Peach Blossom Spring

Chapter 14: Controllable state


The garrisons outside the city were all military personnel, and the general soon learned about Deng Yeye's behavior.

When Director Zhang received Colonel Xu's call, his face looked very ugly. He stared at Li Feng and said, "Tell your people not to move yet."

"There is only one three-person team from the Security Bureau there," Li Feng said, "and they have no weapons, so they can't move."

Director Zhang gritted his teeth, put on his headphones, changed the call to private, and walked aside.

Li Feng's conversation with the person outside the city was still going on. The screen was not cut off, and Deng Yeye and that person could still be seen, as well as the large words projected by lasers above their heads.

"Xiao Lei." Li Feng spoke.

"Here." Xiao Lei's voice came out.

"Let them come back first." Li Feng said.

"Okay." Xiao Lei responded.

The military was directly responsible for the defense outside the city from the beginning, so when Li Feng went to find Zhao Li and his men, he only sent a three-person logistics team. But it was different for Director Zhang. Zhang Sihai had just been released from prison that morning, and then this incident happened. He asked his people to go and ask in person. If it was really related to Zhang Sihai, he would at least be the first to know.

What he didn't expect was that the body collector would not say a word, nor did he expect the kidnapper's next move to be so quick and make such a big noise.

Now the higher-ups not only knew that this group of radical elements from outside the city were causing trouble again, they also knew that people from the City Defense Bureau had entered the area being defended by the military with guns.

“You really are…” Director Wu glanced at Li Feng.

"Brother Shi and the others are coming to interrupt the communication," Zhao Lu's face appeared on the screen, and he spoke quickly, "Don't go. Even if Xiaoling is really there, don't go..."

Before I could finish my words, the message showed that the call had ended.

Qiu Shi stared at the box that no longer had a projected image, his brows knitted tightly together, and he felt a little sore on his forehead.

"Old Wu," Li Feng glanced at Director Zhang and asked in a low voice, "Who do you think that person is next to Deng Yeye?"

"I'm not sure," Director Wu also whispered, "Does Xing Bi have a judgment?"

"Level 1 undercover." Xing Bi.

"Are you sure?" Li Feng frowned.

"Not sure." Xing Bi said.

"How do you judge?" asked Director Wu.

"Intuition." Xing Bi said.

"Where does this intuition come from..." Director Wu was a little confused.

"There are some similarities among the same kind," Li Feng glanced at Director Zhang again. Director Zhang stood straight, "This matter may be difficult to handle."

"I want to go." said Qiu Shi.

"Once you go, you may never come back." said Li Feng.

"Then I won't come back," Qiu Shi said. "This isn't a very nice place."

"It's better than dying." said Li Feng.

"Is it used as medicine here?" said Qiu Shi.

Director Zhang finished his call and turned around and walked over. The originally empty hall seemed even emptier, and it was so quiet that one could even hear Director Zhang's breathing.

Of course, he was breathing quite heavily.

Qiu Shi felt that before he and Xing Bi returned from the mission, Li Feng and Director Zhang must have had a conflict. Coupled with what Brigade Zhao said before and this phone call, Director Zhang had an aura that he would explode at any time.

"Let's sit down and discuss." Director Wu was the most relaxed of the three. Although one could feel that he was more inclined towards Li Feng, after all, he was only responsible for technology and didn't get involved in much else.

Li Feng's pet received a message, and he switched to the communicator to take a look.

"How is it?" Director Wu asked, "What's the situation now?"

"Ask Director Li," Director Zhang said, "The Security Bureau has informants all over the city. Aren't they always well-informed?"

"The person has already left." Li Feng didn't pretend with him this time.

"Gone?" Director Wu said.

"The radical elements made some trouble, but it was nothing serious," Li Feng said. "The military did not intervene to avoid exposing the defense situation."

"Is there any decision now?" Qiu Shi asked.

"You'll have to ask Director Zhang about this," Li Feng said, "He's mainly responsible for contacting Colonel Xu."

"It's just a small corpse collector who went missing. What kind of decision do we need to make?" Director Zhang said, "It has nothing to do with the mission, and it has nothing to do with Colonel Xu, and it has nothing to do with Yuncheng."

Qiu Shi looked at him without saying anything. At that moment he didn't even feel any obvious anger.

He just wanted to vent... But as soon as his shoulders moved, before his arms could move at all, Xing Bi's hands had already grabbed his shoulders.

"Don't." Xing Bi said in a low voice.

Qiu Shi tilted his head to look at the fingers that were grasping his shoulders, gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled, then looked at Director Zhang and nodded: "In that case, it's okay."

Since it's just the little corpse collector's business, it's easy to handle.

