Peach Demon

Chapter 17


Tao Yao ran all the way to Zhuxiantai, where the King of Hell was, and she could still feel his faint temperature passing slowly.

"Bold peach demon, dare to trespass Zhuxiantai!" Great effort! Heavenly soldiers and generals guarding Zhuxiantai were densely floating up and down for three floors.

With a solemn face, she glanced at the heavenly soldiers and the generals with her deadly eyes. There was nothing to say, an old and immortal enchanting staring at all the gods, with the arrogant arrogance of me that I can't die, holding the little devil in one hand. , blocking the attacks of the gods with one hand, and in an instant, the demonic energy was strong, and there was no short-term confrontation, she shocked the gods with boundless demonic energy, and she walked safely to the majestic four-pillar gate with the words Zhuxiantai written on it. The little ghost was in a coma, dreaming a dream that he was disappearing into ashes. The double squeeze of the immortal energy and the demon energy ripped apart his ghost body and restrained his throat. He was in pain but couldn't cry out. When these came, he really couldn't bear the pain.

When Tao Yao finally walked under the door, she cut her palm, and blood red quickly filled the sky above Zhuxiantai, blocking the gods from the outside. The inside of Zhuxiantai was covered with dark clouds, thunder was rolling, and King Hades was tied in mid-air by immortal chains. The unkempt hair, charred face, and tattered clothes could prove that he is the King of Hell, probably because of the number of gods outside Zhuxiantai.

He's still alive, thankfully! The Heavenly Emperor didn't give him any pleasure, and let him jump straight down and disappear into ashes. Instead, he used Tianlei, a blunt knife to cut flesh, to torture the gods.

"Ye Wang!" Tao Yao smiled, looking at him from a distance, "This Tao Yao is here to see you!"

Hades raised his head slowly, only a pair of clear eyes were still alive, he wanted to grin, but only a layer of black powder was sprinkled on the chapped skin, "It's just right."

Thunder roared, rolling in, everywhere.

The peach demon jumped up, cut off the chain of immortal locks in the air, caught the King of Hell who fell down due to his inability to support, and protected him under his body. It smelled very light and sweet.

"Did you smell it, the smell of my body being burnt is not bad." Tao Yao couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Hades said: "If it is not burnt, it may taste better."

Tao Yao guarded the King of Hell in front of him, and quickly dodged left and right to avoid the King of Hell being attacked by the thunder again, but his flesh was scorched one piece after another, but his face was well protected, "King Yan, you are too much. Haven't eaten in a while!"

Yama's head slumped on the peach demon's shoulders, unable to exert any strength, his body was held tightly by the peach demon, and the cooked flesh on his body was almost pierced by her. The head on the neck is completely obedient, "I'll cut a piece of my cooked meat and try it later."

A thunder struck Yan Wang's head, the peach demon dodged, and another lightning struck the back of the peach demon's head from the rear, and the smooth blue silk immediately became restless.

"I sinned against that child of Heavenly Emperor, but I still want to eat my own flesh!" Another quick flip, "I haven't waited for me to get to the gate of Zhuxiantai, maybe he can't wait to collect the corpses for us."

"I've been hacked for five days and haven't been wiped out yet," Yama said, "but it's almost there! ... You will never be wiped out. If I'm wiped out, I won't be able to give him a chance to collect his body."

Tao Yao made the last jump, closed the barrier, and was about to rush out of Zhuxiantai, "Ye Wang, you're talking more now than in tens of thousands of years!" Tao Yao laughed.

Hades closed his eyes, and Meng Xiaoxiao's smile appeared in what should have been pitch-dark eyes. He hasn't joked with Tao Yao like this for many years. The darkness and silence of the underworld have left a deep imprint on him. When the first thunder struck him, he suddenly opened up, as if seeing the dawn again. He thought he might really be able to live again.

not good! As she expected, the Heavenly Emperor had really come, and he created a barrier outside the Taoyao's barrier. The demon held the King of Hell and rushed towards the gap in the barrier. They rushed out, but were surrounded by gods again.

Tao Yao gently placed the King of Hell on the ground, straightening her spine in a arrogant posture, but her back was only chopped into coke-like back, and her flying hair made her lose a bit of elegance.

