Peerless Medical Emperor

Chapter 17: Killing Bandits


Hearing Yunmo's words, Yemao's pupils shrank, "Did you find me at the beginning?"

"What are you talking about?" Yun Mo asked back, if he didn't even have this vigilance, why would he break into the Yunshang Mountain Range alone?

"I have to say, you are very courageous, knowing that we are watching, you are not nervous at all." The strongest bandit sneered, but there was already a little more alert in his eyes.

"I'll give you a piece of advice, if you go away now, you still have a chance to survive." Yunmo glanced at the bandits, he hadn't paid attention to the strength of these people.

Several bandits look at me, I look at you, and then they all laughed loudly.

"Even the people of the three major families in Guanshan Township don't dare to speak to us in such a tone. I really don't know where you come from." Yemao smiled. Although Yunmo is so calm that they are a little wary, according to them According to the observation of Yunmo, Yunmo's strength is no more than the middle stage of Huamai Realm. The first to third heavens are called the early stage, the fourth to sixth heaven is called the middle stage, and the seventh to ninth stage sky is called the later stage. The strongest among them is the strong in the late stage of the Huamai Realm. How could they be afraid of Yunmo?

"Night cat, try his depth." The strongest bandit ordered.

"Hey, that's what I meant!" The small night cat rushed out in an instant. His dexterous figure flashed back and forth on the trees around Yunmo's body. If it is an ordinary person, it is difficult to capture his figure.

"No wonder it's called a night cat!" Yun Mo secretly said, this night cat has a dexterous figure, extremely fast, and has a great advantage in the forest. However, wanting to defeat Yunmo with such strength is still a bit close.

call out!

Yun Mo seized the opportunity, and raised Han Ye suddenly pierced out, drawing a cold light in the air.


The night cat wore a weapon like a cat's claw in his hand, blocking Yunmo's attack, and retreated with force. Night cat's advantage is her body style, and she will not choose to go head-to-head with Yunmo.

The night cat's figure flickered in the forest, appearing behind Yunmo from time to time to sneak attacks. Yunmo seemed to have no choice but to defend in place. After a fight, Yunmo was actually at a disadvantage. Yunmo, hurriedly defending in place, is like a mouse being teased by a night cat.

"I thought I had the ability to dare to be so arrogant, it turned out to be nothing!" The strongest bandit showed disdain, "Go together, don't waste time."

When ordered, several other people attacked at the same time, the night cat also launched an attack at the right time, and the sharp cat's claws grabbed Yun Mo's heart.

When these people attacked at the same time, the corners of Yunmo's mouth slightly twitched, and his feet slammed, the soil and rock burst, and his figure rushed out like an arrow from the string, facing the two body tempering bandits.

"No, he cheated!" The face of the strongest bandit changed drastically, and he immediately understood that Yun Mo was just showing his enemy's weakness, so he quickly changed direction and wanted to block Yun Mo. Several other bandits suddenly understood, and they moved closer to the two Body Tempering Realm bandits.

However, Yunmo's speed was not inferior to that of Night Cat. The two Body Tempering Realm bandits understood that it was not good, and when they wanted to retreat, it was too late.

Puff puff puff!

Han Ye turned into two cold glows in Yunmo's hands, penetrating the chests of the two Body Tempering Realm bandits, directly taking the lives of both of them.

After killing the two Body Tempering Bandits, Yun Mo grasped Han Ye and waved backwards, and chopped off the arm of a bandit behind him with a chuckle. The robber suddenly screamed, his face extremely pale.

The strongest bandit looked at Yun Mo with a blue expression, and unexpectedly broke another brother, his heart was extremely angry.

"Very good! If I don't kill you today, I won't have to use my iron spear in the Yunshang Mountains in the future!" The strongest bandit said coldly, his name is iron spear, and his weapon is also an iron spear. .

"Can't let him die too comfortably!" Yemao shouted, Yun Mo didn't make all his strength in the fight with him just now. This simply didn't put him in his eyes and made him extremely annoyed.

Looking at a few bandits, Yun Mo quickly made a battle plan in his heart, killing two people, one of them had his weapon broken and lost his combat power. Therefore, there are only four people who are still capable of fighting, and they are no longer a threat to Yunmo.

