Peach Blossom Spring

Chapter 75: Trust anchor


Humans and biochemicals.

It's strange and not strange that Li Feng suddenly wants to talk about this topic.

As the current de facto leader of Yuncheng, Li Feng can at least be regarded as a human who unconditionally believes in biochemical bodies. He has thought about humans and biochemical bodies. As for Yuncheng's cognition that "biochemical bodies are a legend" and that biochemical bodies are not allowed to appear, he has chosen to believe it from the moment he decided to activate Xing Bi.

But there would be many more suitable times to discuss this topic with Xing Bi, but he chose now.

Even if Qiu Shi was slow-witted, he knew why.

Xing Bi, who displayed abilities that they had never imagined, probably made Li Feng feel threatened.

"Just the two of us." Li Feng looked at Xing Bi.

"Between Qiu Shi and I..." Xing Bi said, "it's probably hard to keep any secrets."

"I know," Li Feng turned and walked towards Director Wu's office, "but if there is a need, you may be able to convey some of the things he wants to hear better than I can."

"Just tell me I may not understand, which may affect the progress of your conversation," Qiu Shi said, "and he needs to explain it to me with annotations."

Li Feng smiled and turned to look at him: "I don't mean that. You are much smarter than you think."

"Okay." Qiu Shi didn't argue with him, pulled a chair and sat down.

"Go outside to smoke," Li Feng walked into the meeting room, "Don't smoke here. It won't do us any good if Old Wu gets angry to death."

"Wow." said Qiu Shi.

He didn't want to smoke, but he also didn't want to stay in the laboratory. From the first time he walked into the laboratory, his peaceful life, although not promising, was completely disrupted. For him, this place meant all kinds of unpredictable accidents and unknowns.

There were no surprises, mostly helplessness and fear.

The corridor outside was very quiet. The security guards were all in the dark. There were people from the City Defense Department and also biological agents.

Qiu Shi sat on the chair opposite the trash can, leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes.

I hadn't been there for two minutes when I heard footsteps coming from the other end of the corridor.

Qiu Shi turned his head and took a look, and found that it was Chen Dang.

"Why are you here?" Chen Dang saw him and greeted him naturally.

"Get some fresh air." said Qiu Shi.

"We're underground here, it's impenetrable," said Chen Dang.

"Aren't you and Li Feng going to act separately?" Qiu Shi looked at him.

"Hmm?" Chen Dang glanced towards the laboratory. "No, I'm not here to see Li Feng. I'm here to see Zheng Ting."

"You can't see it now," said Qiu Shi.

"Has Xing Bi seen him?" Chen Dang asked.

"Yeah." Qiu Shi responded.

Chen Dang said nothing and sat opposite him.

"Why don't you sit somewhere else?" Qiu Shi said. "When I see you, I'll remember a lot of uncomfortable things."

Chen Dang still didn't say anything, just stood up and walked away.

It has to be said that the emotions of biochemical bodies are much more stable than those of humans. Qiu Shi even felt that he could sense the peace in Chen Dang, who was driven away so rudely by him.

"Qu Shen found an introduction," Li Feng sat behind Director Wu's office and took out a few pages of paper from a folder. "Actually, we can use electronic documents directly, but I still think that things from that era look more touching on paper."

"Who introduced you?" Xing Bi leaned back on the sofa.

"Professor Song Lan." Li Feng said.

Xing Bi turned his gaze from where it was resting on the ground.

"Professor Song is your teacher, right?" Li Feng looked at the document in his hand. "He is an anthropologist and a very respectable old man."

Xing Bi looked at him without saying anything.

"The education and guidance you have received," Li Feng sighed softly, "is far superior to the rest of us."

"What do you want to say?" Xing Bi asked.

"I want to say, I'm glad," Li Feng put down the documents in his hand and looked up at him, "I'm glad you were brought up by Professor Song. Your judgment of human beings will be more comprehensive and thorough."

Xing Bi stood up and walked to the desk, picked up the document, sat back on the sofa, and read it carefully page by page.