"What do you want to do?" Director Zhang stared at him.

"I don't want to do anything," Qiu Shi looked at him. "Does a little corpse collector need the director of the City Defense Department to personally ask about what he wants to do?"

"Of course I won't ask about it, but I will not only ask about the people involved in the mission, but I will also take measures." Director Zhang's eyes suddenly became sharp. "Since Qiu Shi is involved in the top secrets of Yuncheng, in order to prevent the possibility of leaks, the City Defense Bureau has decided..."

Several men with guns suddenly rushed in from the door on the other side of the hall, and Director Zhang also pulled out the gun from his waist at this time.

Fuck your ancestors.

Qiu Shi didn't know whether he was going to be shot dead on the spot or arrested, but he still responded with the highest level of shooting. When Director Zhang drew his gun, he suddenly crouched down and used the table to block himself.

Next, it depends on who is more convenient to pull over Director Wu or Li Feng to block the bullet for him.

But Xing Bi suddenly moved.

It took only two seconds for him to jump onto the table by stepping on Qiu Shi's shoulder, slide in front of Director Zhang, snatch his gun and point it at Li Feng who was still sitting on the chair.

The person who rushed in even took several steps forward before suddenly stopping.

This accident made everyone stunned.

"Xing Bi?" Li Feng looked at him in surprise.

Director Zhang was so shocked that he was stunned for two seconds before he shouted, "Is this what you call 100% controllable?"

"In mission mode," Xing Bi said, "the safety of human partners comes first. My partner's life may be in danger."

"Old Wu?" Director Zhang yelled again.

Director Wu, who was in shock, finally came to his senses: "This... is indeed the setting. He needs to ensure the safety of his human partner, unless the partnership is terminated."

Director Zhang glanced at the men holding guns.

"I'm sure I'll be fast." Xing Bi said.

"Why aren't you pointing it at him?" Li Feng asked, looking at the muzzle of the gun. He slowly leaned to the side, trying to avoid the muzzle of the gun. "It was Director Zhang who threatened your partner, not me."

"So I'm pointing at you." Xing Bi answered simply, and the muzzle of the gun followed him without any deviation.

Li Feng was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "Director Zhang, are you going to kill Qiu Shi?"

“I want to detain him,” Director Zhang said. “I believe that allowing Qiu Shi to roam freely at this stage will pose a great threat to the mission.”

"He promised not to kill Qiu Shi." Li Feng looked at Xing Bi.

Xing Bi didn't say anything or move, the muzzle of the gun was still pointed at Li Feng.

"Director Zhang," Li Feng pinched his chin and sighed, "Let's withdraw first. This matter could have been resolved by holding a meeting. Didn't I just say that it was just some radical trouble. How are we going to end it if our own people start to stir up trouble?"

During the five seconds that Director Zhang stared at Li Feng, Li Feng was sure that he must have thought about taking this opportunity to let Xing Bi fire the shot, but in the end he chose to wave his hand and let the few people who had just rushed in retreat.

Xing Bi jumped off the platform and returned the gun to Director Zhang.

"Qiu Shi," Director Wu looked at Qiu Shi, with a look of shock still on his face, "In this situation, you need to... take control."

"Really?" Qiu Shi glanced at Xing Bi. "No one taught me that. I was forced to do the missions with a gun in my ass."

"I will personally go over the rules with you again," Director Wu said, "and we need to discuss the definition of this mission status with Xing Bi again..."

"Director Li," Director Zhang leaned on the table and looked down at Li Feng, "Do you still think that the solution you insist on is the best solution?"

"Whether it is optimal or not depends on the result," Li Feng said. "The result is that he asked us to go back to the table and start discussing."

"Okay," Director Zhang nodded, "Then please tell me what you think."

"Then let's not beat around the bush," Li Feng stood up and took out his pet, projecting a map. "Although the two towns of Donglin and Xingchuan can be connected, they have always been inaccessible. In addition to the difficulty of the terrain, there are infections and biochemical bodies. But Deng Yeye has set the location in Donglin. In addition, we can't contact that place now, and we also take into account the sudden increase in biochemical bodies recently. What does this mean?"

"Just put it bluntly, why do we still need to conduct random checks during class?" Director Zhang said.

"Deng Yeye and the people behind her can move between Donglin and Yuncheng," Qiu Shi said. "They are in league with those biochemical creatures and have already taken control of Donglin. Xingchuan may have been controlled as well."

"Except for these two towns, we can't contact other human settlements, and we don't know where they are," Li Feng said. "We have been trying to figure out what these people's purpose is. Now is an opportunity. We need a chance to contact them directly..."

When he heard this, Qiu Shi suddenly realized that Li Feng wanted him to go to Donglin.

