Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 78: Wash your mouth twenty times


Regional hospitals, whether they are top three or not, almost do basic work. Talking about research is just a cloud. I am busy going to the clinic, writing medical records, and performing operations all day, so I don’t have time to do research. Besides, due to the limited conditions of grassroots hospitals, hospitals only provide spiritual support for personal research, and don't even think about the rest.

Lao Hu had some insights into amebic bowel disease and published several papers, but due to limited conditions, the number of patients could not increase, so he could only figure it out by himself, but his papers were often cited by others. He was also very proud of it.

This is also the tragedy of the medical field in Huaguo. As long as you can't enter a hospital above the provincial level, you will be a skilled worker from then on, doing the same thing year after year, day after day, without innovation, and you can't innovate.

It’s okay to study something and produce a result. If you fail, boundless ridicule will come surging, and you won’t stop until you are overwhelmed. After you get used to skilled work, you will be safe, no one Say you, no one laughs at you. Therefore, civilian doctors who are able to stand out are elites, who can withstand pressure and can despise ridicule.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. The spring in Chasu City is very short. It often spends it in the rain and snow. Sometimes one day suddenly, you will find that the peach blossoms are blooming. Zhang Fan goes to work in the morning, as long as he did not work overtime the night before, he will get up more than an hour earlier to go for a run.

Although there are systematic blessings, self-exercise is also very important. How can a doctor treat others if he is not healthy? After running two laps along the hospital, sweating, and taking a bath, I feel refreshed all day long.

In Chasu City, ethnic minorities make up the majority. If you want to eat soy milk or fried dough sticks for breakfast, you have to go to a far-away development zone. There are many Han people there, and the breakfast around the hospital is either mutton buns or beef zygote, milk tea butter, and the fat content is a bit high.

Zhang Fan bought a small rice cooker. Before running, he cooked some porridge, and he would be fine when he returned home. It was very comfortable to eat some steamed rolls and pickles. Eating meat in the morning is really hard to digest. Zhang Fan usually leaves half an hour early for work to read books or something.

As soon as I entered the gate of the hospital in the morning, I found a middle-aged woman clutching her left chest and falling down with a bang. She was also pulling a child, about five or six years old, who cried loudly: "Mom! Mom!" Although it was half an hour before going to work, she was lucky enough to fall down in the hospital.

Zhang Fan Sanbu ran to her in two steps, and at the same time, two nurses also noticed the situation and hurried over.

When Zhang Fan saw it, something was wrong. A lot of liquid flowed out from the closed jaw, which was painful. Touch your chest with your left hand. Zhang Fan stretched out his hand to touch the carotid artery while shouting, "Wake up, wake up, comrade!"

"Quick! Come and help me calm down, you go to the cardiology department and call someone." Zhang Fan touched the carotid artery and found that the woman's pulse could no longer be felt, and said to the nurse. After laying the patient down, Zhang Fan quickly cleaned up the residue in her mouth to keep her breathing unobstructed. The initial judgment was cardiac arrest, and the rescue time window for cardiac arrest was very short, and it was too late to wait for someone.

The two nurses are students who come to the hospital for internship. One went to call someone, and the other was at a loss. Zhang Fan knelt down and began to perform chest compressions, quickly give her mouth-to-mouth breathing.

"I won't!" the little nurse said in fear.

"God." Regardless of the saliva and foam in the patient's mouth, Zhang Fan gave a artificial respiration. The child next to him was crying out of breath. "Comfort the child." Already very nervous, the child cried violently again, making people irritated beyond ordinary.

"Take care of the child." Zhang Fan took the time to say. For 4 to 5 minutes, if effective circulation cannot be achieved, irreversible damage will be left in the brain of patients with cardiac arrest. If the time is longer, there will be no chance. The usual exercise and the blessing of the system made Zhang Fan's power output very even.

More and more people came over, and several doctors also came. Seeing this situation, they immediately stepped forward to help Zhang Fan in the rescue. This patient was really lucky, and Zhang Fan's rescue was effective. Pulse fluctuates after a round of chest compressions.

The doctor in my heart also came with a first aid kit. When more professional doctors arrived, Zhang Fan stepped aside. The child was tired from crying, lying in the arms of the little nurse, looking pitifully at the mother lying on the ground.

"Hurry up, send it to the emergency room. Ventricular fibrillation. It might go into sudden arrest. Come and help." After everyone helped carry the stretcher in the emergency department, the doctor in his heart took the patient away.

Zhang Fan's trousers had turned into muddy trousers. It's too late to go back now. I found a faucet and washed my mouth first. I didn't care about the emergency, so I just blew it mouth to mouth without any gauze.

It was about to get off work at noon, and the phone in my heart came, "Zhang Fan, did you rescue the patient in the morning? Did you do the artificial respiration?" Ren Li called the gastroenterology department.

With a harsh tone, Zhang Fan's heart "thumped", it must be an accident. "It was me. I met it at work in the morning, and it fell in front of me. When I touched it at the time, the carotid artery had disappeared, and it was too late to send it to the emergency department. And I asked an intern nurse to notify the cardiology department. And the rescue The chamber was effective, and within three minutes there was a carotid pulse."

This kind of thing needs to explain the situation at that time clearly. If the rescue is successful, it is what you should do. If it fails or there are sequelae, the hospital will have to inquire. If the family members are unreasonable, it will be very troublesome, but as a doctor, no matter how troublesome it is, he will do it.

"Let's not talk about this, you come here first, hurry up." Ren Li urged.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Fan was puzzled. There was no other way, so I hurried upstairs to the cardiology department.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

"Is there any damage to your mouth or lips?"

"HIV?" Zhang Fan understood instantly.

"No, it's a HBV (hepatitis B) positive patient." Ren Li looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"It doesn't seem to be broken." Zhang Fan touched his lips involuntarily and said. After finishing speaking, he ignored Ren Li, turned around and ran away. In the bathroom, Zhang Fan opened his mouth to see if his skin and mucous membranes were damaged.

Fortunately, it didn't break. Half an hour later, Zhang Fan came out with a swollen mouth.

The doctor in his heart sympathized with Zhang Fan's appearance, and no one laughed at him, "I have already reported to the hospital infection office, you go to get a blood draw, and if necessary, get an injection of hepatitis B immunoglobulin. We also just got the test Shan, you and the hospital office were notified as soon as possible," Ren Li said.

"Is that person alright?" Zhang Fan's mouth was not broken, and he was vaccinated on time, so he wasn't particularly worried. I have already come to the cardiology department, so I just asked a casual question, otherwise I will always have something on my mind.

"Rescue in time, and now he has been hospitalized for observation, Zhang Fan, this is you!" Ren Li gave Zhang Fan a thumbs up as she spoke.

"That's good, I'll go get the blood drawn first." It's not that Zhang Fan has a big heart, it's a matter of professional ethics. He doesn't know the outcome of the patients he handles, and he really thinks about it all the time.

The people from the Hospital Infection Office ran into Zhang Fan in the elevator. Several people escorted Zhang Fan to the laboratory as if they were kidnapping. The result came out soon, and Zhang Fan's luck was not bad, hbsab (+). With antibodies, there is no need for further treatment.

The director of the Hospital Infection Office patted Zhang Fan on the shoulder, "Young man, you are doing well. Your legs are not weak. I will take a few people with me, just in case you will be too scared to leave." Although it was a joke, the part of the joke Helpless, outsiders can't understand it.