Peach Blossom Spring

Chapter 61: treachery


The supercommunist in front of him who controlled a group of symbiotes to duel with Xing Bi and others was Zheng Ting.

Qiu Shi was so shocked that he couldn't describe it. He just stood there and watched quietly.

In the distance, the roar of gunfire was deafening, and the fire illuminated the snow flying in the sky. The snow fell heavier and heavier, and the black pine forest was half golden fire and half white snow.

The fierce fight in front of them suddenly stopped when Xing Bi punched Zheng Ting in the chest.

The high-frequency sound also became intermittent and finally stopped.

Zheng Ting slowly lowered his head and looked at Xing Bi's arm hitting his chest. Although he couldn't see his expression, he could still feel his emotions from his slow movements.

It seemed a little unbelievable, but also like a kind of relief.

After Xing Bi's punch, all the symbiotes stopped moving, as if their consciousness had been blocked before. They were only under Zheng Ting's control. Once the control was released, they entered a blank state.

A few seconds later, these symbiotes were knocked to the ground by Yuncheng's biochemicals, but Qiu Shi noticed that they did not immediately crush the symbiotes' necks.

"Captain Qiu," Captain Yang's voice came from the headset, "What's the situation over there?"

"The main force stopped advancing," said Qiu Shi, "and cleaned up the area to ensure that no infected bodies were left in the area they passed through, and the fungi were burned clean."

"Roger that." Captain Yang replied.

"Xing...Bi." Zheng Ting raised his head with great effort and looked at Xing Bi.

The sound was fragmented, not coming from the throat, but more like coming from a broken chest, with the sound of torn air flowing through it with difficulty.

"It's me." Xing Bi said.

"Long time... no see." Zheng Ting said.

Xing Bi didn't say anything. The hand that was inserted into his chest slowly turned, and the tip of the knife in his hand turned to the left.

When the tip of the knife pierced his heart, Zheng Ting's huge black body began to tremble.

He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

"Go back..." he said, "Donglin... is our..."

Qiu Shi was stunned.

Xing Bi stopped moving his hands, then suddenly pulled out his arm and threw the knife to the ground.

"Contact Li Feng." He turned his head and looked at Qiu Shi and said.

The fighting in the camp was fierce, with heavy casualties. Information fed back from Xima Town kept scrolling on the screen. Li Feng sat in the corner of the command room with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at a room full of busy people.

It was another sleepless night, but he was still full of energy.

It is crucial to clear this camp in this battle. This is the camp closest to Yuncheng and has been the biggest crisis since the nest first appeared until now.

After clearing out this camp and reestablishing defenses for Xima Town, Yuncheng will be relatively safe for a long time. Yuncheng has a very good geographical location and is called the Peach Blossom Spring for a reason. This was the choice made by the original founders after careful consideration.

Moreover, in this battle, Li Feng wanted more than just to resolve a crisis. What he wanted more was a chance to negotiate. No one wanted to survive in the flames of war and let the opponent know the strength of Yuncheng. It would be meaningless for either side if the war continued like this.

Director Wu called Li Feng. He glanced at the time. This battle did not require Director Wu to be on standby all the time, and he probably couldn't sleep.

"Old Wu." He answered the phone.

"Come over here," Director Wu said, "Mr. Long is here and seems to be in a hurry."

"Why is he going to the laboratory?" Li Feng asked.

"How should I know?" Director Wu said impatiently, "You have been treating this place as a private chat room for a long time. Who would tell me if there is anything?"

Li Feng smiled, stood up, and glanced at the command screen. The battle situation was temporarily stable.

Although he didn't care why Mr. Long was looking for him, Mr. Long was still the top leader of the city, and he hoped that Mr. Long would continue to maintain this status.

"I'll go over there." Li Feng said.

After ending the call, he met with Colonel Yu, asked about the details, and then left the command room.

The driver had fallen asleep in the car, but the two biochemical bodies following him were not asleep and were sitting beside the car to rest.

"Come with me to the laboratory." Li Feng said.