"Their goal is to destroy Yuncheng! To destroy humanity!" Director Zhang said firmly, "Compared to your partner, what we need more is a strong armed force. Symbiotic biochemical bodies and the army are the ultimate means. Don't dream of relying on..."

Director Zhang pointed at Qiu Shi and said, "A man like this can save Yuncheng! Save the human beings here! If he still has some use, it's his immunity."

Li Feng looked at him and suddenly smiled: "I always thought I was arrogant enough, but I didn't expect Director Zhang to be the real arrogant one."

"You should be careful with your words." Director Zhang said coldly, "Don't think that the little evidence you have is very useful. Even if it is my son, if he affects the safety of Yuncheng, I will not show mercy in dealing with him."

"How many biochemical bodies are there in Yuncheng? How many troops are there?" Li Feng stood up. "How many people are willing to fight? How much supplies are left? Do you know how much is left in the warehouse of the Security Bureau? How much is the output of our fields and farms?"

Director Zhang looked at him without saying anything.

"Shouldn't I hear this?" Qiu Shi said. Li Feng's questions made him feel a chill on his back.

"It's too late." Li Feng turned and looked at him, "Welcome to the Cloud City Despair Club."

"That's why we need to fight quickly," Director Zhang said, "If the enemy is really that strong, they wouldn't have to fight us for so long!"

"Can Yuncheng silence the communications between Donglin and Xingchuan?" Li Feng asked.

Director Zhang looked at him.

"No," Li Feng said, "They can, so shouldn't we go and test how strong they are? Why did they suddenly take action after dealing with us for so long?"

"Because Nest No. 1 was destroyed," Xing Bi suddenly spoke up, "the symbiote relies on the nest for control. They need to wait for the nests to connect, but Nest No. 1 suddenly died."

"This is probably something they didn't consider." Director Wu seemed to understand something. "The biochemical bodies have been harassing Yuncheng on a small scale. They are testing our situation. They didn't expect that Nest No. 1 would be destroyed by us."

"They are anxious." said Li Feng.

"So you should just deliver what they want as soon as possible." Director Zhang sneered.

"I finally know who Zhang Sihai takes his brain from," said Li Feng.

Director Zhang was already filled with anger, and this sentence directly hit him in the lungs. He rushed over and punched Li Feng.

But it missed.

Li Feng was pulled away by Xing Bi and fell onto the chair behind him, sliding more than a meter away.

Director Wu rushed forward and hugged Director Zhang: "What's going on? You are not children anymore, how can you fight and lose control of your anger?"

"This first-level submersible! Is it safe? Controllable?" Director Zhang pointed at Xing Bi.

"You can't get hurt," Xing Bi said, "Colonel Xu saw it and there's no way to explain it."

Qiu Shi glanced at Xing Bi. When he pointed the gun at Li Feng, Li Feng could die, but not be injured

"Level 1 Submarines are not puppets," Li Feng sat in a chair one meter away and did not move back. "The reason why humans need such biochemical bodies is that they also have emotions, thoughts, the ability to judge right from wrong, and can remain calm when humans go crazy like they are now."

"Here's what I think," Director Wu was silent for a while, then spoke slowly, "The symbiotic experiment has already begun on subjects 2, 3, 4, and 5, but it will take some time to cultivate and observe. At this stage, like..."

He glanced at Xing Bi and said, "With such a useless partner, there is nothing to lose by trying to find out the other party's intentions. After all, they want Qiu Shi. If they want to hurt him, there are still many opportunities to do it, especially when there was no help from the outer city before."

Director Zhang didn't say anything.

"We do need an opportunity to contact the other party," said Director Wu. "The company has always been mainly defensive, and the general... doesn't seem to be in a hurry to have a head-on conflict. If there is an opportunity for negotiation, it can't be said to be a bad thing..."

Director Wu has the simple and honest temperament that is unique to technical personnel. Director Zhang was obviously much more relaxed when facing him. He gritted his teeth for a while and finally said, "I am not completely opposed, but no matter how useless they are, they have been exposed to the core content. How can we ensure that they don't leak secrets?"

"Xing Bi can set the energy supply time," Director Wu said, "set a deadline, three days, five days, eight days, ten days, or even a month at most. When the time is up, the body's biochemical reaction will be automatically interrupted."

"What are the consequences of interrupting the biochemical reaction?" asked Director Zhang.

"I will die." Xing Bi said.

"It was interrupted by our laboratory and has our mark. It must be activated by us again." Director Wu said, "This is the first measure to prevent the biochemical body from... defecting."

Qiu Shi felt a little dazed as he listened to these words coming out of Director Wu's mouth, who looked much more honest than Director Zhang and especially Li Feng.

