Peach Blossom Spring

Chapter 52: plan


Xing Bi has been transferred to the medical vehicle, and two doctors are doing some emergency cleaning and disinfection on him.

When Qiu Shi walked into the dormitory on the first floor of the supermarket, he immediately saw Liu Wu, who was tied up and sitting against the wall. His left hand was fixed by Sang Fan with a piece of iron like a splint, making him unable to move.

"Liu Wu," Qiu Shi squatted in front of him, "Team Three will be cancelled. All members except Lin Sheng will be incorporated into the Xima Town garrison team, including you. Your partnership with Lin Sheng will also be terminated at the same time."

Liu Wu stared at him.

"I will untie you in a moment. You take the members of the original third team to report to Captain Yang," Qiu Shi said. "You can report any opinions about me to your superiors, Li Feng or Colonel Xu."

Liu Wu still didn't say anything.

"Let him go." Qiu Shi stood up.

Zhao Yi went over and untied the rope on Liu Wu. Liu Wu stood up, without cursing or saying anything, turned around and walked out of the dormitory in silence.

"Sang Fan and your companions, come with me to send Xing Bi back to Yuncheng," Qiu Shi said, tilting his head towards Zhao Yi, and walked out of the dormitory with Zhao Yi. "Lin Sheng is now with the second team. If there is any situation while I'm away, you can discuss it with him. In addition... you still have to pay attention to the periphery of Xima Town."

"Yeah." Zhao Yi glanced at the dark sky over the supermarket.

"Don't worry," Qiu Shi whispered, "There are still...our people outside."

"Who?" Zhao Yi asked immediately.

Qiu Shi didn't say anything.

"Got it," Zhao Yi said, "You don't have to worry about this. Send Xing Bi back first."

The medical vehicle was ready to set off. Qiu Shi got on the vehicle. Xing Bi was fixed on the medical bed, with tubes connected to his hands and some monitoring wires.

"You go to the front." Qiu Shi said to the doctor who was standing by.

"But..." The doctor hesitated.

"It's okay," Qiu Shi said, "Come back if he needs help."

"Okay." The doctor went to the front.

Only Xing Bi and Qiu Shi were left in the medical compartment at the back.

"Where did Ji Sui and Xu Jie go?" Qiu Shi asked.

"Just outside the city," Xing Bi said, "Maybe he'll go to Wei Yuan's place."

"Wei Yuan?" Qiu Shi was stunned.

"Don't you know the old man's name?" Xing Bi said.

"I only know his last name is Wei. When he was young, I called him Wei Lao Tou. Later, I just called him Lao Tou for convenience," Qiu Shi said. "Anyway, he is the only one in the outer city who is old enough to be called Lao Tou."

Xing Bi smiled.

"How do you feel now?" Qiu Shi asked, "You look very unhappy now."

"If it were a human, it would have died before reaching Yuncheng," Xing Bi said, "mainly due to blood loss, left ribs, spleen..."

"Are the internal organs of a biological body also so complete?" Qiu Shi asked.

"Otherwise," Xing Bi said, "there's quite a lot of space inside, and if you put a stomach in there it will swing around."

Qiu Shi laughed, feeling very uncomfortable, but he couldn't help laughing.

After a while he rubbed his face and sighed.

"Is there anything you want to say?" Xing Bi asked, "I might faint in a while."

"Zheng Ting's first strike was not fatal, but he still had a chance to kill you. It's not like you have no chance to kill him," Qiu Shi asked, "Isn't that right?"

"Hmm." Xing Bi looked at him, "You are very perceptive, partner."

"Symbiotes can always sense each other's... emotions," Qiu Shi said, "right?"

Xing Bi smiled.

"And it's easy to be controlled," Qiu Shi said, "so you proposed that condition to Li Feng."

"Yes." Xing Bi said.

Qiu Shi didn't say anything. After a while, when he wanted to speak, Xing Bi had already closed his eyes, as if he had fainted.

He reached out and gently touched Xing Bi's face, then held his hand, both of which were cold.

The car drove for a while and when it was almost reaching Dushi, the small bright spot on Qiu Shi's hand flashed a few times.

He answered Li Feng's call.

"Where are we?" Li Feng asked.

"We can get there before sun sets," said Qiu Shi.

