Peach Blossom Spring

Chapter 59: For later


“Find a good angle.”

Qiu Shi still remembers Xing Bi's words very clearly. He also remembers the feeling of him hitting the water like a pebble.

I didn't expect that Xing Bi would still remember the bat equipment and think of using it to fight.

"Is this possible?" Qiu Shi looked at him, "Flying into the sky and becoming a target?"

"Of course, we can't just let a few people fly over there. We need to keep up with bulletproofing and firepower cover," Xing Bi said. "The biggest advantage of this method is that it is fast and unexpected. We can reach the enemy's camp in the shortest time."

"There will be heavy casualties," said Qiu Shi.

"Yeah." Xing Bi responded.

"Secondary biochemicals can do it," Grandpa said. "Such an attack does not require too many complicated instructions. They can do it."

Qiu Shi frowned and said nothing.

Xiao Zuo and Xiao You are both secondary biochemical bodies. They have no independent thinking ability, no emotions, no thoughts, cannot feel pain, and cannot understand death.

They are closer to "robots", but they can execute instructions accurately and cooperate perfectly with humans or first-level biochemical bodies in the same group, which is incomparable to real machines.

If this kind of fighting method is really adopted, the secondary biochemical body is indeed the most suitable "weapon".

"This child is a soft-hearted person." Grandpa looked at Qiu Shi and smiled.

"Don't worry," the old man knew Qiu Shi very well. "Choose the right weather and time. They may only be injured, not killed."

"There aren't many Level 2 biochemical bodies left in Yuncheng," Xing Bi said, "We really need to consider reducing the mortality rate to a minimum."

"Some of our compatriots are active in their camp. They can be assembled in two days," Deng Yeye walked to the side of the map and spoke. "While the first batch of level 2 fighters that fly over will hold the ground firepower, our compatriots can follow suit and launch an attack. They will not be controlled and they have experience in jungle combat."

"If we decide to fight like this," Qiu Shi said, "we need to notify Yuncheng immediately. Heavy and long-range weapons must be delivered. As for the flight suit, I don't know how long it will take to be ready."

"There must be some in Donglin," Deng Yeye said, "They must know that the vagrants over there use this method to cross the river."

"Yeah." Qiu Shi responded, silently planning in his mind, "Old Deng, you have had a lot of contact with these symbiotes, can you estimate how many of them there are?"

"Thank you," Deng Yeye was very touched, "You are finally willing to call me Old Deng."

"The main reason is that I don't know what to call you if I don't call you that." said Qiu Shi.

"I like people to call me Lao Deng," Deng Yeye said. "There are not too many of them. I estimate that there are less than 200 of them. But they are strong in their ability to work together. You know, symbionts are like a swarm of bees. If you touch one end of a spider web, the other end will know immediately."

"A swarm of bees lives on spider webs," Qiu Shi said. "You also went to a refugee school, right?"

Deng Yeye laughed and said, "I haven't been there."

"So the battle against them has to be quick," Qiu said. "Silently and quickly."

Silently and quickly.

Li Feng sat in the office of the Security Bureau, quickly looking through the list and battle plan that Qiu Shi had given him.

He hadn't spent a good time in his office for a long time. Since the crisis began, he seemed to be an extra-staff member of the exhibition hall.

Now that he is back in the office, there is not much work to do. His deputy is usually responsible for running outside work, but in the later period, he has basically completed all the work inside and outside the office.

"You work so hard, but you don't earn much," Li Feng said. "Take it easy. If your body breaks down, you'll have nothing left."

"You haven't collapsed yet," said the deputy.

"That's what I said," Li Feng said, taking out a few small transparent bottles and handing them to his deputy, "Here, Old Wu's secret stimulant."

"Addicted?" The deputy didn't answer.

"Do I look like I'm addicted?" Li Feng said.

“… Looks like it.” The deputy said, “You don’t even need to sleep. This thing is a bit scary.”

"I don't sleep because I'm determined," Li Feng put the medicine on the table, stood up and put on his coat, "I'm going to go out for a while. Did the heavy snow a few days ago damage the windbreak over there?"

"Someone has been arranged to repair it this morning," said the deputy.

