Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 154: 151st husband and wife


Yu Bin, the director outside the brain, has already gone to study, and the Qin family girl keeps her word and does not delay in doing things. Although Qin Nuo is still in the hospital, she has already implemented the training. The three people who are studying are all studying with the top experts in Huaguo. their own understanding. Surgery can only be done by the master, and the rest is up to you to understand.

Li Hui didn't go out to play during the wedding leave, so he gave his wife a baby at home with peace of mind. It is said that the appointment of the subject has been finalized, and Ouyang has already signed it. Just wait for him to enter the department after his marriage leave.

Zhang Fan is not in a hurry to be admitted to a department, he is not worried at all that graduate students will affect his admission to the department, his current level is the level of orthopedic surgery, let alone a graduate student, the director of a provincial top three hospital may not necessarily be better than him . Don’t panic if you have enough food at home. Transferring to another department is not a waste of time, but a systematic study of a medical system. Many things that cannot be written in books can be understood and discovered when transferring to another department.

Shao Hua also started to struggle and bought a lot of information books. There is still a big difference between accounting in the financial industry and corporate accounting. I really have to admire Shao Hua for this. The foundation of the university is really good, and the effect of reading books is good.

Liu Zhaoyun, the deputy director outside the brain, is an old frontier native. Born on a farm, he is considered to be the second generation farmer, and the situation is quite similar to that of Shao Hua's family. His ancestral home is from the south, and he graduated from Suzhou-Hangzhou Medical College. When I graduated that year, I looked down on the local county-level hospitals in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and returned to the urban hospitals in the border areas. After more than ten years of hard work, the county-level hospitals around Suzhou and Hangzhou are no longer comparable to the top three hospitals in the border areas.

Many of his classmates who stayed in the surrounding counties of Suzhou and Hangzhou later went abroad for further study. There are several doctors from the Royal College of Medicine in the UK. This is the difference in regional development.

I don’t know if he has regretted it. He has lost the chance to reach the top in the medical field. He is just an ordinary doctor. And many of his classmates have already shined in various medical forums. Now he doesn't even have the chance to participate! The organizer will not think of hospitals in remote areas, even if they think of it, they will not invite them!

If we don't talk about dedication, but only talk about the level of technology, he will definitely regret it. If we talk about dedication, his role in the frontier medical front is not necessarily worse than some of his classmates. He has been on the frontline of medical treatment for decades, and there are countless people alive.

The brain surgery room is not too big in the hospital, because the difficulty is too high. Relying on Yu Bin, the director outside the brain, he attaches great importance to the development of medical technology and dares to let go of the subordinate doctors, so the development of the department is not bad. There are three deputy seniors, four attending doctors, and one director and one deputy director are all seniors.

Zhang Fan took the transfer list and entered the brain surgery department. Zhang Fan received by Liu Zhaoyun. The doctors in the surgical department of the city hospital are very familiar with Zhang Fan.

"Dr. Zhang, Director Yu explained when he left that I will take you when you come to the Department of Brain Surgery. You don't need to participate in changing the medicine and writing medical records. You will follow me to the outpatient clinic and surgery. If you are sure about the operation, You can apply for the position of chief surgeon with me." Liu Zhaoyun received Zhang Fan in his deputy director's office.

"Okay Director, I listen to you."

"I don't work the night shift. After you get familiar with the department, I will be on duty independently to manage the patient. Independent management of the patient is the fastest way for young doctors to improve. You must set your mind and quickly enter the working state outside your brain."


There is already a graduate student who graduated this year in the Department of Extracerebral Medicine. Xia Huadong is also a god. My undergraduate degree is Chinese and Western medicine, but when I took the postgraduate entrance examination, I didn’t know what happened, and I was admitted to the Shenwai University of Frontier Medical Sciences. Since then, I have been farther and farther away from Chinese medicine!