"Did you bring that super-communist with you?" Li Feng asked.

"Well," Qiu Shi responded, "Did Director Wu reply? Is symbiosis reversible?"

"It's not that easy," Li Feng said, "but the symbiotic experiment for the next batch of biochemicals has been stopped."

"That means it's possible," Qiu Shi said, "Director Wu may not be willing."

"We can inhibit the fungus first, and then see if we can eliminate it." Li Feng said, "If Old Wu doesn't want to, I can force him, but the prerequisite is that he can do it."

Qiu Shi could choose to believe what Li Feng said, but he really couldn't trust Director Wu.

Whether the symbiosis is reversible is another matter. For this operation, Qiu Shi is very distrustful of Director Wu, who has always regretted not being able to completely transform him.

If you choose not to trust, stick to not trusting.

Xing Bi was sent to the laboratory. All preparations for the operation had been completed and he was just waiting to enter the operating room.

"The operation may take a long time," Director Wu said, already wearing surgical gowns. "I will work with the doctor..."

Qiu Shi suddenly grabbed his collar, and when he raised his other hand, he was holding something shaped like a syringe.

Before Director Wu and Li Feng could react, he had already pressed the syringe against Director Wu's neck.

"What are you doing!" Director Wu struggled and covered his neck. Then he saw blood on his hands. "What did you do! Qiu Shi!"

"Qiu Shi?" Li Feng was also surprised.

Qiu Shi waved the thing in his hand in front of them and said, "If I find any problem with Xing Bi, Director Wu, you will die."

"What are you hitting! Where did it come from!" Director Wu yelled.

"If Xing Bi is fine, you will be fine too," said Qiu Shi.

Director Wu is not a very high-ranking official as a curator, but as the chief scientific advisor of Yuncheng, his position is still very stable. It is his principle to seek stability and avoid conflicts. However, he still has some official authority, especially in front of a corpse collector who has no background.

He raised his hand, picked up the phone and prepared to call the guard in.

"Old Wu," Li Feng held his hand, "Calm down. Now is not the time to argue about this. The key to solving the problem is to repair Xingbi quickly without any problems."

Director Wu wanted to say something, but Li Feng didn't give him a chance: "Let's start first. I'll ask him."

Director Wu stared at Qiu Shi.

"Thank you for your hard work, Director Wu," said Qiu Shi.

Li Feng pushed Director Wu into the operating room, closed the door, turned around and walked in front of Qiu Shi: "Let me see what that is."

Qiu Shi took out the syringe from his pocket and put it in Li Feng's hand.

This is a syringe used to inject various control systems and long-acting drugs subcutaneously, and it has been used.

"Where did you get it?" Li Feng took a look and saw a laboratory logo on it.

"On the medical vehicle." said Qiu Shi.

"Who has used it?" Li Feng asked.

"Director Wu." Qiu Shi said, his eyes fixed on Xing Bi who was lying on the hospital bed on the other side of the glass wall.

"He's already in there, and he won't come out until he's done," Li Feng said. "The one you're going to use is the one that was injected into Xing Bi, and there will be fungi on it. If it's not dealt with in time, Old Wu might really get into trouble, and then there's no telling whether the symbiosis can be reversed."

Qiu Shi looked at him and said with a sigh: "It's new. I hit him on the ground before I came in and he got a cut."

Li Feng smiled and said, "Now everyone has learned how to do this."

Qiu Shi didn't say anything, but walked to the glass wall and stood there.

"You can take a break," Li Feng said. "The operation will take at least a few hours."

"I'm not tired now," Qiu Shi glanced at him, "If you want to sleep, take a nap. Are those dark circles under your eyes painted on? You've always had them since you became the deputy team leader. Are you trying to show off?"

"One day I will ask Old Wu to make some changes for me, just to make my sleep disorder disappear," Li Feng said, "I want to sleep now, and it depends on fate."

"Come on," Qiu Shi looked at the busy people in the operating room, "People are people, and biochemical bodies are biochemical bodies. There is no point in changing them. No one knows what the consequences will be."

"For now, it is still beneficial," Li Feng said, "so I want to ask, why should we give up this form that can enhance group attack capabilities?"

"I don't know what Xing Bi is thinking," said Qiu Shi.