When looking at Xing Bi, Xing Bi had no expression, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

"In addition, Qiu Shi can also restrict his partner's actions when he believes that his partner has violated the principles and acted in a way that is detrimental to the human race." Director Wu looked at Qiu Shi again, "Those are the control gestures."

"Who will control Qiu Shi?" Director Zhang asked. "In my opinion, he is not much safer than an uncontrollable biological body."

Director Wu looked at Li Feng carefully again.

"While they are away from Yuncheng, the corpse collectors will be supervised by us," Li Feng answered very neatly, "If Qiu Shi has any suspicious behavior..."

"I'm going to take your fucking body right now!" Qiu Shi jumped up and kicked Li Feng.

But Xing Bi was still one step ahead of him. Li Feng was thrown back two meters again by Xing Bi along with the chair, and then Xing Bi grabbed his arm with his backhand.

"I won't really beat him to death!" Qiu Shi wanted to shake off his hand.

"Fight in private." Xing Bi said in a low voice.

Qiu Shi could feel Director Zhang's gaze behind him, perhaps waiting for him to prove to him that he was less safe than his biological body.

He suppressed his anger and pointed at Li Feng: "You are really evil."

"I'm the whitest of the people you hate." Li Feng stood up and slowly walked back to the stage. "Now let's get back to business. The road to Donglin Town."

"I know." Xing Bi said.

Li Feng turned and looked at him: "Which year's memory?"

"The year before I was sealed." Xing Bi said.

"How many years ago was that?" Li Feng looked at Director Wu.

"After Cloud City expelled the biochemicals," Director Wu said, "no one here has ever experienced it... but in theory, not much has changed."

"Then we can ignore this step for now," Li Feng said, "but there is a time limit."

"I can only confirm this after discussing it with the technical team," Director Wu said, "The number of first-level submersibles is limited and they cannot be damaged, so the time limit setting needs to be discussed."

"Okay, there's one more thing," Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "I want to talk to Zhang Sihai."

"What do you want to do?" Director Zhang looked at him.

"We need to know about Deng Yeye's situation, the people behind Deng Yeye, and how closely he is connected with that group of people," Li Feng said. "Of course, it would be best if Director Zhang is willing to help."

"I'll go ask him," Director Zhang paused for a moment and seemed to have made up his mind, "Send him back to the prison and I'll ask him there."

"Thank you." Li Feng said.

It would take some time to finalize the specific details of the "mission" to Donglin Town. Before that, Qiu Shi would have nearly a day to move freely, of course, outside the inner city.

In fact, it just means giving him time to explain to his brothers why they are being guarded by the City Defense Department, and to appease them not to cause trouble.

In order to ensure safety and further improve their partnership, Xing will go with him.

"But we can't reveal Xing Bi's true identity. He is a guard of the City Defense Bureau to the outside world." Li Feng sat in the car with them. "I'll go to the warehouse and find two sets of ordinary clothes for him later."

"Can I choose?" Xing Bi asked.

Li Feng looked at him and said, "Then you choose it yourself."

"What about me?" Qiu Shi asked.

"You can pick whatever you want. You guys haven't picked up your clothes for the second half of the year yet," Li Feng said. "Take them all this time."

"Where's the wine?" Qiu Shi asked.

"The one with the big black barrel." said Li Feng.

"It sounds like Yuncheng is about to be destroyed. We should take advantage of the chaos to divide up the warehouse and run away." Qiu Shi said.

Li Feng smiled and said, "As long as you two can come back, it's fine. Yuncheng has been half dead for more than a year or two. Living is not easy, and dying is not so easy either."

Qiu Shi looked at him. It was hard to describe what kind of person Li Feng was. He didn't feel wronged at all when he was classified as a non-human, and he was ruthless in cheating and taking advantage of people. It seemed that human life was nothing in his eyes. But when facing those "core" people in Yuncheng, he was the one that Qiu Shi was least afraid of.

Maybe just like Zhang Qifeng said, they are Li Feng’s “optimal solution” and Li Feng needs them, but he just can’t figure out why.

"Why didn't you point the gun at Zhang Qifeng when you snatched it?" Qiu Shi turned to ask Xing Bi.

"It doesn't matter who he points at, but Li Feng won't think that his biochemical body is uncontrollable just because he was pointed at by a gun," Xing Bi said, "Director Zhang will find a chance to seal me off again."

"How can you think so much?" Qiu Shi frowned.

"There are indeed more people who don't want to do it at all," said Xing Bi.

"There's nothing to stop talking in my gestures," Qiu Shi sighed, "Then will you shoot?"

"No." Xing Bi said.

