Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 57: Sister


Jia Suyue and Zhang Fan were in the wrong position one behind the other. Zhang Fan, who was walking on the road, also knew that he couldn't afford this kind of girl at the moment, and she married a man to dress and eat. You can't even provide the standard of living for others, why should you pursue them? Is pursuing others to improve your own living standards!

"Aren't all of you doctors obsessed with cleanliness?" The girl's tone was not good, and she was also helpless. She wanted to go home a long time ago, but now when she goes back, her old mother can nagging her to death. And this doctor is a boring gourd, if you don't talk, he won't talk either.

Zhang Fan was very depressed. He wanted to go back quickly, but he couldn't go first. When the girl asked, he said, "A little bit." That's all.

"Are you busy with work?" The tone was a little better this time, and she could tell that this person was not a brown candy, and he was not the kind who came to her family with a sweet mouth. Much less annoying emotions.

Zhang Fan said, "It's pretty busy."

"Are you usually so seldom?" Jia Su looked back at Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan was a little embarrassed, looked up, then lowered his head and said, "It's okay."

"Haha. You're so funny." Jia Suyue found that Zhang Fan was shy. After chatting for more than half an hour, the two separated, and Zhang Fan was relieved. When Jia Suyue came home, her old lady had been waiting on the sofa for a long time. Seeing her daughter come home, she hurriedly asked, "How is it? , especially promising, and a very stable person.”

"Furthermore, are you in such a hurry to marry me off! I won't talk to you anymore. I'll go to rest for a while." After finishing speaking, she entered the bedroom. Her mother chased her and said, "I can tell you, don't find a bad boy, I won't agree."

Zhang Fan was discharged from hepatobiliary surgery, and the medical office sent him to the double gland department. The double gland department is the only department with female surgeons. There are almost no emergency cases in this department, and the relative operation time is not very long. Women account for the majority of patients. In the department, there is one director, two deputy senior managers, and three attending physicians. They were all hospitalized and transferred to different departments.

The director is a woman, about fifty years old, very well-known in the field of double glands in the frontier. There are two assistant seniors, one male and one female, three attending two females and one male. The male doctor in the biennale department has a miserable life. With the addition of nurses, the department is almost dominated by women. If a male doctor's arrogance is a little high, he will be attacked by women in general practice. Zhang Fan and Wang Zipeng went to the double gland department together. When Wang Zipeng saw that he and Zhang Fan transferred together, he wanted to apply for internal medicine.

The director, Li Qiuhua, arranged for Zhang Fan to follow Su Jing, a woman in her thirties. Wang Zipeng followed Zhou Guohua, and the male ruled. After the morning meeting, Su Jing took Zhang Fan on rounds. Almost all of her patients are mammary (a) gland patients. After leaving the ward, Su Jing asked Zhang Fan, "I heard that you are also from Su University?"

Zhang Fan replied in amazement: "Yes, are you too?" Su Jingyan smiled and said, "Me too, five grades higher than you, it's your senior sister, you are so strong, you can pass more than 500 exams, everyone I was so surprised, but I was also very happy when I found out. I have been busy up front, and I was planning to find a time to call you for dinner, but you came to our department. I will invite you to dinner after work."

"Really, oops! I finally met my relatives. I thought I was the only one in Suda in this hospital. Is the senior sister also from the frontier from the west?"

"No, my family is here, and I came back after graduation. I heard from the surgeon that you are also very good at surgery. The younger brother really gave our school principal face."

"Hehe, I blushed from what my senior sister said." Zhang Fan and Su Jing were really happy when they met from a school thousands of miles away. The double gland department is a little more relaxed than other departments. It doesn't matter if you can enter the double gland's home. Don't even think about it. The double gland department in every hospital is a related household.

Su Jing was very enthusiastic about Zhang Fan, and took Zhang Fan to dinner at noon. During the meal, Su Jing asked Zhang Fan: "Which department are you planning to enter?" Zhang Fan thought for a while and said, "Haven't decided yet, I think the possibility of orthopedics is high, because I entered the department of orthopedics when I took the exam. .”

Su Jing said in surprise: "Really, that condition was customized for you at that time? Junior brother, it's really not easy." Zhang Fan smiled and said: "Not really, at that time in the county hospital, no one went to further study, so just Send me."

"That's great. Let the orthopedics department customize the number of places. It's great." The two chatted while eating.

In the afternoon, a breast (d) gland cyst operation, Zhang Fan washed his hands and disinfected, breast (ah) gland cysts have a chance of becoming cancerous, although it is very small, it is best to remove it after discovery, the larger the breast (ah) gland, the easier it is to develop cysts . The operation is very simple, a small incision is made, the cyst is removed, and the endometrium is removed. Su Jing also wanted to see Zhang Fan's level, so she asked Zhang Fan to do the surgery. It was a very simple operation, and within ten minutes, Zhang Fan removed it and sewed it up. Zhang Fan sewed so well that the incision was hardly visible.

Su Jing said in surprise: "Zhang Fan, your level is really good. I can't even sew this seam. Your hands are so skillful. This is considered a cosmetic suture, and you will have to pay for the operation." She laughed to herself. .

There are a lot of operations on double glands, since Zhang Fan did a good job, let Zhang Fan do all of Su Jing's cases. At lunch, Zhang Fan ran into Li Hui, and he said with a smirk, "The little virgin cuts his bags every day, does he feel anything?"

"Leave quickly, you made me wait for midnight, you are not kind." Zhang Fan was talking about the night when the grades were released.

"Hey, I left the opportunity to open the treasure chest to you, and you still don't thank me, aren't you very happy the moment you opened it?"

"Yeah." Zhang Fan was really happy.

"Don't go home during the Chinese New Year." Li Hui's family also belonged to Suxing.

"I want to go back, but I haven't bought a ticket. Are you going home?"

"Oh! We came together last year, but this year I came back alone."

"Who is to blame? It's all because you don't cherish yourself." Zhang Fan said.

Zhang Fan has never written a few medical records since he became a doctor, and this time he will not be able to do it when he comes to the double gland department. The teacher is his senior sister, and the two talk casually. Su Jing said to Zhang Fan: "Since you are a doctor, you have to take care of the patients. We share the beds equally, and you manage the patients independently, and some of the commissions will belong to you." Su Jing sincerely took care of Zhang Fan. , I want Zhang Fan to grow up quickly.

For a novice doctor, the lifting of the independent tube bed is the fastest. "Thank you, Senior Sister, the commission is fine, let me take care of the bed is already very good."

"It's okay, this is what you deserve. You didn't have a high income when you first came here. After you get your certificate and register, you will be fine. There will be many people looking for you." After speaking, he winked his eyes. It is very simple to manage the patients with double glands. Generally, it is necessary to prepare before the operation, change the medicine after the operation, and give some blood circulation and blood stasis. It is ok. Generally, chemotherapy patients are more troublesome, and they must pay attention to white blood cells and the like. Assay value.