Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 122: return


If we want to leave, the old couple just can't bear it. Looking at the back of the car going away, Zhang Fan's mother wiped her tears and said, "You are the only one who is stubborn! When Xiaoshitou has a child, I will go and live with them. Then you can live alone!"

"What do you know, long hair but short knowledge! They're not married yet, so what's the point of us going up there? If they don't come back for the New Year this year, when Jingshu goes to school, we'll go to Chasu to stay for a few days, meet my parents-in-law, and discuss it. They got married. Hey! You son of a bitch!"

"What's wrong with the stone, I'll buy you a new house to live in, isn't it good? When will you be able to live in a new house with you, I've had enough of this house with air leakage!"

"Look at you, I didn't say it was bad, why is this!"

"You can cook and eat by yourself at noon, I'm going to see the new house!" Zhang Fan's mother threw away her apron and was about to go out.

"You should ride a bicycle, it's a long way."

"You don't need to worry about it, I will take the bus!"

Cross the Yellow River! After crossing Wushao Ridge, the first stop was Zhawei City. Zhang Fan planned to spend a week on the road, visiting all the scenery and scenic spots that can be visited here. Let Shao Hua and his sister have fun for a few days, and this month will be busy with exams and buying a house.

There are not many scenic spots in the cities in the northwest, and people from the Northwest are not curious. The Mogao Grottoes should not be missed along the way. A cultural pearl dotted on the desert.

The murals in the grottoes are rich and colorful, including various Buddhist stories, landscapes, pavilions and other architectural paintings, landscape paintings, flower patterns, flying Buddha statues, and various scenes of production by the working people at that time.

It is an artistic reproduction of folk customs and historical changes from the Sixteen Kingdoms to the Qing Dynasty for more than 1,500 years, majestic and magnificent. It can also be found in a large number of mural art that ancient artists absorbed the strengths of ancient art from Iran, India, Greece and other countries on the basis of nationalization, which is a symbol of the developed civilization of the Chinese people. The murals of each dynasty showed different painting styles.

Tickets are not cheap! There are still many people. Zhang Fan regretted watching the foreign, Wanwan, and Hong Kong ones. Hearing the scenery is not as good as seeing the scenery.

However, Shao Hua and Jing Shu watched with great interest and followed the tour guide the whole way. It's not easy for the tour guide. Talking non-stop in the desert on a hot day, my voice is really hoarse.

I arrived at Shanshan on the third day. The cantaloupe here is the sweetest and the best, but it is not well-known, and outsiders generally don’t know it. It's really sweet. Jingshu's lips were cracked the next day after eating, and she was so painful that she almost cried. The mountain is too small, so I ate some cantaloupe and didn't stay. Continue to the west and arrive at the city famous for its grapes in the afternoon. Although the grapes are not yet ripe, it will be a pity not to pass by.

Arriving at Bird Market on the fourth day, Jing Shu was surprised to see the tall nose bridges and big blond hair all over the street, as if she was abroad, and Tianshan Tianchi didn't miss it either. Shao Hua bought a lot of things for Jingshu, "I'm going to college, the bird market has a lot of things, and I'll prepare them here for you. Don't be in a hurry when you leave."

Laptop, mobile phone, although Jing Shu used the Apple that Wang Qian gave, Shao Hua still bought a new mobile phone for Jing Shu, and Jing Shu's old mobile phone was eliminated by Zhang Fan. There are also suitcases and carry-on bags. After walking around the mall for a whole day, the two people who were already on good terms got better and better, "Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law's." Jing Shu and Shao Hua couldn't be more intimate.

Sailimu, the tears of the gods falling on the mortal world! This scenic spot is very strange, and the governments of the two states claim to have management and operation rights.

Blue, blue, blue, unpolluted sky and pure lake water, lying on the grassland by the lake, breathing the fragrance of green grass, like a fairyland, the mist shrouded the lake in the early morning, shouted, the echoes continued, and people instantly communicated. through!

Entering Chasu City, "Sister-in-law is such a beautiful place, it really doesn't look like the Northwest, it really looks like Switzerland in the picture."

"It's beautiful, there are even more beautiful places. After two days of rest at home, if your brother doesn't have time, I'll take you to see more beautiful places. The grassland there is like a picture scroll." I'm home, but this time I'm on my way. Very anxious, a few people are not very tired. At Shao Hua's house, her parents had booked a restaurant early on. Although Jing Shu was a little girl, it was the first time Zhang Fan's family visited her, so she had to pay attention.

Jing Shu is very polite, but one mouthful and one sister-in-law made Shao Hua's father worry. The little girl is also a foodie, and her appetite is much better than Shao Hua's. For the special products he brought, Zhang Fan bought some lilies and local tobacco and wine for Shao Hua's parents.

In the evening, Zhang Fan was going to let Jingshu go back to his place, but was stopped by Shao Hua, "You go to work during the day, how can Jingshu do it alone, just stay at my house, live with me, weekends Let's take Jingshu to Swan Lake. If you don't have time, we will report to the tour group."

"It's fine." You can't ask for leave anymore, and when Jingshu University reports, Zhang Fan still has to send it off with Shao Hua. After two days of rest, I should go to work. Now that I have returned from home, I have to tell my friends. Vacuum lily, bought a lot. The gift was not expensive, and it was Zhang Fan's kindness. Li Xiao went to Bird Market, but didn't meet him.

Wang Qian was not at home either, and went on a trip with her classmates. Zhang Fan, who bought a lot of lilies, couldn't give them away! Lao Chen specially brought a large bag of things, and he must go to Quake County to thank him for his friendship.

In Quake County Hospital, the era of Lao Zou is coming to an end. He's starting to feel a little reckless. Although even the number of study places began to be sold, the hospital was full of curses.

The only thing that Lao Zou is smarter than Lao Ba is that he doesn't make big moves. It's all small troubles, although it is shameless, but it is very safe. The dean has the final say on who gets this kind of training place, and even if others have objections, they can only talk about it.

Old Chen was also depressed. There is no place for him to study in Jade Bird. "Master, do you think it's impossible to stay in this county? If it's not possible, I'll find a way to change places. There's really no way to do it. All the sick and sick numbers have been released, and the advanced studies are all related households who give gifts, no Don’t expect to send it off, the director of the first surgery department didn’t go, and got into a big fight with old Zou.”

"Is there a place to go? If you can't continue working, find a way. When will Lao Zou retire?"

"In the second half of the year, I'm getting older, and I'm only in hospital now, so I'm not ashamed to go to the city to ask questions. I can't make up my mind to go to a private hospital."

"Let me inquire for you too. What about Shi Lei, didn't he make any moves?"

"I don't know, I ran in the supermarket area every day, and asked me to ask you out a few days ago!"

"talk later!"

Many, many people left the county hospital in half a year, and the three people who were studying with Zhang Fan all left. Although many newcomers entered, a mature doctor cannot be measured by the number of newcomers.