Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 160: A virtuous wife and a less troubled husband


In Li Xiao's office, Zhang Fan and Li Xiao are chatting, "Doctor Zhang, you think this car is very precious, but to Dai Wengang, his life is even more precious, and this car is not in your name, so let me just lend it to you." I think you are getting more and more cautious now!"

"Ah!" Zhang Fan was really speechless, he was short-handed and short-mouthed, but Li Xiao had asked his assistant to go through the formalities, so what else could he say!

"I heard from my nephew that his hospital is running very well recently, thanks to your help. I really want to thank you!"

"Sister Li, you're being polite. Mr. Ma is already very good at running his own business. I'm just going to take a look. There's also labor costs. I also want to thank you and Mr. Ma!"

"Haha! That's good, mutual benefit." Not long after chatting, the little assistant knocked on the door with two document bags. "Chairman, it's done!"

"Why don't you drive away with these two cars! I heard that you have found a girlfriend? You have one for your girlfriend and one for your girlfriend! I don't need to bother anymore! Dai Wengang definitely doesn't lack a car for you anywhere." Li Xiao held said the teacup.

"It's really not necessary! I'm already very content with this, so I'm sorry. Sister Li, you have time that day, and my girlfriend and I will treat you to dinner."

"Okay! This weekend, I'll treat you to dinner!"

The two gave way for a while, and Zhang Fan took the car keys and driving license and went out. The Cruiser is a little bigger than the Cherokee, and it's new, with the moldings on the dashboard still intact. Although the car became bigger and newer, Zhang Fan didn't feel a little bit excited, it was just a tool. With the big toy of the system, it is really difficult for Zhang Fan to become interested in other things!

Although Zhang Fan didn't think it was a big deal, he had to make it clear to Shao Hua that mutual respect was still needed, and women especially cared about these little things!

"Ah! It's too big. Besides, if you are like this, will there be any trouble if you change the car? Last year, our bank organized us to go to the prison and have a baptism study! After seeing it once, it was very shocking! As long as we are healthy and safe, I am satisfied!" Shao Hua said to Zhang Fan worriedly while sitting in the car.

"Don't worry, I understand, nothing will happen. Thank you, I have really good eyesight, and I fell in love with you right away! Hey, the most important thing for a man is to find the right wife. My father is kind, what I said is absolutely right!" Zhang Fan said proudly to Shao Hua.

"I didn't see that you have a thick skin, and you are becoming more and more shameless. Let me pinch your thick skin!" The two played around for a while, and the thin summer clothes made Zhang Fan more and more unbearable now. tease!

Shao Hua blushed and quickly jumped down from Zhang Fan's lap, "No, we are not married yet! Just bear with it!" Shao Hua turned his head and dared not look at Zhang Fan. a tent.

"Ah! Maybe it's because you've eaten too much mutton these days! You should eat less mutton in summer!" Although Zhang Fan said so, he couldn't help but want to touch it!

"What is fragrance and what is slippery!" Wang Wangwang definitely doesn't know!

The hospital's emergency center and children's center have already started construction, digging holes every day, making noisy old men and women in the hospital often find trouble with the nurses on crutches. But there’s really no way to do this, it’s too hot in summer if you don’t open the windows, and it’s too noisy if you open the windows. Many old men and women in the respiratory department were transferred to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. It was too noisy here.

It is said that the state gave several hundred million this time, and Ouyang was very energetic, and she could often be seen pointing out the situation on the construction site wearing a yellow hard hat. The blueprints are all designed in advance, and now she is going to point fingers, probably the construction party will play with her!

On Friday, Zhang Fan received a call from Wu Yanchao, "Doctor Zhang, do you have time tomorrow? Can my senior brother and I come to see you tomorrow?"

"Okay, Teacher Wu, call me when you come tomorrow."

Wu Yanchao's senior brother, Wang Yongyong, was one of the defenders of the frontier basketball team, and later retired due to injury. Worked as a physical education teacher in a high school and made occasional cameos as the guards coach for the Frontiers basketball team. Back then, after the knee joint was injured, due to various reasons, only a plaster cast was applied and immobilized for three months without surgery. Then there is no more, and you can't play basketball after removing the cast! Leave sadly!

Once when Wu Yanchao went to Bird City, he talked with Wang Yongyong about knee joint injuries, and Wu Yanchao recommended Zhang Fan. Although Wang Yongyong no longer needs to go to the court to fight hard, but the amount of exercise is a little bit more, and the knee joint hurts badly. He was also on a whim, and chose a weekend to come to Chasu City, planning to let Zhang Fan have a look.

On the weekend, Zhang Fan was waiting for Wu Yanchao and Wang Yongyong in the department. When Wu Yanchao brought Wang Yongyong into the office outside the brain, Wang Yongyong scolded his mother directly in his heart, "Such an old age, so unreliable, look at the knee joints, go to the outside of the brain to find a doctor, really! My head is also flooded Already!"

Although Wu Yanchao was also puzzled, he was too embarrassed to ask. The scene was a little awkward, Wang Yongyong remained silent with a dark face. Zhang Fan saw Wu Yanchao's embarrassing expression again, and he understood!