Two bio-beings got into the car with him.

Li Feng did not plan to hire bodyguards, and these two were not secret guards. Qu Shen and Cheng Gu were civilians of the same type as Chen Dang. Li Feng asked them to follow him on the one hand to learn more about the history of the original biochemical bodies, and on the other hand, he also wanted to try out what the situation would be like if biochemical bodies always existed in life.

After all, the time when the biochemical being swore the oath has passed too long ago. The humans who experienced it have long since disappeared, and the biochemical beings who experienced it have long since changed.

"Going to the laboratory at this time?" The driver, who is usually not talkative, couldn't help but ask.

There was a war going on in Xima Town, and residents inside and outside Yuncheng knew about it. The entire inner city was brightly lit, and almost everyone was awake all night. Many people gathered in taverns and shops on both sides of the street. The inner city was more lively than ever late at night.

"Well," Li Feng sighed, "There's nothing we can do. There are always unexpected things."

"The two cars behind were following us." Qu Shen, who was sitting in the back seat, spoke.

Today is a special day. There are many cars on the road at this time. All the institutions in the inner city are busy. In addition to various logistics, the defense of Yuncheng itself is also being strengthened, and each department has cars on the road.

But Li Feng still trusted the biochemical body's judgment. He glanced at the rearview mirror and found that the two cars did not seem to belong to any organization in the inner city.

"Have you seen these two cars?" Li Feng asked the driver.

"No, this doesn't look like a car from the inner city." The driver looked at it and frowned. "Do you want to get rid of it?"

"Drive to the exhibition hall as normal," Li Feng answered the call at the checkpoint and gave the information of the two vehicles. "Do you have any records of these two vehicles?"

"Director Li," the man at the checkpoint replied, "this is the Donglin Town support vehicle that came in today using a password."

"Thank you." Li Feng ended the call, feeling a little uneasy.

He called Zhang Qifeng again: "Who did you give the password to today?"

"No," Zhang Qifeng said, "If you want to doubt me, you can..."

"I don't doubt you, but don't jump up as if you're guilty," Li Feng interrupted him, "Has there been any abnormality at Donglin since you went there?"

"I didn't see it," Zhang Qifeng lowered his voice, "What's wrong? Something happened?"

"Not yet," Li Feng frowned, "Director Zhang, how long have we known each other?"

"Don't say that. I've hated you for as long as we've known each other," Zhang Qifeng said. "Just tell me what you want me to do. I'll listen to you for the sake of the overall situation."

"Wow," Li Feng laughed, but the smile soon disappeared. "Director Zhang, I want you to secretly mobilize all the available people under your command. No one must notice. Be ready to cooperate with Colonel Yu's men to control Donglin's camp."

"What?" Zhang Qifeng was shocked. "What are you going to do?"

"It's not my idea," Li Feng said, "Colonel Yu will contact you. Listen to Qiu Shi when necessary."

"What?" Zhang Qifeng was shocked again.

"Go do it." Li Feng said and ended the call.

The two cars behind were slowly approaching. I didn't know whether they were planning to kill him now or force him to go to the laboratory to see Mr. Long.

For Li Feng, the safest place in the entire Yuncheng is the laboratory.

Few people know that this laboratory was not built by Yuncheng. Yuncheng did not have the technology and manpower. It was moved here from Yuncheng’s previous research base.

There was no doubt a trap had been set there, but it was the only place where he could survive.

"Speed up, laboratory." Li Feng said.

The driver stepped on the accelerator.

"Don't wait for me when you get to the parking lot," Li Feng said. "Just drive away, go home or go back to the office."

The driver turned and looked at him: "I'll wait for you."

"I may not be able to get out." Li Feng said and called Colonel Yu again.

"Team Leader Li." Colonel Yu sounded very busy.

"There's a problem in Donglin," Li Feng said. "I'm going to see Mr. Long now, so I may not be able to come out. The City Defense Bureau will pick up your people at the Donglin camp."

Colonel Yu was silent for a few seconds: "Donglin has teamed up with the symbiote."