The visual contrast is completely different from that of the Emperor of Heaven. Compared with him, it is just a beggar emperor and a real son of heaven. The King of Hell smiles wryly, and his breath is dying.

Tao Yao cleared her throat and said to the Emperor with a smile: "The Emperor of Heaven has such a celestial appearance, a handsome appearance, a heart of light and a bright moon, and the efficiency of doing things is really fast!" , Who doesn't like other people flattering themselves! "Heavenly Emperor, look at the ghostly appearance of King Yama, and the punishment from heaven is over!"

The Emperor of Heaven glanced at the King of Hell lightly, and said, "It's over."

The two words light and fluttering made Tao Yao suddenly have a good impression on the Emperor of Heaven. A person who is slapped by a tyrant every day is not beaten one day, and he will be grateful to the abuser; a person who gets a steamed bun from the donor every day will not get a steamed bun, and will curse and curse the donor. This is human nature! Tao Yao quickly calmed down, this human nature is not what an outstanding old demon should have.

The gods disappeared, the peach demon thanked the emperor, and left with the king and the kid. The king was curled up on the peach petals, and he was held by the peach demon. The force was transmitted into Yama's body through those two hands.

The kid was trembling by the side, and didn't dare to say a word. He had never seen Tao Da Yao's solemn expression, nor a Yama like this. He silently prayed to Yama to recover quickly, but found that The object of his prayer is the King of Hell, and it seems that it is not right to pray for the King of Hell to let the King of Hell recover quickly, but he can't control that much.

Dushuo Mountain is filled with layers of black clouds, like the hands of a demon, with its teeth and claws to devour it, and slowly tormenting it like a cat and a mouse, catching and letting go, letting go and catching, watching it die again. With good intentions, when you see it is about to escape and you want to kill it.

The closer the kid got to the black cloud, the more he trembled. The blue blood had been squeezed out of his nose, as if there were countless corpse worms biting his body. There is room for return, "Peach... Tao Da Yao, I... I"

Seeing this, the peach demon flicked his hand, and the little ghost was already a hundred miles away, floating on a peach blossom, curled up, shivering.

She lowered her head and looked at the King of Hell, whose breath of life was passing quickly. The steady stream of spiritual power seemed to have entered a bottomless pit, and she could not find out how deep it was. Dushuo Mountain put down such a restraint," she cut her palms, her hands joined together, and suddenly the King of Hell was wrapped in blood, and thick and bright red blood circulated. "Life and death are forbidden, only death is broken, broken is death... Only death is broken, broken is death." She looked at the black cloud and murmured. None of the gods in Dushuo Mountain can save him, breaking this life-and-death prohibition means that he will be wiped out! But he went to Zhuxiantai, where would it be a different ending!

There is no alternative to living!

Sunset, Moon, Sunrise. Hades fell asleep in a cloud of blood, and the black cloud was slowly dissipating.

The peach demon sits quietly on the peach blossom like a sculpture.

She had no choice, she could only watch the black luck dissipate, she could only watch the life of the King of Hell disappear one by one, waiting for the coming of the King of Hell to disappear. It's her fault, she shouldn't tamper with the book of life and death so easily, she shouldn't compromise so easily, what about a momentary loss, she has a long life, if she keeps fighting, maybe she can win.

Tiantiao, if she can look at it; Tiantiao, if she can change it. Why not punish tamperers? Why not punish those who have been tampered with? Both of them can't be killed. Oh, it's not a problem if they can't be killed. It's better to make them live than to die. Just to punish someone who gets killed.

Yes, life is not as good as death, after all, it still exists and can be saved; but it has vanished, disappeared, disappeared without a trace, can't be found again, and there is no talk of redemption.

Looking towards Chaoyang, the light was not dazzling, Tao Yao blinked and closed her eyes again. A sun-like spot of light appeared in the darkness, and she grinned.

"Go to Xu country and tell Ying Yan, I will go back in a few days." She said to the little ghost not far away, the little ghost shook his head and disappeared.

Tao Yao looked at the blood-colored Hades again, and said with a smile, "I bet you won't be wiped out."

