Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 144: 141. Circumcision


At the end of the operation, Director Wang Weiping was rescued. It depends on the recovery in the later stage. This kind of extremely damaged fracture is very troublesome in the later stage of recovery.

The most serious is fat embolism syndrome. This is when fat particles form fat globules and enter the brain, which is cerebral embolism, and when it enters the lungs, it is pulmonary embolism. This complication is fatal, and it is not easy to prevent.

A series of complications such as hypostatic pneumonia, ischemic necrosis, and bone and joint necrosis are all likely to occur. So when a surgery is done, the real healing has just begun.

After the operation, he had to report to Ouyang. Zhang Fan would not go to this matter. The two old men were resting, so he found a stool to sit and wait. The surgery is done.

"Doctor Zhang, why don't you go and change your clothes first, the dean and the others are already waiting for you in the office!" The head nurse in the operating room said to Zhang Fan.

"Oh! My legs are a little numb, I'll sit for a while!" Zhang Fan looked at the two people leaning against the corner, and said to the head nurse. Going out at this time must be infinitely bright, but Zhang Fan doesn't want to be in the limelight, it's unnecessary. Before the operation, everyone was united. It is difficult to say that the operation is successful. There are many people who are envious and jealous. It is better to let the two directors take the lead!

The people of Huaguo are not good at this point. No matter how hard or difficult they are, they can look forward to moving forward together, but once the wealth comes out, it will be troublesome! Those who pull their legs pull their legs, those who pull ladders pull ladders, anyway, they can't share wealth!

After resting for a while, Zhang Fan followed the two directors out of the operating room. Zhang Fan followed quietly, not talking much, not feeling excited at all, Lao Gao and Lao Wang looked at and nodded. Zhang Fan's performance is much better than that of them back then. This kind of unhurried and steady character can make great things happen, and only then can he make breakthroughs in technology!

In the doctor's lounge outside the operating room, when three people appeared, Ouyang led a group of people to stand up and applaud, and the flashing lights kept flashing.

When the operation was about to end, the head nurse in the operating room reported it to Ouyang. Ouyang quickly organized the doctors and nurses in the hospital, and then led the reporter to meet the three surgeons.

This scale of welcome has never happened in the hospital. Doctors who are used to shadowless lights are somewhat shy when facing flashing lights, regardless of age!

Build momentum! Ouyang's best skill. Wang Weiping was shaped into a perfect doctor. He was injured on duty, and then the whole hospital worked together. Everyone contributed. After the surgeon's hard work, the operation was a success! Among them, the leading party members rushed to the front line of blood donation! How perfect!

The city hospital led by Ouyang can suppress the city hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to death, not only because of the leading equipment, but also because of the comparison of the director, the director of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine cannot compare with Ouyang!

Lao Gao followed the dean to receive the reporters. Zhang Fan was too young, and Lao Wang liked to talk to others, so Lao Gao was more in line with Ouyang's requirements.

After being discharged from the gynecology department, Zhang Fan has really become a celebrity in the hospital, and he is greeted everywhere he goes! People who used to be nodding acquaintances would stop to chat with Zhang Fan now. In fact, everyone didn't expect to get any benefits from Zhang Fan, but people are like this, buying up and not buying down.

Ouyang is more and more satisfied with Zhang Fan, he has good skills, calm personality, and he has special respect for his superiors! If she wasn't too young, Zhang Fan would be the best orthopedic director in her mind!

In the medical office, the director of the medical office personally poured Zhang Fan a glass of water, and Zhang Fan was terrified! What does the medical department do? When it comes to the outside world, it is to protect doctors, and when it is inside, it is dedicated to making trouble for doctors, especially young doctors.

"Director! It's not appropriate, I'll do it myself!" Zhang Fan quickly stood up, grabbing the water bottle and saying.

"Sure, you sit! You may not know that Wang Weiping and I are in the same class, but he is three years older than me. Although we are both old, the younger generation has grown up. You are the leader of the younger generation. Qualified!"

Zhang Fan was a little embarrassed when he said this, "It's the teachers who gave us the opportunity!"

"It's also the result of your own hard work. I heard a few months ago that you directly contracted out the emergency department for a period of time. God pays off your hard work! Keep it up!"

"Okay Director, I will."

"Drink your saliva and go directly to the dean's office. Your transfer form is ready, but the dean wants to talk to you. He will be waiting for you in the morning."

Zhang Fan didn't dare to scribble, took two sips of water and went to the dean's office with the transfer form.

Zhang Fan knocked on the door, "Come in!" Ouyang's voice sounded.

"Dean, are you looking for me?"

"Hehe! Sit down! Not bad, neither arrogant nor impetuous! Ready to pack up and go to the countryside!" Ouyang said with a smile.

"Going to the countryside?" Zhang Fan was puzzled.

"There is only one quota in the medical system for the selection of the top ten outstanding youths in the city! If you want to get this quota, you must have the experience of going to the countryside, so tomorrow you will go to the countryside for a week."

"It's been so long, should I go to the county or the village." Zhang Fan didn't want to go, because there were not many sick patients in the village, so going there would be a waste of time.

"Hehe! You are still young! Do you know the importance of this reward? Go ahead, don't worry about changing departments, I know you like surgery, and there are still many days to do surgery. If you miss this opportunity, you will miss it! "

Although Ouyang said it lightly, she spent a lot of effort to win this spot. After getting this spot, many people greeted Ouyang. The Youth League Committee, the Women's Federation, and the Disabled Persons' Federation, although they are all relatively small organizations, may be quite large. Ouyang gave the spot to Zhang Fan under pressure. She is going to make Zhang Fan a benchmark for the younger generation of the city hospital!