"I made a wrong judgment." Li Feng smiled.

“Maybe it was a mistake in judgment,” Colonel Yu said, “but the decision was not wrong.”

"If I..." Li Feng cleared his throat, "keep the current situation and give Qiu Shi and Xing Bi enough trust. Without them, we wouldn't be able to get to where we are today."

"I'll send someone over now," said Colonel Yu.

"I have a backup plan," Li Feng said, "Don't cause panic. The heroes must return victoriously, and Yuncheng must live in peace and prosperity."

“…Okay.” Colonel Yu said.

The exhibition hall looked pitch black from the outside at midnight, with no lights and no people.

"Qu Shen, take your men to guard here and wait for Xing Bi and the others to come back." Li Feng said.

"Yeah." Qu Shen responded.

Li Feng took Cheng Gu out of the car, and the driver drove away from the parking lot as he requested.

There is not much security in the exhibition hall after get off work, but when you get to the laboratory, the usual strict security is no longer there.

It seems that Donglin came with secret guards, and he cleared the way all the way.

"Can you feel it?" Li Feng asked Cheng Gu.

"Yeah." Cheng Gu responded.

"Thank you for accompanying me." Li Feng said.

"It's okay." Cheng Gu said.

When they turned into the last corridor outside the laboratory, Qiu Shi's phone rang. The secretary did not ask any questions as he requested and turned him in directly. Qiu Shi's voice rang in the headset: "Li Feng, is there any situation over there?"

"Make sure the camp is completely destroyed," Li Feng said, "Go back to Xima and have a good reunion with your brothers. After all, they are the only true brothers."

Li Feng pushed open the door of the laboratory, and a gun was pointed at his head. The call with Qiu Shi was also cut off. "What do you mean?" Qiu Shi looked at Xing Bi, "Is there something wrong?"

"Qiu Yu." Xing Bi said.

Although the second half of the sentence sounded a bit confusing, after Xing Bi said it, Qiu Shi immediately realized that Qiu and Xing Bi were not real brothers.

"What about the first half of the sentence?" Qiu Shi asked.

"That's exactly what it says." Xing Bi said, "Make sure the camp is completely destroyed so that Yuncheng will not be threatened for a short period of time."

"Was Li Feng kidnapped?" Qiu Shi asked.

"I don't know," Xing Bi looked at him, "but there must be something wrong with Donglin."

"Colonel Yu should know," Qiu Shi frowned, "He is a trustworthy person picked by Li Feng, but we can't contact Colonel Yu directly at this moment."

"What are you going to do?" Xing Bi asked.

"Clean up the camp," Qiu Shi said, glancing at Zheng Ting who was lying on the ground. "Check for casualties. Starting tomorrow, speed up the establishment of the defense line from Shidi and Zhuyuan to Xima. Based on these three points, send people to thoroughly understand the surrounding terrain. All places where there may be people hiding must be thoroughly checked."

"Yeah." Xing Bi nodded.

"After cleaning up the camp, we will take people back to Yuncheng." Qiu Shi said.

"Okay." Xing Bi said.

According to Qiu Shi's personality, he would return to Yuncheng right now. He could not say that he had any trust or friendship with Li Feng, but Li Feng was the person who could make Yuncheng change and had the ability to make Yuncheng change. At least at this stage, nothing could happen to Li Feng, otherwise Yuncheng would be doomed.

But Li Feng asked him to clean up the camp and ensure that there was no threat to Yuncheng. This matter came before his safety, so Qiu Shi had no choice but to do it.

Although he didn't quite understand the order.

The symbiote on Zheng Ting's side did not fully recover its original consciousness after losing control. It was not known whether it was controlled for too long or to too deep a degree. Xing Bi injected limiters into the back of their necks to control them temporarily, waiting for the supporting convoy to arrive and take them away directly.

It was not difficult to clean up the remaining infected people and animals after they got out of control, and many were even burned to death.

"Each team should count the casualties," Captain Yang's voice came, "Gather the injured and perform simple disinfection and bandage first."

