Peach Demon

Chapter 6


Outside the gate of hell, Shen Tu and Yu Lei were stomping straight, the peach demon stroking his arched branches, still strong and powerful; the peach petals fluttering in the wind still refused to fall to the ground; Hong has already spread on the ground, smiling at the peach blossoms on the branches.

Shen Tu and Yu Lei had never seen such a peach demon before, and they were a little sad, a little sad, and a little relieved.

"Really leave?" Yu Lei said.

"That's still fake? My peach demon is famous for his words."

"Return two jars of peach blossom brew before leaving," Shen Tu said.

"People have the pain of parting. But the two of you will remember the peach blossom brew." Tao Yao shook his head and said, "The old place, go and dig it yourself. You can only dig two jars, and the rest are not allowed to move."

"Don't be careful." Yu Lei interjected.

Shen Tuben also wanted to say something reluctant to part, but the words turned into two jars of peach blossom stuffing. After pondering for a while, he said: "Yeah, how many people and monsters want to eat your peach to become an immortal, don't be a peach demon and an old demon when you say it, talk less, it will be very troublesome to say too much, don't you? Are you most afraid of trouble? When you go to the world, you have to restrain your demonic energy. Don’t be too aggressive in everything. There is a law of survival for everyone. You just need to keep your promises. You are easy to be foolish, and you should commit less crimes in the future. Indifference may be the best weapon to protect yourself, but if you encounter orphans and widows, give them food, Let them wait for whoever wants to wait."

This is the first time Tao Yao has heard Shen Tu say such a long sentence. She knew that before they became immortals, they had worked for a long time. The youngest left home and the boss returned. , became the Rat's Nest and the Rabbit's Den.

Shen Tu couldn't speak any longer, and bowed his head sadly, thinking of a long, long time ago.

Tao Yao said: "With my ingenuity, even if I suffer a loss, I won't let anyone get half a cent of it. You can rest assured."

Yu Lei said, "I'll come back when I've had enough."

Tao Yao showed a big smile and replied, "Okay."

"I'll watch it from time to time, so she won't make a big mess." Chong Mingbird sat gracefully on the peach branch and said with closed eyes.

Yu Lei said: "You can't hang those chicken feathers on your diary all day."

Chongmingbird's body swayed, his eyes closed even tighter, he didn't want to mess with that poisonous tongue Yu Lei!

Suddenly, I saw the figure of the peach demon flashed, and it turned into a red light and melted into the peach tree that was bent for thousands of miles. Luohong on the ground also joined their team constantly. The whole peach tree was swirled by flying peach petals. The wind was blowing, the clouds were swept in, and the big tree disappeared, leaving only pink petals wrapped around the clouds. Oi rushed to the sky, was scattered by a burst of air in the air, and fell one after another, the peach demon stepped on the falling petals and walked down from the cloud leisurely, a peach fell from her hand, and slowly entered the already bare In the soil of Dushuo Mountain, it germinates, grows into seedlings, grows, and travels for three thousand miles.

They all know that the tree is the exact same tree, but it is not a peach demon.

The peach blossoms were still falling, but the petal that the peach demon stepped on stopped in the air, never going down or saying goodbye, and disappeared to the west.

Shen Tu looked at the place where the peach demon disappeared and asked, "Do you think she will come back?"

Yu Lei looked at the place where the peach demon disappeared and replied, "Yes."

With his eyes still in the distance, Shen Tu continued: "Ye Wang and Meng Xiaoxiao have both left, she came back to see the two of us?"

Yu Lei said: "Why not."

Shen Tu said: "I bet she won't come back with a jar of peach blossom brew."

Yu Lei said, "I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for her to come back."

"Bah! Bah! Bah! All the bad words!" Shen Tu continued, "I bet you win, she will come back."

Shen Tu grinned and smiled. Shen Tu hooked his lips and smiled.

Xu country.

More than a hundred years ago, King Wu conferred a meritorious official to win in Sishui, more than a hundred miles away, and he called Xu, who was the Marquis of Xu. Up to now, it has reached the eighth generation of Xuhou. Under the governance of Xuhou, the country of Xu is considered to be a prosperous country and a strong people, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. is surplus.

This king of Xu Guoguo is good in other aspects, except for one thing that can't be said well or badly, that is, he is too affectionate, and the famous wife Ji concubine can't be counted. The ground is all, in the palace of Xu Kingdom, as long as there is a little beautiful woman, all of them have been contaminated by him.

No, in a remote palace in the southwest corner of the palace, there was a maid who was giving birth. She had already lost her voice, only weak and panting, and her pale face was covered with beads of sweat. Granny Wen is an old man in the palace. The amniotic fluid has already broken. She has given birth for several hours, but she still can't see the child's head. She is also sweating profusely, and her heart is even more nervous, but she has been calmly saying to the woman: " Push harder, push harder, and you'll be born. It'll be a boy." Repeatedly, like giving strength to women, but also giving yourself courage.

"Come out! Come out!" Her frown turned into joy, "Put more force and see the round head!"

When the woman heard that, she exerted her last strength, screamed in pain, and tried her best.

"Out..." Wen Po's wrinkled face was sluggish for a moment, and she could no longer make any sound.