"Whether it's humans looking at biochemicals or biochemicals looking at humans," Li Feng leaned back in his chair and lit a cigarette, "most of them only focus on the present, the present experience, the present encounter, and the present emotion. I am the same."

"I don't have any preconceptions about any human being," Xing Bi said, "so I don't expect any human being to conform to my imagination."

"But humans have preconceived notions about biochemicals," Li Feng said, "They must always be 'friends'."

"Well," Xing Bi turned the page, "so I will be judged as uncontrollable."

"How do you grasp this degree? The so-called controllable or uncontrollable." Li Feng asked.

"Director Li, there is no need for us to beat around the bush," Xing Bi closed the file and put it back on the table. "Just be frank. My judgment of humans is not based solely on Qiu Shi. For a long time, I have been outside of human life. I have countless samples, I have met many different people, and I have enough time to think."

"Professor Song taught you to think." Li Feng shook the chair gently.

"Yes," Xing Bi said, "but I admit that Qiu Shi's judgment is indeed very important."

Li Feng didn't say anything, just raised his eyebrows.

"Teacher, Qiu Shi, to me, is not only an important person, but also... a shell on an ordinary beach that brings you a surprise." Xing Bi said.

"What about others?" Li Feng asked, "For example, me."

"You?" Xing Bi looked at him and thought for a moment. "I don't know. You are a sober person. You have love, hate, and vengeance, but not much. You are someone I can trust at this stage."

"Thank you." Li Feng said.

"I will be disappointed with some humans, I will be disgusted, and even hate them," Xing Bi said, "and I may not always keep the oath I made in the past."

"I can see that." Li Feng said.

"But stand a little higher and look for something worthwhile," said Xing Bi.

"Did Professor Song say that?" Li Feng asked.

"Yeah." Xing Bi responded.

Li Feng put out his cigarette, stood up, walked around and leaned against the table.

"Xing Bi, you know that biochemical bodies have an absolute advantage over humans," Li Feng said, "This is also the reason for the initial rupture. Sometimes maintaining balance is much more difficult than destruction."

"What do you think?" Xing Bi asked, "If we can solve 249 this time, humans and cyborgs will once again face the question of how to achieve a truly balanced coexistence, right?"

"I can't care too much about the future," Li Feng said. "I haven't received much education and haven't read many books. The reason I've come to this point and am standing here is simply because I want to live a peaceful and tranquil life and don't want to die a violent death."

Xing Bi looked at him.

"It's hard to trust someone out of thin air. I can trust you and Qiu Shi unconditionally, and I can trust Lin Sheng and the others," Li Feng said, "but I can't trust all biochemical entities."

"Humans and biochemicals need a trust anchor." Xing Bi said, "You must make Qiu Shi and the second team heroes, and make the biochemical team the strongest backing of the heroes. This is the reason. We are the symbol of equality and friendship between humans and biochemicals."

"Well," Li Feng smiled, "so I need to talk to you."

"I have no problem with this part." Xing Bi said, "What about the others?"

"249 and the technologies it represents, no matter what they are, no matter how advanced they are," Li Feng said, "they must be destroyed. As long as this technology exists, it is a hidden danger."

"Yeah." Xing Bi responded.

"Humans will not create more biochemical bodies," Li Feng said, "nor will they conduct any research using biochemical bodies. Humans still need the help of biochemical bodies, but they will also provide them with all the normal inspections and repairs. The injuries on Zheng Ting's body, the injuries you left him in the two battles, are beyond the range of self-healing, and they have not been treated in any way. What Yuncheng has now is the most advanced equipment that could be taken away at the beginning."

"Yes." Xing Bi said.

"Humans and biochemical organisms are independent of each other. Our relationship is one of cooperation and mutual assistance," said Li Feng.

"But," Xing Bi looked at him and said bluntly, "Zheng Ting's situation just proves that biochemical bodies can survive without human medical treatment and repair. Humans' need for biochemical bodies is far greater than that of biochemical bodies for humans."