His girlfriend was admitted to the Banking Regulatory Bureau in Chasu City last year, and he rushed to her girlfriend as soon as he graduated. Because he is a master of Shenwai, the tea market is extremely scarce, and after entering the hospital, he was given a settling allowance of 100,000 yuan. The young man is also a fine individual, he respects the old doctor very much in the department, and he quickly melted into the supernatural.

At the meeting on Monday morning, after Liu Zhaoyun explained the daily work of the department, he took Zhang Fan and Xia Huadong to the outpatient clinic. These two young people are incredible, one is a person who has already established a position in orthopedics, the other is a master, and other doctors with lesser qualifications really can't help them.

The knowledge of extra-brain is too complicated and trivial, and Zhang Fan still can't open the second-level extra-brain. Now the technology of extra-brain is only the top three in the region. But the advantage is that there is a lot of practice in the system. Practice makes perfect is not just talk. After an operation is repeated thousands of times, it is absolutely amazing.

Most of the patients in the outpatient clinic are elderly people, and the weather in the frontier is cold, so the eating habits are high in fat and they like to eat salty food, which leads to the common occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. With the improvement of the national medical system, there are more and more elderly people, and a Northwest drinker is also very fierce, resulting in a large number of accidental deaths of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients.

If you have high blood pressure or not, no one will worry about your blood pressure at the dinner table. Many people have repeatedly emphasized that you can’t drink alcohol before eating. If you have high blood pressure, after drinking, there will be special counselors to persuade you not to drink. .

After a week, Zhang Fan also became familiar with the working procedures of the department, and began to treat patients independently. The folk customs in the frontier are tough, and sometimes it is inappropriate words, which may lead to fighting. People are often beaten to the point of bleeding, and skull injuries are very common.

The winning party is responsible for medical expenses and sent to prison for re-education, while the losing party lies in the hospital, living a life that would be worse than death. Zhang Fan's first extracerebral patient was injured in a fight.

The patient was not very old, and in his twenties, he was at the age of excitement. He was not defeated in a bar, and his skills were quite good, but he was finally knocked down by a beer bottle.

With panda eyes and nosebleeds, he came to see a doctor. But his life is serious, it is only a mild fracture of the anterior cranial fossa, which is considered a mild craniocerebral injury, and he can go home and rest after a night of observation.

As a result, this guy was unwilling, saying that he had a severe headache and was going to be hospitalized. Zhang Fan looked at the X-ray and CT again, and confirmed again that it was a mild brain contusion.

Asked about the medical history, Zhang Fan also had to sigh, this guy's bone density is too hard, such a violent blow, he was unconscious for a few minutes, and the nervous system and cerebrospinal fluid examination showed no obvious abnormalities, according to this kind of injury, he will be given to his family members. In fact, you can go home and observe after explaining it.

But he can't, he has to be hospitalized. "Your injury doesn't meet the standard for hospitalization. I can't even treat you when you're hospitalized." Zhang Fan said dumbfounded.

"Brother, just put me in the hospital, and I will lie down. You can prescribe whatever medicine is expensive, and you can prescribe whatever examination is expensive. It really hurts. Lie in your office!" The young man was very sloppy, pestering Zhang Fan like brown candy.

Zhang Fan somewhat understood what he meant. This kind of patient is very troublesome if it is not handled properly, and this headache symptom is a subjective symptom, not a physical sign. People say that they have a headache, and doctors have no way to identify it. It must be reflected in the medical record.

Then stop it, Zhang Fan is on duty, he came to Zhang Fan with half a bag of bananas that were turning black, Zhang Fan would never ask for it, this guy is not embarrassed, he just sat on the stool in the office and rubbed with Zhang Fan. Heck, he wants Zhang Fan to check him from start to finish, and to do all the checks that the hospital can do.

The most shameless thing even had to check his sperm. This is pure nonsense, Zhang Fan ignores him, he has a brother on the left and a brother on the right, anyway, he can't let you work with peace of mind.

"You just tell me that I can't do anything. At most, I can prescribe brain examinations and injury-related examinations. I can't prescribe other examinations. And it's just a fight. What are you doing with albumin?"

