Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 29: Don't reach out


First time on a plane, next to the window. After the novelty is over, there is endless fatigue. "Sir, sir, the plane has already landed, and you have arrived at your destination." Zhang Fan opened his eyes and looked, "Are you there? It's so fast." He still had to transfer, so he hurriedly packed his luggage and got off the plane.

It was hot and dry in the frontier in June, and the blue bird was also hot, but there was a little bit of sea breeze, and it rained from time to time, so here it was directly boiled in a frying pan. The flight from Qingniao to the border capital is a large plane, which is not bumpy at all, but from the border capital to Chasu City, it is a small plane that can accommodate 30 people. The lovely stewardess has become an uncle. Moreover, the bumps were severe, just like the tractors he made when he was a child. Zhang Fan was so nervous that he felt like he had no control over his life. Sitting on the small plane, he finally experienced the feeling of a patient on the operating table. Fear, the fear of not being able to control your own life.

When they arrived in Chasu City, Batu took the opportunity to pick him up. It was Zhang Fan's previous overbearing. Zhang Fan gave Batu the car keys before leaving. "You should be fine for the exam. You don't have to go back to the county today, anyway, you'll have the exam tomorrow at the city hospital." Zhang Fan didn't rush to talk about himself when he wanted to take the exam.

Exam the next day, hey! Zhang Fan's chief examiner was Gao Shiming. Although I am not afraid of operations, I am also very happy to meet acquaintances. Full marks for operation and full marks for case analysis. The electrocardiogram and color Doppler ultrasound seem to be uncertain, but they are irrelevant. Because of the exam, Gao Shiming didn't say anything, he just made a phone call. After the exam, Zhang Fan waited outside the exam room for half an hour, and Director Gao came out, "You boy, I haven't seen you since a golden light, the exam should have passed, right? Is the hospital busy?" He didn't know yet Zhang Fan went to study.

"I'm sorry, Director Gao, there is no problem with the exam. I have gone to Jade Bird for further training in the past few months."

"Well, you are going to study further. After staying in the county hospital for a long time, your eyesight is restricted. Go to eat and chat while eating."

"Director, I have to fly back to Jade Bird tomorrow. I'm really sorry today. I brought some dry goods from Jade Bird, and I had to go to the hospital to find you."

"Be careful, you don't need to bring it next time. It's inconvenient to carry things on the road, so I won't keep you today. Go get busy, read more books, and wait until the exam is over in October. Don't fail the exam."

"Okay, Director, I'll go first." Director Gao was the first guide on Zhang Fan's medical journey.

Batu didn't go back yesterday, so he waited for Zhang Fan at the hotel. "I don't have much hope of going to the Health Bureau. County Magistrate Dong Hua has already told me clearly that the county's senior officials have already decided on a candidate."

"What to do."

"Now, I have to find the leaders of the city to enter the city's secondary hospital. The county hospital really can't stay anymore." Batu was a little scared, and the hospital also bought CT. He got some benefits from it, but he could get After getting the money, I couldn't fall asleep. In the past few years, the hospital has built a building, bought equipment, and earned enough. If you don't go, you will really have a big problem.

"How can I help you?" Zhang Fan is just a small citizen, without any great sentiments. He will definitely repay anyone who treats him well.

"Your sister Wang, I know her husband is the third in the municipal party committee. My business is what he says."

"Okay, let's go now. I happened to bring some dry goods. When I go back, you can also take a copy."

"What time is it, I don't have that kind of thought, you give it all to your sister Wang."

Wang Qian's family, "Sister Wang, I brought some dry goods from Jade Bird Advanced Training. Try it, I guess you don't like it. It's too salty and can kill people."

"Silly boy, this is a good thing, you don't know how to make it. Have you eaten it? I'll cook it for you." It happened to be the weekend, Wang Qian was at home, and her husband would not come home for ten thousand years.

"I've eaten. Sister Wang, I have something to say. I'm embarrassed to say it, but I have to." Zhang Fan blushed a little.

"Say it, why are you being polite to me? Could it be that some girl wants me to be a matchmaker?"

"No, the dean of our county hospital is very kind to me. Knowing that I see you, I just thought, can you help to mobilize the work?"

"Where does he want to be transferred as a dean?" Wang Qian said after a little thought.

"He wants to go to the secondary hospital in the city, but if he can't, he can go to other county hospitals."

"For your sake, I'll ask you. What's his name."


Wang Qian understands that Zhang Fan, as a doctor in the county hospital, can't do anything if the leader speaks out? She went to the next bedroom to call her husband. "Lao Jiang, the doctor Zhang who cured my waist~~~" As soon as Wang Qian said this, his husband said: "It's too late now. You just tell Dr. Zhang quietly, and let the ba Try to go back and wait for the news. He has taken serious bribes, and someone below has reported it with his real name. The Commission for Discipline Inspection has already reported it, and he is going to use him as a model. You must not tell it."

After leaving the bedroom, Wang Qian's face was a bit ugly. She was not angry with Zhang Fan, but with Batu. If she didn't know today, she would help Batu to say hello. If she finds out later, her husband will also be implicated.

If Batu was there, one could tell by Wang Qian's face that something was wrong. But Zhang Fan didn't understand, "Sister Wang, how is it? Is there any hope? Your complexion is not very good."

"Hehe, it's okay, I was a little sleepless last night. You go back and tell your dean, just let him wait for the news."

"Okay, Miss Wang. I'm leaving now."

"Don't worry, I didn't eat a bite of the hurried meal, bring some cigarettes and tea back. Smoke less, you are still young."

After leaving the community, Batu's car was parked not far away, "How about it, is there any hope?"

"Sister Wang made a phone call, and then said that she asked you to go back and wait for news, but she didn't say anything else. She gave me some cigarettes and tea."

"You boy, you are very popular. What did you say on the phone?" Batu was happy and hopeful when he heard the news.

"Didn't hear it. Called in the next bedroom."

Let's go, what do you want to eat, I will give you a chance to choose. Zhang Fan has to go back tomorrow. There is not much time. After dinner, Batu handed Zhang Fan the car keys. You can drive to do your business, and put them in the hotel when you are done. I took it when I checked out.

Li Liang, Li Hui and the others are also taking exams in the city. They must be wandering in the city just after the exam. Li Liang would like to thank him, Li Liang was the one who helped me register for the exam. Then he went to Dong Hua's house with dry goods. Although Dong Hua had a serious official attitude, he helped him to study further. Fortunately, it is the weekend at home. After repaying the favors, Zhang Fan started to prepare to go to Jade Bird City again, and bought some dried fruits and raisins. The most famous food here is beef and mutton, but there was no way to bring them. Two bags, the upper limit of the plane consignment.