Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 133: Day 131


When Zhang Fan entered the Department of Pediatrics, it was not the time when the number of pediatric patients was the most. Winter was the season for large-scale outbreaks of diseases in the Department of Pediatrics.

He Fang, who graduated from the medical school in Stone City, entered the pediatrics department crying and crying. However, after a few years, she was really impressed by Tang Liuhong's medical technology and conduct. , has become the leader of the younger generation of pediatrics in a few years.

It was originally planned to let her go to study, but she was pregnant, so it was delayed. In summer, the pediatrics mainly focused on diarrhea, and each and every villain was sallow and thin, which made people feel heartbroken.

Children have poor resistance and don't know how to defend themselves. If parents don't pay attention to delicious food, they will often be overwhelmed. And now they are all one-child families, and they take too much care of the children. They are afraid that they will not be able to eat well and develop worse than other children. They are constantly fed various foods, and their gastric motility is poor.

Zhang Fan and He Fang were on duty. He Fang was a nice person. Since she was breastfeeding her child, her husband brought her meals from home. In the past few days, because Shao Hua's father is going to see the decoration, Jing Shu is going to practice the car, Shao Hua has to go to work every day, Zhang Fan doesn't ask for food delivery, the old lady can't do it alone!

As long as he is on duty, He Fang will ask her husband to bring an extra meal to Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan is embarrassed to eat, and he can't bear to eat, but He Fang knows that Zhang Fan is not a local, and everyone came here from the transfer department. No matter what Zhang Fan said on duty, he would bring an extra meal.

Nutritious meal for breastfeeding! Zhang Fan was very embarrassed to eat, and He Fang's husband sat on the side and watched the two of them eat with satisfaction. Only when they can eat can they have milk! Only the fat son at home can be full!

In the afternoon, a patient from a county came. Boy, half-year-old, had diarrhea without obvious cause 1 week ago, yellow and loose stools, usually 6-7 times a day, up to more than a few times a day, often accompanied by mucus, blood streaks, watery stools without eggs, no pus and blood , No obvious fishy smell, no abnormal crying, no vomiting, no fever, no abdominal distension.

After a week of treatment at the local hospital, no improvement was seen. The parents took their children to the Maternity and Children’s Hospital. The doctors of the Maternity and Children’s Hospital saw that all the medicines that should be used in the county hospital had been used. The child was taken to the pediatrics department of the city hospital.

The examinations were basically normal, that is, the fecal occult blood test was positive. Zhang Fan looked at the child. The child had no energy to cry, his lips were slightly dry, and his little hands were waving to find his mother! The bright eyes also lost the brightness they should have.

The medicines in the county hospital are suitable, and there is no special abnormality. What is the problem? Zhang Fan ponders hard in his mind. Although he has read the textbooks of pediatrics many times, the textbooks are only the foundation, and Zhang Fan still lacks real clinical experience.

"Go to the hospital first, and you don't want to breastfeed any more." Then he said to Zhang Fan: "Prescribe some liquid for the child to replenish the lost body fluid. If you don't need other medicines for now, prescribe a bottle of amino acid milk powder."

The parents of the child are very anxious. It has been a week and the child still has diarrhea. The county hospital and the Maternity and Children's Hospital can't help. When I arrived at the city hospital, the doctor didn't even give me the medicine, so I said in a irritated tone: "Doctor! The child has been delayed for a week, can you please ask your experts to take a look, and we can't delay any longer."

The child's mother's eyes were red, and the child's father's face was flushed. Anxious to get angry. He Fang, who is already a mother, understood their feelings and didn't care about their tone, "Don't worry, the child's problem is not serious. This is infant allergic proctitis. Weaning the child and switching to amino acid milk powder will heal it. No milk."

"My baby has been fed my milk since he was a child, and he is half a year old. Why didn't this happen before? Did you make a wrong diagnosis!" The child's mother didn't understand, she thought the doctor's diagnosis should be wrong.

"Please believe me, I'm more professional than you, and I'm also a mother, go to the hospital quickly, after two days of observation, the child should stop diarrhea." He spoke in a calm manner, which made people feel a kind of strength, The power of knowledge or experience, a few words calmed down the anxiety of the parents.

Zhang Fan nodded secretly. He Fang's tone, demeanor, and actions gave the parents a kind of potential comfort and assurance. Although there was no verbal guarantee, it was this tone and demeanor that calmed down the anxious parents.

Zhang Fan kept repeating the rhythm, tone, and demeanor of He Fang's speech just now in Zhang Fan's mind. It is also technical. The relationship between doctors and patients is becoming more and more tense. Sometimes disputes are not due to treatment factors, but most of the time it is because of talking .

When a child comes to see a doctor, there are usually two family members, a little more than three, and the exaggeration is that the whole family is dispatched. At one o'clock in the morning, Zhang Fan finished writing the medical records, and was reading He Fang's Pediatric Disease Encyclopedia.

The knowledge in textbooks can no longer satisfy Zhang Fan. Moreover, there are too many critically ill children in a general hospital in an area. Zhang Fan has been in a hurry for a week and has no clue. There is too much knowledge to master.

Although it is a general pediatrics department, children from three months old to thirteen years old come to the pediatrics department to see them. The children have not eaten well recently, so they have to be seen in their arms, and even when they are sleeping and grinding their teeth, it is too cumbersome.

In the dead of night, He Fang had already rested, and Zhang Fan was going to read for an hour before resting. Nurses are still coming and going in the corridors, taking body temperature and changing drips. The front-line nurses in the pediatric department can't do it when they are a little older.

"Bang!" The door was pushed open, and Zhang Fan turned his head to see that five or six adults entered the department with a child in their arms. "Doctor, hurry up, the child has a high fever and has started to smoke. Hurry up!"

He Fang also got up and went out. She was on duty and took a nap for a while. It was a delusion to want to sleep well.

When Zhang Fan touched the child's head, it was hot. And the child smoked and smoked. "Son, how long have you been having convulsions?" He Fang asked.

"It's been about ten minutes. I had a high fever in the afternoon. After taking antipyretics, I started to have a fever again at night. Think of a way, doctor." The child's mother cried.

"Intramuscular injection of phenobarbital sodium, quick blood test. Anal plug of acetaminophen, physical cooling, low-flow oxygen inhalation." He Fang gave oral doctor's orders. Then he said to the parents: "Go to the hospital. The child has shortness of breath and must be hospitalized." As he spoke, Zhang Fan had already issued a hospitalization order.

Half an hour later, the blood test reported the results, and the white blood cells and neutrophils were all elevated. "I have an infection! I need to use antibiotics. I will explain the condition to my parents, and you will give the doctor's orders."

An hour later, the child's body temperature was under control, and he was lying on the hospital bed for infusion. Children don't pretend to be sick, they are uncomfortable when they are uncomfortable, and they are comfortable when they are comfortable. After a while, the body temperature dropped, and the spirit came back. Parents worried that they would be a little tired after staying up late.

As a result, a needle in the infusion set accidentally slipped, and the child started crying loudly. In the night shift of pediatrics, an old nurse usually leads two young nurses, and the old nurse goes to treat the children in other beds.

The new nurse, Xiao Li, was called to the ward by his parents.