Peach Blossom Spring

Chapter 43: hero


Xing Bi controlled all the infected people on the scene.

Seized control from their original subjects.

Compared with the symbiote, the infected are weaker and easier to control individuals. When crossing the river before, there were at least twenty infected people controlled at the same time on the boat.

But the current number of infections far exceeds this range.

This situation was obviously beyond the subject's expectations. After a brief silence, he slowly stood up with his relaxed body.

"Long time no see," he looked at Xing Bi, "I underestimated you."

Four more bright spots of the symbiote appeared on the map that began to blur in front of Qiu Shi's eyes.

This should be the mainstay of joint control of these infections.

Xing Bi didn't say anything. The black mark on the side of his neck began to grow instantly, extending from his lower jaw to the left half of his face. When the lightning flashed, his left face seemed to be hidden behind a black net.

Then he tilted his head slightly.

Suddenly, some of the infected people around fell to the ground at the same time, as if they were puppets whose strings had been pulled out.

Xing Bi stood up slowly.

Some of the infected people who were still standing raised their knives and stabbed their fellow humans around them.

Another group of infected people fell to the ground.

At this time, the black blood believers who finally came to their senses from their confusion began to celebrate, and they took their knives to slash at the motionless infected people.

The cold wind that was swirling around seemed to have suddenly made a sound, whistling along with excited shouts.

A bolt of lightning struck Xing Bi from behind. The strong light reflected his silhouette, and he was completely hidden in the darkness.

The bright spots of the infected on the map were decreasing rapidly, leaving only the circle around them. Several entities also began to move, apparently preparing to leave.

Qiu Shi felt that he could not hold on any longer. He wanted to sleep very much and was extremely tired.

But he didn't dare close his eyes. He tried hard to stay awake. He knew that if he closed his eyes, he would probably never be able to open them again. He was also afraid... no, worried about Xing Bi.

He suddenly wanted to laugh.

Xing Bi said this should be called worry.

It was the first time he knew that a person's brain could work so fast in this state.

The infected are no longer a problem, and the main body must also be evacuated. All they have to do is stay and clean up the scene, reunite with Team 3, and then leave his life or death to God.

But the premise of all this is that Xing must not have any accidents.

He couldn't tell what was going on with Xing Bi, he only knew that Xing Bi's eyes were full of murderous intent.

The Xing Bi who was wrapped in darkness amidst the strong wind and lightning was no longer the Xing Bi who was being dragged on the street by a trailer just now.

The only way to ensure Xing Bi's safety is to control him.

Xing Bi jumped out of the car the next second.

The punch that hit the main body left a black afterimage in the wind.

The subject raised his arm to block it, but was still knocked back two meters.

He did not choose to continue fighting, but instead used the force to climb back two steps to the second floor of the nearby shop, and then flipped onto the roof.

"Xing Bi." Qiu Shi called Xing Bi.

He could tell that his voice was very weak, almost inaudible amid the strong wind and the shouting of revelry, but his line with Xing Bi was open, and he knew Xing Bi could hear it.

"Xing Bi," he called again, "Don't chase."

Xing Bi turned his head and looked at him.

His eyes were so cold, as if they had never known each other.

Qiu Shi knew that he had no time to hesitate any longer. In the next second, either Xing Bi would leave or he would die.

He clenched his left hand.

But there was no chance to complete the action.

Xing Bi was so indifferent that he seemed to not know him, but he still knew him well.

As soon as he clenched his hands, Xing Bi stepped on his wrist.

The pain from this kick was greater than all the knife wounds on the body, so sharp that it pierced straight into the heart.

Qiu Shi felt suffocated, his vision was quickly filled with darkness, and he closed his eyes.

"Don't rush to move him," Li Feng's voice was hoarse and he had difficulty speaking. "Let Sang Fan treat his wound. She has relevant skills. Try to stop the bleeding first, and then ask the old man if he has any solution..."

"That old man is a charlatan." Zhao Yi's voice trembled a little.

"He used to be a doctor, a very professional doctor," Li Feng said, "Tell him that Qiu Shi must be kept alive at all costs, even if it means a breath. Team 3 will be here soon, you all go back together. The medical vehicle is coming as reinforcement, so you may meet it on the way."

“…Okay,” Zhao Yi replied, “I understand.”

After ending the call, Li Feng looked at the screen in front of him where various data kept popping up. He felt like his head was about to explode. It hurt so much that even his eyeballs were aching.

