the years. Using the shortcut keys can save three minutes than using the mouse to write down one medical record. If you want to save 30 medical records, it will save a lot of time. Change it earlier. After that, you can rest early."

Zhu Qianqian really did it to the extreme, "Are you a typist or a physician?" Zhang Fan wondered.

"Doctor Zhu, the thirty-three bed is very suffocated. I rang the bell. I checked and found that the oxygen saturation is a little low." The nurse came into the doctor's duty room and called Zhu Qianqian.

"I'll go and have a look. It may be that phlegm is blocking the airway. You can continue to revise the medical records." Zhu Qianqian got up and said with a stethoscope.

Zhang Fan didn't come to change her medical records, but to transfer to another department for study. It is impossible not to go to see if there is a sudden illness. "It's okay, I will go and have a look." As he spoke, he also got up with a stethoscope , Zhu Qianqian pouted.

Thirty-three beds, male, in his seventies, and a smoker for more than fifty years. I have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary heart disease, high blood pressure, and high blood lipids. This time I was admitted to the hospital because of a cold and another infection.

"This Dr. Chen is not responsible at all. He didn't prescribe a little ambroxol to dissolve so much sputum, and he had to suck the sputum in the middle of the night. What a hassle!" Zhu Qianqian chattered non-stop.

The voice was not loud, but the old man heard it, and patted the bed angrily, his face under the mask turned red, "Old man, don't be angry, I'll tell the director tomorrow and let the director take care of Dr. Chen." Zhu Qianqian was also a thief, One sentence calmed down the old man. The family members were also dissatisfied, but what could be done? The old man was holding back so much that he didn't dare to speak of the doctor, for fear of offending the doctor. If she delayed, the old man would suffer even more.

Suctioning and atomizing the old man felt a little better, and he could sleep for a while while lying down. "Tomorrow, you and the head nurse will get a thick mask like the one I wear. Your mask is not good, and the respiratory department is particularly prone to infection. Don't infect you." Zhu Qianqian said to Zhang Fan after dealing with the patient.

"Okay, I'll get it tomorrow." Zhang Fan responded, thought for a while and asked, "Why didn't the doctor in charge give oxygen to this patient, and why did you start a low-flow oxygen inhalation as soon as you took over?"

"It's useless. It's useless to use positive pressure oxygen for the old COPD. The next oxygen inhalation is also a psychological effect on him. If you don't give some measures and treatment for a patient like him, he can cause you trouble all night." Giving some oxygen can also comfort him." Zhu Qianqian said proudly.

One night, neither of them closed their eyes. Zhang Fan was systematic and full of energy. Zhu Qianqian had a son who ate foreign milk powder and was also full of energy. More than 30 medical records were completed by dawn.

"Ouch! I'm so exhausted. I can't even stand up straight. Doctor Zhang, I'll treat you to a steamed bun after the rounds are over. I've been busy all night, but I've never eaten steamed stuffed buns outside. The steamed bun vendor at the entrance of the hospital grabs the steamed stuffed bun after wiping his nose with his hands, I’ve seen it several times!”

"Hey! I'm really convinced." Zhang Fan, who stayed up all night and didn't collapse, almost let Zhu Qianqian tell him that he had collapsed. Because of the steamed bun stall at the entrance of the hospital, Zhang Fan bought steamed stuffed buns there almost every day!

"No need. Thank you, Dr. Zhu."