Peach Blossom Spring

Chapter 83: Declaration of war


Except for Sang Fan, all the biochemical beings present knew the teacher.

Although they were not taught directly by the teacher, even stable biological bodies like them raised their heads at the same time when they heard the voice, and were so shocked that they could not control themselves at this moment when they had to maintain their emotions.

"Xing Bi, is that you?"

The teacher's voice came from the receiver again.

Xing Bi didn't answer, but Qiu Shi could see that his emotions were going through great changes.

"How will you be here?"

"Teacher?" Xing Bi asked.

"He is not a teacher!" Qiu Shi yelled, and without hesitation jumped off the fountain, rushed over to grab the receiver, but Xing Bi held it tightly.

"Fuck you, your entire family of eight hundred generations!" Qiu Shi cursed into the receiver. He could only pull Xing Bi's hand and pull the receiver away from his ear.

But Xing Bi seemed to be frozen and he couldn't pull him.

Ji Sui rushed over and slapped the hang-up button of the phone.

The call was disconnected.

At the same time, Qiu Shi slapped Xing Bi in the face.

Xing Bi sighed lightly, slowly lowered his hand, and put the receiver back on the phone.

"This is not the teacher!" Qiu Shi looked at Xing Bi, "The teacher is gone, he no longer exists. What the general remembers is just a tiny bit of his consciousness. That is not him."

"I know." Xing Bi replied in a low voice.

"You have to let this matter go," said Qiu Shi.

"I didn't..." Xing Bi looked at him, "I can't let it go, it's just too sudden."

"You are a first-level biochemical body, you are a top-level stealth guard," Qiu Shi said, "Is this sudden? I have already reacted!"

"I just want to hear his voice," Xing Bi said. "I haven't heard it in a long time."

Qiu Shi didn't say anything. At that moment he suddenly felt Xing Bi was "infinitely close to human".

"The teacher said you don't need him anymore," said Qiu Shi.

"Yeah." Xing Bi responded, and suddenly reached out and hugged him tightly.

"What's wrong?" Sang Fan asked anxiously, "Where are you injured?"

“…No.” Xing Bi let go of Qiu Shi again.

Qiu Shi glanced at Sang Fan, and added, "I'm not injured either."

"Yeah." Sang Fan nodded.

"That was 249," Qiu Shi looked at the phone. "To be honest, imitating the teacher's words is a ruthless move, but it's also very low-level. He uses such a low-level method because..."


Before he could utter this sentence, the super-communist who had been silent nearby suddenly raised his head.

Then came the high-frequency sound that Qiu Shi had heard before.

That's why.

Xing Bi was distracted the moment he heard the teacher's voice and lost control of Chao Gong.

But this time, before Qiu Shi could come to his senses, Xing Bi had already punched the super communist in the throat, and his arm smashed through his neck and came out from the back, grabbing the small square behind the super communist's neck in his bloody hand.

As the super communist slowly fell backwards, the red telephone rang again.

"No more calls." Feng Zhi said.

"I'll take it." said Qiu Shi.

It is not easy to contact 249. Now that 249 has come to us on his own, it is a rare opportunity. No matter what his purpose is, it means that 249 can no longer hide in the cables and pretend to be a god.

Qiu Shi picked up the receiver.

He had never used this old-fashioned phone, so he picked it up and looked at it before putting it to his ear.

"We have destroyed your coal pile," he said.

There was only a rustling sound in the receiver, and no one was talking.

"Why," Qiu Shi said, "Did you find that there is no one to learn from around me? I have no parents and just killed my brother. I don't have any relatives."

"Let Xing Bi talk to me." Li Feng's voice came from the other end of the receiver.

I have to admit, it was indeed very sudden. Even though Qiu Shi was mentally prepared, he was still stunned for a moment.

Both the voice and the tone were exactly the same as Li Feng's. He immediately understood how Xing Bi felt when he heard the teacher's voice just now.

"Brother Shi." The voice on the other end suddenly changed.

"Zhao Lu?" Qiu Shi responded subconsciously, then came to his senses and cursed, "So that's all you know how to do."

"It's true that I don't know much, but you still get crazy because of this little trick. Humans and biochemicals with human emotions are so fragile." The voice changed to a gentle female voice. "When you were a child, did you hear your mother's voice? You probably don't remember the lullaby your mother sang to you..."

Qiu Shi felt that his breathing paused.

He has no impression of his parents, nor any thoughts about them, no love, no hate, no longing, and he never even thinks of them.

But when he heard the gentle title of "Mom", he still felt emotions hidden in his heart that he had never noticed before.

At this moment, the anger in his heart seemed to ignite a fire.

"He is irritating you." Xing Bi said.

