Peerless Demonic Lord

Chapter 165: Luo Tingting


"It's interesting! If my guess is correct, it is probably this ghost thing that stole the nutrients and moisture of the camphor tree essence."

Looking at the approaching cane, Qin Shi moved his body slightly at the entrance of the crack, using the rotten roots of the camphor tree spirit to dodge the three sharp thorns.


As soon as I escaped, I heard the sound of explosions, and three black holes the size of my thumb suddenly appeared on the originally quiet cliff.

"Hiss, hiss... Earth-level desolate beast?" Looking at the small black hole, Qin Shi subconsciously touched his chest. If he was hit from the front, wouldn't he be stabbed to death

Thinking of this, Qin Shi opened his mouth in fear: "Okay, does this guy really want my life?"

Hoo ho ho!

Three vines hit the air, and the ivy was obviously not willing to give in. More blade-like vines, with the sharp thorns of thorns, enveloped Qin Shi in thousands.

Under these canes, covering almost all the dead corners of the crypt, Qin Shining raised his eyes: "Drink, you want my life, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Burning Curse!"

"One curse, shocking the world!"

"Two Curses: Weeping Ghosts and Gods!"

"Three Curses: All evil will bow down!"

In an instant, the handprints were formed on the chest, and the majestic and mighty mist came out, and the terrifying evil spirits poured out like an army of the underworld.


An evil dragon seems to move the sky, and there are evil spirits like the Summer Jingzhe, sticking its head out of the clouds and making a roar that shakes the heaven and the earth.

This slightly narrow crypt was originally only a hundred meters square. The pressure of the spiritual power of the Broken Spirit Realm exerted considerable pressure on this place, and dust particles continued to fall from the sky.

"No, if this continues, this crypt will collapse." His face was already covered with dust, Qin Shi felt a little anxious, and he glanced at the tied little girl out of the corner of his eye.

He is not worried about himself. Even if the place collapses, it will not be difficult for him to escape. However, if this place collapses, the little girl tied up by the ivy will probably die.

"Damn it!"

With no other choice, Qin Shi stopped injecting spiritual power into the ferocious handprints. The evil spirits that were originally killing him suddenly seemed like deflated balls, suddenly disintegrating into faint smoke in the sky.


Just because he stopped, it didn't mean that the ivy would also stop. Without the restraints of the evil dragon and evil spirits, thousands of vines were like eagles spreading their wings, stabbing down with the roar of the wind.

Qin Shi's pupils shrank sharply, watching the vines expand in front of his eyes. He quickly turned sideways, with his toes on the ground. He leaned slightly sideways and moved along the cliff.

bump! bump! bump!

One after another explosion, just after Qin Shi's body moved, it sounded like a machine gun, passing by Qin Shi's footprints. The cliff was pierced by vines, leaving a black hole the size of a thumb.

"Hiss, this beast has no fucking morals and no chivalry at all!" He gasped. At this time, two vines approached Qin Shi. He had no time to dodge and quickly blocked the bloodthirsty sword in front of him.


The bloodthirsty sword collided with the cane, and Qin Shi was stuck in the air. His center of gravity was unstable and he was knocked out. He hit the cliff hard, and Yin Hong's blood fell on his arm.

"Brother, be careful!"

The little girl who was trapped screamed in fear.

Thousands of vines have become like whistling devil's claws, as if ten thousand swords have returned to the clan, tearing open the air in the strong wind and stabbing down ferociously.

"Damn it!"

Startled, Qin Shi rolled over, but when he tried to avoid it, it was obviously too late.

At this moment, bursts of tingling pain suddenly appeared on his left arm, the totem that had been silent for a long time flickered, and thin and mysterious black mist steamed like boiling wolf smoke.

"Evil Totem?"

As soon as his eyes lit up, Qin Shi's nervous face suddenly turned into surprise and arrogance: "Good guy, it seems that my brain is rusty after being under the cliff valley for such a long time. How can I forget such an important treasure?"

With the evil totem, Qin Shi stood up with great confidence. Facing thousands of canes, he not only refused to dodge, but showed a ferocious smile: "Hey, you are going to be unlucky now. I I’ll tell you what my nickname is outside!”

"Evil Totem!"

With the evil spirit unleashed, Qin Shi controlled the black mist, covering all sides of his body, and licked the corners of his chapped lips: "My nickname is the Nemesis of Wild Beasts!"

The evil spirit has a unique suppression on wild beasts. After such a long time of establishment, there is no doubt about its existence.

Now, Qin Shi has even leapt into the Broken Spirit Realm. Perhaps even a desolate beast at the peak of the earth level would be irresistible under the evil totem.

Sure enough, the ivy that had been arrogant just now suddenly became timid, and the dancing rattan curled up like a touched mimosa.

"Are you afraid now? It's too late!" Qin Shi smiled proudly, and then he slightly opened his sleeves and stepped forward. The evil spirit moved with him and rushed towards the ivy.


Wrapped in the evil spirit, the ivy was frightened, and the vines kept twitching. The original green leaves eventually turned into withered yellow and colorless, and the plump rhizomes directly festered.

In the end, he died tragically.

The ivy was dead, and its rotting roots and leaves emitted a disgusting pungent smell. The little girl who had been tied up with the cane suddenly escaped.