"So what do you think?" Li Feng asked.

"The way to maximize the advantages of symbiosis is through control by the subject, and the controlled symbiont becomes a whole, like an ant colony or a bee colony," said Qiu Shi.

"Well," Li Feng looked at him, "We can act more efficiently, and we can also use the abilities of the subject to improve the group's abilities."

"But in fact, the first-level biochemical bodies are separate individuals. They can never be a whole," Qiu Shi frowned. "At the beginning, what humans need them to do is to have feelings and thoughts, and to be infinitely close to humans. If they are required to give up these in the end... then what's the point? Who will do it after a long time?"

"The teaching quality of the refugee school is not bad either," said Li Feng.

"Who knows, whoever is the strongest will be able to control everyone, including humans, just by infecting them," Qiu said. "If such a god doesn't come to destroy you, you will have to destroy him."

"If we don't use the symbiotes now, how can we fight against them?" Li Feng asked.

"Are you fucking taking an exam?" Qiu Shi said.

Li Feng was silent for a while and then smiled: "Qiu Shi, I found that you seem to have matured a lot suddenly."

"That's because I'm in a bad mood right now," Qiu Shi said. "If Director Wu does anything to Xing Bi when he's treating him, I'll childishly kill both of you."

"Don't worry," Li Feng said, "I still need you and I won't allow this to happen."

Li Feng really depends on fate to sleep.

He sat down on a chair at the back, put his legs on the table, closed his eyes, and before he fell asleep, Colonel Xu called him from the command center.

"Is the defense area of Xima Town no longer expanding?" Colonel Xu asked, "I understand that the garrison troops will not leave the area of Xima Town at all. Is this your order?"

"Yes," Li Feng said, "I think the periphery is not safe now."

"What do you think?" Colonel Xu asked, "is there anything new?"

"There is something unusual in the northwest direction." Li Feng did not tell anyone about the nest. His report to Mr. Long was this afternoon. Before the report, he would not tell Colonel Xu about this matter.

"What's unusual?" asked Colonel Xu.

Li Feng was silent.

"Deputy Team Leader Li, it is unreasonable for us not to share intelligence," said Colonel Xu.

"In order to avoid mistakes in command, I only share confirmed information," said Li Feng.

"Okay." Colonel Xu ended the call.

Li Feng didn't sleep anymore, but just closed his eyes, waiting for Colonel Xu's action.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, the communication from Xima Town was directly cut over by the secretary.

"It's urgent," said the secretary.

"Yeah." Li Feng responded.

"Team Leader Li," it was Captain Yang's voice, "The third special team of Yuncheng assigned to Xima Town is now preparing to set off in the direction of Zhuyuan."

Li Feng raised his eyebrows: "Aren't they commanded by the garrison troops now?"

"Colonel Xu gave the order directly," Captain Yang said, "The main task is to investigate the security situation between Xima and Zhuyuan."

"I understand." Li Feng said.

In Colonel Xu's opinion, the abnormality in the northwest means that the enemy's attention is diverted to the northwest, and Zhuyuan Town to the east of Xima Town and Shidi Town further to the southeast may be safe.

And at the moment, the two towns have no information about the appearance of each other's symbiotes.

"Is it necessary..." Captain Yang was obviously hesitant.

"Colonel Xu is the supreme commander." Li Feng said.

"Understood." Captain Yang said.

Qiu Shi turned around and looked at him: "Team Three went to Zhuyuan Town?"

"Yeah." Li Feng responded.

"Now?" Qiu Shi was a little confused. "Are you sending yourself to die?"

Li Feng didn't say anything.

"Now Zheng Ting's people will definitely keep an eye on Xima Town. Lin Sheng is no longer in Team 3, so Team 3 is now an all-human team," Qiu Shi said in a low voice. "If we run into them outside, the whole team could die!"

"What are the people in Team 2 doing now?" Li Feng asked.

"Stay in the town and observe the situation around you," Qiu Shi said. "We need to conduct a small-scale investigation to determine what the next action will be. Team Two has biochemical bodies, so they can withstand an encounter."

"What do you think if we want to build a passage between Zhuyuan and Xima?" Li Feng asked.

