Paying Dues

Chapter 9: reject





Wen Xunchuan opened his bleary sleepy eyes, reached out his hand to grab the mobile phone on the bedside table that disturbed the dream, and took a look:

[1 Request to add you as a friend. Remark:? ]

[1 Request to add you as a friend. Note: Are you sick? ]

[1 Request to add you as a friend. Remarks: why delete me? ]

He nodded casually, stuffed the phone under the pillow, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.



Wen Xunchuan, who came back from the hospital and had only slept for more than two hours now, was so sleepy but was constantly interrupted that his sleep was interrupted, Wen Xunchuan felt a little annoyed, and took out his phone from under the pillow impatiently. He Linzhou's phone was still on the screen. Application for adding friends:

[1 Request to add you as a friend. Remarks: Passed! ! ! ]

[1 Request to add you as a friend. Remarks: If you don’t pass within five minutes, go to the river around the city to pick up your car keys later]

car key

Wen Xunchuan was a little puzzled, his car was in the repair shop, where did He Linzhou get the keys.

Distraught, he blacklisted He Linzhou's WeChat account, and turned off his phone on silent.

The world is finally quiet.

He closed his eyes, and before the severe drowsiness in front of him was about to swallow his remaining consciousness, he suddenly opened them again.

car key!

Wen Zhixu's car.

Early this morning at the hospital, he was so sleepy that he got dizzy after getting his IV drip, so he took a taxi back and fell asleep, never expecting that Wen Zhixu's car was still in the hospital parking lot.

He suppressed his drowsiness and sat up on the bed, dragged He Linzhou's WeChat from the blacklist, and agreed to the friend request. Before he could speak, a voice note was sent from the other side.

He deliberately took the phone away, turned down the volume, and then turned on the voice.

Sure enough, He Linzhou's furious roar came from the phone: "You are fucking sick, right? Wen Xunchuan? Added and then deleted? Are you bored? The key has been thrown away, go fish it in the river by yourself!"

Wen Xunchuan typed back: Sorry.

[The other party has turned on friend verification, and you are not his (her) friend yet. Please send a friend verification request first, and the other party can only chat after the verification is passed. ]

… childish.

It was only when he sent the fifth request to add a friend that the other party finally agreed. He couldn't help sighing: the "childish" sentence just now was a bit early.

The moment his friend passed by, He Linzhou preemptively threw out a word: Get lost.

Wen Xunchuan pressed the voice button, his voice was low and hoarse just after waking up, with a strong nasal sound in it, it sounded lazy but not rude, "I'm sorry, I just fell asleep, thank you for sending me yesterday Hospital." He paused, thinking that after all, he had to lower his posture, and continued softly, "Um... where are you? Is it convenient to meet?"

After the voice was sent, [Entering... ] was displayed on the dialogue box between the two of them for a long time.

Wen Xunchuan got a little impatient waiting, and threw his phone beside his pillow, thinking that if He Linzhou sent a series of national curses in a while, he would go directly to the 4s shop to change Wen Zhixu's car lock.

After a while, WeChat rang. He picked up his phone and saw a voice message from He Linzhou.

I don't know if it's Wen Xunchuan's illusion, but I always feel that He Linzhou's voice sounds inexplicably unnatural: "Oh... send me a location."

Wen Xunchuan got up and took a shower. He had nothing to do today, so he didn't bother to tidy up. He only put on a simple white sweater and loose home pants, and went out with a pair of woolen slippers on his feet.

When he arrived at the gate of the community, he took out his mobile phone and checked the time. Seeing that the eight o'clock appointment with He Linzhou was still twenty minutes away, he turned to an old steamed stuffed bun shop in the back street and bought a cage of chicken broth that he had been thinking about for a long time but had no time to queue up for. Soup dumplings.

He yawned lazily with a bag of freshly baked soup dumplings, and walked unhurriedly towards the gate of the community.

A black Maybach G650 parked across the road, saw him come over and honked twice.

As soon as he walked over, the window was lowered.

The man in the car was obviously well-groomed. He deliberately blown his hair back and was wearing a slightly exaggerated black leather jacket. When he got closer, he could faintly smell the slightly sweet scent of perfume emanating from him. It's not packed well.

Wen Xunchuan made a gentle smile on his face, and greeted him first, "Morning."

He Linzhou raised his hand to take off the sunglasses on his face, his impatient expression could be clearly seen without the cover. Subconsciously, Wen Xunchuan took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and glanced at the time——7:58.

Following his movements, He Linzhou's eyes saw the steamed stuffed bun in his hand, and when he raised his eyes to look at him, his expression suddenly became complicated, and his tone was mixed with disbelief: "You... bought it for me?"

"..." Wen Xunchuan looked down at the bun in his hand, couldn't help but sighed in his heart, raised his hand and passed the bun through the car window, and tried to force a smile, "Well, it's hard work for you early in the morning Let's go for a run."

He Linzhou's cheeks were slightly flushed, and he reached out to take the bun and placed it on the shield in front of the dashboard, and said uncomfortably, "Thank you."

