Peerless Medical Emperor

Chapter 147: Two Angry People


When Yun Xuansheng successfully entered the top 1,000, Liu Fu was naturally quite happy, but he also had a sad look on his face. Yun Xuansheng's practice was to kill immortality, which seemed to cause some trouble.

After the challenge, many people found Yun Xuansheng and Liu Fu, wanting to know where Yun Xuansheng came from.

However, no matter who asked, Yun Xuansheng remained silent. He knew that this matter might cause Yun Mo trouble, otherwise, Yun Mo would not hide it before. Therefore, he didn't want to say Yunmo's name, if there was any trouble, let it fall to himself.

The moment Yun Mo gave Yun Xuansheng the Zhanxian Jue, Yun Mo was ready to deal with the trouble. However, he didn't expect that Yun Xuansheng hadn't said the origin of Zhan Xianjue at all.

In the afternoon, the most exciting game arrived, and more people came to watch the game. Many heavyweights are here. The game field in the afternoon was in a circular field with an unusually tall martial arts platform in the middle and a built observation platform around it.

Before the game started, the viewing platform was almost full of people.

"Look! It's the one on the student list!" a new student exclaimed.

The middle school student turned his head and looked around, and saw a certain direction. There were more than a dozen warriors standing with a deep breath. Their strength was obviously stronger than that of the new students.

"Is the person on the student list very good?" someone asked.

"Not only are they great? They, but they have the hope of becoming official students! Our freshmen are ranked in the ranking competition, and they are ranked freshmen. In fact, all prospective students also have a list, that is, the student list. The student list records the 2,000 strongest among prospective students. As long as the freshman is still in the top 1,000 in the student list a year after enrolling, then he can become an official student!"

"Such a powerful person is also interested in watching freshmen's competitions? Shouldn't they practice hard to prepare for becoming a formal student?"

"Hehe, you really don't understand anything!"

"These people are all on the student list, ranking close to a thousand people. Regardless of their strengths than the freshmen, one year later, the top ten people on the freshmen list are likely to beat them and replace them! "

"So, they have to get to know the top-ranked people on the freshman list in advance to prepare for the competition a year later."

"Don't say a year later, I think, even now, the savages may be better than the people who are ranked about a thousand on the student list!"

"You said, who can get first this time?"

"It’s hard to say that the savage possesses six martial arteries and is the cultivation base of the eighth-layer heaven of the Huamai realm. Naturally, it is very likely that he will win the first place. However, Fairy Li Yue is in the ninth heaven of the Huamai realm, not necessarily weaker than the wild man There is also the madman Zhang Qisheng, he started madness, and the savage cannot be customized."

"You forgot one person, Fairy Qi Shuiyun. I heard that her practice is very special. If you don't understand her, even a savage may suffer a lot."

"Hehe, you seem to be underestimated."


"Zhuo Qianjue!"

"Zhuo Qianjue? It is still possible for him to enter the top ten, but he still seems to be weaker if he wants to compete for the first place? After all, he is only now in the Seventh Layer of the Vessel Realm."

"Who said he is talented at the seventh-level heaven of the Huamai realm? Don't be afraid to tell you that with a good cultivation environment, he has advanced rapidly, and he is now the eighth-level heaven of the Huamai realm!"

"Hiss? So, Zhuo Qianjue is really likely to compete for the first position. But, how do you know that he has broken through to the eighth layer of the Huamai Realm?"

"Huh? Isn't this person a warrior of the Zhuo family? It seems, he won more than one thousand and one hundredth, right?"

"It turned out to be the brother of the Zhuo family, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

"By the way, you said, is it possible for Yunmo who won the first place yesterday?"

"He?" The Zhuo family warrior looked disdainful, his head swayed, "A person who has won the first place by cheating will immediately show his feet in a real battle. How can a guy who cultivates thousands of thunderbolts? Has the strength to compete for the first position? Even if he is now in the spiritual realm, he may not be able to beat the people we discussed just now."

"That's right, using some weird methods to break into the third area of death can be concealed from the teachers. But in the battle, if you cheat, it will be very obvious."