"No more mistakes can be made," Li Feng said, "Starving to death is the most terrible thing."

"Hmm." The deputy sighed.

After leaving the office, Li Feng told his secretary: "Just answer Qiu Shi's calls today, no need to ask."

"Okay," said the secretary.

Everyone in the command center seemed very busy. Various information was constantly being gathered, including the locations and densities of the infected, suspected feedback from the symbiote, and even weather changes.

No one noticed Li Feng coming.

Zhang Qifeng didn't come over until he stopped in front of the weather data summary screen.

"How is it?" Li Feng asked.

"What's going on?" Zhang Qifeng looked a little sleep-deprived.

"How's the progress of your son's request to join the war?" Li Feng asked with a smile.

"Change your name," Zhang Qifeng frowned, "It sounds so awkward."

"If Sihai wants to go, let him go," Li Feng said, "You can't stop him. He has always been very passionate."

"Just let him go if he's passionate about it?" Zhang Qifeng said, "What ability does he have to go to war? He was hacked to death as soon as he stepped out. You really are talking without any worries. If you had a son, would you let him go?"

"So I didn't," Li Feng said, "Take your men to the Donglin camp this afternoon and reinforce it. Xima is heavily guarded now and it's hard to get in. They might come from the north."

"Yes," Zhang Qifeng nodded, "Have I received the equipment I requested?"

"Approved," Li Feng said, "I'll go with you this afternoon."

"Okay," Zhang Qifeng turned around, took two steps and then stepped back, looking at Li Feng, "Don't let Zhang Sihai go privately, I know what you are thinking!"

"Oh?" Li Feng glanced at him.

Zhang Qifeng glared at him and quickly left the command center.

"Team Leader Li," Colonel Yu came over, "I still need to finalize a few details with Xima."

"Yeah." Li Feng followed him to the huge sand table in the center of the command center.

"Donlin's wing suits have a total of twenty-three pieces. The front is protected and can carry weight. Are they carrying equipment or people?" asked Colonel Yu.

"Qiu Shi means that the first batch of people, as well as light equipment, zip lines and shielding devices need to go down, which will play a decisive role in the subsequent battles." Li Feng said.

"Is this person referring to a human soldier?" asked Colonel Yu.

"Yes." Li Feng nodded. "This is not a battle between biochemicals and biochemicals, but a battle between humans and biochemicals to seek a balance... and humans are lighter in weight."

These were Qiu Shi’s original words. When Li Feng heard this, he felt that it was the right decision to push Qiu Shi to the position of “hero”.

"I agree," Colonel Yu said, "I have ordered the ejection device to be modified. Now we need the number and specific weight of the bio-bodies so that we can adjust the resistance of the parachute specifically. It must be able to provide both cushioning and rapid descent."

"I'll implement this right away." Li Feng said.

"The last one," Colonel Yu said, "some of the newly activated biochemical bodies will stay in Yuncheng. Who will control or command them?"

"Me." Li Feng said.

Colonel Yu looked at him: "Are you sure?"

"Sure." Li Feng said.

"Okay." Colonel Yu nodded. "Once Xima Town starts, the expansion to Zhuyuan and Shidi will be carried out simultaneously. The team is already on standby, and communication has been established with the Black Blood People. We are currently in contact."

"Yeah." Li Feng nodded.

"The only weak spot right now is the north. Qiu Yu from Donglin doesn't seem like a stable person," Colonel Yu whispered, "Completely different from Qiu Shi."

"It can still be used for now," Li Feng said, "if there are any signs of trouble, we will dispose of it."

"It's going to snow." Qiu Shi stood on the top floor of the Xima Town turret, looking southwest.

The wind was blowing hard and the clouds were rolling in the distance. Perhaps it was because I no longer had the sense of security that the Big Black Mountain in Yuncheng provided, so I felt a vague sense of uneasiness when I stood on that high place.

"It will take a while, which is just right for us." Xing Bi leaned against the lookout.

"Are you scared?" Qiu Shi glanced at him.

"This time?" Xing Bi asked.

"Yeah." Qiu Shi responded and stretched his hand out of the tower to feel the wind speed.

"Don't be afraid," Xing Bi said, "We will win."