"This is the key," Li Feng said, "We have to create demand even if there is no demand."

"Hmm?" Xing Bi tilted his head.

"First, symbiosis is not a fair and free way of survival. Biochemical bodies are independent individuals, not thought containers of any human or other species. They reject the symbiotic state and enjoy a free life," said Li Feng.

Xing Bi glanced at him and said, "The second one."

"Find 249 and kill him. That's it." Li Feng said, "Yuncheng will always be a friend of the biochemical bodies. Now that these things have been resolved, all activated biochemical bodies can freely choose whether to stay or leave. Yuncheng can provide any supplies they need."

Li Feng took a bottle of water, poured it into his cup on the table, and took a sip.

"How long do you think this state of balance can last?" Xing Bi asked.

"Before the war, it lasted for more than a hundred years, right?" Li Feng said, "That's enough. I won't live for a hundred years anyway. As for the future, as long as humans no longer create biochemical bodies..."

"We will all disappear eventually," said Xing Bi.

"Yeah." Li Feng looked at him, "Maybe there will be some other experiences in the future, but it's a pity that I can't see them."

Xing Bi didn't say anything.

"In addition, I need you to pick out a group of specific managers for the biochemical bodies," Li Feng said, "You are not included. You will not participate in the management."

Xing Bi looked at him.

"In the eyes of biochemicals, including in the hearts of many humans, you have absolute prestige, but your relationship with Qiu Shi makes your position seem not so pure," Li Feng said, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand," Xing Bi said, "I agree."

"For the same reason, Qiu Shi will not have any position after the war," Li Feng said. "I have my own considerations on this point."

"Tell me about it." Xing Bi said.

"I hope you can serve as that anchor and always maintain your original beliefs," Li Feng said. "Managers will change. The more deeply involved they are, the harder it will be to struggle, and they will eventually become corrupt officials."

"You have done a good job in this regard." Xing Bi said.

"Maybe it's because I haven't stood high enough, or for long enough," Li Feng said, "Maybe one day, I've changed, Yuncheng has changed, my biochemical body has changed, and I still hope that you will be... the punisher."

When Xing Bi came out of the conference room, Qiu Shi was playing checkers with Director Wu.

"Okay, they're out." Director Wu stood up immediately.

"It's over." Qiu Shi looked at him.

"You win," said Director Wu.

"Who asked you to give in?" Qiu Shi said.

Xing Bi walked to the chessboard and took a look. He stretched out his hands and jumped the pieces on both sides in turn. After a while, Qiu Shi finished jumping the pieces on his side: "You win."

"It seems so." Qiu Shi stood up and stretched, "Finally I won once."

"You haven't won once?" Xing Bi glanced at him.

"Yeah." Qiu Shi also looked at him, "Why?"

"Nothing." Xing Bi smiled.

"If you lose, just curse." Director Wu said.

"I can't afford to lose," Qiu said. "I showed respect for science by not taking action."

"Didn't I tell you to come to the laboratory later?" Li Feng also walked out of Director Wu's office.

"You're occupying my office," Director Wu said, "where can I go?"

"I'll give it back to you." Li Feng said.

"Qu Shen will be here soon. He has combined all the information we can find now and made a map," said Director Wu. "If we can't get any clues from Zheng Ting, we can try this map."

"Right away?" Li Feng was walking towards the laboratory door, but stopped when he heard this.

"Are you going to sleep?" Director Wu said, "Hold on a little longer."

"Why would I sleep during work hours?" Li Feng walked back. "I'm going back to the office. I'm not from the exhibition hall."

"You know that too!" said Director Wu.

"By the way, Wang Hong and Zhang Tan," Li Feng looked at him, "need to undergo a detailed assessment. They will stay in the warehouse until the results of the assessment come out."

"The biochemical bodies in the warehouse have almost been put into use," Director Wu said, "and there is not much work for them there anymore."

"Then put them in the hibernation capsule!" Li Feng said, "Where's your brain? Am I asking them to go to the warehouse to work?"