A weak voice came from the side: "Have you come out?"

The woman didn't hear Granny Wen's answer, but saw Granny Wen's cloudy eyes were already red and full of tears. I don't know why, the woman's heart suddenly became sour. She had survived such a tough ten months and never cried, but at this moment her eyes were sour, but she couldn't stop the tears, and she kept going to the corners of her eyes. whereabouts. She could feel that Po Wen's tears were not tears of joy, not tears of joy!

"Lang'er!" Granny Wen hugged the woman, almost choked up, "It's a... egg, it's an egg!"

"Egg..." An extremely weak voice came from the woman's pale lips, and the woman actually laughed, bitter, with tears, revealing endless despair, and the tears became more and more turbulent, she murmured: "Egg, it's an egg, actually It's an egg! Hehehehe! It's actually an egg..." The empty eyes were looking towards him.

The birth of an egg is an ominous omen. This time, the only way to save it is to throw it away. If it is known to others, both their lives and the eggs they lay will be in danger.

It was dusk, the sun still had half of its face, and the afterglow shone in the entire Surabaya city, making it very peaceful. Madam Wen wrapped the egg and secretly exited the palace through the west gate. She continued to go northwest, from the lively street to the opposite side. In a cold place, across a small road, a river appeared in front of her. She carefully put the egg wrapped in cloth into the river, and watched it continue to flow down the river. Tears filled her eyes again. She moved in the direction of the water. Kneeling down, the pebbles by the river caused her knees to hurt, but she didn't care at all, she kowtowed three times heavily, folded her hands, closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and prayed to God to bless this child.

The water flow is not turbulent, reflecting the afterglow of the setting sun. Occasionally a breeze blows, and the sparkling waves move with the wind, disturbing the quiet reflection of the evening.

"God, he might not be able to bless this child because he is too busy, but Ben Taoyao can fully bless him. Forget it, for the sake of you kowtowing to Ben Taoyao three times, I will forgive you the crime of abandoning the baby. "The peach demon sat on the peach petals and said lazily.

"How could an egg be born?" Tao Yao watched Zuo Hao's birth, and watched Granny Wen throw him into the river. He never took action, just because he didn't know how to do it. He was such a good person, and his mother was happy. Dad is also happy, everyone is happy, actually, it will be an egg, how could it be an egg! Could it be that one of his father and mother is a monster? This is a really thought-provoking question. Before the peach demon came to a conclusion, in the blink of an eye, the egg actually disappeared in the river!

There is nothing on the river bank, nor downstream. Tao Yao quickly checked the suspicious person. Within a mile radius, there is only the stable woman, and there is no shadow of anyone! Do not! There was a dog, wiggling its butt, with something in its mouth. The peach demon took a closer look, it wasn't the egg!

"It's a blessing to have a dog who likes it!" Tao Yao thought to herself, but she was not idle, she followed the dog all the way to see where it could take the eggs.

Going up the river and walking along the river bank, there are lush reeds next to it. The running of the dog startled the water birds that were foraging in the reeds. They spread their wings and flew away one after another. Follow the upward path and walk forward. There are two acres of land on both sides. Some vegetables and fruits are planted. Some of them have just sprout. The end of the path was connected to a back door that enclosed a stone-walled courtyard. The door was open, and the dog ran straight in.

In a small courtyard, two trees, one peach and one plum, were planted beside the courtyard wall. The plum blossoms have long since fallen, leaving only the bare, crooked branches, and the peach tree is in full bloom. The yard is very clean and neatly tidy up. The good nanmu house is very elegant, and the window curtains are also carved with delicate plum blossom patterns.

The dog opened the door of a room with its foot, and an old woman was lying on the bed with breathlessness. It came to the bed, put the egg on the ground, and barked at her twice, seeing that she was not there. In response, he lay on the ground obediently with his tongue stuck out, staring at the old woman's face, as if expecting her to wake up.

The peach demon Shi Shiran sat down, hiding his figure, just to see what the dog's intentions were. By the way, I glanced at the old woman on the bed, her face was haggard, her breath was weak, and she was dying!

The dog seemed to sense that the situation was not good, and barked again and again, with a hint of grief. I don't know if the dog touched the old woman or disturbed the old woman, but she finally opened her eyes, and it took a lot of effort. With great strength, he turned his head to the dog, sighed, and returned weakly.

The dog kept barking again, and the old woman noticed a giant egg next to it and asked, "Hu Cang, did you bring it?"

The dog's original name was Hu Cang, and he barked twice, as he admitted it.

The old woman raised her hand, Hu Cang hurriedly got up and wagged his tail and approached her, she touched Hu Cang's head and said, "Do you like it?"

Hu Cang shook his tail fiercely, licked the eggshell, and rubbed his head carefully and gently. Seeing Hu Cang like this, Yuan Niang was relieved, she stroked Hu Cang lightly, and said, "Then hatch it, so that you can have a company after I leave." It was Qi Qi Ran.

Before it was over, the old woman fell into a coma again, and she didn't hear it screaming in the direction of the peach demon, her big bulging eyes filled with tears, and her expression seemed to be panicked and hopeless, like a desperate situation. Seeing a glimmer of dawn calling for help.