Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 56: Blind date one after another


After the results came down, the fact that Zhang Fan passed with a high score was widely publicized by the hospital among young doctors. It probably means that people can take more than 500 exams, but you can't even pass 360 exams. Then the medical office gave Zhang Fan a bonus of 1,000 yuan, more than 500 yuan, which is directly the highest in Chasu City. Counting previous years, there is almost no one in the city hospital that is higher than Zhang Fan's test.

For a month of liver and gallbladder, only a few operations were performed in the last few days. After leaving the department, the hospital uniformly gave the doctors who transferred to another department a three-day leave. Those who transferred were too tired. Take the surgery as an example. The ward rounds in the morning were checked to see how many patients were there. One doctor in the city hospital managed about ten beds. A round of half an hour is gone. Give doctor's orders, half an hour, sign and talk for half an hour, change dressings according to the size of the operation, usually half an hour, record the course of disease for two hours, issue discharge records, and issue checklists for new admissions for one hour each. It's already taken six hours, and it's still a small job, so I took the time to do it. The big job is surgery, three operations a day, including surgery with anesthesia, plus one and a half hours of waking up. This is close to five hours, and these tasks alone have to work overtime to complete. In case of an emergency, you have to stay up all night. But there are many emergencies in the hospital, and it is not normal not to come to the emergency department.

When I meet the teaching doctor in the department with many patients, I want to go home! Just dream, find an empty ward and squat for a while. It's okay if you don't want to work, so don't think about staying in this department in the future. Although the hospital has given you three days off, it still won't let you idle. The transferees are all young doctors who have just entered the hospital for a year or two, most of them are single, and there are also some young nurses. The party organization and league organization in the hospital are waiting for you to have a rest.

It’s okay if you’re not a party member, you’re always a member of the league, it’s okay if you’re not a member of the league, you’re a youth after all, then you have to be under the management of the youth league committee, the secretary of the youth league committee is a young man from the hospital, not a clinical practitioner, he contacted through the youth league committee under the municipal committee Young people from many units held a blind date meeting. There were two hundred people who went to the school. How could Zhang Fan have such thoughts before the practice exam. Now that the grades are down, the certificate will be available in March, and my mentality is much more peaceful. Organizational activities still have to be attended.

Wang Yanan, Li Hui, and Wang Zipeng all went to participate. There are six people in one seat, three men and three women, and almost none of them belong to the same unit. Melon seeds, drinks, and big white rabbits are all young people, and they are organized by the unit. You will get familiar with them after a while. There is a boy at Zhang Fan's table who is from the Education Bureau, and his eloquence is quite good. The smiling faces of the three funny girls were like flowers, but Zhang Fan couldn't do it, his eloquence was not good, so he could only sit and listen honestly, and it was even worse when it came to the dancing session. The university was busy selling instant noodles, so he had the time to learn to dance.

A little nurse in the hospital came to invite Zhang Fan to dance, but Zhang Fan really couldn't do it, and he had to give the little girl face, so many people watched. Bite the bullet and went up, Zhang Fan was careful and cautious, afraid of stepping on someone, and after a song came down, he was covered in sweat, more tiring than performing an operation. Zhang Fan has no advantage in this kind of blind date. He looks average, his face is still dark, and his clothes are average. The most valuable thing is Li Xiao's car, so he can't carry the car in just to show off.

From the beginning to the end, a few nurses came to look for Zhang Fan, but seeing Zhang Fan's sweaty head and face, they all laughed weakly. As soon as the meeting ended, Zhang Fan ran away without waiting for Li Hui and the others. He was really uncomfortable.

During the three-day holiday, the first day was a blind date, and the second day, because Boss Ouyang just took office, in order to reflect the spiritual civilization of the hospital and the mental state of the medical staff, he planned to organize a gala before the Spring Festival. It is impossible for an old doctor to dance for you, so it can only be a young man. The next day, Director Li of the General Affairs Office took me to start rehearsing the show. If you can produce a show yourself, you don’t arrange group projects. If you don’t perform special skills, don’t be embarrassed, let’s sing in a chorus.