She stood up against the wind, using her hand as a blade, the light overflowed, the sharp light instantly touched the black cloud, the black cloud quickly dissipated to both sides, and the dazzling white light slowly swallowed the black cloud to the peach that stretched three thousand miles. The tree appeared before her. It was at that moment that the peach demon merged into the blood that surrounded Hades and disappeared. Immediately, the blood appeared, and the sky and the sea were dyed red. And that group of blood finally calmed down and slowly moved towards Dushuo Mountain.

For seven, seven and forty-nine days, Meng Xiaoxiao and Chongming guarded the bloody cloud. They watched as the scorched black inside was slowly dyed red, and finally disappeared, leaving a cloud of dark red.

Meng Xiaoxiao knew that King Yan had placed a life-and-death ban on Du Shuoshan before he left, and he whispered in her ear, "I'll take care of it, you wait for me to come back." She wanted to hold his hand, but only grabbed him His sleeves, he turned back, smiled, and left resolutely. He knew that he should be punished if he violated the law, and no one could stop him.

When Dushuo Mountain was covered with dark clouds, all the ghosts were panicked and hoped that it would dissipate, but she did not want it. She would rather live in the darkness forever than let it dissipate, because she knew that he was there.

But when Dushuoshan saw the sun again, she could barely stand still, leaning on the peach branch, closing her eyes, unable to dispel the light, and covering her eyes with her hands, she still could not return to the darkness.

Until Chongming Bird exclaimed, the blood color slowly floated, and she smiled, the first time in tens of thousands of years.

"Meng Xiaoxiao, I want that string of wind chimes from the King of Hell."

In the quiet underworld, Tao Yao's voice suddenly echoed.

"How is it?" Meng Xiaoxiao stared at the group of dark red, and asked eagerly, and felt that her top priority should be to get the wind chimes, so she went to the palace of the King of Hell to get the wind chimes without waiting for Tao Yao's answer.

Chongming on the side sighed with relief, pretending to be relaxed: "It really is an old demon, with a great fate!"

"Now you know the benefits of being a monster?" The bloody group continued to speak, "Haha, it's too late."

"It's just you, a monster who is talked about by bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods every day. I can't wait to drink your blood and eat your flesh. What's so rare for me!"

"□□Naked jealousy! Of course, it's only babies who are worried about all kinds of gods and monsters!" Tao Yao said.

"What's going to happen to the baby? People have pigs, and as a result, they are eaten with nothing but bones."

Before Tao Yao could argue, Meng Xiaoxiao had already brought the wind chimes.

Tao Yao said thoughtfully and said carefully: "Meng Xiaoxiao, Hades' three souls and seven souls have been damaged, I can only keep him in this string of wind chimes that has absorbed his spiritual energy, how long does it take for him to wake up? ." Tao Yao paused: "I... can't guarantee... I'm sorry."

Meng Xiaoxiao didn't answer yet, only to see a touch of blood drawn from the dark red cloud and melted into the string of peach wood wind chimes. Tao Yao doesn't want to force Meng Xiaoxiao to forgive, let alone hear the words that Meng Xiaoxiao won't forgive. She was wrong, not a simple sorry to offset the sin.

The peach wood wind chimes fell in Meng Xiaoxiao's hands, and the dark red blood quickly disappeared in the underworld, drifted toward the ghost gate, and then immersed in the peach tree. In an instant, the peach tree lost its vitality, the green leaves withered, the peach blossoms fell, and the sky was red. Red, green and green, like flowers scattered by a goddess.

Shen Tu and Yu Lei let Luye and Peach Blossom fall, standing upright without moving at all.

"How long will it take this time?" Shen Tu looked at Fang Fei in front of him.

"Always come back." Yu Lei replied.

"One hundred years?" The last time Shen Tu remembered was more than four hundred years.

"It doesn't take ten years." Yu Lei replied.

"A jar of peach blossom stuffing," Shen Tu said, "I bet you win."

Chongming bird flew to the bare branches of the peach tree, and said nothing.

Meng Xiaoxiao walked out of the gate of hell and stood still in the rain of red and green petals and leaves. The wind chimes in her hands made a crisp and pleasant sound, which was the favorite sound of Tao Yao.

"Come back sooner." She prayed silently.

From the Naihe Bridge in the underworld, the young Meng Xiaoxiao was never seen again, and in exchange, it was just the white-haired old fairy called "Meng Po" by the ghosts.