Qin Shi used his quick hands and rushed forward to catch the little girl.

After catching the little girl, I could see her face clearly. She had long, dark and beautiful hair reaching her waist. Although her gray-haired face could not hide her immature and youthful beauty, she secretly said, "Drink, she is such a beauty. She will probably grow up in the future." It is also an existence that brings disaster to the country and the people."

Of course, it was pure appreciation at this time. Qin Shi has always been a sister-controller, so he was not too worried about this old cow eating young grass. He asked caringly: "Little girl, are you okay?"

Things happened so fast. The little girl was held in Qin Shi's arms. She was so horrified that she didn't come back to her senses. She just nodded slightly: "I'm fine. Thank you, big brother, for saving me!"


After being stunned for a moment, Qin Shi smiled softly and thought incredulously: "Haha, you are so smart. Isn't this little girl quite smart?"

He comforted the frightened little girl and patted her head: "Tell me, big brother, how old are you? What is your name?"

"I am seven years old and my name is Luo Tingting."

The sweet sound was as clear and clear as the oriole coming out of the valley. The little girl was a little girl after all. She forgot about the terrifying scene just now and laughed happily.

" years old?"

Qin Shi felt a pain in his heart and looked at Luo Tingting in disbelief.

This Luo Tingting, just like a dehydrated hibiscus, no matter from the height or appearance, even the slightly bulging breasts, she must be at least twelve or thirteen years old, right

Is there a limit to how early you mature

Qin Shi was speechless, but he couldn't help but feel emotional about the number seven. He suddenly recalled that when Qin Xuexin's family was destroyed, she was also seven years old. I'm afraid she was just an inexperienced little girl like Luo Tingting now. .

"How did she get through it back then? How did she persevere!" Unavoidably, he felt heartache. For this reason, Qin Shi became even more kind to the little girl in front of him: "My eldest brother's name is Qin Shi, so you can call me Shitou." Brother."

"Brother Shitou! Gaga, I have a brother." Luo Tingting was new to the world and would not consider whether Qin Shi was a good guy or a bad guy. She just hugged Qin Shi happily without any warning.

Looking at Luo Tingting's appearance, Qin Shi couldn't laugh or cry: "Tingting, how could you be run into this cave?"

"Well... I forgot..."

Luo Tingting thought carefully and finally said something shocking.

"Forgot? Forgot?"

Jigu winked. If he hadn't known that Luo Tingting was only seven years old, Qin Shi would have seriously suspected that she was deliberately teasing him.

"Really, I won't lie to you, big brother. Just a few days ago, I secretly ran out with my sister to catch monsters. After falling asleep in the woods at night, I woke up and ran to this scary place!" Luo Tingting said seriously.

"So that's it!"

This makes sense. Qin Shi did not pursue the question and said, "Tingting, where is your home? Brother Shitou, shall I take you home?"

"Really? My home is in Hongyun City."

Luo Tingting nodded and said happily.

"Hongyun City?" Qin Shi's eyes narrowed and his expression was slightly solemn.

He knew that this city was one of the five first-level cities in the northern region of the Chiyan Empire, and it was not far from the ancient city.

"It turns out it's near Hongyun City." Now, Qin Shi finally knew his geographical location and said to himself: "Well, let's go to Hongyun City first. At least we won't have to bump around like a headless fly in the future. "

At this time, the evil spirit withdrew the ivy's spiritual power, and a clear force exploded in Qin Shi's body.

Feeling the spiritual power spreading like water ripples in his body, Qin Shi's strength improved again. He had just broken through to the spirit-breaking realm, and his foundation and spiritual veins that had not yet been stabilized were also well settled.


"You brat, you feel better now. Take your ancestor back to me quickly. If this continues, you will torture this old man to death!" But at this time, there were roaring screams. The crypt shook.

The sudden sound scared Luo Tingting. She quickly took Qin Shi's arm and hid her smaller body behind Qin Shi. She glanced around timidly and curiously.

Qin Shi was also stunned. After protecting Luo Tingting, he raised his head and saw that there was a bit of evil mist remaining near the rotten roots of the camphor tree essence. These evil spirits were like hungry wolves that had been hungry for a long time, constantly eating away at the camphor tree essence. of spiritual power.

"Uh... you can even talk with tree roots?" Qin Shi scratched his head in embarrassment and took back the remaining evil energy into the totem.


The evil spirit was withdrawn, and the camphor tree spirit twitched in horror: "You think I am willing? Transferring spiritual power like this, transferring my face from the trunk to the roots, has consumed several years of my cultivation, but if I don't do this, I'm afraid, Now it’s almost the same as that of the ivy!”

"Uh, can this face be transferred?" Qin Shi felt surprised, touched the evil totem, and laughed dryly: "Hey, old monster, I'm so sorry, these guys are so hungry!"

The camphor tree spirit was speechless and put the tree root next to Qin Shi, feeling a little horrified: "This little guy actually has such a weird treasure? No wonder he has mastered such terrifying mental power at such a young age..."

At this time, Qin Shi suddenly thought of something, and a slight cold light flashed in his eyes: "Speaking of which, old monster, you can transfer spiritual power yourself, which means that you have known for a long time that there is a creeper spirit here? Did you deliberately put it there? Did I lead you here?"