"I thought you might shoot me in the arm, shoulder or something like that," Li Feng said.

"There's no point in shooting," Xing Bi said, "It's only useful when there's uncertainty. When the result comes, the threat is no longer effective."

"… Look," Li Feng stretched, "This is the wisdom of our ancestors."

"Your ancestor is only over a hundred years old," Qiu Shi said, "What species has such a short life span?"

Xing Bi laughed.

In fact, on the surface, the reserves in the civilian warehouse of the Security Bureau are quite abundant. Every time Qiu Shi came, he could see material transport trucks pulling things in.

But he had never calculated in detail how much these things could be distributed to each person. It might not be much, so it was very difficult for people in the outer city and some refugees to get some supplies. Even the jobs given to them by the inner city could only get them enough to make a living.

For Zhao Lu and his men, a big barrel of wine was not only wine, but also a windfall.

Qiu Shi ordered some compressed foods that had a long shelf life and filled almost half of the car. Li Feng kept frowning as if he had done some losing business.

Every year, several sets of clothes could be taken from the warehouse for everyone. Every time, Qiu Shi would just pick some at random, and when he went back to distribute them, he would just randomly mix them together. Only his scarf was specially picked because he liked the color. But for many years, he hadn't seen the same color again, so he never changed it.

Xing Bi was surprised to find that it took him a long time to choose.

"Are you color blind or have you not worn your own clothes for a long time and are not used to it?" Qiu Shi asked him, "Why don't you just pick up two sets?"

"It's so ugly." Xing Bi said.

"… What?" Qiu Shi was stunned. Whether it looked good or not was something he would never consider. It was good enough to have something to wear. At least it was better than taking something off a dead refugee's body. "What did you wear before? Was it good-looking?"

"Suits, casual clothes, everything." Xing Bi said.

"Suit?" Xing must look at Li Feng.

"There are none in Yuncheng, and Mr. Long doesn't wear them either," Li Feng said, "in order not to distance himself from everyone."

"Whatever," Qiu Shi flipped through the clothes and stuffed a few pieces into Xing Bi's hands, "Put them on, hurry up."

Xing Bi took off his laboratory clothes and started to put them on.

Qiu Shi stared at him for a while. The wound on his arm was no longer visible. There was no black stuff on his body. He didn't know where the fungus had spread to. Xing Bi put on his clothes. The clothes Qiu Shi picked were extremely casual. His pants were even a little too short.

"No one can tell the length of the boots when they are on." Qiu Shi didn't care at all. "The more casual the clothes, the better. You don't even have a scratch on your face. If you don't mess up your clothes, you will be the most obvious target wherever you go."

Li Feng rummaged through a box, took out a blue scarf and threw it to Qiu Shi.

"This is a personal gift from me to you."

"You are really treating me like I'm going to die." Qiu Shi wrapped the scarf around his neck.

"Is your life only worth a scarf?" Li Feng said.

"In your eyes," Qiu Shi said, "I'm afraid it's not worth a scarf."

Li Feng glanced at him, waved his hand, turned around and prepared to get in the car: "Let's go, I'll take you to the tunnel entrance."

"You can now." Xing Bi said.

Qiu Shi was stunned for only half a second before he realized what he was saying.

"Director Li." He followed Li Feng.

When Li Feng turned around, he kicked Li Feng in the stomach.

"You're crazy." Li Feng sat on the ground, holding his stomach, and almost choked on his breath.

"If anything happens to Hu Xiaoling or my brothers, I will blame you for everything," Qiu said. "The company is too far away, the general is too far away."

Almost five minutes later, Li Feng came out of the warehouse and got into another car.

The two cars drove out of the outer city tunnel one after the other and stopped.

The driver of Qiu Shi's car went to the car behind, and Qiu Shi drove the car loaded with supplies back to the bunker.

This time when he returned outside the city, there were no corpse collectors waiting at the tunnel, and Qiu Shi did not have the relaxed feeling he had every time he left the inner and outer cities of Yuncheng and returned to his own world.

He got off the car and stood for a while, looking in the direction of the bunker from afar, listening to Li Feng's car behind him entering the tunnel and leaving. The wind wrapped in sand blew on his face, and he pulled his scarf to cover half of his face.

"I'll just take a short walk." He took a breath and started walking down the slope.

When he stepped on those familiar rock protrusions, it was completely a matter of mechanical memory. He didn't need to think about it and he easily jumped to the bottom of the slope.

Then he turned around and ran back to the top of the hill.

Behind him, Xing Bi stepped accurately on the path he walked, making almost no sound.

"You're pretty heavy," Qiu Shi touched his shoulder that Xing Bi had stepped on just now, opened the car door and got in, "How come there was no sound when you just walked like that?"