Before waiting for a response, he turned his head to look at Wen Xunchuan, and saw that Wen Xunchuan was still standing by the side of the car, looking past him to the inside of the car, and was still fixed on the bag of buns. He couldn't refute Wen Xunchuan's good intentions, hesitated for a moment, took out a small and clear soup dumpling from the bag and took a bite in front of Wen Xunchuan.

The fresh juice wrapped in the thin skin of the Q bomb flows into his mouth as he bites down, and the taste is strong and fragrant, and it is fragrant but not greasy.

Wen Xunchuan saw that there was greasy soup on his lips, and his stomach made a few low noises from his empty stomach last night. He silently held his breath and stared at He Linzhou as he ate the whole bun.

"This bun tastes really good." He Linzhou praised.

Wen Xunchuan said in his heart: Damn it, I can queue up for more than ten minutes early in the morning for it, can it not be delicious

With great difficulty, he moved his eyes away from the steamed stuffed bun bag in his hand, tried his best to ignore the smell of thick chicken broth lingering around his nostrils, and said with a forced smile, "Well, his steamed stuffed buns are quite famous. By the way, where is my key?" ?”

"Oh, here I am." He Linzhou seemed to have just remembered this, and quickly pulled a wet towel from the glove box to wipe his hands clean, took out Wen Zhixu's car keys from his pocket and handed it to him.

"Thanks." When he reached out to take it, his fingertips brushed He Linzhou's palm unintentionally. Before he could hold it firmly, He Linzhou withdrew his hand suddenly as if he had been electrocuted, and the key in his hand made a "pop" sound. Dropped on the floor.

Wen Xunchuan was stunned, a little puzzled, "What are you doing?"

He Linzhou's eyes were a little erratic, he was silent for a while, and he said hesitatingly: "Well, I have something to tell you, although it may be a bit hurtful..."

Wen Xunchuan: "?"

He Linzhou's face was reddish, "I'm a person, in fact, I have always..." He pretended to cough naturally, and suddenly raised his arms and crossed them in front of his chest, and said sternly, "Reject pornography, refuse to gamble, refuse 1 1 Homosexuality."

Wen Xunchuan froze when he was about to bend down to pick up the key, almost thinking that he had misheard.

He raised his eyes, his eyes were complicated, and his throat was dry: "What did you say?"

"I said, I don't want to date 1." He Linzhou said without changing his face.

Wen Xunchuan stared at him for a while with slightly raised eyebrows, but he couldn't find any sign of a joke on his face, but stared at He Linzhou a little uncomfortable.

He Linzhou turned his face to avoid his gaze, and said in a casual tone, "But if you are willing to be below, we might try it... Although your personality is not very good, but your face and figure are pretty good to me. satisfied."

Wen Xunchuan raised his eyes and gave He Linzhou a sharp look, and said coldly: "Then I really have to thank you for your recognition of my appearance."

He Linzhou looked at his sinking complexion, cleared his throat, and comforted him: "You don't have to worry about it. Personality is not important, I only look at the face."

Wen Xunchuan suddenly lowered his head and sneered, bent down to pick up the car keys that fell at his feet, and pinched the key ring with two fingertips, and said to He Linzhou in the car: "Give me a tissue."

He Linzhou took a tissue from the glove box and handed it to him. He reached out to take it, looked down and carefully wiped the car keys in his hand, got up and walked to the trash can, crumpled up the used tissue and threw it in.

Wen Xunchuan walked back to the car, raised his arms and put them on the open window of the Maybach, narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his eyebrows and hooked his fingers at He Linzhou.

He Linzhou hesitated and leaned over here, "...what's the matter?"

Wen Xunchuan stretched out his arms to hook him around his neck the moment he approached, and brought him in front of him. The car key in his hand suddenly popped out from the remote control, and the cold metal blunt object firmly pressed against He Linzhou's Adam's apple superior.

He Linzhou's face was ashen, and he scolded angrily: "Fuck, didn't I just say that you have a bad personality? Can you be more stingy?"

He raised his hand to sniff Xun Chuan's arm around his neck, and the coldness on his Adam's apple moved to the carotid artery as he resisted.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he tilted his head back slightly in an attempt to avoid the threat around his neck, but Wen Xunchuan didn't give him this chance, and he used some strength in his arms to bring him to his side. Something pressed firmly against his neck.

He Linzhou was a little panicked, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, he lowered his voice and changed his words to flatter him: "Actually, you have a very, very good personality!"

Wen Xunchuan smiled, and the tip of the key in his hand slowly slid down his neck, stopped at his crotch and tapped lightly.

"Again!" He Linzhou broke down, "Is this your fucking professional habit?"

"Hey, I just suddenly remembered something." Wen Xunchuan leaned forward, leaned slightly and whispered in his ear, "Tell me, if I were down here, would we have Plato? "

After finishing speaking, he withdrew his hand and stood by the car, looked at He Linzhou in the driver's seat, whose face was turning green and pale, with interest, and glanced under him, with a concerned tone: "How are you? Okay Is it on?"

The suddenly raised window blocked Wen Xunchuan's sight, and the rear end of the Maybach quickly disappeared from his sight.

Wen Xunchuan turned around and walked towards the gate of his own community, and said in his heart: Sure enough, you can't be too nice to the idiot.