Soon, Yunmo locked a person, this person is burly, holding a sledgehammer, obviously a powerful warrior. Yunmo's body is extremely powerful, and his strength is far beyond ordinary people. The one who is least afraid of is this kind of power type warrior.

Without waiting for the opponent to attack, he took the lead to attack, Han Ye waved, and slashed towards the burly bandit with a fierce aura.

"Hmph! Smash your head!" The burly bandit shouted, the giant hammer exploded with an astonishing breath and smashed towards Yunmo. At the same time, the other three attacked from behind Yunmo. The most terrifying thing was the attack of the iron spear, and a spear light broke through the air, extremely fierce.

Yun Mo seemed to have not noticed the attack from the rear, and rushed straight towards the burly bandit.

The long halberd Hanye collided with the giant hammer, sparks flew in all directions, and the terrible force spread along the giant hammer to the arm of the burly bandit. The burly bandit only felt his arm hurt, and then realized in horror that the bones of his arm had broken. !

The body tempering liquid refined by Yunmo is the world's top body tempering liquid, and coupled with the tempering of the Shaking Mountain Fist, his physical body has long surpassed ordinary warriors, and his strength is so great that even he himself feels incredible. When the halberd fell, the opponent couldn't stand it at all.


The burly bandit broke his arm, and the sledgehammer flew out of his hand and slammed on his head, causing him to faint, and his whole person fell back.

Yunmo collided with it, and his figure just stopped for an instant, and then continued to rush forward.


After passing the burly bandit, Yun Mo kicked the bandit back and kicked out the bandit who had fainted.


Several muffled noises sounded, and the burly bandit was killed by the attack of iron guns and others.

"Ah!" Another person was killed, and the eyes of the iron gun were red. For so many years, they had not suffered such a big loss. The kid in front of him was too cunning.

"Kill!" Iron Spear was extremely angry. He thought that Yunmo was too cunning, and that's why they suffered. He didn't think that Yunmo was very strong at all.

A spear light flashed and shot towards Yunmo, and the night cat jumped out from the nearby tree, the cat's claws in his hand turned into a cold light. The other person was vigilant, did not attack rashly, and hid beside the iron gun looking for opportunities.

Yunmo's figure flickered, avoiding the spear light, his body suddenly fell in a strange posture, and behind him was a night cat with a murderous expression on his face.


No one could see exactly what happened, but after a muffled noise, the night cat flew upside down, vomiting a lot of blood in his mouth, and his vitality was cut off.

That was the most peculiar punch in the Shaking Mountain Fist. It was specially designed to deal with people who sneaked behind him. It was impossible for the night cat to think of it. Yunmo could even attack behind him without turning around. After being hit by Yunmo's full punch, the night cat fell dead immediately. The price Yunmo paid was nothing more than a few cracks in his robes.

At this time, a chill suddenly rose in Tiejian's heart, and he felt that he seemed to underestimate Yunmo's strength.

Yun Mo didn't give him too much time to think, a large cloud of cold light melted into the cold night in his hand, and he slashed towards the neck of the iron spear.


The iron spear swung the spear to block, but couldn't bear the terrible force, and the spear flew out directly. By coincidence, the bandit passed through the neck of the bandit next to him. The bandit looked at the iron gun in horror, then his eyes dimmed, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"You!" Tie Gun was completely frightened at this time. He did not underestimate Yunmo's strength, but seriously underestimated Yunmo's strength. Only after colliding with Yunmo did he understand how terrifying Yunmo's power and speed are.

Yun Mo sneered towards the iron gun, the iron gun showed horror, and his body kept retreating.


Yun Mo's halberd ended up with the bandit with a broken arm next to him.

"No! You can't kill me, our boss is a poisonous scorpion, he is a master in the spiritual realm, if you kill me, he will definitely kill you!" Tie Gun panicked and completely lost his fighting spirit.

"I have already killed six people, and have already forged a feud with him."

"No, I just need to say that they were killed by monsters. The poisonous scorpion will not know that you killed it. But if you kill me, he will definitely know."

"Do you think I believe it?" Yunmo sneered.

"I have something good, if you can let me go, I will give it to you."

"Let me see. If you are satisfied, I will let you go."

"No, you have to promise not to kill me before I can give it to you."

"Do you still have a choice now?" Yun Mo showed his murderous intent and took a step towards the iron spear.

The iron gun gritted his teeth, took out something from the package, and said, "You should know this thing!"