"I'm angry if I want to. Who the hell do you think you are? You're just a bunch of useless data," Qiu Shi started to curse. "You've learned it pretty well, but have you ever seen these people? Can you see them? Can you hear them? How long have you lived? Two hundred years? Three hundred years? Where are you? Who knows where you are? No one has seen you, no one knows you, and you have to steal other people's voices to even speak..."

Qiu Shi yelled into the phone without stopping, and 249 on the other end fell silent.

When Xing Bi was about to take the phone, Song Heng's voice came from the headset: "The team received a message from Xu Jie that the symbiote on the other side of the river attacked the suburbs of Benquan City..."

Qiu Shi’s voice cut off.

The voice on the phone at this time was like a knife stabbing into his heart.

Li Rui cried out, "They killed my sister! They killed those people in the store..."

"You underestimate humans," Xing Bi took the phone, "Those symbiotes can't kill humans who are armed and experienced in combat."

"Brother Xing Bi." It was still Li Rui's voice on the other end.

"This world is mine." Xing Bi said.

Qiu Shi turned his head and looked at him.

"Your symbiote is no match for me," Xing Bi said, "Zheng Ting was also defeated by me."

"Xing Bi." The voice on the other end turned into Zheng Ting's.

"I killed him twice. If I wanted, I could kill him a third time, a fourth time," Xing Bi said. "And you, I will seal you in darkness forever. I will clear out your camp and kill all your puppets. You will shrink into a corner that no one knows about. You will return to nothingness, and you will realize that you never existed."

"Xing Bi," the voice on the other end changed back to the teacher's, "I don't care, whether there are symbiotes, humans, or you, I don't care."

"Really?" Xing Bi smiled, "What if you're not there?"

The other end hung up the phone.

"What's going on over there in the river?" When Qiu Shi saw the call was disconnected, he immediately picked up the intercom and asked.

The walkie-talkie can directly contact the team. Probably because they were afraid of affecting their chance of picking up leaks, the team contacted Song Heng first after receiving Xu Jie's message.

"Both teams in Xingchuan are searching," the soldier in charge of liaison replied, "So far, no bodies have been found, and there is no blood. The scene is a bit messy, and it looks more like an emergency escape."

"Does Li Rui know?" Qiu Shi asked, "How is he?"

"He knows," the soldier replied. "He is calm and thinks someone will come to help Li Xia and the others."

"Song Heng," Xing Bi said, "Will Qi Jian and the others go over there to help?"

"Yes, I estimated that the time is enough, but I can't contact them now," Song Heng said, "I need to go to the contact station."

"Let Li Rui make the call." Qiu Shi said.

The soldier over there gave the walkie-talkie to Li Rui.

"Brother Shi." Li Rui's voice sounded quite calm.

"We will be able to contact Qi Jian and the others when we get to the next contact station. Xingchuan's team will continue to look for your sister," Qiu Shi said. "Where do your sister and the others usually go when they encounter danger and need to hide?"

"I'm not sure about others, but my brother will definitely go to help them. He has a lot of Tibetans in his place," Li Rui said firmly. "I've told brother Xu Jie that he will go find them."

"Well, there is no sign that they are injured now," said Qiu Shi.

"My sister and the others will be fine, but 249 will definitely be killed by us." Li Rui said.

"We'll go back to the parking spot right away," Qiu Shi said, "and stay alert."

"Don't worry." Li Rui said in a calm voice.

After the call between the two sides ended, Xing Bi took a look at the symbiotes that had been controlled by them before. These symbiotes had woken up, but their consciousness was still sealed.

"Take them back to the convoy." Xing Bi said.

"Would you like to take the phone?" Qiu Shi asked.

"No," Xing Bi said, "We have to cut off 249's connection with the camp one by one."

"Were you threatening him just now?" Qiu Shi asked.

"It's a declaration of war," Xing Bi said, "He declared war first, so let's do it."

"Any plans?" Qiu Shi asked.

"Go back to the car and contact Li Feng," Xing Bi said, "and Deng Yeye, can you contact her?"

"Xiao Chong's contact range is limited. We can't contact her at the moment, but she should catch up," said Qiu Shi.

"There is one more thing, which may be a little difficult." Xing Bi said.

"Hmm?" Qiu Shi looked at him.

"Are you looking for homeless people?" Feng Zhi asked.

"Yes." Xing Bi nodded.

"Fuck?" Qiu Shi was stunned. "Why are you looking for those crazy people?"

"They are very capable in combat," Ji Sui said. "They are familiar with the terrain and are not afraid of death."

Li Feng sat in the conference room, looking at the detailed material report in front of him.

In the past, the materials were basically those related to production and life, mainly for survival, but recently, what he wanted to look at also included those minerals that no one had paid attention to for a long time, which were the most neglected assets of Yuncheng Mining.

Minister Liu glanced at the time and saw that there was still some time before the meeting.

"Such large-scale production," he said, leaning closer to Li Feng, "residents' lives will be affected."

