Peerless Healer

Chapter 56: Sky-high bills


Drink it all again.

Wu Qian's face flushed and he shook his head.

Look at Qin Hao again.

I originally thought that Qin Hao had fallen drunk on the ground and was unconscious.

Unexpectedly, Qin Hao's eyes were clear and he was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Why aren’t you drunk yet

Under the influence of alcohol, Wu Qian's mood became somewhat unstable.

"Waiter, bring me two more bottles of Moutai! Damn it, I'm going to drink until you're convinced today!"

But at this time, the waiter stepped forward and said politely: "I'm sorry, sir, we no longer have this type of Moutai."

"Aren't you one of the best restaurants in Tianhai City? Why do you have so little Moutai? I haven't even had enough to drink, what business are you in?"

Wu Qian was very dissatisfied.

The waiter patiently explained: "Sir, I wanted to explain to you just now, but you didn't give me the chance."

"This is a collection of Moutai that our boss bought at an auction two years ago. The average price was twenty-five yuan."

"Before, it was always regarded as the treasure of our restaurant. Now, there are five bottles in total, and you have consumed them all."

After the waiter finished speaking, the whole place fell silent.


Wu Qian, who was originally drowsy, was so shocked that he burped after hearing this explanation.

Then, I broke out in a cold sweat.

The whole person is extremely clear-headed.

"You, what did you say? How much is this bottle of Moutai?"

The waiter saw this and his face darkened.

"Sir, you ordered the most valuable bottle of our restaurant, the 80-year-old Maotai, which costs 250,000 yuan each, so the total is 1,250,000 yuan."

"One million, two hundred and fifty thousand? Are you kidding me?"

Wu Qian was a little dumbfounded.

Is this still wine? It is clearly nectar from the gods!

Fang Yuanyuan, her sister-in-law, and a group of relatives were all stunned.

Xia Qingyan quietly pulled Qin Hao aside and asked, "Did you know the price a long time ago?"

Qin Hao nodded.

That's why he was surprised by Wu Qian's generosity.

But I didn’t expect that Wu Qian didn’t even know the price!

My aunt yelled, "This is a shady shop! I've never heard of wine costing millions. I want to complain!"

The waiter's face darkened.

"Auntie, we have been operating in good faith for many years. Our reputation is well known to everyone in and outside the industry. If you don't have money, don't blame me for being rude."

Afterwards, some security personnel from the restaurant came in one after another.

Seeing these people, Xia Qingyan's aunt was not afraid, but started to shout.

"Good fellow, you said you weren't a black shop, but now you're calling for help! I'm telling you, I'm not afraid!"

Fang Yuanyuan pulled her back awkwardly and whispered, "Mom, stop making trouble!"

The mother with little experience doesn’t know, doesn’t she know yet

This is one of the best restaurants in Tianhai City. There is no way they could fake these things.

Xia Chongxin frowned and confirmed with the waiter again and again.

"Little girl, you said these five bottles of wine cost 1.25 million. Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

Seeing Xia Chongxin's friendly attitude, the waiter's expression relaxed a little and he said politely, "Yes. You can find the price of 80-year-old Moutai by searching online."

"Although the price may fluctuate occasionally due to market influences, it won't differ too much."

At this time, some relatives hurriedly searched on their mobile phones.

"Oh my god, it's really over 200,000 yuan a bottle! And there's still no demand! A good one costs 300,000 yuan!"

"This is outrageous. A few bottles of wine are worth a house."

"What should I do..."

Wu Qian was sweating profusely.

Of course he knew that Jubao Restaurant would not cheat.

They have been in the catering business for many years and have always had a good reputation.

He asked timidly, "Then why is it that when I looked at the menu, the most expensive wine on your menu is only a few thousand dollars!"

The waiter explained: "We have a separate wine cabinet in Jubao Restaurant. For all the higher-end drinks, we will let the guests go to the wine cabinet to choose them personally."

"That's what I wanted to remind you of before, but you didn't let me."

"You kept asking me to bring the most expensive wine, the 80-year-old Maotai, which is indeed the most expensive wine sold in our restaurant."

"Besides, judging from Mr.'s previous actions, he should not be short of money, so I didn't force him."

At this time, Wu Qian's back was already cold.

Where did he get more than one million

Even if he got it, he wouldn't be willing to buy wine!

It's all your own fault!

At this moment, Wu Qian hated his pretentious behavior very much.

One million two hundred and fifty thousand, he really couldn't come up with it!

When Fang Yuanyuan saw her boyfriend's expression change, she thought a lot for a moment.

But she soon calmed down.

In her impression, Wu Qian definitely doesn't need this little money.

Although it hurts a bit, it’s not a dine-and-dine rush.

So, she wasn't too worried.

But Wu Qian was actually questioned about his financial resources by a waitress here.

I can't lose face in front of so many relatives!

So Fang Yuanyuan stood up and said to the waitress, "Why are you talking so much? Do you really think we can't afford it? It's only over a million!"

Seeing that Fang Yuanyuan was still so aggressive, the waitress thought that he must be rich.

So, I also expressed my apologies.

"I'm really sorry, that's not what I meant. I just wanted to remind you."

"If this is offensive, please forgive me!"


Fang Yuanyuan snorted coldly and ignored the other party.

Then, he whispered to Wu Qian, "My dear, this meal will cost you a lot, but you can afford it, right?"

Wu Qian twitched the corners of his mouth and forced a smile with difficulty.

"I invested all my money in stocks before. Now I can't take out so much cash all at once."

Fang Yuanyuan’s expression froze.

Not enough money

If you don’t have enough money, how will this matter end today

Wu Qian also looked embarrassed.

He originally thought that he could just spend tens of thousands of dollars today to make Fang Yuanyuan's family proud in front of their relatives.

He still has this little money.

I just didn’t expect that a few bottles of wine would cost more than one million.

“What should we do? I heard that the owner of the restaurant is a big shot, we can’t refuse to pay the debt…” Fang Yuanyuan’s face turned pale.

It would be impossible for the boss to run such a big restaurant in Tianhai City without some background.

And if they don't pay the bill, the police will come looking for them without the restaurant owner stepping in.

Fang Yuanyuan asked, "Honey, do you want to borrow some from your friends? Your circle of friends are all high-end people. It shouldn't be a problem to ask them to borrow a million or so, right?"

Wu Qian shook his head, looking embarrassed.

"My friends are all like me. They invest all their money. Who would keep so much cash?"

At this moment, Wu Qian suddenly thought of something and said hurriedly, "Oh, yes, I remember! There are still a few credit cards in the car. If we put them together, it should be enough."