Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 115: 114th anti-kill


In the medical office, the temperate people sued Zhu Qianqian and Zhang Fan. The number of red envelopes received is listed, and the items given are also listed, which is very detailed. The two packs of cigarettes given to Zhang Fan were also listed. A pack of one hundred, a total of two hundred. The director of the medical department's face turned black.

Although it is difficult for people in the temperate zone to understand Mandarin, the director of the medical department can still understand the words of swearing, "This is a black shop, not a hospital!~"

"I'll check it out."

"No need to verify, I recorded the conversation last night. If you don't handle it properly, I will go to the newspaper office! I don't believe it, dare to accept the red envelope!"

"Ah!" The director of the medical department was sweating. Don't be afraid of disputes, just settle them, but if you want to be published in the newspapers, it's no small matter. "Drink some water first, and I'll report it to my superiors. You can rest assured that it will be handled properly."

The director of the medical department originally wanted to make peace with each other. Generally, people in the frontier would not make too much noise about such things. As long as they can find a sense of fairness, no one will have to make trouble.

This was the first time someone threatened to go to the newspaper office, so he hurried to find Ouyang. As soon as he talked about it, Ouyang patted the table. "Go, get Zhu Qianqian and Jumabeke." She didn't let Zhang Fan come.

Zhang Fan has just made meritorious service, so he can be regarded as a gold medal for avoiding death. This kind of trivial matter can be discussed in private, there is no need to beat it in public, and he is a doctor who has transferred from another department, so the responsibility is not great.

After a while, Ju Mabeke and Zhu Qianqian came to the director's office with a dark face, and the director of the medical department was leaving. Ouyang didn't let it go, "What's going on! ~ How do you manage the department." Ouyang first attacked Jumabek.

Because of his studies abroad, Jumabek didn't take Ouyang seriously, and he couldn't pour the water in the respiratory department and couldn't prick the needle. And he can be a human being, and he is very generous to the doctors below, and there are many people who want to go to the respiratory department. So his prestige is also high.

This time Ouyang's chance came. Don't let Jumabek peel off her skin, she won't be called Ouyang anymore!

"It's my fault. I didn't manage strictly and failed to find out the problem in time. I accept the punishment." Before he came, he had already asked Zhu Qianqian about the incident.

He is not afraid, firstly, there is no medical accident, and secondly, he himself has not accepted bribes. Ouyang can only say a few words about him. It is impossible to remove his director. will know all.

It's okay to let Ouyang scold a few words, and he can win the favor of the doctors below, which is a good deal!

"What about you, what's the matter? Is it too difficult for your family to survive? If you can't survive, you can apply for assistance. The hospital will not refuse to save you. We still have organizations and parties. You are so shameless, how can others Look at our hospital." This was a bit harsh, but Ouyang was really angry.

He vented all his dissatisfaction with the director of the respiratory department on Zhu Qianqian. Zhu Qianqian has also been a doctor for several years, and she has never encountered this kind of patient before. This counterattack directly stunned her.

After Ouyang said a few words, she burst into tears, what else could she say. I can't even say a word of rebuttal. No matter whether you treat or not, no matter how hard you work, it is wrong to accept red envelopes. Usually, people don't raise officials and don't investigate, but once someone reports it, it will be troublesome.

"Dean, I have the greatest responsibility. I can't supervise my subordinates well. It's my fault. I'll talk to the patient and make sure this matter is settled. It will definitely not affect the hospital."

"What if it doesn't work out?" Ouyang asked immediately.

"If it doesn't work out, I will be punished by the dean." Jumabek was also angry, and in front of him and the director of the medical department, he scolded Zhu Qianqian for being shameless, and then scolded him for being incompetent and unable to manage the department well. If he doesn't stand up, it won't work.

"Okay, let's talk to the patient first, and we'll talk after we're done." Ouyang waved his hand and let them talk.

After leaving the office, Zhu Qianqian burst into tears and said to Jumabek: "Director!" Her voice was so choked up that she couldn't speak.

"Why are you crying! It's me, this time the lesson is deep, let's have some snacks in the future! Go wash your face and go to work." After several years of director Jumabek, he needs to deal with people of various classes and roles. Already experienced it.

What an out-of-town businessman can do is scare the little doctor, he is really not worried at all.

In the medical office, the temperate people were smoking cigarettes and drinking tea, and their hearts were relaxed. "I can't deal with you yet!"

After Jumabek entered the office, the other people were called out by the director of the medical department, and only Jumabek and the temperate people were left. It hurts!"

The temperate people changed their flattering attitude in the early stage, nodded slightly and said, "It's okay."

"Our doctor treats you with care, and you also paid for the hospitalization. Now our doctor is wrong, and we accept the penalty. For other additional expenses, I will ask my doctor to give you double compensation. You can see if it works. .”

"How is it possible, I must apologize. Compensate for my mental damage and refund my treatment expenses."

"Hehe! Why do you have to do things so badly? If you do this, how can my doctor stay in this hospital? For a small mistake, you are willing to destroy her? Wrong, she has, but she doesn't have to bear it Such huge and heavy consequences."

"This is not something I should consider. If I don't give a lesson, I always feel that our patients are easy to bully."

"Must it be like this?" Jumabek's smiling face disappeared.


"Okay, I heard that you are in the fur business here? I am considered an aborigine in Chasu. I have many relatives on the ranch and many friends who are quarantined. And your disease is still an infectious disease. Tear your face, do you think you can do business and make a fortune in our borderlands so freely in the future? Enough is enough. I have said everything I need to say. I don’t care if you record or not. You Han people say it well. It’s better to be a human being and save the front line in the future. Meet."

"Um!" The temperate man couldn't hold on to the cigarette anymore.

After speaking, Jumabek got up and left, and ran into the director of the medical department outside the door.

"How are you?"

"It's okay, I'll trouble you this time, Xiaozhu is young and ignorant, I'll go back and educate her, it's not easy to be a front-line doctor, you've been through it too, protect her if you can."

"I can say it, but what if the one inside won't let go."

"Probably not, a very reasonable person." Jumabek left with a smile.

The director of the medical department was at a loss. Temperate people are really intimidated!

All the red envelopes, fruits, and gifts were returned, and everything eaten and drank was converted into money and refunded. Fortunately, Zhang Fan didn't open the two packs of cigarettes. Zhu Qianqian conducted an internal review, stopped paying her bonus for half a year, and was not allowed to participate in any talent selection or advanced training within three years.

Respiratory department will withhold the monthly bonus from top to bottom. The Respiratory Department not only received the infectious disease number, but also did not report it to the hospital. As the director, Jumabek stopped paying the March bonus and made a review at the hospital meeting.

The punishment can be said to be severe, and Zhu Qianqian's lesson is unforgettable, so the whole hospital knows about it. Although almost everyone has the experience of receiving red envelopes, once this thing is lifted up and placed in the sun, it will be full of scars, and right and wrong cannot be clearly explained here.

Ouyang also said a few words to Zhang Fan in private: "Don't be too small-eyed. Is it necessary for you to take two packs of cigarettes? Let people say so badly!" Otherwise, Zhang Fan would be ashamed of what she could say.