"It wasn't that many people were not affected," Li Feng said. "In recent years, the feedback from the people below has been that there is not enough food and clothing. We are not only strengthening military production, but also expanding the production of daily necessities."

"It may take some publicity at the beginning." Minister Liu frowned.

"This is your job," Li Feng said, "You are the best at fooling people."

"Director Li," Minister Liu said in a low voice somewhat helplessly, "You are already in this position. You should speak and act like a leader. Some words..."

Li Feng also moved closer to him and whispered, "What position do I hold? I am just the director of the Security Bureau. How can I act like a city lord?"

"You..." Minister Liu leaned back in his chair, looked at him and shook his head, "You really are..."

Everyone attending the meeting entered the meeting room on time.

"Let's talk about miscellaneous matters first," Li Feng said without any nonsense, "Director Zhang, how is the cooperation between the City Defense Bureau and the City Construction Bureau on the reconstruction of the outer city going?"

"Everything is going well. In the first step, the existing gathering area was not touched. Simple houses were built directly outside. The first phase will be completed in another week," said Zhang Qifeng. "People will move in according to the length of time they have participated in the production and construction of Yuncheng. Then the second phase of expansion and the renovation of the refugee camp in the old outer city will be carried out simultaneously."

"The City Defense Bureau's attitude is a little gentler. What they need now is the cooperation of the refugees, and all the work depends on them." Li Feng said.

"I know," Zhang Qifeng said, "Zhang Sihai is the supervisor."

"I still trust Mr. Zhang's words," Li Feng nodded, "Finally, there is a position for him to realize his ideal of loving and protecting the people."

Zhang Qifeng stared at him without saying anything.

Li Feng smiled at him and turned to look at Colonel Yu: "Colonel Yu, the expansion of the surrounding defense and base construction needs to be accelerated."

"It has been arranged," Colonel Yu said, "The third batch of recruits has completed training."

"The factory is short of people, so we can send the new recruits over to do some work, exercise, and improve their physical fitness. After they have enough food, they can work," Li Feng said. "Have you completed the inventory of weapons?"

"It's done. The previous stock is still sufficient, and there will be a lot after replenishing the defense base." Colonel Yu looked at him, "Including the additional stock you requested this morning, if all production is completed, based on the current strength of Yuncheng, every soldier will be fully armed, and we can equip three Yuncheng armies."

"Continue, and ensure that the residents have food to eat." Li Feng said.

"Can I ask what the plan is?" asked Colonel Yu.

"This is the focus of today's meeting," Li Feng looked around at the people in the meeting room, "Qiu Shi and Xing Bi have passed through the two old cities of Benquan City and Yuzhou City, and found the symbiote camp near the pass of Wangdongling Mountain, and..."

Li Feng projected the updated map: "I talked to 249."

Several people in the conference room looked at him in shock at the same time.

"Does this count as alerting Unit 249?" asked Colonel Yu.

"It's hard not to alarm them," Li Feng said. "The road to the east is full of his camps, and we have no way of counting how many there are. Although not every camp is as large and powerful as the previous Xima Town, just one supercommunist plus a few first-level symbiotes, and a group of infected people, this configuration is already a demon base in front of the bulk refugees."

"So are we going to confront 249 and his Symbiote Legion head-on now?" Zhang Qifeng asked.

"You don't have to be too tough," Li Feng glanced at Chen Dang who was sitting next to him, "It's just that it's not realistic to rely on the army of Yuncheng to clear out the camps one by one. We need to unite all the forces outside of Yuncheng."

"Some of the immune patients I have been able to contact have already passed on the news, and it will take about three or four days," Chen Dang said, "and some others need to be contacted by Deng Yeye."

"Well," Li Feng took out a cigarette, hesitated for a moment and put it on the table, "Lin Sheng, Xingchuan has reported the situation to you, right?"

"Yes," Lin Sheng replied, "There is a cooperative organization of biochemicals and humans outside. They are planning to unite, and we need to send a cleanup team."

"What is their plan?" asked Colonel Yu.

"Cut off all the camps on the east road from 249. They pose a threat to 249," Lin Sheng said. "Now 249 will chase them all the way. They are baits. At the same time, they will destroy the camps and force 249's copy data to return to its home base."

"There's more to the camp than just this," Colonel Yu said.

"So..." Lin Sheng glanced at Li Feng, "They need homeless people."

"Homeless?" Everyone was stunned.

"The vagrants are the strongest human fighting force in the hell world outside," Li Feng said. "They are crazier than those who are immune to black blood, less afraid of death, and more organized. They can go and clean up the camp."

"How could they cooperate?" Minister Liu said, "I've read the information about Donglin's expulsion of vagrants. Those vagrants... are like crazy people."

"Spread the word. Someone is looking for the treasure in the camp, a small black square hidden in the telephone." Li Feng took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, but did not light it. "If you find it, you can exchange it for any weapon they want."

