Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 137: Wow! so wonderful!


Zhang Fan entered the obstetrics and gynecology department. There are only two male doctors in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the others are all female doctors. Obstetrics and gynecology are also despised in hospitals.

Surgery says they belong to internal medicine, and internal medicine says they belong to surgery. A transferred doctor entered the obstetrics and gynecology department in the first department, and some sutures were performed in the obstetrics and gynecology department.

The second department went to general surgery, and because of the suture technique, the general surgery doctors laughed for a long time! This is the contempt chain of the hospital.

The department of gynecology has its own treatment room, and some minor operations that do not need to go into the operating room are processed in the treatment room, and the smell of blood is very strong. The smell of blood in the processing room is also different from the general smell of blood, the smell of blood here is stronger.

Female doctors in gynecology are generally stronger and a bit masculine than female doctors in other departments. Gynecology requires strength, and weak bodies cannot do it.

Moreover, the voice of the female doctor in the gynecology department is not low. Zhang Fan heard the loud voice of the female doctor inside the department, "Hurry up, gauze!"

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is also a department with very heavy responsibilities. An accident will often result in two deaths. The country pays more and more attention to newborns and pregnant women. Generally, if there is a death in the department, as long as it is not a medical accident, it does not need to be reported to the hospital. Obstetrics is not good. If a pregnant woman dies, it is a big deal. Not only must it be reported to the hospital, but the hospital must also report to the health bureau. Obstetrics and Gynecology is also a department with a high incidence of disputes.

The baby changes suddenly from the mother's body to the outside world, and the pregnant woman from pregnancy to childbirth, the increase of various hormone levels, and various physiological changes can really be said to have climbed through the gate of hell. These changes have led to too many unpredictable things.

No matter how careful you are, accidents will happen. One dead body and two lives are tantamount to a catastrophic disaster for a family. Therefore, the obstetrics and gynecology doctors are also under a lot of pressure. With this long-term depression, not many have a good temper, and they can't speak well. It's a gun with a stick, they are not born like this, sometimes they are helpless! Please also understand.

After entering the department, Zhang Fan followed Xiao Hong, a middle-aged female in charge, with a thick body, talking and doing things in a hurry, and walking very fast. In the past six months, it happened that Xiao Hong's group was in the obstetrics department.

The crying of the pediatric department is tolerable, but the children's wow-wah-wah-wah-wah makes people a little anxious. And the cries of the gynecologist are really worrying.

On the first day on duty, Zhang Fan realized how hard it is to be a woman and a mother. Xiao Hong's nine-bed, twenty-eight-year-old pregnant woman has been in pain for two days, and there is no sign of labor yet. Painful cold sweat flowed out one by one.

Her husband was already crying, but this pregnant woman is very strong, because the fetal position and fetus are very good in all aspects, so she insisted on giving birth smoothly.

On the delivery bed in the delivery room, a lonely person was lying there, writhing in pain. This place is full of pregnant women who are about to give birth, and family members cannot come in. The nurses and doctors are very busy, so there is no time to comfort her, but there will be nurses to do the examination according to the time.

The pregnant woman in bed nine gritted her teeth and moaned non-stop. The family members came in with food and pulled the curtain around the bed.

"Li Ping, if it doesn't work, let's go for a caesarean section. You're in such pain that I want to die. Really, let's go for a caesarean section."

"It's okay! It's really okay! The baby born naturally has a strong sense of direction and is not easy to get pneumonia. I must give birth naturally." She said it was okay, but she held on to her husband's hand desperately.

"Li Ping!" Her husband wept silently.

"Don't cry, it's too bad, the baby is coming out, he's starting to come out!" the pregnant woman said anxiously to her husband, she felt a sense of falling.

"Doctor! Hurry up!" My husband stood up hastily, even knocking down the lunch box.

"What are you shouting for! Get out!" Xiao Hong saw that the pregnant woman was about to give birth, and said to the pregnant woman's husband. The nine-bed husband was a bit reluctant to go out, seeing his wife suffer, he was really uncomfortable.

"Did you hear that, get out!" Xiao Hong raised her voice several levels, and directly pushed the pregnant woman's husband out of the door.

"Hardly! Hardly, hurry up, hold your breath, and push down hard. Yes! That's it. Come on! Come on." The midwife helped the pregnant woman give birth. Zhang Fan stood aside, his heart clenched together, it was so painful.

The pregnant woman shook her head in pain, but just like that, she tried to keep her lower body as still as possible. This is not a superman, but the power of maternal love. "Go and give her a drink of Red Bull and a bite of chocolate, she's almost running out of energy." Xiao Hong said to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan hurriedly opened the Red Bull, took the chocolate and fed it to the pregnant woman. Eat and drink. Red Bull Gardoff is really tm tired!

