Peerless Healer

Chapter 2: The inheritance of divine medicine


As soon as Qin Hao walked outside, it started raining heavily.

The blood on his hands was washed away by the rain.

Qin Hao took a deep breath and held his chest.

He has been wearing a jade pendant since he was a child.

This was passed down from our ancestors.

However, Qin Hao did not notice that after the blood on his hand came into contact with the jade pendant, the jade pendant began to emit red light.

The red light is too faint to be noticed if you don't pay attention.

Qin Hao walked to a bank's ATM machine, curled up in the corner, and fell asleep.

In his dream, Qin Hao seemed to have walked into a different world.

This world seems to be in chaos!

The sky and the earth were both pitch black.

However, there was a spot of light in front of Qin Hao.

Qin Hao walked in front of the light spot as if possessed by a ghost.


The light spot suddenly moved!

It penetrated into Qin Hao's brow.

At this moment, countless things seemed to flood into Qin Hao's mind!

A warm force also appeared in Qin Hao's dantian.

The thick and warm true energy transformed Qin Hao's entire body and penetrated his meridians.

The world in front of Qin Hao changed instantly.

From black to white, from white to black.

A picture of yin and yang fish kept changing in front of Qin Hao's eyes.

And under the Yin-Yang Pisces picture, an old man is performing a magical secret technique.

The old man's hands were seen constantly changing, just like a picture of acupuncture!

At the same time, a green energy flowed along the old man's eight extraordinary meridians to his hands, and then lingered around him!

This is…

Qin Hao widened his eyes.

Countless acupuncture techniques and a set of Qi skills flooded into his mind!


Qin Hao suddenly sat up, looked at his hands, and then looked at the heavy rain outside in the dark night.

At this moment, his body was no longer cold.

Instead, there was a very comfortable warmth.

Qin Hao suddenly felt that his mind was very clear, and countless acupuncture techniques and medical methods emerged in his mind.

It's as if these things are innate to me.

Qin Hao looked solemn as he carefully checked the extra things in his mind.

But the next moment, there was a bang.

Two pieces fell off his body.

Jade pendant.


Qin Hao quickly picked up the fragments of the jade pendant.

The moment he touched the fragments, the things in Qin Hao's mind began to boil again.

Like a revolving lantern, it passed quickly before his eyes.

Qin Hao was stunned.

But soon, he reacted.

That elusive and profound Qi cultivation method...


Qin Hao guided his Qi according to a method that seemed to be innate to him, and actually condensed a ball of true Qi.


Qin Hao threw out a palm.

In the rain, a gap of vacuum was actually created!

If Qin Hao hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.

There is such a miracle in this world...

Qin Hao sat cross-legged next to the ATM, concentrating on meditation and practice.

The true energy in his body made him feel warm.

After several years of hard work, his body had long been unable to bear the strain.

However, nourished by this warm true energy, Qin Hao felt his body was warm and he no longer felt tired as before.

When Qin Hao opened his eyes from meditation, the sky was already slightly brighter.

The heavy rain that had been falling all night also stopped.

Qin Hao is penniless now.

If it were a few hours ago, Qin Hao would have been worried about this, and even despaired at one point.

Now, I am calm and composed.

With extraordinary medical skills, are you still afraid that you won’t be able to make money

Qin Hao walked to the largest private hospital in Tianhai City.

This place is where all the wealthy people in the city gather.

Moreover, I am more afraid of death than most people...

Qin Hao’s goal is very clear, it’s the intensive care unit!

People here are dying.

And they must be worth a lot of money to be able to be admitted to the intensive care unit of such a hospital.

This hospital has the most advanced medical technology in the country and even in the world, and has many professional and experienced doctors.

Therefore, the fees are extremely expensive.

Those who can live here are either rich or noble.

However, just as Qin Hao was about to enter the hospital, he was stopped by security guards.

What Qin Hao was wearing were all ordinary street stall goods.

The security guard didn't look down on Qin Hao. He just asked him who he was visiting, which building, which floor, which ward, and what his name was.

As expected of a top-notch private hospital in the city, its security measures are very good.

Qin Hao couldn't say anything and could only turn around and leave.

Waiting at the door.

Now, his eyes can see through the life and death aura of every person.

Not necessarily your own.

If the death energy of a loved one is too heavy, it will also affect you.

If you stay in a place like the intensive care unit for a long time, even the most normal person will be contaminated with a lot of deathly aura.

Qin Hao hadn't been waiting there for too long before he was attracted by the sound coming from the newsstand next to him.

An old man was leisurely reading the news at the newsstand.

"Now let me tell you about the huge reward."

"A large reward?"

Qin Hao almost laughed out loud.

This is exactly like the offer of a large sum of money to have a child on the telephone pole outside.

The old man at the newsstand looked back at Qin Hao and said with a smile: "Young man, you don't understand this!"

"Any reward that can be broadcast on the city's news TV station is a real reward!"

"Moreover, to be able to broadcast on the most authoritative and official TV station in this city, it's definitely not enough to just be rich! You also need connections! Having both power and money is something that we ordinary people can't imagine!"

Qin Hao nodded thoughtfully and continued listening.

"Li Changfeng, the city's honorary philanthropist and chairman of Tianyu Group, is offering a reward for a folk miracle doctor!"

The entire reward was reported on the city’s TV channel’s midday news for nearly ten minutes.

You know, the entire midday news is only thirty minutes.

With the channel's TV station logo as a guarantee, it almost proves the authenticity of the reward.

The whole reward means that Li Changfeng, chairman of Tianyu Group, has a daughter who has a strange disease. He has sought help from the best hospitals and medical teams in the country and even the world, but to no avail.

Instead of getting better, the symptoms became more and more serious.

Li Changfeng didn't want to lose his beloved daughter.

In desperation, they could only offer a large reward.