"Count your casualties as well." Qiu Shi glanced at Deng Yeye.

"It's impossible to count them all," Deng Yeye said. "No one knows how many people there were originally, and there's no need to count them. It's normal for people to die."

"Just tell me if you need any medical treatment," said Qiu Shi.

"Well," Deng Yeye frowned, "What happened? Can't you tell me? I know those people from Donglin and Qiu Yu quite well. From what the big black monster said just now, did Donglin team up with the symbiote?"

"It should be." said Qiu Shi.

"Where is Li Feng?" Deng Yeye had the same reaction as him. Nothing could happen to Li Feng.

"He should still be alive at the moment," said Qiu Shi.

"Qiu Shi," Deng Yeye looked at him, "You must kill Qiu Yu when you get back. We can't let this man live."

"You should contact Qiu and his fellow tribesmen over there now," Qiu Shi said, "the sooner the better."

"I understand." Deng Yeye nodded.

The camp was cleaned up thoroughly, and several underground caves hidden in the woods were discovered. There were a lot of supplies, weapons, supplements, and repair materials for biochemical bodies inside. All that could be used were moved away and then burned.

The dead soldiers were dragged together and lined up neatly. Qiu Shi slowly walked past their bodies. Although he was reluctant, his eyes still swept over every face.

Some he had never seen before, some he had seen before but didn't know their names, and some... he knew their names and they were very familiar to him.

There are only five people left in the second team.

Qiu Shi walked to the place where the wounded were placed and saw the remaining people in the second team. Zhao Yi had an injured leg and Long Hao had a bandage on his head.

"Fortunately," Long Hao said, "not all of them died."

"The second team of immortal heroes." said Qiu Shi.

"Can we really call it that?" Long Hao asked.

"Yes." said Qiu Shi.

"The convoy has arrived." Xing Bi said behind him.

"Well," Qiu Shi turned around and glanced at him, "Pick a few secret guards and take them back to Yuncheng."

When the distant sky began to turn white, Qiu Shi and Xing Bi drove towards Yuncheng.

In addition to Xing Bi's three team members who had the best cooperation and Sang Fan, there were also five undercover guards in the car, all of whom were selected by Xing Bi.

They didn't know what they would face when they returned to Yuncheng, so they brought the best combination to ensure that Xima Town had sufficient defense.

Major Liang answered Qiu Shi's call: "Captain Qiu, the call with Colonel Yu has been connected. You can talk to him directly."

"Okay, thank you," Qiu Shi pressed the private call button on the headset, "Colonel Yu."

"I have received the report on the battle in the camp," said Colonel Yu. "It was very successful. Thank you for your hard work."

"How is Li Feng?" Qiu Shi said without any unnecessary courtesy.

"He..." Colonel Yu's voice was a little hoarse, and he sounded a little tired. "He is in the laboratory now."

"With whom?" Qiu Shi asked.

"Mr. Long, Chen Dang from Donglin Town and a group of Donglin's secret guards," Colonel Yu said, "The contact is now interrupted. We have surrounded the exhibition hall and are in a standoff with the Donglin camp."

"Yuncheng also has hidden guards," Qiu Shi said, "Can't we attack and get Li Feng out?"

"The current situation..." Colonel Yu said, "We won't be able to find Team Leader Li even if we attack."

"Why?" Qiu Shi frowned.

"The laboratory is now closed," said Colonel Yu.

"Solid as a rock." Li Feng leaned back in the chair, legs on the table, looking at the person on the other side of the glass.

Mr. Long, Chen Dang and Gao Shan from Donglin, and a secret guard.

“It’s a pleasure to be able to appreciate the high-level masterpieces of mankind in this day and age.” Li Feng shook his feet.

"Li Feng," Chen Dang also looked at him, "There is no point in your struggle."

"It's more meaningful than letting you kill me," Li Feng said, "Being alive is meaningful. Of course, only humans can understand this better, right?"

Li Feng looked at Mr. Long. Among the people over there, only he and Gao Shan were human.

Mr. Long looked very unhappy at the moment and said nothing.