After a while, the pain started again. "Come on, push down, contract the anus, and hold your breath! Hurry up, come on, the baby's head is coming out, come on, go harder, hurry up! If you don't push harder, the baby will be deprived of oxygen! Hurry up!" Xiao Hong and the midwife The teacher's voice became louder and more severe than the other.

The pregnant woman tried her best, "Ah!" The pregnant woman didn't know whether she was relieved or thankful, or if it was really the last bit of strength, she shouted, and finally, the baby was born!

Zhang Fan was horrified! Goosebumps all over my body. Clear the child's airway, cut the umbilical cord, pat the butt, wow! Wow! Wow! A crisp cry sounded! For the first time, Zhang Fan felt the sound of a child crying so beautifully.

A child's birthday is really a good day for the mother!

"Doctor! Is it a boy or girl?" The pregnant woman asked Zhang Fan. Just as Zhang Fan was about to open his mouth to tell the pregnant woman, Xiao Hong said, "Shut up, both men and women are your children. Now is not the time for you to worry!"

Zhang Fan who was about to speak hastily shut up! Pregnant women have to wait for the expulsion of the placenta. The child is also very busy at this meeting, taking footprints and weighing. Because it was a normal delivery, the baby's head looked like a stick, ugly!

A ray of sun shines into the delivery room! Its daybreak! The pregnant woman broke through the gate of life and death, and fell asleep peacefully! The child is by her side. Dad, grandpa, grandma, grandma, and grandpa surrounded the two of them quietly. There was no sound at all, but everyone was full of happy smiles! The obstetrics department is a wonderful department. Pregnant women who are about to give birth will never give birth, and there is no movement. But when we talk about life, we live together. One child was just delivered, and two more were about to be born. There were only three midwives in the evening, and they were too busy. There was no way for Xiao Hong to act as a midwife and Zhang Fan as an itinerant nurse.

"Doctor Zhang, stimulate the pregnant woman's nipple (a)." Zhang Fan, wearing plastic film gloves, tilted his head, and kept fiddled with the pregnant woman's nipple (a). Stimulating this place is to make pregnant women secrete progesterone, which has the effect of oxytocin.

Repeatedly shouting, resting, eating chocolate and drinking Red Bull, shouting again, resting again! Women with longer labors are almost exhausted by the end.

Those pale mothers in the TV series are not exaggerated at all. The actual situation of the mothers is more exaggerated than the TV series. Her hair was disheveled, her lips were bloodless, and she was dying.

Modern life, the improvement of pregnant women's nutrition, coupled with the reduction of physical labor for pregnant women, is particularly likely to cause dystocia. In the past, a child weighed eight catties, that was an anecdote! But now there are many children who weigh eight pounds.

After a night shift, Zhang Fan couldn't take it anymore, it was too painful. Doctors who have been working in this environment all year round really can't survive without a hard heart.

Compassion is sometimes not a good thing. When a pregnant woman is out of strength, kind persuasion is of no use at all, and the most effective way is to drink it in the face.

"Quick! Use your strength." A loud voice can directly awaken the pregnant woman and give her more strength.

Eat, drink, obstetrics and gynecology, and giving birth is a happy event. Getting a baby or a daughter is something that makes the whole family happy. Of course, some thanks to the doctor are inevitable.

Gifts received by other departments are not allowed to be mentioned on the table. But the hospital is not very strict about the obstetrics and gynecology department. The obstetrics department office is full of fruits and milk all the year round!

A fastidious family will send eggs to the doctor, eggs wrapped in red paper. There are also more superstitious families, three days after the birth of the child, the doctor who delivered the child must give it a nickname. It is said that the doctor who delivered the child has evil spirits, which can prevent the child from all kinds of diseases.

I can't leave after the night shift because it's Monday. Gynecology and Pediatrics joint ward rounds, two directors joined hands to make ward rounds. The formation is very large, and a group of people are cheering.

Zhang Fan had the courage to fight in the pediatric department. Although he didn't win, he dared to stand up and protect the nurses. This made the pediatric department extremely enthusiastic about Zhang Fan.

"Zhang Fan, tomorrow is my birthday and I'm going to sing, remember to buy me a birthday present!~" This is a small resident doctor who has just been assigned to the Department of Pediatrics.

"Daxia Zhang, what's the matter, you look listless, it's not like your style." The director of pediatrics asked jokingly seeing Zhang Fan's tired look.

"Hehe, hello Director, I worked the night shift last night and stayed up all night!" Zhang Fan said with a smile, thinking he would get some sympathy. In the end, I heard the pediatrician say: "It's like this in just one night, you need to exercise more! Kidney deficiency at a young age is not a good thing!"