"If you are careful, it won't happen." Xing Bi said.

"If you dare to step on my jumping leg again, I'll cripple you." Qiu Shi said, "You are so unstable at your age."

"Yeah." Xing Bi responded.

There was a small flash of light in the direction of the bunker.

Qiu Shi flashed the car lights twice.

"Are you the corpse collector?" Xing Bi asked.

"Yes, it's Zhao Lu, asking if I'm okay." Qiu Shi drove the car down the slope. "Our secret code. When we're out cleaning up the infected and are too far away, we use this to signal."

"Have you been working together for a long time?" Xing Bi asked again.

"We don't consider this as work, it's just a way to survive," Qiu Shi said. "It's been a long time. I first met Zhao Lu when I was a little over ten years old. Hu Xiaoling was brought here by his father from a very small stronghold that was infected. His father died when he got here."

"How did he die?" Xing Bi asked.

"He died of thirst." said Qiu Shi.

Xing Bi didn't say anything.

A car drove out of the bunker over there. It was a body collection vehicle. There was no doubt that it must be Brigade Zhao coming to pick him up.

"What are they to you," Xing Bi said

"Brother." Qiu Shi glanced at him.

This was the first time that Xing Bi had so many questions. Usually he asked most of them himself.

"They might not be too friendly to you in a while," Qiu said. "We've been together for a long time and we're xenophobic."

"It doesn't matter." Xing Bi said.

When the two vehicles met in the middle of the rocky beach, the body truck stopped.

"Qiu Shi!" Zhao Lu roared. Without pushing up from the driver's seat, he stood up directly, stepped on the steering wheel and stared over here.

"Hey—" Qiu Shi immediately stretched out his hand out of the car window and waved, then shouted in a long voice.

"Fuck—" Zhao Lu jumped out of the car, "How did you drive the Security Bureau's car? Did you rob the Security Bureau's warehouse?!"

"Qiu Shi!" Xiao Lei suddenly stuck his head out from the back of the truck, and then was slapped back by the oncoming wind.

"I'll go down and say a few words first," Qiu Shi tilted his head and told Xing Bi, "Wait for me in the car, remember not to let anything slip."

"I can't." Xing Bi said.

Qiu Shi smiled without saying anything, stopped the car and jumped out.

When Zhao came over, his eyes were fixed on the co-pilot's seat: "Who is that? Is he a hostage from the Security Bureau?"

"My external identity is a security guard from the Security Bureau," said Qiu Shi.

He didn't say directly that he was a guard from the Security Bureau. Not only Zhao Lu, who grew up with him, but even a fool like Xiao Lei wouldn't believe such a thing.

"What about internally?" Zhao Lu looked at Xing Bi again, "This person doesn't look like someone from the Security Bureau."

"Guards from the Security Bureau." Qiu Shi replied.

"Okay, I understand," Zhao Lu frowned, "What's going on?"

"We'll talk about it in detail when we get back." Qiu Shi said, "I don't have much time. I have to leave tomorrow."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Lu suddenly became anxious. "Didn't I tell you not to go? Don't go looking for Xiao Ling. If he knew you were going to look for him, he would be so mad!"

"Let's talk about it when we get back." Qiu Shi patted him.

Zhao Lu's frown never relaxed. He glanced at Qiu Shi, then at Xing Bi. When he turned back to the car, he pointed at Xiao Lei who was about to jump out of the car to hug Qiu Shi and yelled, "Go back and sit down."

The area outside the city that was once the responsibility of the corpse collectors has been blocked off, and even refugees are not accepted for the time being. The City Defense Department has set up checkpoints, and many refugees can only gather on the spot. Looking at the shelter that is so close yet so far away, the simplest hope is probably to stay alive and wait for the opportunity to enter the city.

As the car drove towards the bunker, Xing Bi leaned close to the window and looked at the Big Black Mountain.

"Have you always lived here?" he asked.

"Yes," Qiu Shi nodded, "My memory is here, but I asked Li Feng, and he said that I was brought here by the old man, and he doesn't know where I came from."

"Where is the old man?" Xing Bi asked.

"I don't know." Qiu Shi couldn't help but glance at him. "You have so many questions today. Did something trigger? Are you in cahoots with Zhang Qifeng?"

Xing Bi raised his lips slightly: "No, I'm just curious."

"You all..." Qiu Shi stopped talking halfway.

"You're already an ancestor and you're still curious." Xing Bi finished speaking for him.

"You said that yourself." Qiu Shi laughed.

Ever since he learned that Hu Xiaoling was missing, he had been feeling depressed and angry. Adding to that, he had to leave the place where he had lived for more than 20 years for no apparent reason, and he felt even more confused and scared... Only now did he feel a little better.