"My fear isn't entirely about winning or losing." Qiu Shi frowned, still looking into the distance.

"Are you afraid that others will fly out and land on their belly?" Xing Bi said.

Qiu Shi was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Fuck."

"Why?" Xing Bi also looked outside, "What are you afraid of?"

"I never thought about what would happen after tomorrow," Qiu Shi said. "I thought it would be enough if I could die peacefully outside Yuncheng in the end. But now, we have to face the life and death of so many people. If the way we decide to attack is wrong, many people will die because of us."

"Qiu Shi," Xing Bi looked at him, "They will not live or die because of our decision. Whether it's life or death, everyone faces the same dilemma. There is no choice."

"What time does the meeting start?" Qiu Shi asked.

"There's still half an hour left." Xing Bi said, "The second-level biochemical body will be here soon."

"Is there anyone going to pick it up?" Qiu Shi asked.

"Sang Fan has brought two people to pick them up," Xing Bi said, "The black blood men who were helping to defend the outer perimeter of Xima Town are also in place, and the biochemical bodies have also been sent out. If anything abnormal comes in, it will be dealt with within thirty seconds."

"Yeah." Qiu Shi nodded.

This operation requires speed, but it cannot be carried out lightly. Heavy equipment vehicles must be followed, and the scale is not small, so in order not to alarm the symbiote, there must be sufficient alerts on the periphery. Any person or biochemical organism that enters the alert range will be cleared out as soon as possible.

When he came down from the turret and walked towards the combat meeting room, Qiu Shi could see the troops running quickly in the town. The usually peaceful state of the border town had been broken.

The expressions on everyone's faces are solemn. Through their eyes, one can see excitement, anger, panic, confusion and numbness hidden beneath the expressions.

There are still worries.

Zhao Lu and Hu Xiaoling passed by them as they were driving a trailer full of weapons towards the town entrance. They had no time to talk, only had time to exchange glances.

Qiu Shi smiled at them.

When passing by the dormitory of Team 2, Zhao Yi was checking the equipment of the team members. Team 2 was listed as the first group of main members to fly in with the secondary biochemical body, and they were also the part most likely to die.

"Is it time for the meeting?" Zhao Yi asked when he saw them.

"It will take a while." said Qiu Shi.

He wanted to say something else, but Zhao Yi stopped him: "This is the honor of the Second Team. The Hero Second Team must live up to this title."

"Yeah." Qiu Shi responded.

"If he's not dead," Zhao Yi whispered, "I want to add two words to Team Two."

"Okay," Qiu Shi said, "What are the two words?"

"Undead Hero Team 2," Zhao Yi said, "We came up with this together."

"I thought we had to add a super anyway," Qiu Shi laughed, then felt a little uncomfortable after laughing for a while, "Undead Hero Team 2, OK."

Almost everyone was present in the conference room, including several captains of the biochemical creatures, several officers of the human army, and Deng Yeye, who represented the black-blood people in the meeting.

Qiu Shi sat next to Captain Yang. The commander-in-chief left in the town for this battle was Major Liang who was sent from Yuncheng. According to Li Feng, he was a person that Colonel Yu valued very much and had strong abilities.

"Are all the people here?" asked Major Liang.

"All ready," said Captain Yang.

"Before midnight, our last batch of weapons and people will arrive," Major Liang stood up and looked at the sand table, "Starting from the south of Xima Town, head towards the symbiote camp in the southwest..."

Major Liang glanced at Qiu Shi.

Qiu Shi stood up. He had only made arrangements for the time to collect the bodies in the past 20 years. Now he needed to explain the operation process to this group of people. "Time is limited. I may speak very quickly. If you don't understand anything, you can interrupt me at any time." Qiu Shi took the metal stick handed by Major Liang and pointed it at the edge of the symbiote camp. "This is the black pine forest, the edge of the camp. The first step we need to break through is the trap here. The armored vehicle rushes over..."

"What kind of trap?" someone asked.

"I don't know. In order not to alert the enemy, we can't investigate," Qiu Shi said. "I don't know if there are any other mechanisms after breaking through the outermost mechanism. We need to adapt to the situation. The enemy may also have mutated giant infected animals."