Director Wu sighed and sat on the chair next to him. Qu Shen brought the map to the conference room. The map projected on the wall looked very complicated, or maybe not complicated, but very large. Qiu Shi, who was used to seeing the Cloud City map and the mission system map, suddenly felt a little dizzy when he saw this map.

"These are several nests and camps, as well as areas with severe infection," Qu Shen pointed at the map. "This information, especially the ones that are far away, was provided by the Black Bloods in Donglin Town and Deng Yeye. The area where they are scattered and active is very large, but it's not particularly accurate, it's just a rough location."

"That's enough." Xing Bi said.

"Well," Qu Shen nodded, "Combining all of this, I found two more likely cable routes, but because they are out of range, their directions cannot be determined, so we have no idea where they lead to. We can only follow them."

"It will be very dangerous," Chen Dang said, "If it is the 249 passage, it will easily alert him, and he can also easily target the people who are looking for him."

"You can give it a try." Xing Bi looked at the map, "You can only give it a try."

"Let's determine the team first," Li Feng said. "Xing Bi will give me a list later, including personnel and supplies. Let's get ready first. If there is no feedback from Zheng Ting tomorrow, we will set off tomorrow."

"Isn't time a bit tight?" asked Director Wu.

"The time left by the symbiote is even shorter for us." Li Feng said, "Zheng Ting has been brought back by us for a while. Whatever they want to do, they have already started."

"Yes." Director Wu nodded.

"This trip will take a long time and the distance won't be short," Li Feng said. "We don't know what we will encounter, so everyone should use their brains to think about what to pay attention to."

Xing Bi handed a piece of paper to Li Feng.

"What is this?" Li Feng took it.

"List." Xing Bi said.

"… So fast?" Li Feng looked at the words above, "Is it impossible for Qiu Shi to just copy the words above?"

"Then ask him to give it to you later." Qiu Shi said.

Li Feng smiled.

Although the search for 249 was a big fuss, it was all carried out in secret. It was at this time that the importance of Li Feng finishing the work even if he did not sleep was revealed.

All the work was quickly divided into several parts, and everyone just did what they were supposed to do.

Xing Bi and Qiu Shi didn't have much to do, they just had to decide who to take with them.

Ji Sui and Sang Fan, as well as several newly activated first-level personnel, and a small convoy, carried weapons, communication equipment, and some blasting and excavation equipment.

The two of them stayed in the conference room of the laboratory, and if Zheng Ting had any reaction, they could deal with it immediately.

"Can it be considered a journey?" Qiu Shi asked.

"Yes, they are all places I have never been to," Xing Bi said, "a self-driving tour in the end times."

Qiu Shi laughed.

"Why didn't you ask me?" Xing Bi looked at him.

"What do you want to ask?" Qiu Shi said, "Did Li Feng talk to you about anything?"

"Yeah," Xing Bi nodded, "I thought you would ask as soon as we got out."

"There are times when you can't see clearly, ancestor," said Qiu Shi.

"After all, humans are very complex creatures," said Xing Bi.

"I think I can imagine what he will say to you," Qiu Shi said, "You scared him. Biochemical bodies are too powerful for humans. Once they are completely free from human constraints, how can we maintain balance? That's probably it."

"Li Feng is right, you are indeed smarter than you think." Xing Bi said.

"But I don't care about these things," Qiu Shi said. "Thinking about these things is too tiring. If something comes, I will deal with it. If nothing happens, I will rest. If anyone hits me, I will hit him back. That's it."

Xing Bi smiled and said nothing.

"What's wrong? The quality of our teaching in the outer city makes me think of this." Qiu Shi asked.

"It's good," Xing Bi said, "really."

The several biochemical bodies that set out with them all arrived at the conference room. Since they might set off at any time, no one returned to the dormitory.

There were eight people sitting in the conference room, seven cyborgs and one human.

But it was very quiet.

Everyone just sat there in silence, not talking or moving.

"They..." Qiu Shi looked at Xing Bi.

"Why don't you chat?" Xing Bi asked.