"The opponent is a symbiote," Qiu Shi said, "so don't expect the purely human team to pave the way with their lives. Release the biochemical organisms that can be used and find Zheng Ting's base near Xima Town. There is more than one nest. Find them and destroy them first. They now want to attack with a large number of infected people, which means that their number must not be large. We are not sure how many biochemical organisms have been activated in Yuncheng. We are not sure if we can defeat them head-on..."

"If I give it to you to command," Li Feng said, "would you be willing?"

"Fuck your ancestors," Qiu Shi said without a second thought, "I don't want to."

Li Feng laughed. "Call back Team Three," Qiu Shi said, "Symbiotes don't appear alone, usually in groups of three or five. If they run into one, they're dead."

Li Feng didn't say anything.

"Did you do this on purpose?" Qiu Shi moved closer to him and stared at him.

"I didn't send those people out," Li Feng said. "Team Three is under the military's control. Colonel Xu is currently the highest commander sent by the military."

"If you really want to stop it, you will definitely find a way," Qiu Shi said. "You don't want to stop it, you have other plans, and human life can be important or unimportant to you."

Li Feng smiled.

Qiu Shi didn't know what Li Feng's plan was. No matter what it was, he couldn't stop it. He still remembered the decisive shot that Li Feng fired at the patrol captain.

This chaotic world needs people like Li Feng, but we also want to stay away from people like him.

Qiu Shi didn't say anything else. He returned to the glass wall and looked at Xing Bi inside.

Xing Bi's surgery did not require anesthesia, so after the basic life support system started working, he would no longer fall into a coma and would be awake.

Although the glass is now one-way and cannot see outside in order not to interfere with the work of the doctors and laboratory people inside, Xing Bi will glance towards the glass from time to time.

Qiu Shi felt that the biochemical body was indeed powerful. Xing Bi seemed to be able to see through the one-way glass and accurately find the position where he was standing.

The operation did take a long time. Qiu Shi originally thought that since he was strengthened, he would have no problem standing until the end of the operation... Although he didn't know why he had to stand, he still sat down after Li Feng brought a chair and placed it next to him.

After all, it's still human flesh and blood, eh

Xing Bi's operation was finally over and he was transferred to the experimental cabin next door.

When Director Wu finally turned around and walked out, Qiu Shi jumped up from his chair.

"How is it?" he asked.

"What can we do?" Director Wu said, "It won't be a problem if we repair and replace the damaged organs normally. With such injuries, he will probably need two days to wait for his body to repair itself."

"Thank you." Qiu Shi prepared to go in.

"Wait!" Director Wu looked at him.

"It was just an air traffic controller who poked you," Qiu Shi said as he pushed open the door of the experimental cabin, "it's just a little skin broken."

"What did you do?" Xing Bi asked.

"How do you feel?" Qiu Shi walked to the bedside. Xing Bi looked normal. If it weren't for the various instruments connected to his body, he would look like he had just woken up.

"I don't feel anything," Xing Bi said. "I'll be able to move around normally in two days."

Qiu Shi took a chair and sat down. He took his hand and touched it. The temperature had returned to normal: "You..."

"Sorry," Li Feng walked in, "Time is limited. I have something else to do later. Now I need to talk to Xing Bi for a few words."

Qiu Shi was startled. He threw Xing Bi's hand onto the bed, stood up and prepared to leave.

"Don't avoid it, let's go together," Li Feng said, "so that Xing Bi won't have to repeat it to you again."

Qiu Shi sat back down.

"Did you find anything in the northwest nest this time?" Li Feng asked, "Does the question of whether the symbiont is reversible have anything to do with your injury this time?"

Xing Bi glanced at him and said, "This supercommunity can control the first-level symbiote. Except for Qiu Shi, all four of us are controlled."

Li Feng was obviously stunned: "So strong?"

"Although the symbiotic form is very strong, it also has fatal weaknesses," Xing Bi said, "Unless your main body control is the strongest, it is possible to completely lose combat effectiveness."

Li Feng didn't say anything.

"Being out of control is the strongest." Xing Bi said.

"Xing Bi," Li Feng looked at him, "Do you know what this sentence means to the people above?"

"Biochemical bodies are uncontrollable." Xing Bi said.

Li Feng smiled and said, "Yes, it's terrible."