Qiu Shi paused, his eyes swept over everyone's faces, and he moved the stick in his hand forward. "Further into the black pine forest is a cliff, and below is the camp. The first batch of Level 2 biochemical bodies will use wing suits to fly from the edge of the cliff to the camp. Each Level 2 will bring a human soldier to bring down the zipline and shielding device. The Black Blood team will simultaneously launch an attack from the west of the camp to assist in fixing the zipline. The subsequent human teams will need to use the zipline to descend under the cover of firepower on the cliff."

"While the zipline is descending," Xing Bi continued, "the biochemical body will use a catapult to enter the camp from the air and cover the team on the zipline."

The next step is to block the jungle south of the camp to prevent the symbiotes from evacuating from there.

"The symbiotes have a very strong ability to work together. If the shielding device is destroyed, their main body will start to take control," said Qiu Shi. "They are a whole, so the requirements for us are also very high. We need to gather information and make adjustments in the shortest possible time. This depends on you."

"The biochemical team is mainly responsible for cleaning up the symbiotes. The human soldiers need to destroy their communications, equipment, and supplies," Xing Bi said. "We need to destroy this fungal forest. This is a base that could become a giant nest at any time."

"Does anyone have any questions?" asked Major Liang.

"Our soldiers have no actual combat experience, and have basically never come into contact with biological organisms, let alone symbiotes," someone said. "This combat mission is extremely urgent. There is almost no time to explain the details in detail. Any mistakes in coordination may lead to the failure of the operation."

"That's true," Qiu said, "but if we give ourselves enough time, we also give the other side enough time. Now we have already had a day and a half more time than the other side to prepare."

"This battle can successfully eliminate the greatest threat currently facing Cloud City," said Major Liang. "No matter what the cost is, it is worth it compared to the residents of the city and the refugees who may come to Cloud City to seek asylum in the future."

"For the future." said Qiu Shi.

Everyone followed and shouted: "For the future!"

It was getting dark. Qiu Shi was sitting in the command vehicle. Outside was a quiet but busy team waiting to set off. He was just a consultant. He didn't have to worry about the specific command and leading of the troops. He just had to sit here and wait to set off.

Li Feng called and I could see his frowning eyebrows from the sound of his voice: "Are you going to fight in person?"

"What else?" Qiu Shi said, "All the members of Team 2 are on a death squad, should I hide?"

"Why should Team Two go first?" Li Feng asked, "Can't Team Two..."

"No, the vanguard determines the outcome of the subsequent battles. Secondary biochemical bodies are already being used. If the first batch of human soldiers are not experienced, will they go down blindly and die?" Qiu Shi said.

"Qiu Shi," Li Feng said, "I didn't spend so much time and effort to let you die."

"I won't die. I have experience, I've been strengthened, and I have a partner," Qiu said. "If you still die, you deserve it."

"I'm alive..." Li Feng laughed, and then sighed after a while, "Qiu Shi, be alive, Yuncheng... No, humans need people like you."

"I try my best," Qiu Shi said. "I never think about the dead or the alive. I advise you to think less about it, as it will easily make you angry."

After ending the call, Qiu Shi glanced at Xing Bi who was sitting next to him and found that he had a smile on his face.

"Did I say anything wrong?" Qiu Shi asked.

"That's right," Xing Bi looked at him, "You are the most special human being I have ever met."

"This biochemical being is quite good at talking." said Qiu Shi.

"Yeah." Xing Bi came over and kissed him on the corner of his mouth.

"Fuck." Qiu Shi was startled and looked towards the car door. No one got in the car. He grabbed Xing Bi, who was about to lean back in the chair, pulled him back and kissed him.

Someone got into the driver's seat.

Qiu Shi quickly pushed Xing Bi away, leaned back in his chair, and stared at the display screen in front of him.

"We're ready to go." The driver in front spoke. It was Xu Jie. "We're the lead car."

"Yeah." Qiu Shi responded.

At the same time, the voice of Major Liang came from the headset: "Captain Qiu, we can set off now."

Qiu Shi looked at the biochemical team that entered one after another and responded, "Okay, let's go."

When the convoy drove out of the south entrance of Xima Town, snow began to fall.

