Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 143: The 140th operation!


Zhang Fan didn't need to worry about what was going on outside the operating room. What he can do now is to complete the operation and rescue Wang Weiping. Zhang Fan is not easy to give orders to the two directors, Lao Gao can tell, "Now is not the time to be polite, hurry up, we two are your subordinate doctors now."

"Yes! Lao Gao is right." Lao Wang echoed.

"Both directors, I'm sorry! Director Gao washes his hands and disinfects. Director Wang and I pose for a surgery consultation. Maybe we will have joint treatment later." With the cooperation of the two, Zhang Fan starts to command. In fact, performing surgery is a bit similar to fighting. First, determine who is the general, the general will command, and the subordinates will act. The general must think clearly, and the orders of his subordinates are prohibited.

The general must think clearly and order accurately. Otherwise, the subordinates will rebel. The same is true for surgeons. There are clear rules and clear instructions for what you want to do. Because there are several nurses, several doctors waiting for your order. Waiting for the next procedure.

Disinfection, laying out bills, the two major directors are doing hospital work, there is no way for the surgeon to have the right to think, to see x-rays, ct, mri, these small tasks have to be done by assistants. Zhang Fan didn't care about these little things anymore, he stared at the LED viewer and thought carefully.

The operation begins. The pelvis is actually a closed bony ring, a solid bony ring composed of the iliac, pubis, and ischium. Because the pelvis is relatively hard, it is generally not easy to fracture unless there is violence.

Wang Weiping's fracture was very serious. The pubic symphysis was separated, the sacrotubercle and sacrospinous ligament were ruptured, and the posterior sacroiliac joint was completely dislocated. The dislocated half of the pelvis has been displaced forward.

"Look for the bleeding point first, there must be relatively large blood vessel damage in the pelvic cavity." Zhang Fan said.

Open the book and ask questions, the thinking is very clear. Lao Gao and Lao Wang were not surprised at all. Although this operation is serious, it is not too difficult for a doctor who can perform hip and knee replacements. Just hurry up and be fast!

When the chief surgeon has an idea, the assistant actively cooperates. The chief surgeon dominates everything on the operating table, and some of the chief surgeons who have a particularly bad temper either swear or throw things, which makes the doctors below not willing to operate with him. There are quite a few doctors like this. I guess they were oppressed too much in the past. After they grow up, they will start to follow suit!

Zhang Fan chose the posterior entrance. After cutting the gluteus maximus fascia, he carefully separated the subfascia inward to ensure that the gluteus maximus muscle tissue was separated from the subfascia without damage. Because the gluteus maximus fascia protrudes into the gluteus at intervals of 5-10mm, special care must be taken to maintain the integrity of the layers, protect the fascia from damage, and minimize damage to the muscles.

In order to fully restore its anatomical layers, Zhang Fan carefully separated the fascia and kept it intact. When you find the origin of the gluteus maximus on the sacrum, stop the medial separation. Cut the origin of the gluteus maximus from the aponeurosis of the thoracolumbar fascia, the iliac crest, the posterior superior iliac spine, and the multifidus fascia in sequence.

When cutting the starting point of the gluteus maximus, in order to facilitate the repair of the gluteus maximus at the end of the operation, Zhang Fan reserved a long enough tendon at the insertion point. Then cut the origin of the gluteus maximus at the gluteal crest.

The operation was carried out step by step, and the three surgeons were constantly wiping the sweat off their heads. None of the three people talked or communicated, and the most common thing was that the two assistants exchanged their opinions through their eyes! Everyone knows what to do and what to do.

The three people's skills are not weak, and Zhang Fan's intentions are clear to the other two. However, Zhang Fansheng practiced a lot of surgeries when he was young, and his subordinates performed them very quickly.

Experts know if there are blood vessels or nerves as soon as they make a move. Zhang Fan can quickly separate and cut blood vessels and nerves almost without thinking or stopping. The three-dimensional anatomical diagrams of various organizations seemed to be right in front of Zhang Fan's eyes. The two directors did not give them in vain.

The advantage of concentration is that the operation is performed very quickly. After entering the internal iliac area, the place of bleeding was found. "Arteries!" Zhang Fan said.

The other two have also seen it! The arteries in this place are too troublesome to deal with! The possibility of docking is unlikely, but embolism will lead to atrophy of lower limb muscles or buttock muscles.

Zhang Fan, who didn't stop the whole process, hesitated a little, and the other two also thought about it again, what should they do if they are the main surgeons today! "How much blood pressure?" Zhang Fan asked.

The director of anesthesia in the anesthesiology department is today's anesthesiologist, "Dr. Zhang, 85/50mmhg, heart rate 60."

"No!" Zhang Fan was still planning to connect the artery, but the patient's vital signs did not support it, so he had to give up!

"Ligation!" Zhang Fan said. The previous one was not good, Lao Gao and Lao Wang both understood what Zhang Fan meant. Lao Gao was about to persuade him, but Zhang Fan immediately said another sentence of ligation. It seems that the young man is not passionate, and he is still very calm. He is really a surgical genius.