"Can he survive?" Minister Liu, who was sitting nearby, asked.

"Old Wu." Li Feng raised his head and looked at Director Wu.

"If you can get on the medical vehicle alive, you can survive," said Director Wu, "but I don't know if you can make it to the medical vehicle."

"Colonel Xu will be here soon," Minister Liu said, "Let's summarize the situation."

"She has been at the headquarters," Li Feng said, "Is there anything else that is unclear?"

"She is in charge of a team after all," Minister Liu said, "she certainly doesn't know all the details..."

"Did I ask her to lead the team personally?" Li Feng said.

"Deputy Team Leader Li?" Minister Liu was obviously unhappy.

"Li Feng?" Zhang Qifeng stood in front of him, "Do you want to drink some water?"

Li Feng looked at him, somewhat shocked. Did someone replace Zhang Qifeng's brain

However, he still followed Zhang Qifeng's advice, stood up and poured himself a glass of water.

"You usually have a good brain, and you're always good at cheating people," Zhang Qifeng followed and whispered, "What's wrong now? Has your brain expired?"

Li Feng took a sip of water and asked, "Did Director Zhang secretly replace it for me?"

Zhang Qifeng glanced at him, sneered and walked away.

Li Feng knew why Zhang Qifeng suddenly helped him. Now Xing Bi was missing and Qiu Shi's life or death was uncertain. This strongest pair of partners could easily become a negative example if they were not careful. And for Colonel Xu, who was full of distrust of biochemical bodies and firmly believed that man could conquer nature, this would undoubtedly deepen her concerns.

And if the actions of the biochemical body are restored to their original state, with various restrictions, only the army and the city defense department will face the powerful enemy. Zhang Qifeng is not a smart man, and he is also wary of the biochemical body and cannot agree with it, but he still cares about the guards under his command.

No one wants to see someone who has followed them for so many years go out to die.

I don't want to die either.

If we have to die, we have to send those tools away first.

Li Feng took two more sips of water.

I don’t know if it’s because he didn’t sleep well, but the water made him feel nauseous.

When Colonel Xu walked into the conference room, Li Feng was still holding the cup and wanted to vomit.

"Is Team Leader Li feeling unwell?" asked Colonel Xu.

"No, it's very comfortable." Li Feng walked back to the table and sat down.

"Can it be understood that the mission of the duo Qiu Shi and Xing Bi has failed?" Colonel Xu sat down and went straight to the point without beating around the bush.

"You can't say that," said Minister Liu.

"Their mission is to investigate Xima Town, including understanding the facilities and personnel, and drawing an accurate safety range while avoiding any direct contact and conflict," Colonel Xu glanced at Minister Liu, "They haven't completed any of them."

“It is true that these original tasks were not completed,” Minister Liu said, “but this was also due to unexpected circumstances.”

"Dealing with emergencies is another matter," said Colonel Xu. "We will take it step by step and clarify responsibilities."

"There is no need to do it step by step," Li Feng said, "When a mission encounters an emergency, dealing with the emergency is one thing, there is no such thing as two things."

"So what does Team Leader Li mean?" Colonel Xu smiled and looked at him.

"Deputy." Li Feng said.

"What does Deputy Team Leader Li mean?" asked Colonel Xu.

"Qiu Shi and Xing Bi are heroes," Li Feng said, "Team Two is a heroic team."

The people around the table were stunned and looked at him together.

"Hero?" Colonel Xu could barely suppress the shock on his face. "Does Deputy Team Leader Li know the weight of these two words?"

"Of course I know," Li Feng said, "but they deserve it."

Colonel Xu didn't say anything.

"The current feedback is not comprehensive," Li Feng stood up, walked to the screen, and looked at the data on it, "but we can still know that Xima Town is not an empty town. When they arrived, it was already occupied by immune black-blooded humans, who were not friendly to Yuncheng. Team Two stabilized the situation, there were no conflicts, no excessive contact, and then there were large-scale infections..."

Li Feng turned around and said, "This is a large-scale attack. It's not the number we usually clear. It's hundreds or even tens of thousands. There is a main control, a clear target, and they chose the shortest straight-line distance to Yuncheng. It's obvious that this is an attack on Yuncheng."

"How did they know that 'Jungle' would come? They took this opportunity to attack." Minister Liu asked.