"My brother, you don't know, they stepped on my dick, and now it's a bit swollen, you don't believe I took off my pants to show you, I'm not married yet, can you be responsible if something happens to me ?”

"Even if you step on it, don't do this test, just do a color Doppler ultrasound. Don't even think about protein, I won't lose to you, this is nonsense."

"Don't worry, they've all been arrested and can't run away. Someone will pay for the medicine! If you give me the protein, I won't lose. I'll sell it and we'll each share half."

"You are six and I am four!"

"Brother, you are 70%! No amount of it is really enough!"

Zhang Fan is really speechless, this guy is a hob meat, he can't give a good face, otherwise it will be endless. "If you are messing around, I will drive you out of the hospital." Zhang Fan said seriously.

"Okay, okay! You can be honest! But brother, you have to prescribe that color Doppler ultrasound for me, it's really swollen."

"Go back to the ward and lie down!" Zhang Fan was really impatient!

It was the first time he met such a person, and he was really speechless. The parents of the boys who beat him all came, because the children were all arrested by the police and served him with delicious food and drink every day, so they hoped that he would not pursue it and the two sides could settle it privately.

There are several cases of extracerebral patients whose condition is very serious. The most serious one has been in a coma for a week, relying on nutrient solution to hang his life. After one day, the cost of medicine and treatment is more than 6,000, and the patient's family can't support it for a few days. , may give up treatment at any time. This kind of patient really cannot predict the time when the patient will wake up based on vital signs.

Maybe I won't be able to wake up forever, and maybe I will open my eyes the next morning. I can only suffer like this, and the patient is in great pain. After a week, if the family members did not turn over and massage frequently, they would have been lying down with bed sores long ago. If you go to intensive care, the price will be more expensive!

And the family members are in more pain, not to mention the daily expenses, it takes two young adults to turn over for a massage, and the elderly cannot turn the patient over, and the doctor can't tell if the patient can't wake up. For ordinary well-off families, if they persist in this way for two months, they can directly destroy their family fortunes.

"If you want to continue the treatment, prepare to sell the house!" These are the original words of the attending doctor. But seeing his relatives lying on the bed getting thinner and thinner, I really couldn't bear it, and said the word "give up".

But what can I do? The family really has no extra funds, and if they want to continue, they have to sell the house. Looking at the unmarried son, I think of the laughter of my wife in the past, the rubbing of ears and temples when I was young, and my wife is crying! Cover your mouth! Crying heartbroken!

Even if you cry, you can't cry in front of the child. The child is already very difficult. How much money can a repairman make? Looking at the child's cracked hands, the wife sat on the bedside and said to the unconscious husband, "I'm sorry. Stop you, you take a step first, when the child gets married, I will come with you, you must walk slowly and wait for me in front, I will come later, we will not feel cold when we are together You are usually fine, how could you be like this!"

"Doctor, let's give up the treatment and pull out the tube! Really! Pull out the tube! It's all my fault! Old man! It's all my fault!" The old lady was crying out of breath as she supported the leg of the bed.

But no matter how painful it is, she still needs to sign the waiver of treatment, sign her name with trembling hands, and the relationship with the patient is: husband and wife. What is heartbreaking for a young couple to be together for a long time? That is, her heart is broken. She feels that his hope of being alive has been cut off by her!

Doctors and nurses began to remove various infusion channels and respiratory masks. The old lady's dry lips gently kissed the old man's forehead, and tears dripped down on his cheekboned face, "It doesn't hurt! Hold on! Soon! If you have any resentment, blame me! "The old man's eyes sunken deep in the high cheekbones slipped a tear!

"Woo! Woo! Woo!" the old lady sobbed with her arms around her lover! End of life! Heartbeat stopped! The electrocardiogram drew a straight line. it's over! No ifs, no do-overs! The rest is the old woman who passed out and her unknowing son who is still working overtime to make money!

On Zhang Fan's second night on duty, the urgent phone rang from the nurse's station!

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