"You will die here too," Gao Shan said.

"That may not be the case," Li Feng turned around and glanced at Director Wu, "Old Wu is a capable man. He may not die even if he is locked up here for ten or eight years."

Director Wu's face didn't look very good either, probably because he knew very well that once the lockdown button in the laboratory was turned on, there was no way to open it again.

These people were essentially locked up in this two-story prison. Just like Li Feng said, this place was impregnable and was built to be able to defend against first-level undercover security guards.

Even the glass separating the experimental area is of the same grade.

"Director Wu," Mr. Long, who had been silent the whole time, spoke up, "You don't know how to open the blockade, do you?"

"I really don't know. You are the top leader of Yuncheng, and you don't know how to open it, so how would I know?" Director Wu glanced at Li Feng, "I never thought that I would see this door locked in my lifetime!"

Li Feng smiled and said nothing.

"Li Feng," Chen Dang stood up and walked to the glass wall, "Do you know what the situation will be like outside if this door can't be opened?"

"I don't know what will happen to Donglin Town," Li Feng said calmly, "but I know Yuncheng will remain the same."

Gao Shan sneered.

"If I wasn't sure," Li Feng said, "I wouldn't have come here, let alone locked the door."

Gao Shan couldn't control himself anymore. He jumped up, swung the chair next to him towards the glass wall, and smashed it hard in front of Li Feng.

"Calm down, Mr. Gao," Li Feng said, "We will spend a long time together here, and we may even have to give a eulogy to the deceased..."

"Shut up!" Gao Shan pointed at him.

Li Feng cooperated and shut up, sitting back in the chair, crossing his legs and closing his eyes: "At least it's good for me. I haven't had a good night's sleep for a long time."

Yuncheng looked no different than usual. If there was one difference, it was that everyone from the outer city to the inner city seemed very excited.

Of course, slogans such as "The Great Victory of Xima Town" and "Waiting for the Return of Heroes" can be seen everywhere.

You can also see the photo of the Hero Team 2 grinning and shouting "For Cloud City".

When Qiu Shi and his team's car entered the inner city, they were warmly welcomed by the residents. Some people even chased the car, crying and laughing.

The crowd dispersed only when two military vehicles surrounded them, one in front and one behind, and led them into the tunnel leading to the military base.

The car stopped in the tunnel, the door of the car in front opened, and Colonel Yu got out.

Qiu Shi also opened the car door and jumped out.

"The laboratory is stable for now, but the communication with the inside is still interrupted. We are trying to see if we can restore the communication," said Colonel Yu. "The situation with the Donglin Camp is more urgent now."

"Go to their camp." said Qiu Shi.

"Captain Qiu, do you have any plans?" Colonel Yu asked.

Qiu Shi looked at him without saying anything.

"Team Leader Li contacted me before entering the laboratory and asked me to give you and Xing Bi enough trust," Colonel Yu said, "I will do that, but if I want to cooperate, you also need to have enough trust in me."

"Kill Qiu Yu," Qiu Shi said, "and mobilize the current forces of Yuncheng. Under the premise of ensuring the safety of Yuncheng, destroy Donglin as quickly as possible and establish Yuncheng's own defense line in Donglin."

Colonel Yu looked at him and spoke after a while: "How to kill him? Now the two sides are in a state of confrontation. No one can easily approach Qiu Yu. Any action we take to mobilize troops or firepower will make Qiu Yu evacuate immediately. Once he leaves the camp, it will be difficult for us to take any action."

"I'll go kill him," Qiu Shi said. "I can get close to him."

"Qiu Yu is a completely transformed body," Colonel Yu said, "How do we kill him?"

"I don't know," Qiu Shi answered simply, "They must be waiting for us to negotiate, so let's negotiate, and after the negotiation, we can betray him and kill him. It's that simple."

Colonel Yu looked at him: "Are you sure you can get close to him?"

"Sure," Qiu Shi said, "He has always wanted to kill me."

The author has something to say:

To be continued tomorrow⊙▽⊙.