Compared with other units in the hospital, not many people pay attention to this kind of thing, but it cannot be said that there is no such thing. Vanity Fair does not distinguish between men and women, big or small, and an opportunity may mean taking off! If Zhang Fan knew this was the case, maybe he really didn't want to go, he had no intention of career!

A few days after Shao Hua came back, Zhang Fan was going to the countryside again. Although he was a little dissatisfied, there was nothing he could do. When Shao Hua was going to send his sister off, Zhang Fan handed over his salary card and bonus card to Shao Hua. Although he and Shao Hua hadn't talked about the house yet, Zhang Fan felt that this matter should be done. If they can enjoy a few years of happiness, they should be allowed to enjoy their old age if they have the ability.

The place where I went to the countryside was a Kazakh-inhabited area deep in the grassland. The three of them went to the countryside to station, one female teacher was a graduate student working in the Education Bureau, one doctor was Zhang Fan, and the other was a Uighur boy working in the Animal Husbandry Bureau.

The vehicle of the Municipal Youth League Committee took them to the grassland, but Zhang Fan drove the car himself. He still had business to do, so there must be nothing to do when he went to the countryside, and he might be able to get around with a car.

In autumn, the pastures are rich in water and grass, and the cattle and sheep are fattened up. The herdsmen have also begun to mow grass and sell livestock, preparing for the winter. This point is a very small ethnic group, no matter how persuaded by the government, they do not go to the designated place to spend the winter and settle down.

A leader of the Youth League Committee was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Fan's own driving, but there was nothing he could do about it. He was not a direct leader, so his words didn't carry much weight! That is to say, in the car of the Youth League Committee, Zhang Fan did not have a sense of collective honor, and the city hospital did not choose a good candidate!

Those who can participate in this kind of activity are not stupid, even if they have no background, they are still good people, everyone is silent and pretends not to hear! It's clear which is more important between a small bureaucrat and a young man who can get a city-level advanced quota.

There are not many people in this small ethnic group, there are more than 40 people, there are many elderly people, and there are also many children. The boy from the Animal Husbandry Bureau is called Maimaiti, his name is not complete, and there are many words behind it. If you say it all, it will become a word count! The Education Bureau's name is Tan Jie.

The task of the three of them is to check the herdsmen's health, see a doctor and give medicines, persuade the herdsmen to send their children of the right age to study in the settlements, and then help the livestock to see a doctor and guide how to raise the livestock.

The herdsmen are hospitable, and doctors, teachers and veterinarians who can treat the livestock are here. The herdsmen are very happy and welcome them. Just happened to run into the family's child to be circumcised again!

Circumcision is considered an alternative coming-of-age ceremony in the frontier. Elderly herdsmen or elders in temples circumcise teenagers.

Relatives and friends at home will come from afar to send blessings to the child, and a banquet will be held at the child's home to entertain relatives and friends. They were guests when they came, and Zhang Fan and the others also attended the banquet. On the grassland, everyone sat together, singing blessing songs and dancing cheerfully. Then there is the key figure of the ceremony, today's Xiaoba Lang, who was dressed up by his family is very novel! Very famous.

Zhang Fan had never seen this kind of ceremony before, so he was very curious! An old man held a bowl of pepper, oil, and some things that Zhang Fan didn't know, sang songs he didn't understand, and sprinkled wine to thank God!

After these etiquettes were finished, the old man took out a sharpened and shiny knife, ready to carry out the last thing of the etiquette! Small children to be circumcised are nervous! His face was flushed red.

After the old man cleaned with the contents of the bowl, he began to shine the knife. Zhang Fan clamped his thigh unconsciously, "If you don't even apply anesthesia, let's cut it dry like this!"

The old man seemed to do this kind of thing often. Several adults grabbed the child and completed the ceremony amidst the child's cries. It really hurts! Zhang Fan's frightened face turned blue. fear! Knowing this level of pain, Zhang Fan is really terrifying!

"Wouldn't it be infected in such a hot day? The child won't go into pain and shock!" Zhang Fan secretly asked Maimaiti.

"No, they all have their own secret recipes. They have not been infected for many years! And our grassland people are very brave!" Maimaiti said proudly.

In the tent, the three of Zhang Fan spent the first night. Although the weather was very hot during the day, it became unbearable at night, and the temperature dropped drastically.

The next day, the three of them started to work on their respective jobs. Zhang Fan brought a sphygmomanometer, a hearing aid and some simple common medicines.

The food in pastoral areas is single and lacks green vegetables. Most are foods made from animal fats and dairy products. Therefore, older people have diseases such as high blood pressure and high blood fat. And because they are far away from the city, almost no formal treatment has been done.

There were about forty people, and the daily outpatient volume was not counted. Zhang Fan had finished his work in one morning, and it was time to prescribe medicine. This activity is really a wind activity. After Zhang Fans left and the herdsmen finished taking the medicine, they would still do whatever they wanted, but it had no effect. The child who had been circumcised, stretched his legs, and chased his partner on the grassland like a little crab!

It's not that they don't want to live a better life, because the grassland is far away from the city, and regular review conditions are not allowed. This matter is not something that Zhang Fan can change, he can only do his best to do his job well.

On the morning of the third day, when Zhang Fan was helping Maimaiti to give injections to the livestock, he received a call from Li Liang, "Brother Zhang, Director Chen had a quarrel with the dean and was suspended! He is going to resign, and I don't want to do it either! Can you contact us for an emergency position in the city hospital?"

"What happened?" Zhang Fan asked.

"One or two sentences, I can't say clearly. We will go to the city when we go down. Do you have time today?"

"Don't! I'm here to look for you. I'm going to the countryside. I'll be in the county this afternoon."