On the third day, Zhang Fan was going to tidy up his dormitory. The light in the house is particularly good, and it is also good to bask in the sun in winter. As a result, Miao Juan, the head nurse of the Department of Orthopedics, called, "Zhang Fan, what are you doing and where are you? I'm at the entrance of the hospital, pack up and come quickly."

Miao Juan is a fine person, and she has a straightforward temper, as if she talks and shoots a gun. Before Zhang Fan could open his mouth, she had already hung up the phone. She has a good older sister who works in the tax bureau and her husband is the head of the Development and Reform Commission. The family conditions are quite good. There is a daughter who has graduated from college for two years and works in mobile. She has a staff, and she seems to be a cadre. They are also worried about those who don’t leave the door after get off work.

Miao Juan was worried that Zhang Fan would not come, so she hung up the phone after speaking. Her sister told her for a long time, worrying her, if there is a suitable and excellent young doctor, she will introduce it to her girl. Zhang Fan's performance in the Department of Orthopedics, and passing the exam again, has a bright future. She decided to drag Zhang Fan on a blind date. She could also tell that Zhang Fan's family was not doing well, but the woman didn't care, as long as she was honest and did her job well, it didn't matter if the family had money or not.

Zhang Fan hurried to the entrance of the hospital. Miao Juan looked up and thought Zhang Fan was well dressed. I went over and took his arm and said, "I have a good thing today, and my sister will give you a good deal. Go have a meal and meet someone."

"Who is it?"

Miao Juan took Zhang Fan's arm and said, "Blind date, a beautiful little girl. I have already agreed on something, and you have promised me, so hurry up and go, you can't go back on your word." When did Zhang Fan agree? Remember. But being dragged by Miao Juan can't help it, so let's go.

Shanghe Restaurant, the only chain western restaurant in Chasu City. Uighurs and Kazakhs especially love western food, and the business is very good. You need to reserve a seat in advance for dinner. When you arrive at the restaurant, you find that the people you want to meet have already arrived, not only the pretty girl but also her mother. After introducing each other, we were seated. The girl Jia Suyue, her family is from the south of China, and her name entrusts her grandfather's longing.

Jia Suyue's mother was quite satisfied with Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan gave her the impression that he was calm, not impetuous, average in appearance, and not bad in height. Her mother sat with Miao Juan for a while and then found an excuse to leave. Before leaving, the head nurse squeezed Zhang Fan's arm and gave a stern look, meaning to behave well and not embarrass the old lady. Zhang Fan's situation has been clearly revealed by Miao Juan to her sister. The backbone of the department works hard and does not go to nightclubs. He has a good reputation, and middle-aged and elderly women care about this.

After they left, Zhang Fan felt embarrassed, and the girl across from him ignored him. He didn't know what to say. Jia Suyue talked about one in college, but he went abroad, so there was no more. There are many people chasing her at work, but none of them can be liked by her. Jia Suyue is an out-and-out face control. Zhang Fan blacked out, she didn't like it at first. In order not to give the other party the illusion, he directly ignored Zhang Fan. She was also worried that Zhang Fan was a brown candy, the kind that couldn't be shaken off with a little coloring.

The two were silent for a few minutes, and the food was served. Another tn tragedy happened to Zhang Fan, he couldn't eat western food! This meal made him feel too uncomfortable, and it’s hard for him to leave. No matter how you say it, you have to give face to the head nurse. You have to wait for the girl to leave. He has to buy the bill, which is also an explanation to the head nurse. . The girl just ate but didn't speak, although Zhang Fan was pretty good, but Zhang Fan already had no expectations, why should the things he made clear be annoying.

When I figured it out, I was relieved. If I couldn't eat Western food, I simply stopped eating and sat and waited.

"Why don't you go?" the girl said, her posture has already scared away n blind daters.

"I have to pay the bill, otherwise the head nurse will eat me when I go back." Zhang Fan told the truth. Explain clearly to others that we are not dog skin plasters.

"What if there is no head nurse?"

"Then I can't come here either."

No more talking, finish the meal. Zhang Fan paid the bill, it really hurts, more than three hundred. "Shall we go for a walk together?" the girl said.