Peach Demon

Chapter 7


A dog and a demon looked at each other, and they didn't have much to do with each other, so naturally they didn't have much entanglement. Seeing Hu Cang barking all the time, the Tao Yao was deceiving her that she couldn't understand the dog language, so she also said to herself: "This big Tao Yao has worked so hard to get here from Dushuo Mountain, and I actually met you. This dog, who only knows how to bark, has only eyes and does not know Mount Tai, it really disappoints this demon. Simply this demon does not eat dog meat, otherwise you will be full after eating it, but you can rest assured that this demon does not bother to kill you. Dog, killing you has added to my sins in vain. Although this demon's sins are not too serious, I am extremely reluctant to add you for no reason. Today, you have this egg in your mouth, and it is considered a destiny. If he is hatched, you should treat him like a living creature. How can you live well?… Well, I don’t know much about it. Besides, how can I, a peach demon, get involved in the world of dogs! …”

Tao Yao finally spoke dryly, but Hu Cang still stared at her and wailed, and Tao Yao closed her mouth and started to stare back.

Tao Yao certainly doesn't show weakness, you like to stare, I'll just stare with you, it's not easy. So one dog and one demon began to stare at each other, one wanted to stare out his eyes, and the other was idle and gave full play to the powerful advantages of dead fish eyes. Two quarters later, just when Hu Cang was about to stare out his eyes, he finally After being defeated, he howled twice, closed his eyes, and slumped on the ground, not looking at Tao Yao again.

Tao Yao squatted beside it, bowed her head, and saw that it still didn't open her eyes, said: "The eyes can't stand it, you lose, you lose by staring at me, knowing that I'm a dead fish, you can't close it even if you die. Besides, just stare than staring, and there is no rule that you must stare, abide by the rules that are not stipulated, be serious when others don’t take it seriously, and lose stupidly. Remember, in the future, if you are serious Compared with me, better than you, you can compare your sense of smell, isn't a dog's nose very smart, you can compare it with gnawing bones, I don't like chewing... eggs are inside, do you like him?"

Hu Cang ignored her, licked the old woman's hand, and lay down on his back.

Tao Yao once again exerted his ability to talk to himself, and continued: "I think you have to be a dog to talk to you so much. This egg, there is nothing else in it, it is a person, and when you grow up, you are more than the king of hell. Be nice. Don't you believe me? I, Tao Yao, never lie. Of course, maybe the dog's vision is different from Tao's."

When dusk came, only the faint breathing of the old woman could be heard in the house.

"She's about to die." Tao Yao stated the facts in a calm and unwavering tone, and the cold voice highlighted the grief at the moment. Hu Cang seemed to understand Tao Yao's words, and looked at the old woman with interest, then stared at Tao Yao pleadingly, wagging his tail as if to please.

"...But if...if you encounter orphans and widows, treat them with food, so that they can wait for the person they want to wait for." In a trance, Tao Yao suddenly remembered what Shen Tu said before leaving.

"You don't want her to die?" Tao Yao asked.

Hu Cang shook his tail fiercely, and tears flowed out all at once.

Tao Yao pondered for a while, she thought it was impossible to harm others, but it was not good to deepen her sins, and it was also possible to save someone's life.

I went to the stove, scooped a bucket of water, cut my fingers, and wiped the wound with just a drop of blood. It can't be said that she is stingy. If the drop of blood is just given to the old woman, the old woman will become an immortal and cause trouble. Dilute it with water, drink two bowls a day, and drink a natural medicine for two or three days to get rid of the disease and return to youth and prolong life.

The old woman who drank the medicine finally fell asleep. When she woke up the next day, she saw the pitiful Hu Cang and the peach demon curled up on the wooden couch. Seeing that the old woman got out of bed, Hu Cang stood up excitedly, rubbing against her, his tail wagging desperately.

The old woman saw that Tao Yao was wearing a peach-colored gauze skirt, her jet-black hair was loosely scattered, and her pale face had no trace of blood but had an inviolable solemnity. Tao Yao lazily opened his eyes, his dark eyes were like a bottomless deep water that would swallow people alive. This is the encounter with a fairy! the old woman thought. He knelt down quickly, kowtowed repeatedly, and muttered: "Thank God for blessing, thank God for blessing!"