"Those black-blooded people can sense it, and maybe they can too," Li Feng said, "but I personally think it could be a coincidence. Whether there was this 'jungle' or not, they would have attacked."

"Well," Minister Liu nodded, "continue."

"We have not yet completely repaired the damage caused by the infected sneaking into the inner city," Li Feng said. "Just imagine, with a large-scale infection and large-scale control, it won't take more than three days for Yuncheng to be destroyed."

Colonel Xu seemed to want to say something, but after thinking about it, he didn't open his mouth. He just gestured for Li Feng to continue.

"When the infected first appeared," Li Feng said, "as long as Qiu Shi took the team and left immediately, he would not be injured at all. He only needed to meet up with the reinforcements we sent out and then fight. The consequence was that our soldiers might also be infected and become infected controlled by the enemy."

"Yeah." Minister Liu nodded.

"It was Qiu Shi and Xing Bi who led the second team to stop these people in Xima Town," Li Feng said. "Qiu Shi used his life to block a surprise attack for Yuncheng."

Colonel Xu looked at him.

"If they are not heroes, who are the heroes?" said Li Feng.

"But now Xing Bi is missing," Colonel Xu frowned, "and is out of control, which itself has become a hidden danger..."

"Missing doesn't mean losing control," Li Feng said. "The team members' feedback said that he chased after several main bodies and left behind three symbiotes that he controlled."

Colonel Xu looked at him and said, "You really spared no effort, Deputy Team Leader Li."

"If it was a team that went to Xima Town," Li Feng said, "we might not even get any feedback before all of them died."

"Isn't this too absolute?" Colonel Xu was very unhappy.

"It's not that I'm absolute, it's that biochemicals have absolute power over humans," Li Feng said, "Their only weakness is probably their small numbers."

"The biochemical bodies that the company has now can fight against them," Minister Liu said. He represented Mr. Long's will and was inclined to use more biochemical bodies, but he spoke very cautiously. "Of course, safety must also be guaranteed, and there is also public opinion..."

"The people of Yuncheng are in a panic now. Both the inner and outer cities are waiting for destruction. In this situation, Yuncheng will be doomed even without an attack from the enemy," Li Feng said. "They need to see hope and a hero. They need to let those residents who fear the biochemical creatures see a hero who can cooperate with the biochemical creatures to save Yuncheng from disaster."

Minister Liu agreed with his words and nodded: "Spiritual power is powerful for anyone at any time." Colonel Xu left the meeting room and went to the command center, leaving a few silent people in the room.

"As for the next tasks we just mentioned..." Zhang Qifeng started, "rescue Qiu Shi, clean up Xima Town and garrison at the same time, search for Xing Bi, how do you arrange these tasks?"

"The reinforcement team will stay in Xima for garrison, and the City Defense Bureau will send some people to the interior, just like here," Li Feng said, "Search for Xing Bi... I need to see Lin Sheng and Sang Fan first."

"Let them go?" asked Director Wu.

"Okay," Li Feng nodded, "I'll confirm the details with you later."

"Then I'll go back to the laboratory first. The activation of the next batch of biochemical bodies still needs testing." Director Wu stood up, very anxious. Whenever this conspiracy group was fighting, he always wanted to get out of it quickly.

"Yes," Li Feng responded, and then looked at Minister Liu, "I may have to trouble Minister Liu with the publicity matter. Just tell me how I can cooperate."

"Okay." Minister Liu nodded, and when he stood up to leave, he glanced at him and said, "Young man, don't work too hard. Make sure you get some rest."

"Thank you Minister Liu for your concern." Li Feng said.

The conference room was empty except for Zhang Qifeng standing there.

Li Feng looked at him: "Director Zhang, is there anything else?"

"Do you really think they are heroes?" Zhang Qifeng asked, "We don't know exactly what's going on right now. What if it's different from what we know? What if something goes wrong with Xing Bi? You will be responsible for it."

"No matter what the situation is, no matter what goes wrong, they will be heroes," said Li Feng.

The old man took out a box, pulled out a small bottle from it, poured out two pills from the bottle, and prepared to stuff them into Qiu Shi's mouth.

Sang Fan grabbed his hand and asked, "What is this?"

"Hemostatic medicine," the old man said. "He has to stop the internal bleeding."

Sang Fan didn't say anything and seemed to be thinking.

"What instructions did Xing Bi give you?" asked the old man.

"Make sure Qiu Shi is alive and I will trust you when necessary." Sang Fan said.