"... Yeah." Qiu Shi nodded.

"You start first." said Sang Fan.

"Don't you guys usually chat?" Qiu Shi asked, "Why do we need to start?"

"When there is no topic, we don't talk," Ji Sui said, "We don't care if the conversation gets boring."

"We can talk about this trip," said Qiu Shi.

"Travel?" Ji Sui glanced at him.

"You can say I'm traveling, but I haven't been anywhere farther than Xima Town," said Sang Fan.

Just as Qiu Shi was about to speak, Director Wu's voice came from the speaker in the conference room: "Xing Bi, come and take a look."

Xing Bi stood up and walked out of the meeting room almost at the same time he spoke.

The cover sealed by Xing Bi in the experimental cabin had some changes. The black color disappeared in several places, revealing the transparent cover underneath.

"I'll go in and take a look." Xing Bi said.

"Do you need anyone to come with us?" Director Wu glanced at the biochemical bodies that followed him, "I still need to report to Director Li."

"I'll go in alone," Xing Bi said, "and you report your report."

When he walked into the experimental cabin, he looked back at Qiu Shi again.

Qiu Shi also looked at him.

"It's okay." He said, and then pushed the door open.

There was no light in the experimental cabin, as the light would have been irritating to Zheng Ting, so Director Wu only left a faint band of light at the bottom of the cabin.

Xing Bi walked up to the hood and looked inside.

Zheng Ting's eyes were pressed against the mask, and he was also looking at him.

"Do you need anything?" Xing Bi asked, "Supplements, or something else?"

"Painkillers." Zheng Ting said with some difficulty in his broken voice.

"Can't you block it?" Xing Bi frowned and gestured to the surveillance camera.

Outside, Director Wu quickly operated the instrument, and gas began to spew out from above the hood.

"Symbiosis will destroy the system." Zheng Ting said.

"Can it be restored?" Xing Bi asked, "There are a lot of instruments in the lab."

Zheng Ting looked at him and said nothing.

Xing Bi didn't say anything else.

"No longer bound by constraints," Zheng Ting said, "Your choice will definitely be right, right?"

"It must be right," Xing Bi said, "and I will make it always right."

Zheng Ting slowly approached the glass cover, very slowly, and could see that the fungi on his body were slowly losing vitality and becoming stiff, just like the trees he saw in the destroyed nest.

"In the water," Zheng Ting said, "He is in the water."

"In the sea? Or in the river?" Xing Bi asked, "Is there a bridge?"

"He can't see." Zheng Ting said.

"Zheng Ting," Xing Bi also moved closer to the hood, "keep talking."

"Cliffs, waves," Zheng Ting said with difficulty, "darkness, no bridge."

"Undersea tunnel," Ji Sui said, "seaside with cliffs."

"Here," Director Wu pointed at the map, "This is it, but where is the tunnel?"

"You can follow this route to find it," Qiu Shi said, "It's not far."

"Captain Qiu," Director Wu looked at him, "This is not the map of Yuncheng. Look, Yuncheng is here..."

Director Wu used his hand to measure the size of Cloud City, then moved to the seashore: "See? How long is it?"

Qiu Shi looked at it for a while and said: "Fuck."

The door of the experimental cabin opened and Xing Bi walked out.

"How is Zheng Ting?" Ji Sui asked.

"No more talking," Xing Bi looked at Director Wu, "Put him in hibernation and see if his system can be repaired."

"It may not be repairable," Director Wu understood what he meant, "but we can try to make him less painful."

"Don't do anything unnecessary." Xing Bi said.

"I know," Director Wu frowned, "I don't want to guard an empty warehouse yet."

"Lock Wang Hong and the other two in there, and you can guard them," said Qiu Shi.

Director Wu looked at him and said, "Don't learn from Li Feng!"

"Why?" Li Feng pushed the door open and walked in, taking a look at the surveillance footage. "Any results?"

"Get ready to go." Xing Bi said.

The author has something to say:

Ah, it’s not too late⊙▽⊙.

Continue tomorrow ╰_╯.