Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 67: plaster


die! What a terrible thing. In the heart almost every day, it may happen at any time. After a week, Zhang Fan got used to it.

In fact, this state is not good. If you lack awe of death, you will become indifferent. Because normalization leads to a lack of compassion and compassion. But what can we do? In a country with a huge population, there are only a few doctors, what can this group of white-clothed messengers do? They just follow the crowd.

Many people think that doctors are cold, but it is actually their helplessness, which has experienced too many lives and deaths. They are also a group of ordinary people. When they put on that white coat, they often bear responsibilities that ordinary people do not understand.

People are born with so many emotions, facing death every day, seeing death, emotions will not be able to separate. No matter how painful and sad the family members are, it is too normal for them, just like eating and sleeping, this is also the sadness of being a doctor.

When facing death for the first time, Zhang Fan was confused, at a loss, and lost, feeling like he had suddenly fallen from the clouds. During that time, bloody images often appeared in his dreams.

Doctors are not omnipotent. Many times, they are helpless, and they often have no way to deal with diseases. But they still have to face the pleading eyes of family members and patients.

This is a mental experience. After that period of time, Zhang Fan's career path has matured, which actually means that he has begun to become a real professional doctor, not an ordinary person or an intern. When others see him, they often add a prefix immediately: doctor.

Life in the Department of Cardiology can be summed up in one sentence as tense, cautious, rigorous, and hard work.

The heart is the engine of the body, any accident will lead to death, and the heart doctor who repairs this engine is always tense.

In the emergency room of an ordinary tertiary hospital, the department of cardiology is the largest, and the medical equipment is also the most complete. There are often two or three groups of people who are rescuing two or three dying patients at the same time.

The psychological quality of the intern medical students is poor, not to mention participating in the rescue. Seeing this kind of scene, if the legs are not weak, they will pass the test. The hearts of this group of people in white coats are not born hard.

Years of professional training and daily experience made them harden. It doesn't work if you don't have to be hard, you can cry when you walk, you don't have to work, and you can't cry every day when you sit and cry.

In his sophomore year, Zhang Fan's anatomy teacher gave a warning to his group of future doctors: the profession of a doctor is not romantic, it needs to face death. Medical students learn the basics in the first year, and only come into contact with clinically closely related subjects in the second year.

That year, the weather was so hot that the human anatomy room was closed for a summer vacation, and the smell was terrible. The smell of carrion and formalin filled the entire building.

A group of young students excitedly gathered around a corpse storage box. Although it was hot, there were not many people. More than 30 people gathered together, waiting to see the so-called human anatomy.

The moment the lid is opened. When the sour smell came from the pavement, the skin was peeled off, and the red and white corpse, I don't know which student couldn't bear it first.

Pooh! Throwing up, the tofu nao I ate in the morning, with coriander and hot peppers, red, white and green, spit all over the floor, one spit, chain, more than 30 people started to spit, one counts as one, milk all over the floor, chewing Old bread, broken noodles, eggs. Someone even ate stinky tofu in the morning, that taste!

More than 30 people vomited in a closed room at the same time, and the scene was extremely sour.

The anatomy teacher left early. She knew this first lesson was not easy, but it had to be something they had to go through. Since then, the human anatomy class has been sitting around the corpse for two years.

In the end, it didn't matter, and I ate beside the corpse with instant noodles. It's not that you don't pay attention, but that you are helpless. If you can't pass this level, you should change careers early. If you can't work as a doctor, don't delay yourself and your future illness.

In the cardiology department, what Zhang Fan does most is to write medical records and do electrocardiograms for patients. The medicine in his heart was too complicated, and Zhang Fan hadn't mastered all of them after more than a week. Without the blessing of the system, he is also an ordinary person.

The other two little girls are better than him. After all, they have been transferred to several departments of internal medicine. If you can't read a book once, you can read it twice, and if you still can't, you can read it three times.

When I return to the dormitory after get off work, I just read and study. The progress is not slow, combined with clinical practice, the effect is very good. To pick up the lost foundation again, physiology, biochemistry, and pathology are all indispensable. If one is missing, I don’t understand why it is treated in this way. How did this disease come about.

Medicine is a discipline that pays special attention to the up-and-down links. If one is missing, there will be defects, the principle of the disease will not be clear, and the patient will not be treated well.

Shao Hua's mother has gotten better recently, and Zhang Fan's massage has obvious recovery effects. In the evening, her mother came to look for Zhang Fan alone. These days, Shao Hua accompanied her. Zhang Fan didn't see Shao Hua, and felt a little lost.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhang. It's getting better recently. You can lift your arms and it doesn't hurt too much." As he spoke, he raised his arms and gestured to Zhang Fan.

"That's good, you must have exercised at home, right? My treatment alone won't have such a good effect."

"Yes, I do the wall-climbing exercises you taught every day." After she finished speaking, she took out another box of plasters from her bag. "Dr. Zhang, look, this was introduced to me by my neighbor. It is said to be very miraculous. A paralyzed patient stood up after sticking a few boxes. I don't believe it. She insisted on letting me try it."

Zhang Fan took the box and looked at it. The ingredients were safflower, musk and the like. "Auntie, this plaster has a certain effect of promoting blood circulation, but it is not effective for your frozen shoulder."

"I don't believe it. What our neighbor said is amazing. There are more than a hundred in a box."

"Auntie, you are still exercising normally. Come to me for a massage on time. This plaster is not available for the time being. Why didn't Shao Hua come. You come alone, can she rest assured?"

"I'm almost healed. There's nothing to worry about. She's working overtime today. She seems to have to deal with inspections by her superiors. She's busy every day."

"Oh!" Zhang Fan felt relieved, he was afraid that Shao Hua would hide from him. Although the two of them hadn't made much progress in the past few days, during the treatment, Zhang Fan still took the initiative to find topics to chat with Shao Hua.

Speaking of plaster, a strange rumor has been circulating in the market recently. A person who has been paralyzed for ten years can stand up and walk directly after using a certain brand of plaster. Leaving aside the treatment effect, I have been paralyzed for ten years, and my muscles have atrophied. Without a long period of muscle training, I can walk when I stand up. It is not a robot, it is made of steel.

Many elderly people still believe in it, and this brand of plaster can cure all kinds of diseases. Coughed, stuck to the throat. I got a headache and stuck it to my temple. If your stomach hurts, stick it on your stomach.

Some diseases do not need to be treated, and the body can heal itself, but some old people believe that I have a cold, and it will be fine with two stickers. It's fine if you don't have any injections or medicine, it really works.

A box is more than a hundred, so it doesn't matter if you spend a little money, but it's no small matter if you delay your illness. Although the medical industry in Huaguo is not good in every way, in just a few decades, the average life expectancy of a country has increased from more than 30 to more than 70. The medical industry has contributed a lot.

My heart has been very busy recently. When the spring is warm and cold, it is most likely to cause colds and infections, which will lead to heart failure in a chain. There are a lot of hospitalized patients, and many of them have no beds, so they can only temporarily live in the hallway waiting for a bed.

There are many patients, and accidents are easy to happen. Ren Li emphasized every day at the morning meeting, and everyone was tense. Ye Jing couldn't stand it these days, if Zhang Fan hadn't helped her, she would have applied for annual leave.

While being extremely careful, something happened to Ye Jingguan's sick number, and it was still a major event, Ye Jing collapsed immediately.