The wind also began to become very anxious, as if it was rushing somewhere, and the snow in the sky was blown so fast that it seemed like it would never fall to the ground.

Qiu Shi looked at the sky. The clouds were very thick. He could not see the moon, let alone the stars. The whole world outside the car was black.

All the cars in the convoy had no headlights on, speeding forward quietly and quickly in the darkness.

In fact, strictly speaking, Qiu Shi's car was not the first to depart. The team that departed an hour earlier was the Black Blood people's team, who followed the route they were going to take first to check for any abnormalities.

The Black Blood People have been active in this area for a long time, and their appearance anywhere will not arouse suspicion.

This distance was not too short, but perhaps because the battle was imminent, Qiu Shi felt that time passed very quickly and his mind was both full and empty. He didn't even go through the process again before he saw the black pine forest appear on the map.

"We're here." said Qiu Shi.

Their car slowed down, and the armored vehicles following behind changed from a vertical arrangement to a horizontal one, and rushed towards the black pine forest side by side.

Captain Yang gave the order: "Bomb!"

A burst of light illuminated the darkness, and a few golden rays passed over their heads and fell into the pine forest.

Then there was the sound of an explosion, and the convoy rushed into the pine forest.

"Flight crew, prepare," Xing Bi looked at the display, "reach the cliff in thirty seconds."

Qiu Shi jumped out of the car.

Several light vehicles of the flight team rushed to the front. After stopping, several groups of second-level biochemical bodies jumped out of the vehicles. Then the people of the second team pulled out the zipline from the front of the armored vehicle and fixed themselves on the back of the biochemical body.

"Provide fire coverage." Xing Bi ordered again.

A row of vehicles on the edge of the cliff extended their gun barrels, lowered them and began firing at the camp below.

Under the cover of the fire network, the flight crew jumped off the cliff, dived close to the cliff wall, and then pulled up and flew to the south of the camp.

"Big Bear!" Sang Fan's voice came from the headset.

The wire mesh on the ground were connected to five giant iron cages hidden in the pit. As the mechanism was triggered by the armored vehicle, five giant bears were released.

The dull roar of the giant bear and the screams of the soldiers were instantly heard all around.

"Shoot in the head!" Qiu Shi ordered, pulled out his gun, jumped onto the roof of the car, and fired several shots at the end closest to them.

The bear was hit on the head and staggered.

Xing Bi rushed forward, and when the bear's claws swung towards him, he stepped on the bear's forearm, jumped up, and punched the bear's left eye.

When it landed, a thunder exploded in the bear's eye socket.

The bear fell to the ground.

At the same time, Sang Fan and Xu Jie solved the problem on the other side.

The other three were led together by Lin Sheng and Ji Sui, and then two soldiers carrying cannons fired a series of artillery shells at the bears. The three bears roared and waved their claws wildly, smashing the surrounding trees down one after another.

"We are under attack!" Zhao Yi's voice came from the headset, "We are under attack! The infected are under control!"

"Increase the covering fire!" Captain Yang shouted.

"Let's go." Xing Bi ran towards several engineering vehicles behind him. The biochemical bodies around him followed him. The catapult devices on the vehicles would send them above the camp.

"Now?" Qiu Shi asked, suddenly turning his head to look at the construction vehicle.

This step should be carried out after Zhao Yi and his team have fixed the zipline, and then simultaneously with the human soldiers who are descending the zipline.

"We can't wait any longer," Xing Bi said, "Ten more people will go down first."

"Yeah." Qiu Shi responded.

In the dark night with strong winds, the falling snow swept across my face like a blade, the flashing lights of gunfire kept flashing in front of my eyes, the sound of gunfire and shouting filled my ears, and the plan that was disrupted and then forced forward...

"Old Deng," Qiu Shi shouted, "your men push into the camp! Cover the flight team and fix the zip line! No matter the cost."

This step must be completed, otherwise all subsequent plans will be disrupted, and these people will not only die, but their deaths will be in vain.

"Got it!" Deng Yeye's voice was bright, "We have entered the camp!"

"I'll pick you up down below," Xing Bi's voice came from the headset, "Partner."

"Come on," Qiu Shi said, "Partner."

The author has something to say:

To be continued tomorrow⊙▽⊙.