Hu Xiaoling's disappearance made the body collection team very depressed. When they saw Qiu Shi coming back with a car full of things and even a large barrel of wine, their attention was slightly diverted.

There was no one else around the bunker, but Qiu Shi knew that this area was under strict surveillance. After he left, the people here would be hostages. He didn't know what these brothers would face if something happened to him.

Li Feng might... but Zhang Qifeng would never let them go.

"Put the stuff away and drive back to the tunnel to dump it there," Qiu Shi told Zhao Lu, "and we'll have a drink later."

"Okay." Zhao Lu nodded.

"Let me chat with Xiao Lei first." said Qiu Shi.

"Let's talk," Zhao Lu said, "If we don't talk, he will probably commit suicide tomorrow."

Qiu Shi called Xiao Lei into his room. Brigade Zhao thought that the "guard" would go in with him, but the man stayed outside the room and just watched them, the corpse collectors, move the supplies.

It's a little unusual.

Few people could be so relaxed staying near corpse collectors, especially a group of them, but this man was very relaxed and didn't even avoid eye contact.

"What's your name?" Zhao Lu asked him.

"Xing Bi." Xing Bi replied.

"Security Bureau guards?" Brigade Zhao asked again.

"Yeah." Xing Bi responded.

"I believe in your ancestors." said Zhao Lu.

"A spy from the Security Bureau." Xing Bi said.

“Fuck,” Zhao Lv laughed, “Go, help.”

Xing Bi glanced towards the car.

"Don't look at me. Since Li Feng dares to stay here, we have to go over to help." said Zhao Lu.

Xing Bi didn't say anything else. He walked over, took a box from a corpse collector, turned around and followed everyone to move into the bunker next to him that served as a warehouse.

He Jiang, whose box was taken away by him, was stunned for a long time and looked at Zhao Lu: "Who is he?"

"From the Security Bureau," Zhao Lu thought for a moment, "Brother Shi's bodyguard."

Compared to the title of guard, he felt that bodyguard was more suitable for Xing Bi's image. He really didn't look like a guard, nor did he look like someone from the Security Bureau, nor did he look like those bastards from the City Defense Bureau...

In fact, to put it bluntly, Zhao Lu felt that he didn't look like a person from Yuncheng at all. There was no such person in Yuncheng.

"Wipe your tears before you come out," Qiu Shi pointed at Xiao Lei as he walked out of his room, "Don't let people think I beat you up and made you cry."

"What if you can't come back?" Xiao Lei said in a low voice.

Qiu Shi picked up a shoe brush by the door and smashed it on his head: "Don't be like Hu Xiaoling and curse me every day."

When he turned around to leave the house, he saw Xing Bi carrying a box of canned food to the warehouse. He was stunned for a moment, and it seemed that he had integrated into the new environment quite naturally.

"Can't we tell you what Xing Bi's identity is?" Zhao Lu squatted by the door.

"Guard." Qiu Shi also squatted down.

"He is definitely not an ordinary person," Zhao Lu said, "The one who let such a person follow you and took Xiaoling away is definitely not an ordinary character."

Qiu Shi didn't say anything.

"I guess it's not up to you whether to go or not." said Zhao Lu.

"But I will definitely go," said Qiu Shi.

"Wait until you come back," Zhao Lu said, "Let's take these brothers and leave. We can't stay here any longer."

"Okay." Qiu Shi nodded. "While I'm gone, someone from the City Defense Department will be watching you..."

Zhao Lu said with disdain: "It's okay, don't worry."

There are some things that I cannot tell everyone, I can only explain to Brigade Zhao, and he will then assess the situation and stabilize this group of people. After Hu Xiaoling disappeared, it was not until Qiu Shi came back that this group of people began to make some noise.

“It was like we were all going to die together tomorrow,” Zhao Lu said. “It was so quiet.”

"Xing Bi and I will go to the corpse cave," Qiu Shi said, "I want him to see the old man's things."

"Well," Zhao Lu nodded, "It seems that this person is indeed not an ordinary person."

"Don't be jealous." Qiu Shi said.

"Get lost." Zhao Lu laughed.

"Xing Bi." Qiu Shi stood up and called out to Xing Bi who had just moved some things out.

When Xing Bi came over, someone behind him said, "Let's have a drink later."

"Okay." Xing Bi said.

"I have something to tell you." Qiu Shi tilted his head and took Xing Bi into the bunker next to him, then bent down and entered the tunnel. "You are still drinking. Don't you have short circuits after drinking?"

"I'm not a robot," Xing Bi said. "I'm a man-made person who relies on biochemical reactions."