After this set up, Wang Dehua was so jealous of Lao Gao. The two began to compete and compare since they entered the hospital, until they reached the position of director, and there was no winner. But now Lao Gao has brought out a monster, directly crushing all orthopedic surgeons below Zheng Gao.

Pharaoh is jealous to death. If it weren't for the operation still in progress, he would have wanted to scold his mother! To be strong for a lifetime, and to be old and old makes Lao Gao proud once.

The operation sounds fast, but in fact, three people have already done it for four hours. Damaged arteries and veins should be repaired as much as possible, and those that cannot be repaired should be treated with the least damage. Zhang Fan's technique was too ingenious, many places would be damaged according to the methods of the two directors, but Zhang Fan cleverly avoided it. Lao Gao kept nodding. Although he didn't speak, he looked at Lao Wang with a sense of complacency.

Wang Weiping's vital signs were stable, and the bleeding stopped. Lao Wang turned his head and motioned for the itinerant nurse to wipe off his sweat, and then said, "Doctor Zhang, your technique doesn't look like ours. Lao Gao and I were both brought out by the same master. You don't look like this!" Lao Gao's eyes were too aggressive, Lao Wang said unconvinced.

"When I was in Bone One and Bone Two, I used to watch you two chief surgeons, and I thought about it carefully when I got back, and I got a little bit of experience." Zhang Fan is not in a hurry now, and Wang Weiping is considered to have survived.

"The philosophy of our orthopedic department is to be brave in innovation. Dr. Zhang has done a good job in this, but you can't be proud, and you have to make persistent efforts. After you enter the department, every Tuesday will be designated as a study day for the department. Then everyone can talk about themselves My experience!" Lao Gao said cheerfully.

After comparing the two people for the rest of their lives, they couldn't come out on top. As a result, in the generation of disciples, Lao Gao has already taken the lead. Not showing off and not being angry with Lao Wang is unjustifiable.

Lao Wang thought to himself: "Nonsense! If I can learn something after watching a few operations, then I can retire directly!" Rolling his eyes and looking at Lao Gao, he said: "Some people should not be complacent. If this situation continues, sooner or later, the hospital will no longer be able to accommodate Dr. Zhang!"

"I'll let you be proud, let's see how you show off when Zhang Fan is gone!" Thinking of this in Lao Wang's mind, he also gained a lot of balance.

"Wherever he goes, his introductory master is still me, Lao Gao, and he will never be surnamed Wang. In the future, when others mention Zhang Fan, they will mention me. I can be regarded as a little credit!"

The two kept bickering, and Zhang Fan was a little annoyed, talking too much, and the two directors chattered like women. He didn't understand how lucky he was to have such a lifelong professional enemy or opponent! They are whipping each other and making progress. Without Lao Gao or Lao Wang, their careers would not have reached the current peak.

"The broken bones are not very severe, prepare to fix them!" Zhang Fan couldn't bear it any longer, and stopped the two of them from bickering! Today he is the chief surgeon and has this right.

The operation went well, the patient's vital signs were stable, and the atmosphere in the operating room suddenly relaxed.

The director of anesthesia jokingly said: "You two are not ashamed, let's do the surgery quickly, and Dr. Zhang will rule the world from now on. Our era is over!" He entered the hospital at the same time as the two directors of the orthopedics department!

After saying this, the two sighed at the same time, glanced at each other, and could vaguely see the white hair from the sideburns, "Yes, it's over!" Lao Gao said softly.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are unavoidable for everyone, especially for surgeons, once the prime time of a few years passes, they will start to eat their money. With the decline of eyesight and physical strength, they will gradually become more and more powerless.

The itinerant nurse is the head nurse in the operating room. After several surgeries, she already knew Zhang Fan's status. She gently wiped the sweat off Zhang Fan's head and said, "Doctor Zhang, how much time do you think you have left?" It's over, the meal is over, the dean asked me to ask you what you want to eat, and the hospital will reimburse you today. Our nurses will follow your example!"

"Hehe, I don't care. I have to ask your leaders. I'm just a soldier, and I will eat whatever you eat." In the operating room, except for Zhang Fan and the surgical nurse, the others are all leaders. What Zhang Fan said was right.

The operating nurse smiled quietly! She still didn't dare to joke with the leaders. The head nurse looked at Mian Shan, and she was ruthless in dealing with people!

"Hands? Steak?" the anesthesiologist asked.

"Okay! Boss is showing kindness today, so let's eat steak. If you miss this moment, if you want the boss to be so generous, you probably won't have a chance. Now the boss is more and more inclined to the resources of internal medicine, and our bonuses have also begun to decline. Let's talk to the boss that day." Lao Wang said to Lao Gao.

"Okay, let's talk, now the doctors below are complaining!"

Zhang Fan wasn't worried about this kind of thing, these words didn't even enter his ears, so they were blocked!

fixed! Stitch! Ligation, the operation is complete! The anesthesiologist and nurse accompanied the patient to the ICU. Zhang Fan shook his sore legs, and turned his head to see that Lao Gao and Lao Wang were already sitting on the ground under the operation regardless of their identities, leaning against the wall and dozing off.

Really old!

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