Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 37: First show


There are many patients in the hospital, and Chasu City is too far away from the capital, so if you are sick, you can only see a doctor here. After Zhang Fan joined the company, Lao Gao asked Li Hongtu and Zhang Fan to form a team. Zhang Fan actually wanted to transfer subjects, but with Lao Gao's posture, transferring subjects was impossible. Li Hongtu is a good guy and doesn't have a strong desire to control. He and Zhang Fan are in a team, so they can give full play to Zhang Fan's strengths. But Wu Jinxi and his group have stopped accepting patients recently. The morning meeting of the department in the morning is the battlefield between him and Lao Gao.

Li Hongtu took in an old lady in her seventies with a fractured femoral head. The physical condition is fair, and I can't stay at home. I fell and broke the femoral head while mopping the floor. This requires a half hip replacement. "How about hip replacement, have you done it?" Lao Gao asked Zhang Fan in the director's office. "It's not a big problem. I often do it when Jade Bird is studying."

"Okay, you are the surgeon today." Artificial hip replacement refers to a prosthesis made of metal materials similar to human bone joints, which uses surgical methods to replace the articular surface damaged by disease or injury. Artificial joint replacement has the advantages of better joint movement, early ground activities, and reduced complications of long-term bed rest in elderly patients.

"Okay, I'll get ready."

"Well, for the time being, you will only use Li Qiong's equipment, and you are not familiar with the others. Old Li is easy to talk to." This surgery requires four surgeons, which is considered a major operation in orthopedic joints. Xue Fei and Zhou Chengfu were the second and third assistants, and Li Hongtu was the first assistant. Although he had a lot of confidence in Zhang Fan, after all, this operation was not small, and it was Zhang Fan's first operation in the city hospital, so he couldn't be careless, and Lao Gao went to the operating room early.

Xue Fei and Zhou Chengfu looked at each other, the visitor was not kind. A resident doctor, Lao Gao specially set up a stage for him to sing. Could it be a relative? Xue Fei squeezed his eyes. Zhou Chengfu understood what he meant, and neither helped nor hindered him. Although the two of them are Lao Gao's apprentices, the resources of a department are limited. If a doctor who is younger and more valued than them appears, they will be embarrassed.

At the beginning of the operation, the skin and fascia are cut layer by layer, and the muscles are bluntly separated. For bone setting and mortar grinding, the equipment dealer is a little girl under Li Qiong, who has prepared the equipment early. In turn, Zhang Fan did it in an orderly manner. Although Xue Fei and Zhou Chengfu would not take the initiative to help, they did not dare to make trouble. As the first assistant, Li Hongtu kept an eye on Zhang Fan's operation steps.

"Very proficient, precise movements, no superfluous movements. It's amazing." Li Hongtu was secretly surprised, where did this old man find a master, he is not very young, and his skills are really not shallow. To put it bluntly, in the department, except for Lao Gao and Lao Wu, other people's surgical operations are definitely not as good as Zhang Fan's.

"It has improved a lot, and the details are getting more and more precise." Lao Gao looked at Zhang Fan's operation and was filled with emotion. They only separated for half a year. Zhang Fan's surgery level has improved several levels. It used to be amazing at most, but now it is simply amazing. Xue Fei and Zhou Chengfu raised their legs in different positions. They both looked depressed. It would be very difficult for them to perform this kind of hip replacement operation. Let alone the main surgeon, this guy is only so old now, and he has already started the main operation. What will happen to them in the future

"Doctor Zhang, the operation is really good. You can lead the group as soon as you get your certificate." Xue Fei raised his leg as if exaggerating Fan. In fact, he pointed out one thing. Zhang Fan didn't have a certificate, and he had to lead the group. At the very least, it must be a sub-high. He just wanted others to be wary of Zhang Fan. Everyone is not stupid, everyone knows Xue Fei's purpose. The work of the department cannot be done by just one person. Today, Lao Gao set up a platform for Zhang Fan, so he has to appease his two apprentices.

"The future work can't be the same as before. The eyebrows and beards are grasped, and the division of labor is clear. The joints and spine are grouped. The deputy senior, attending doctor, and resident doctor must strictly abide by the three-level diagnosis and treatment system. If you have ideas, you can come down and talk to me." A group , Reduce internal friction in the department. It is also beneficial to his management.

Skin suture, drainage, the operation is over. Zhang Fan had no intention of competing with them at all. His main purpose of coming to the city hospital was to upgrade the system as soon as possible. As for the income, it was enough for his sister to go to college. It is really tiring to look around for device rebates and drug rebates every day. "Dr. Xue praised me. I'm just a small resident doctor. You are all my superior doctors. I still understand the rules." Zhang Fan still has to establish a good relationship with them, and there is no way to upgrade the system.

"Doctor Zhang, please be polite." Xue Fei saw that Zhang Fan was very modest, and he couldn't help but give him the face of his master, Lao Gao. Li Hongtu's health is not very good. He usually manages fewer patients and his income is relatively reduced. Lao Gao assigned Zhang Fan to him, which was also a disguised form of compensation. After all, when Lao Gao first became the director, Li Hongtu was still very face-saving and recognized his position early.

After returning to the department and giving the doctor's order, Zhang Fan had to write the medical records by himself, and Lao Chen and Li Liang were contracted for the medical records in the county. There were also several doctors who were transferred, and the one assigned to Zhang Fan and his group was a female doctor who had just graduated this year and could enter a tertiary hospital after graduating from a bachelor's degree, not ordinary people. Zhang Fan himself is still a resident doctor, so he is too embarrassed to instruct others to work.

In the doctor's duty room, Xue Fei lay on the duty bed and said to Zhou Chengfu: "Zhou, what do you think, Lao Gao wants to be divided into groups, which group do you want to go to." The income of the spine and the joints are similar, and the work intensity is similar, and the relative spine is slightly stronger .

"I want to fuck the spine, how about you?"

"I'm going to do the spine too. Look at the newcomer, just start with the hip replacement. Is there a way out for me to go to the joints? Tell me why this guy is so good." Although I was a little jealous of Lao Gao giving Zhang Fan a stage However, I still admire Zhang Fan's level.

"Who says it's not? It's probably just a fresh graduate. It's too strong. Lao Gao has completely blocked Lao Wu's escape route. In the future, if he engages in the spine, Zhang Fan can take off the joints. Lao Wu will have no place to come back in the future." .”

"Hey! One generation is better than the next. I heard that the hospital will no longer recruit undergraduates. If there are a few more graduate students in the department, our life will be really difficult." Xue Fei was a little melancholy.

"So, don't point at Zhang Fan. It's meaningless to say it, and offend others. Zhang Fan is also an undergraduate, and we are the same. As long as we get along well, what will happen to the new doctor in the future."

"As long as you have a lot of thoughts, I guess when you saw someone having an operation today, you thought of it. Oh, I'm just stupid. I have to stay away from smart people like you in the future. I don't know when I will be betrayed."

"Don't talk about it, if you have time in the evening, we are also Lao Gao's direct descendants, please treat Zhang Fan to a meal. I don't think Zhang Fan is a domineering person, so it should be easy to deal with."