"Hehe! I saw that the coach's center of gravity was on the left leg when he was standing. It seems that the right leg has been in pain for a long time. After standing in this posture for a long time, not to mention the legs, even the lumbar spine will have problems. Let’s talk.” It’s not enough for Zhang Fan not to show his hands, in fact, Zhang Fan quite likes people who show emotions on their faces, it’s too simple, and there’s no need to be on guard, what’s really scary is a person with a smile on his face and a knife in his hand , such as the temperate people he met when he was transferred to the respiratory department!

After Wu Yanchao sat down with Wang Yongyong, the atmosphere eased a little. Wang Yongyong also felt a little embarrassed and said, "After the injury back then, I never took care of it. This time, I entrusted my junior brother to find Dr. Zhang. It is really troublesome!"

"It's okay, I'll take a look at your mri first." Zhang Fan didn't mind at all.

"Because of my young age, I had a plaster cast for a few months after the injury, and no surgery was done. Later, I felt more and more serious as I got older." Wang Yongyong said while holding the examination film, he thought to himself, "Since I came here Let’s take a look, the city hospital won’t lie to people!”

Looking at the video, Zhang Fan frowned, and said, "Do you always feel like you can't stand still? When it's cold, do you feel that your knee joints are icy cold?"

"Well! I have this feeling." Wang Yongyong said.

"At that time, you injured the medial collateral ligament and the meniscus, and the long-term plaster fixation caused the ossification of the collateral ligament. The pain now is the pain caused by the ossified ligament wearing away the joint capsule, and because of the ossification. , the toughness gets worse, and you feel that you can't stand stably." Zhang Fan pointed to the film and explained to Wang Yongyong.

"Well, what should we do now?" Wang Yongyong asked, Zhang Fan's statement was exactly the same as that of the orthopedic specialist of the provincial hospital. Wang Yongyong felt that Zhang Fan was at least a knowledgeable person when he heard it!

"Surgery, transplant a tendon to replace the ossified ligament." Zhang Fan looked at Wang Yongyong and said. This is different from what the experts from the provincial hospital said. The experts from the provincial hospital told Wang Yongyong to supplement with calcium tablets and take some painkillers! There is no need for surgery anymore!

Because the blood supply in the joint cavity is not very rich, the exercise volume of the 40-year-old man has dropped. Experts think that the patience is over, and the operation is not necessarily better than the present, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But Zhang Fan thinks that surgery should be done. Old people get old first. If they don't have surgery, the probability of successful surgery will decrease as they get older. Therefore, they should choose to have surgery while they are still young.

When Wang Yongyong heard this, he frowned. He was prepared for the operation, but Zhang Fan was too young, and he was a doctor outside his brain.

"Let me think about it again!" Wang Yongyong said.

"Okay! It's best to do it while you're young." Zhang Fan said. After Wu Yanchao and Wang Yongyong said goodbye, Zhang Fan went back to Shao Hua's house. If he doesn't perform surgery, he can't be tied to do it. Wang Yongyong never thought of having surgery before, but today Zhang Fan said so, he was moved. I started to inquire. My former teammates have been distributed all over the country. It is very convenient to know this information. They are all athletes, and many of them have knee joint injuries.

It's been several weeks, either working overtime or going to acupuncture points, I really haven't had a good time with Shao Hua. It happened that there was no need to be on duty this weekend, so Zhang Fan drove Shao Hua's family into the mountain.

In Chasu City in autumn, the surrounding mountains are golden and fiery red. The front of the leaves may be yellow or red, but the back is silvery white with fluff. When a gust of autumn wind blows, the red, yellow and white are turning alternately, which is really beautiful. The wildflowers in the forest are in their last splendor and fragrance, and this is their last splendor!

There is a small forest tree house hotel in the forest. Opened by Kazakhs, it is a summer resort in summer, and there are fewer tourists after autumn. Because the temperature in the mountains at night is already very low. Zhang Fan and Shao Hua's family came to eat mutton.

Frontier lamb is the best at this time. The lambs that were born that year have been pasted with autumn fat, and the lambs that grew up eating the green grass in the mountains are fat and thin, fat and not greasy, and the wild leeks and garlic in the mountains are really delicious.

The people of Kazakhstan are simple and honest, and it is rare for them to sell their sheep as pastures. But some Han people don’t pay attention to it. In the past, it happened that Han people took banknotes like banknotes to practice banknote counting, and went to pastoral areas to buy up herdsmen’s sheep and cattle. After a year of hard work, they finally got A herdsman with a pile of waste paper! I can't even cry if I want to!

Zhang Fan stood on the side watching Kazakhs slaughtering sheep. It is really an art. The knife flies up and has a strong sense of rhythm. The knife in his hand rises and falls with every breath and breath. Xie Niu is probably at this level, Zhang Fan is fascinated by it. How to be so familiar, the only thing is to practice more, your own liver is not enough!

A large pot of stewed meat and a lamb were divided into seven large pieces, and no small pieces were cut. Throw in a handful of peppercorns and a few spicy peppers from the frontier and wild mushrooms from the forest. The hot peppers that have been exposed to the sun have faded away, leaving a special fragrance, plus the taste of mushrooms. The aroma is already overflowing before it comes out of the pan.

The family sits in a special wooden house, eating fat and tender mutton, drinking hot mutton soup, comfortable! It's autumn, and it's a little cold to live in the mountains. Climbing mountains, eating meat, and a weekend passed like this.

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