"Now is the necessary time, very necessary," the old man said, "If you don't believe me, Qiu Shi will die soon."

"Eat one." said Sang Fan.

"Healthy people can't eat this!" the old man said. "This is for people who are dying! Healthy people will have problems if they eat this."

"Go find someone who is about to die," Sang Fan put his hand on Qiu Shi's neck and turned to look at Xiao Zuo, "right now."

Xiao Zuo turned around and went out, walked around the street, and soon found a half-dead Black Blood believer and dragged him back.

Sang Fan took a look and saw that the man was shot. She pulled out a knife and stabbed him twice in the stomach, then nodded at the old man: "Feed him."

Amidst everyone's shocked gazes, the old man stuffed the medicine into the man's mouth.

Long Hao ran in from outside the door: "Team 3's car came in from the east entrance."

"You drive over and bring them here," Zhao Yi said, "Lu Yu, follow along. There are still a small number of infected people that have not been cleared out. Be careful."

"I understand." Lu Yu ran out.

"Dead." Sang Fan looked at the black-blooded believer on the ground who had just taken the old man's medicine ten minutes ago.

"Hey, it's normal for him to die! Qiu Shi won't die, he won't die!" The old man waved his hands quickly.

"Why did he die?" Sang Fan asked.

"You stabbed him to death." said the old man.

Sang Fan frowned and said nothing, still looking at him.

"Otherwise," the old man said, "He was shot so badly, and you stabbed him twice, and you didn't treat the wounds. He died now because the medicine took effect."

Sang Fan felt the pulse on Qiu Shi's neck and said nothing more.

The people from Team 3 were quickly brought to the supermarket by Long Hao and Lu Yu.

The captain was Liu Wu, Lin Sheng's partner. Zhao Yi knew him before and they were quite familiar with each other. The people from both teams also knew almost everyone else.

"Leave some people here to guard," Zhao Yi said, "and Captain Liu will take the other part to bring over the dozen or so Black Blood believers that we have already controlled. There is enough space in the car, and we will meet the reinforcement car on the way back..."

"I have to stay here." Liu Wu answered simply.

"Huh?" Zhao was stunned.

"Let someone else go," Liu Wu said. "Why don't you get Qiu Shi into the car now?"

"The equipment and space on the vehicle are still being prepared. It will take a few minutes," Zhao Yi explained.

"Can you control these symbiotes?" Liu Wu turned to ask Lin Sheng, "Are these three symbiotes just going to stay here without anyone controlling them?"

Lin Sheng glanced at him and said, "No."

"Why?" Liu Wu asked.

"They have Xing Bi's mark." Lin Sheng said.

"What do you mean?" Liu Wu frowned. "Isn't Xing Bi missing? He is no longer controlling them."

"But it left a mark," Lin Sheng said, "Now they can only be controlled by Xing Bi."

"But Xing Bi is out of control now," said Liu Wu.

Lin Sheng was silent for a while before speaking: "A gun with Xing Bi's name written on it and instructions. No one else can take it. No one else can take it unless he takes it. He needs to erase the words before he can take it."

"You can still speak such long sentences." A member of Team 3 said from behind.

Lin Sheng didn't say anything.

"What instructions?" Liu Wu turned and asked Sang Fan.

"Keep Qiu Shi safe." Sang Fan replied.

Liu Wu seemed a little surprised and looked at Lin Sheng: "You would also treat your partner like this..."

"No." Lin Sheng said.

"Forget it, I'll go. Captain Liu stay here and watch," Zhao Yi was a little speechless. "Long Hao and I will drive the third team's car over to take the people. The rest of the people will stay here. When the car is ready, carry Qiu Shi to our car."

"Got it." The team members replied.

Zhao Yi glanced at Liu Wu and walked out of the supermarket.

After the madness in the first half of the night, more than half of the Black Blood believers were killed or injured. The rest either escaped or were captured. Now there are only a dozen or so left. Qiu Shi had previously instructed to take them back to Li Feng, so even though it was a bit of a stretch to squeeze them in the traffic, Zhao Yi still forced all of them into the car.

Anyway, we are not stuffing it into their car.

Originally, he was somewhat dissatisfied with Qiu Shi, especially since the two had had a conflict before. Not only him, but other members of the team were at least unable to accept at first that a corpse collector from outside the city was commanding them.