"Suddenly I can't joke anymore," said Qiu Shi.

"I think you really don't understand." Xing Bi said.

"Stop analyzing me," said Qiu Shi.

"Okay, Brother Shi." Xing Bi said.

Qiu Shi stopped and turned to look at him: "You seem to be familiar with him, so why are you here?"

"It's not xenophobic here," said Xing Bi.

"Damn." Qiu Shi laughed and turned around to continue.

The underground part of the bunker is connected by tunnels and is much more complicated than the part visible on the ground. Normally, no one would go this way to the corpse cave, but now there are people watching all around.

The location of the corpse cave is far away from the bunker, and there is almost no defense on this side of the hill.

"Let me show you something." Qiu Shi listened to the movements around him and felt it intuitively.

"No one." Xing Bi said.

"You are sharp again." said Qiu Shi.

"Is anyone there?" Xing Bi asked.

"No." said Qiu Shi.

"You are very perceptive." Xing Bi said.

"… Your ancestors have such a strong desire for revenge," Qiu Shi took out the old man's suitcase, "These things were found after the old man disappeared. Is there anything in it that you can understand, great grandfather?"

Xing Bi didn't say anything, but reached into the box and slowly rummaged through it.

"They're all very... old stuff."

"How old?" Qiu Shi asked.

"About the same age as me," Xing Bi said. "Before the war."

Qiu Shi looked at him. It was a little hard to believe what Xing Bi said. After all, Xing Bi looked to be in his twenties. Perhaps because he was a biological body, his skin was even quite tender, with no injuries or scars, and no traces left by wind, sand, and sunlight.

It was not surprising that Zhao Lu felt that he was not an ordinary person.

Xing Bi picked up a few old pictures and looked at them intently, then took the glass beads and looked at them. Qiu Shi did not specifically let him look at the map, because he wanted to see if there was anything special in the box for Xing Bi.

Xing Bi took out a cylindrical metal thing with a small display screen from a small box. There was a wire connected to it, and the other end looked like headphones.

"Have you heard of this?" Xing Bi asked.

"What is it used for?" Qiu Shi asked.

"To listen to music." Xing Bi said.

"I haven't heard of it," Qiu Shi said. "Do you want to hear it? The old man once gave me a gadget that can charge these old things."

"Yeah." Xing Bi nodded.

"Take this back," Qiu Shi put it in his pocket, "This is for you."

"Thank you." Xing Bi said.

Qiu Shi didn't say anything. He suddenly felt that this first-level undercover guard who could snatch a gun in a second, kill someone in a second, answer a question in a second, see through things at a glance, and even step on his shoulder, and who possessed both powerful martial arts and amazing insight, suddenly seemed like a living person at this moment.

There's even a sense of vulnerability.

Qiu Shi reached out and pinched Xing Bi's face.

Xing Bi looked at him.

"You say," Qiu Shi frowned, "Could there be a biological being in Yuncheng, living with these people like an ordinary person?"

"No," Xing Bi said, "The company has been monitoring the entire city for a long time, and there will be warnings if biochemical substances appear."

"I always thought it was only available at checkpoints," said Qiu Shi.

"They are all over the city," Xing Bi said. "The exact location is all there. Names and identities are all displayed."

Qiu Shi suddenly realized: "Yuncheng relies on this thing to expel and clean up the biochemical bodies, right?"

"Yeah." Xing Bi picked up the map.

Qiu Shi stared at him and said nothing more.

"Do you want me to see this?" Xing Bi asked.

Qiu Shi was somewhat helpless. Xing Bi had already reached the correct conclusion without even turning over to look at the word "Qiu" on that side.

"Well," Qiu Shi said, "there's something else in the back."

Xing Bi turned the back over and looked at it: "Do you think this has anything to do with your background?"

"That's why I want to let you see it because I don't know." said Qiu Shi.

"Do you want to go?" Xing Bi asked.

"What?" Qiu Shi was stunned.

"Here." Xing Bi lightly tapped the small circle with his finger.

"We are going to Donglin to ask for someone," Qiu Shi reminded him, "not to travel."

"From now on," Xing Bi said, "you won't stay in Yuncheng forever."

Qiu Shi stared at him: "Xing Bi."

"Hmm?" Xing Bi turned his head and looked at him.

"Are you really in a controllable state?" Qiu Shi asked.

The author has something to say:

Love you guys!

I'll take a day off tomorrow, and then the day after tomorrow I'll try to update earlier, so it won't seem like the wait is that long⊙▽⊙.

I will try my best to update daily in the future, but because I have to accompany my mother to the hospital for a few days every month, there may be times when I have to stop updating for a day. I will tell you in advance.