If Tao Yao is just a arrogant monster, then she is wrong. She was very polite to every ghost in those years in Dushuo Mountain, but everyone was afraid of her nagging and avoided her intentionally or unintentionally. It's all about her, seeing the old woman give such a big gift to thank her, although it was very useful to her, she helped her up again and again, "I'm not a god." She didn't lie.

The old woman held Tao Yao's hand tremblingly and said, "The doctor said that Yuan Niang's illness is incurable. Today, I feel that it is a good thing. Why is it not your rescue, Fairy?"

"I'm not a fairy." Tao Yao said the truth, "Just call me Tao Yao."

Although the old woman who called Yuanniang was doing well, she was just recovering from a serious illness, and she had not eaten for several days. She was very weak and needed to rest for a few days. Tao Yao helped her to the bed, fed her a bowl of medicine, and then went to the stove. I grabbed the pitifully small millet, put it in the pot, and prepared to cook the porridge.

Can't cook porridge? How is it possible, the peach demon will.

After three days of raising her like this, Yuan Niang has recovered. Started the business of selling wine in the past.

As for the egg, Yuanniang had already offered it well, wrapped in a thick quilt, and the charcoal fire was burning day and night under it, which was exactly the same as the principle of a hen hatching an egg, and it was almost covered under its stomach.

Tao Yao's fellow had nothing to do, sitting lazily in front of the counter of the liquor store, collecting money, looking for money, and looking for fun.

Yuanniang greeted the guests warmly and looked at the peach demon from time to time. She didn't want the peach demon to be tired. Seeing her leaning on herself, she was also happy.

On the street is a bustling crowd, a scene completely different from the underworld, full of vigor and vitality, some of them bared their teeth and laughed, some pursed their lips and smiled lightly, and some raised their chins proudly. Some frowned, and some were expressionless, but there was no dead silence in those eyes. Those kids laughing brightly, crying loudly, playing sweaty... how could they be? But the ghosts in the underworld cannot, not even the immortals.

Are these the parents Zuo Hao wants? brothers and sisters? Wife and child? friend

Since then, Yuanniang's restaurant has added a female employee, and the business in the store has improved a lot. More and more men and women have come to buy wine. They are all curious. Let's see what the charm of the new guy in this restaurant is that attracts so many men to buy wine. After seeing it, I feel relieved. The female guy with a pair of dead fish eyes who can't even laugh, there is no discussion. The only difference is that, whether you are a rich family in brocade clothes or a poor commoner in sackcloth and linen, she is humble and courteous, and she doesn't care about anyone. Perhaps in the depths of the hearts of more people, getting fair treatment is what they really want, because once surrounded by flattery, they will hope to find their true self; courtesy.

This is something.

The guests in the restaurant are talking about the interesting things happening in Surabaya city. A bunch of people talk a lot together, and a bunch of people who drink wine talk more.

"You don't know, there's something big going on in the palace, a palace maid is pregnant with the monarch's child..." Before he could finish speaking, he was robbed by someone else.

"Our monarch is inherently romantic, what's the big deal!" Another person dismissed him.

"This time it's different!" He looked warily back and forth, left and right, and then said softly to the other people, "That palace maid, she gave birth to nothing else, she actually gave birth to an egg!"

"Egg!" They made their voices in surprise, looked at the speaker in unison, and expressed their opinions together. Only an old man in a green shirt continued to drink and eat the fruit of the wine.

"How can a man give birth to an egg!"

"Seven, are you drinking too much?"


Seeing everyone like this, the person who spoke was a little proud, raised his eyebrows, and continued: "Don't believe it, this is absolutely true, that egg-laying palace maid has already admitted it and is being held in custody. ?"

The rest of the people opened their eyes and said in unison, "Where's the egg?"

The man picked up the stone bowl and drank the wine slowly, with a very comfortable expression, as if he was not the one who kept talking about the big event just now.

One person said impatiently: "I hate talking half the talk! If you want to say it, say it, if you don't say it, don't say it, give me a good time!"

The old man in the green shirt touched his beard and said, "Hey, the third one, you are so impatient, we just listen to the story, others don't care about other people's affairs, why should we spectators be serious? A few days ago Lao Hua's daughter-in-law ran away with someone and came back, Lao Hua and his son can accept it, and the family is living happily, you swear to see his daughter-in-law again, I really don't know what kind of madness you are If you’re in a hurry, it’s about other people’s affairs, let’s have a good time while drinking a little wine and walking around with peanuts, just laughing and talking!”