But it must be said that Qiu Shi's experience outside the city, his decisive yet slightly soft-hearted character, and his amazing courage have made the entire team quite respect him.

Everyone felt uncomfortable looking at Qiu Shi who was almost stabbed into a sieve. Everyone knew that even if Qiu Shi didn't die now, he might not be able to wake up after returning to Yuncheng with this injury.

So he said that the people who were to be taken back should be taken back even if they had to be carried by the people from Team 3.

When Zhao Yi drove the car and took the people back to the supermarket entrance, the car of the second team was already ready, and Xiao Zuo and Xiao You came out carrying a stretcher and were getting on the car.

Zhao got out of the car and watched them put the stretcher on the car.

The bio-body's hands were very steady, and there was basically no shaking or bumping, but when it was lowered, the legs of the stretcher were not fastened tightly and slid down a little. Xiao Zuo and Xiao You immediately held it up with their hands.

But this tiny shake made Qiu Shi make a sound.

"Awake?" Zhao Yi was a little anxious. He immediately got into the car and approached Qiu Shi. "Qiu Shi? What did you say?"

“…Xing Bi.” Qiu Shi’s voice was very vague, but Zhao Yi still heard the name clearly.

"Xing Bi is fine. You are seriously injured, but you are not in danger," Zhao Yi said in his ear, "I will send you back to Yuncheng first."

Qiu Shi said nothing more and fell into coma again.

As soon as Zhao Yi got out of the car, Xing Bi went somewhere unknown, and Sang Fan could not sense him either. They did not tell anyone how the infected were cleared out, or how Qiu Shi was injured. In the end, Xing Bi crushed Qiu Shi's wrist bone. Everyone saw it, but they all remained silent in shock.

Zhao Yi knew that these matters were very sensitive and could only tell Li Feng.

"I'll stay." The old man looked at him.

"Reinforcements from Yuncheng will arrive soon and station here," Zhao Yi said, "You will be discovered here."

"I have a place to hide," the old man smiled, "Just leave me some supplies and put them on that trailer, and don't worry about the rest."

"Leave them all to you. We won't need them after we meet up with the reinforcements," Zhao Yi waved to the team members, "Move down all the supplies from Team 3 as well."

"We want to eat." Liu Wu said.

"We will meet the reinforcement team in half a day at most. We won't starve to death in half a day," Zhao Yi said. "Without this old man, we would have to fight a battle before entering the town. This is a gift for him."

"Okay." Liu Wu nodded, "Next time you want to move Team 3's stuff, you'd better let me know."

"Aren't you busy looking after several biochemical bodies?" Zhao Yi said.

Liu Wu looked at him, said nothing, and turned away.

Both teams got into the car. As soon as the door was closed, Liu Wu got out of Team Three's car, walked angrily to Team Two's car and patted it.

"Drive." Zhao Yi said.

"Now? You don't want to listen to what he says?" Long Hao started the car.

"He wanted to curse," Zhao Yi said, "the black blood stuff was all in their car."

"Oh." Long Hao stepped on the accelerator and the car drove past Liu Wu.

"Go back the same way you came." Zhao Yi looked back at the stretcher behind him, "Go up quickly. They are holding the stretcher, so there's no need to worry about it shaking."

"I understand." Long Hao nodded.

The world after the "jungle" seemed exceptionally quiet. Under the moonlight, the black pits on the snow made by lightning showed every step the lightning took.

According to the time, by the time they returned to Yuncheng, the "jungle" should have already crossed Yuncheng and continued to move north.

The surroundings are basically safe now. They just need to concentrate on their journey and get Qiu Shi into the medical vehicle as quickly as possible.

The car was very quiet and no one spoke.

The experience tonight was probably beyond their imagination, from fear to shock... Once they calmed down, those scenes would reappear.

None of the tired team members in the shaking car even dozed off; they all stared in a daze.

I had no concept of time, I just knew that the sky was starting to brighten and the sun was coming out.

Several team members took turns driving without stopping, and finally saw the big black car of the Yuncheng army in front.

A voice came from the headset: "Team Two, Team Two."

"Zhao Yi from Team Two." Zhao Yi replied.

"What's the situation?" asked the other side.

"Everything is normal," Zhao Yi said, "Captain Qiu Shi needs emergency medical treatment."

"Stop where you are and leave it to us," they said. "Welcome back, heroes."

The author has something to say:

To be continued tomorrow.

Ah, there are so many words today⊙▽⊙.