"You know best whether it is scary or not." Xing Bi said.

"Hmm?" Li Feng looked at him.

"You've decided from day one that I'm not controllable," Xing Bi said, "and you haven't changed your mind until now."

"Wow." Qiu Shi turned and looked at Li Feng.

"What are you talking about?" Li Feng said, "Do you think he is controllable?"

"That depends on how you define controllable," said Qiu Shi.

"Indeed," Li Feng said, "He is not controllable as defined by Yuncheng, but in my opinion, he is definitely not uncontrollable either."

Xing Bi looked at him and said, "Symbiotes are not a state that can develop sustainably. Once the war is over, or if it cannot be ended, all kinds of struggles for control and anti-control will begin. Yuncheng wants to preserve humanity and needs the power of biochemicals, so it should not rely on symbiosis."

"I will remember these words," Li Feng stood up, "Old Wu said you need two days to recover. Don't leave the inner city during these two days."

"Why?" Qiu Shi asked.

"I may need your help." Li Feng turned and walked out.

"Help?" Qiu Shi frowned and looked at Xing Bi, "What do you think this means?"

Xing Bi did not answer immediately. He was silent for a while before speaking: "Yuncheng's attitude towards biochemical bodies can be seen from the cleanup that year."

"Colonel Xu just can't tolerate biological organisms," said Qiu Shi.

"The symbiote will be safer for them. An absolutely controllable subject can control part of the symbiote," Xing Bi said, "If I can control Lin Sheng and the others..."

"I will control you again... No, I should find someone like Liu Wu to control you," Qiu Shi said with a sigh, "It's safe, reliable and saves manpower."

Xing Bi smiled.

"If the biochemical body does not choose symbiosis," Qiu Shi sighed, "Colonel Xu and his men probably won't agree."

"Not only should we not coexist, but we also need to use them on a large scale," said Xing Bi.

Qiu Shi frowned and thought for a long time: "So Li Feng wants to..."

He was somewhat shocked by his own guess.

"What does he want us to do for him?" Qiu Shi lowered his voice, "Kill Colonel Xu and Mr. Long!"

When Zhang Qifeng rushed into the laboratory to look for someone, Qiu Shi was lying beside Xing Bi's bed with his eyes closed.

"Where's Li Fengren?" Zhang Qifeng shouted, "He didn't answer my calls, and the Security Bureau didn't see him either! Why did they let Team 3 go to die like this?!"

"What's wrong?" Director Wu looked angry. "This is a laboratory! A laboratory! Why do you always quarrel here about your war?"

Qiu Shi raised his head.

"Did Team Three still go to Zhuyuan Town?" Xing Bi asked.

"It should be." Qiu Shi stood up and walked out of the experimental cabin.

"Li Feng must know," Zhang Qifeng said excitedly. "Even if the third team is incorporated into the Xima Town garrison, it is still a special team that performs tasks independently. Don't they need to communicate with the headquarters?"

"Has the team set off?" asked Director Wu.

"They're all dead!" said Zhang Qifeng.

Qiu Shi froze in place, then slowly retreated back to the experimental cabin.

"It's no use asking Director Li about this," Director Wu said. "Shouldn't you ask Colonel Xu?"

"She gave the order," Zhang Qifeng said, "Why would I look for her?"

"Just a small team..." Director Wu seemed to not understand his excitement.

"Today it's a small team," Zhang Qifeng said, "tomorrow it's a small group. All the elites under my command at the City Defense Bureau have been transferred away. It doesn't matter whether they die or not, at least they won't die in vain."

"Director Zhang," Director Wu sighed, "Li Feng is not here..."

Zhang Qifeng was silent for a while, and seemed to have slowly calmed down. His voice became a little cold: "I'll go see Mr. Long."

The author has something to say:

To be continued tomorrow⊙▽⊙.

By the way, let me tell you that some relatives are coming to my house T_T. From today until the end of the National Day, I’m so anxious.

I will try my best to keep the update stable. If there is a possibility that I may not be on time the next day, I will tell you in advance. If there is an unexpected situation and I don't tell you in advance, and there is no update when you come at 5:20, then come and check at the old time of 7:40. If there is still no update... Anyway, I will update it before midnight T_T.