The chopsticks fell heavily from his hands, and the man said in a loud voice, "Jokes! Jokes! How can you laugh if you give birth to an egg! If you throw them away, wouldn't you kill a child in vain! Besides? , I just don't want to meet the person who doesn't keep the woman's way, Lao Hua is my old brother, I just don't deserve him!"

"Okay, okay! Don't you want to know what happened to the egg?" He paused mysteriously and said, "I heard that it was thrown into the river."

"River? Haven't heard of anyone finding eggs in the river for a while?"

"Maybe it has already flowed into the sea!"

"It must have sunk to the bottom of the river. I'm going to scoop it up now!" When he said scoop it up, he immediately got up and was about to leave.

"Slow!" The old man in the blue shirt pulled his long sleeves to stop him from going forward, and said, "Maybe it was caught by a dog, and who was hatching it!"

Hearing this, Yuan Niang, who was looking for the guest's wine money, looked stunned, and even the hand holding the knife coin swayed slightly, and the knife coin fell dangerously to the ground.

Tao Yao leaned against the counter, thinking in her heart, people's speech is really different, much deeper than her!

The man who was called the third child looked at the old man in green shirt with suspicion. After a while, he seemed to believe the old man in blue shirt and said, "It seems that it's not bad to have a dog, and I want to have one in the future!" Thinking of something, Chao Lao Qi asked, "How is the egg-laying maid now?"

Lao Qi showed a very sad expression and said, "I gave birth to an egg, I gave birth to an alien, what else can I do? Of course, I was treated as a monster and tortured by various tortures. I heard that it will be executed in three days. Burn at the stake!"

"Monster!" The third child stood up in a rage and shouted, "Why don't you say that the monarch is also a monster! If it is a monster, how can it be easily imprisoned? If you give birth to an egg, you will become a monster, why not say that she is a fairy? That Erlang God still has three eyes, so Nezha was born after three years of pregnancy? Why don't you say they are monsters? Our ancestor Hou Ji was pregnant with his mother Jiang Yuan after stepping on the remains of a giant. At that time, I thought it was unknown, so I abandoned him. All the cows, horses and birds protected him, and then I brought him back to raise. If Jiang Yuanzhen had thrown him away, there would be no place for us. The monarch gave birth to children, and in the end, this is the result, I really don't deserve her! Burning at the stake? After three days, I will save her!"

Tao Yao secretly said in his heart, "What a hot-blooded young man!" He secretly raised his eyes, wanting to take a closer look at his appearance, an old man with a beard and a rough face! It really comes from the heart! However, it is still appropriate to say that he is a hot-blooded old man. She wasn't used to calling Lao Lian a teenager, even if she didn't know how old he was.

The old man in the green shirt smiled mysteriously, with the appearance of an expert outside the world, and said in a relaxed tone: "I'm afraid you don't need to take action."

That gaze seemed to inadvertently glanced at Tao Yao, and it was fleeting, and no one found it, except Tao Yao.

After a short stay, the group of five of them got a little drunk and finally left.

When there were no guests, Yuan Niang said inadvertently in Tao Yao's ear: "Could our egg be the monarch?"

Tao Yao nodded and said, "Your monarch will really burn that palace maid?"

"That's natural," Yuanniang said, "how can you keep her if you give birth to a different species!" She completely ignored the word "you" that Tao Yao said to put herself outside the Xu country.

Tao Yao's heart sank, her eyes dimmed, and she pondered, if Zuo Hao's father really killed his mother, what should he do? Not only will there be no mother's pain, but there will also be resentment towards my father.

Yuan Niang thought that her Hu Cang was actually holding the king's egg, and she couldn't help but panic, and the fairy-like peach demon beside her obviously knew in advance, and she calmed down a lot. She must not let others know that the egg is with her, otherwise it will be in danger! "We hatched him and raised it ourselves?!" She never realized that she had regarded Tao Yao as her own.

"Then don't you become the child who blatantly robbed your monarch?"

Yuan Niang's eyes were stagnant, and her head was still held high, but she lost a bit of color. It is the child of the monarch, who can rob the monarch, and who can rob the monarch? But what if his life was over before he was hatched? She could obviously save him, but no one knew anyway.