Before the ward rounds started, the pediatric staff joked a few words about Zhang Fan. Lu Shuyan was envious because she had already entered the department. Although the two departments make ward rounds together, they are usually very serious. How can there be such a laughing scene today.

"You're not bad! You're popular everywhere you go! If you don't want to be in the gynecology department in the future, we'll be a golden partner in the gynecology department."

"Hey! Teacher Lu! I really didn't expect to see you here!" Lu Shuyan is in the gynecology department, and Zhang Fan is in the obstetrics department, so the two have never met since they left the urology department. They are both from the obstetrics and gynecology department. It's not good to refuse directly, so I deliberately changed the topic!

"Fuck you!" Lu Shuyan was a little embarrassed. Although she was a graduate student, she was also a resident doctor. Zhang Fan, a teacher, made her a little embarrassed.

Although I was physically and mentally exhausted after a night shift, today was the big round of the ward on Monday, and as long as I could still move, I had to follow the directors to make the ward round.

The connection between obstetrics and gynecology and pediatrics is children, so the ward rounds of the two departments focus on newborns, one by one, and the inspection of mothers and children.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the ward round was over, and everyone hurried back to the department. It was not time to eat, and the ward round was too time-consuming, and a lot of work for the day was still unfinished.

In the office of the department, there are a group of family patients who are about to be discharged or have their medicine changed. After these things are finished, it will be around three o'clock in the afternoon. If you're really hungry, eat some chocolate!

These jobs are the work of residents and transfer doctors! After Zhang Fan finished, he took a shower, lay on the bed for five minutes, and fell asleep straight away. Send Shao Hua a message before going to bed, don't eat at night, don't wait for him, go to bed!

Jingshu got her license, and she can drive fairly safely. Although she didn't dare to go long distances, there was no problem in the surrounding areas. Shao Hua got off work, and as long as there was nothing wrong, the two of them drove out for a stroll. Although Shao Hua was busy reading, Zhang Fan was too busy to take care of Jing Shu. She was the only one with Jing Shu, and Jing Shu didn't have a few days to stay.

Gynecology is supported by a group of masculine women. It can be said that there is no day and night. When you are a doctor, what are you most afraid of? The most afraid of the phone.

When ordinary people are sleeping and resting, when the doctor's call comes, don't think about it, you can answer the phone while getting dressed! Nothing good, just a word, "Quick, there is an emergency."

The caller doesn't care whether you are in Dunlun, or whether you are unwell. The emergency number is the charge number! Doctors who have been working for more than two years are particularly sensitive to the ringing of the phone, and a phone call can cause palpitations.

The sudden ringing of the phone can make the doctor's adrenaline secretion increase, and the heartbeat can be accelerated a lot!

There is a joke in the hospital, saying that an injured doctor went into shock, and the effect of the medication was extremely poor. When the doctors were at a loss, the director said: "Sound the alarm! Call, there is a patient who needs to be rescued, and he is not yet dead. As a result, the doctor in shock woke up!"

The pain of all walks of life, it is not unreasonable to do one line and hurt one line.

The decoration of Zhang Fan's house has come to an end under the supervision of Shao Hua's father. The old man didn't supervise enough! The decoration of Lanshi's house is almost over. They are all simple and there is no complicated decoration, so the speed is also very fast.

Shao Hua has decided to take his mother and Zhang Fan's mother to send Jingshu to college together. The plane ticket was already bought, Zhang Fan didn't have time to go, he felt a little guilty towards his sister. But with Shao Hua, he can rest assured that Shao Hua is much better than Zhang Fan in some respects.

Li Liang finished his training. The life, study and work of the city hospital for half a year is full and tiring! Although the difficult surgery was still difficult, there were not many problems with the simple internal fixation. Li Liang was reluctant to give up and had to leave. He had no choice but to work in the city hospital.

Zhang Fan was the host, Shao Hua, Wang Yanan, and Li Hui were companions, sending Li Liang off. After half a year of training, the little fat man's round face became a little thinner, and Li Liang was able to endure hardships. Although he couldn't do Zhang Fan's abnormal hard work in half a year, the orthopedic doctor praised him unceasingly.

Although the little fat man is not good-looking, he has a high emotional intelligence. He can now communicate with Wang Yanan by text message. Although it is not much progress, it has also taken the first step of the Long March.

Li Hui is much better than before. He is in contact with a biology teacher in a high school in the city. But it's just the beginning.

The atmosphere of the meal was good, and there was no sorrow of parting. Li Liang was very open-minded. Whether it was work or his girlfriend, he had to be able to do it. As long as he worked hard, he would have no regrets.

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