"What is this?" asked Minister Liu.

"Who knows," Li Feng said, "What color does Minister Liu like?"

“…light green.” Minister Liu said.

"That's a small light green cylinder," Li Feng said, "If you find it, you can take it to our supply point and exchange it for any weapon you want."

"Did you just make it up?" Zhang Qifeng asked.

"I wrote it carefully, and I even used Minister Liu's favorite colors," Li Feng said. "Although no one can find this thing, it will wipe out the entire camp. If we can't kill all of them in one batch, there will always be another batch."

"If we can't find it, it will arouse suspicion, right?" said Zhang Qifeng.

"So anything related to the symbionts in the camp can be exchanged at our supply point, including food, ammunition, and medicine," Li Feng said. "The captured symbionts are more valuable. We can discuss the specific exchange method later."

"Do you want the symbiote too?" Colonel Yu was a little hesitant.

"Not all symbiotes are willing," Li Feng bit the cigarette in his mouth, "There will be no more new biochemical bodies in this world. As long as the existing ones are in line with our goals, we can keep as many as possible."

Chen Dang held a lighter in his hand and put it close to his mouth and lit it: "Light it up, don't be tempted to chew it raw later."

Li Feng lit up the cigarette and took a puff: "Do you have any questions? If not, we can discuss the details."

"I have one, and although it's not something that needs to be solved right now," Minister Liu said, "it will definitely have to be faced in the future."

"You say." Li Feng said.

"These vagrants will become a more powerful armed force after completing their mission in the camp," Minister Liu said. "It will be very troublesome if we can't control them."

"Well," Li Feng nodded, "As long as they are willing to exchange, we will have the opportunity to contact them. We can recruit those who can be recruited, and for those who cannot be recruited, we can create some small conflicts to keep them divided. As long as we ensure that they are always small and scattered groups, they will not pose a threat to us."

The convoy stopped in front of a ridge. They needed to pass through a four-kilometer-long mountain tunnel. This length was something Qiu Shi had never seen before, as he was used to seeing all kinds of tunnels and underground mines.

Several biochemical beings got out of the car. They were more sensitive to certain dangers that might arise in the dark than the monitoring equipment in the car.

The convoy followed Ji Sui and Feng Zhi in the front and slowly drove into the tunnel.

"Is Yuncheng no longer capable of digging such a tunnel now?" Qiu Shi looked at the tunnel ahead illuminated by the car lights, which seemed to have no end.

"A tunnel like this, a bridge like that after the tunnel," Xing Bi said, "a hundred-story building, many things are now just legends."

“If our ancestors saw us humans living like this now,” Qiu said, “would they be disappointed?”

"The present is not much different from what our ancestors imagined," Xing Bi said. "Humans are very good at imagination, and biological organisms can never achieve this."

"Maybe," Qiu Shi sighed softly, "I can't do that anyway. Before I left Yuncheng, I couldn't even imagine that the outside world would be like this."

Xing Bi smiled, took his hand and squeezed it gently.

Qiu Shi quickly looked forward and saw that the cab was closed. In order to ensure the driver's safety, he looked back and made sure that Ji Sui and Song Heng, who were sitting in the back, had gotten out of the car.

Ji Sui went down to be on guard, and Song Heng said he wanted to go down for some activities. Qiu Shi felt that he probably just didn't want to listen to him and Xing Bi chatting.

"It seems like you're being arrogant," Qiu Shi leaned back in his chair and squeezed towards Xing Bi, motioning him to turn off the group call and leave only the headset on, "You're the only one who didn't get off the car."

"Do I have a big temper?" Xing Bi hung up the phone and touched his face. "I was slapped in the face today and I wasn't even angry."

"Fuck," Qiu Shi couldn't help laughing, "I thought you forgot about it."

"You hit me." Xing Bi said.

"You didn't hide. If you wanted to hide, would I be able to hit you?" Qiu Shi said.

"I didn't hide because I was too shocked," Xing Bi said, "Brother Shi actually wanted to hit me."

"Stop pretending. That one second when I raised my hand and slapped you was enough for you to think about it more than 800 times," said Qiu Shi.

"Not even a second, just a few tenths of a second." Xing Bi said.

"That can last for more than 400 rounds," said Qiu Shi.

"Well," Xing Bi smiled, "Then I just want to be slapped."

Qiu Shi turned his head and kissed him on the face.

Xing Bi quickly turned his head away.

"What are you doing?" Qiu Shi looked at him, "It's still in the car."

"What?" Xing Bi came over and gently rubbed his lips, "Do you have to get out of the car to kiss in front of everyone?"

Qiu Shi didn't say anything, but pressed forward and kissed him hard on the lips, his warm breath blowing on both of their faces.

The author has something to say:

To be continued tomorrow⊙▽⊙.