Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 7: Xiao Zhang has the final say on orthopedics


After the operation, Nuer asked Zhang Fan to take care of the patient, but Zhang Fan refused. Although there is a shortage of money at present, it is more urgent to perform more surgeries. Chen Qifa should be very happy to just do the surgery regardless of the patient's number. The commission for the steel plate will be divided among three people, and the commission for the available medicine will belong to him. In the future, Zhang Fan will still need Lao Chen to be his assistant, so Nuer can't count on it.

For orthopedic surgery, no patients come for many days, or there are surgeries every day for several days in a row. Zhang Fan has already confirmed his status in the orthopedics department. Old Nuer is very relieved of him. He hasn't come to the hospital for many days. Anyway, he is about to retire, and the dean doesn't care about him. Zhang Fan and the others signed the old Nuer's name after the operation. Although there were surgeries for several days in a row, it was still far from the standard for starting the next subject. Zhang Fan brushed up on trauma and rehabilitation again, and gained a lot of new gains.

Before the operation, Zhang Fan had to humbly beg someone to let him do it when he went to other departments, but now it is different, others have put Zhang Fan in the position of a chief surgeon. After several consecutive days of surgery, there were many days of no sickness. Originally, the population of Quake County was not large, around 100,000 people. In addition, they were worried about the level of medical care in the county. For some serious diseases, people would go to the city to see a doctor.

There is no way, if you can’t do the surgery, just focus on rehabilitation, anyway, it needs practical operation. Zhang Fan is like a hair/film seller. He asks everyone he sees, including doctors and nurses in the hospital: "Do you have a hyperplasia of intervertebral disc? Do you need a massage?" The actual operation of the systematic rehabilitation includes the recovery of intervertebral disc herniation, lumbar Bulging manual reset, lumbar muscle strain massage rehabilitation, etc.

Most of the older nurses have poor lumbar spine, which can be regarded as an occupational disease. The head nurse of the Second Department of Surgery is Zhang Fan's first patient for rehabilitation. "Doctor Zhang, my waist is sore and my legs are numb these days. I can't get up when I sit down, and I can't sit down when I get up. Show me."

"Head nurse, your lumbar disc herniation is compressing the nerves. It's not serious. I'll give you a course of rehabilitation, and it should be better. In the future, try not to sit for a long time, and you can't lift heavy objects, or you will relapse." Zhang Fan looked at Gu Li's CT scan and said.

"Hu Da, thank God if it can be relieved." Obviously, Gu Li doesn't have much hope. She has been to the hospital in the border capital. She was asked to have an operation, but Gu Li didn't dare to do it. The day came back, and the usual patience passed. I was a little tired these days, and my waist and legs hurt badly. It happened that Zhang Fan was asking questions all over the world, so I came to let Zhang Fan give it a try.

There is a clear difference between the rehabilitation massage of Western medicine and the principle of Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine has meridians and acupoints, while Western medicine is relatively simple and violent. For example, in the case of lumbar disc herniation, the protruding intervertebral disc is compressed through various body position changes and external forces. go back. Zhang Fan asked Gu Li to lie on her side with her head in her hands. With his left hand, he slowly pushed Gu Li's pelvis, and with his right hand, he slowly pulled Gu Li's shoulder joint. Make Gu Li's spine form a separation torque up and down, and slowly reset the intervertebral disc through this torque force.

After more than an hour of treatment, Zhang Fan asked Gu Li to get out of bed to see if there was any improvement. Gu Li got out of bed slowly and moved her waist slightly. Then he turned his head and stared wide-eyed, grabbed Zhang Fan's hand and said, "My brother, he is obviously much lighter than before." He kissed Zhang Fan's cheek as he spoke. Gu Li is in her forties, and Uyghur relatives are always kissing each other. Her waist was tormenting her to death, a little improvement is great news, this made Zhang Fan's face turn red.

"Haha, my younger brother is shy. How about my sister introduce you to a sheep jar (meaning wife/girlfriend)!"

Married women are equally pungent regardless of their ethnicity. Zhang Fan couldn't resist, so he quickly escaped from the treatment room and entered the doctor's office. Gu Li watched Zhang Fan run away, and laughed even more recklessly.

With Gu Li as a role model, more old nurses looked to Zhang Fan for help. Although I dragged my tired body back to the dormitory every day, I was very happy in my heart, because I was one step closer to the next subject.

"Ouch, our friend of middle-aged and elderly women is finally back. I thought you were dragged home." Li Hui teased while smoking after seeing Zhang Fan. There are many old nurses looking for Zhang Fan to see a doctor these days, so Li Hui made fun of it.

"Come on, why didn't you go to see your Sasha today?" Zhang Fan didn't care, after all, Li Hui didn't mean anything even if he was teasing.

"I'll wait for you."

"What are you waiting for me to borrow money from? My pockets are cleaner than my face, so don't think about me."

"Am I short of money?" Li Hui said contemptuously.

"It used to be 10 yuan for snow lotus, but now it has become 5 yuan for Honghe. It is no wonder that you are short of money."

"Hey! It can't be said. Wang Sha stipulates that the monthly cigarette fee is 50, and there is no more than 10 cents. Isn't there no way, but don't worry, brother will not borrow money from you. A few days ago, Wang Sha and I went out I found a Han Chinese restaurant with good taste when I was in the hospital. The braised pork is authentic. The beef and mutton on the hospital stove almost vomited. Today, Wang Sha and I don’t have to be on duty. It’s not interesting to eat together. I want to pull you away."

As soon as Zhang Fan heard it, he refused: "I, as a single, won't go to the world of your young couple. I will go to be sad." Zhang Fan doesn't want to disturb other people's world of two. One reason is that he is poor. subsidy. It doesn't cost much to go out to eat, and this time Li Hui treats guests, so he has to invite them back next time. Zhang Fan still has to save tuition fees for his younger sister, so he doesn't want to go.

"Stop talking nonsense. Let's go." Without any explanation, he pulled Zhang Fan out. Li Hui was also a little cautious when inviting Zhang Fan to dinner. First, Zhang Fan's skills are well known to everyone, and the closer relationship in a dormitory is beneficial. Second, this has been in the hospital for almost two months, and he and Wang Sha have never had sex. Zhang Fan doesn't have a date and he doesn't seem like a person who talks too much. If we get closer, he can have sex with his girlfriend in the dormitory in the future, and Zhang Fan just dodged it.

The three of them ate and chatted in a good atmosphere, but Li Hui and his wife didn't feed each other to give Zhang Fan a crushing blow. While eating, the orthopedics department came to a patient with webbed hands. Patient, male, 15 years old, Kazakhstan, pastoral area. Because I had little contact with the outside world, I didn't receive any treatment when I was young. This was because a relative persuaded me to come to the county hospital for treatment.

Tu Xun was on duty in the Second Department of Surgery today. When he saw the patient number, he called the deputy director, Shi Lei. Whether the county hospital was transferred or not needed the director of the department to ask the director for instructions. Trouble, call the deputy director directly. Director Nuer is unreliable, and now he is absolutely drunk and unconscious.

As soon as Shi Lei heard this, he said to Tu Xun on the phone: "For orthopedic matters, first contact Xiao Zhang."