"This guy has practiced Qian Lei Yin, and for us today, he is really strong. Judging from his ability to defeat the old student, I am afraid he can be ranked about five hundred."

"It's just that his five hundred people are too hydrated. As the freshman realm improves, he may soon fall to the back."

"Huh, so is the teacher of the Academy, why not thoroughly investigate him? This guy occupies one of the top 1,000 positions, which is a waste!"

Many students shook their heads when they talked about Yunmo. Some are disdainful, some are annoyed, and some are mocking.

On the viewing platform, the arrival of several students on the list caused quite a stir. Li Yue and others are also observing those people. They want to become formal students one year after entering the academy, and they have to defeat these talents.

In the frontmost position of the viewing platform, there are many soft chairs, which are much more comfortable than other positions. Here, not everyone can sit. These positions are prepared for teachers who teach formal students in Zuo Sui Academy. If there is a free place, the superior teacher who teaches prospective students will have the opportunity to sit down.

At this time, Ke Ye was already sitting in front of the viewing platform. He looked at Yunmo with a somewhat complicated expression. At this moment, a rainbow light cut through the sky and extended towards the viewing platform.

An astonishing figure fell next to Ke Ye, and it was Lord Qi Yu Zhanjun.

"I have seen Lord Zhan!"

As soon as Qi Yu Zhanjun arrived, many teachers stepped forward to say hello. Although they are both teachers of the Zuo Sui Academy, their status is vastly different from those of Qi Yu Zhanjun, Ke Ye and others.

Qi Yu Zhanjun smiled and nodded in response, and then he sat beside Ke Ye. After a group of teachers greeted them, they retreated with a sense of interest. It is naturally impossible for a character like Qi Yu Zhanjun to say much to them. When he came to Ke Ye's side, of course he wanted to talk to Ke Ye.

Jun Qi Yu turned his head to look at Ke Ye, his eyes full of jealousy.

"What are you doing?" Ke Ye asked unhappy when he saw Lord Qi Yu looking at him when he was not in a high mood.

Qi Yu Zhanjun was also very upset. It was Ke Ye who inexplicably snatched a generation of peerless geniuses from his hands. If he had known it at first, it was because of Wu Sanhe's order that Ke Ye decided to accept Yunmo, and he would continue to fight for whatever he said.

Now that Yunmo had such a dazzling performance in that mission, should Ke Ye also know Yunmo's talent?

Hao Kui was a disciple of Lord Qi Yu, and Lord Zhan Qi knew what happened that night.

"Ke Ye, you guy has taken the most powerful genius in the history of the academy. It's really a shit. If I knew the reason for taking him back then, I would fight with you for everything!" Said sourly.

"The most powerful genius in the history of academy?" Ke Ye raised his eyebrows. Everyone knew that Yun Mo likes to be clever, and he was ridiculed by everyone, which greatly damaged Ke Ye's reputation. Now that Lord Qi Yu Zhanjun described Yunmo this way, it was not an irony to ridicule him, but what was it?

He also said that he would fight to the end, which was obviously a mockery of himself. At that time, he tried his best to fight for Yunmo, but what he got was such a troublesome student.

Qi Yu accepted Hu Sheng, and the savage is very likely to get the first place in this ranking contest. Qi Yu, this fellow, clearly showed off to himself on purpose!

Thinking of this, Ke Ye's expression became harder to look. He snorted and said: "Qi Yu, don't be proud of you. Savage is very powerful and might even win the first place. However, Si Si Ye Not weak! Give her a little more time, she may not be worse than the savage!"

After that, Ke Ye got up, flew to the opposite position and sat down, actually didn't want to sit next to this guy who "ridiculed" himself.

Qi Yu Zhanjun felt inexplicable, what does Ke Ye mean? After receiving such a powerful genius, he is still angry? Saying that in the future Meng Sisi will be better than the wild man, this is showing off to himself, he has accepted two disciples, all of them are Tianjiao, are they both better than his own disciples?

Qi Yu Zhanjun was a little angry.