Peerless Medical Emperor

Chapter 47: Blocking a Car


The theft of the drug storehouse turned out to be theft by the eighth elder guard, and everyone in the Yun family was shocked. The patriarch Yun Weisheng was extremely disappointed with the eight elders. Although he was dissatisfied with certain behaviors of the eight elders, he was still very satisfied with his abilities. However, he believed in Yunhu, but Yunhu did such a chilling thing.

"The patriarch, the eighth elder actually did such a thing, I suggest depriving him of his position as an elder, only severe punishment can heal the wrath of the clan people!" The second elder was most pleased with this scene, and immediately spoke to suppress Yunhu. The eighth elder Yunhu was the proud assistant of his old rival, the elder, and if he could deprive Yunhu of his position, he could hit the elder severely.

The corners of the Great Elder's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes were full of dissatisfaction when he looked at Yunhu. He didn't care if something happened to Yunhu himself. What he cared about was that Yunhu would no longer be able to provide him with effective assistance in the future. At this time, he didn't dare to intercede for Yunhu at all. To do so would be totally seeking death.

"How is it possible? Grandpa, this is not true! How could you stole the family medicine?" Yun Lie cried out in silence. At this moment, he felt that the sky was falling. Yunhu is the backbone of their family, and if he falls, it means that his good days are over. From now on, he will no longer be able to show off his power in front of the other children of the Yun family.

"It's Yun Mo, who framed my grandfather, yes! It must be so! This is framed!" Yun Lie shouted with red eyes. However, no one cares about Yun Lie at all, even Yunhu admits it himself. Is this still wrong?

"This son, it's not easy!" Yun family martial artist, some people secretly communicated, and their views on Yunmo completely changed. Before, they thought that Yunmo was a waste of no potential. After Yunmo defeated Yunlie, they at best believed that Yunmo was just a little talented junior. However, right now, Yun Mo overwhelmed the eighth elder Yunhu, which made many people secretly startled, and at the same time they were extremely jealous.

"Without a word, I collected all kinds of evidence, and at the critical moment, giving the opponent a fatal blow, this is the most tolerable wolf!" Someone sighed.

"Now that he has a backing, even if Yunhu wants to retaliate, I am afraid he will not have that ability."

"Yes, Yunhu is over, and will no longer have a position in the Yun family in the future. I will wait and keep a distance from him. Today's Yun family, Liyan, Yunmeng'er, and Yunmo are the most important people! If it is because It’s not good to be too close to Yunhu and offend them."

The eyes of many people looking at the Yunhu family have changed. In the past, many people wanted to curry favor with their family. Now, I am afraid all the warriors of the Yun family will treat them like snakes and scorpions.

Feeling the eyes of people around him, Yun Lie suddenly felt like falling into an ice cellar. He knew that their family's status in the Yun family would plummet from then on. Even the look in the eyes of the great elder looked at them different from before. He knew that the great elder was going to abandon them.

Yunmo's expression was indifferent, as if he had done a trivial thing. In fact, he did think so. In his eyes, Yunhu and others were nothing more than clowns. After all, as far as strength is concerned, Yunhu is no longer his opponent now.

"Yunhu, you will no longer be an elder in the future, and all the positions you hold will be transferred to others. All your family property will be confiscated for punishment! From now on, you will follow the hunting team to the Yunshang Mountains to collect resources. Right." Yun Weisheng punished Yunhu in public. Of course, the most important thing was to show Yunmo. Yun Weisheng looked at Yun Mo carefully, fearing that he was dissatisfied, thinking that such punishment was too light.

Yun Mo didn't speak, how to punish it was the patriarch's business, he didn't care. Shrugging, Yunmo took Meng'er and walked out. Wu Sanhe and the others, smiling and following them, slowly walked towards the remote courtyard.

In the back, many people looked at the Yunmo family with envy. They knew that that remote place would become the center of the Yun family from now on.


On a road leading from Guanshan Town to Qiongyu City, a carriage was moving fast. The cart was a heterogeneous horse with far more powerful feet than ordinary horses. Those with vision will find that the forces in Guanshan Town have no such alien horses at all.

Sitting on the carriage was the Wang Family Martial Artist who returned to Qiongyu City in a desperate manner. At this moment, the two people on the carriage were a little silent, and Wang Jingyun's expression was gloomy and a little unconvinced. Wang Luoheng, on the other hand, looked like a defeated general.

"Uncle Clan, although Wu Sanhe is strong, but it's not in the far-reaching realm. My king family, but there are three seeds of the far-reaching realm, and I am confident that in the future there will be strength to attack the far-reaching realm. Why should we be afraid of him?" Wang Jingyun was very unconvinced. Even in Qiongyu City, their Wang family had a place. As a genius of the Wang family, he had never been so embarrassed as he is today.

"Shut up! What do you know?!" Wang Luoheng scolded with a stare, "That's a veteran, far-reaching expert, and his strength is unfathomable. Far from being comparable to ordinary far-flung warriors, otherwise he would not be qualified to be the teacher of Zuo Sui Academy. Previously, it was rumored that he had suffered a terrible poison and lost his cultivation. Unexpectedly, he recovered his strength. Today, he may have the strength to attack the realm above the far travel realm!"

"Control the realm!" Wang Jingyun exclaimed. The power of a master of the far travel realm is already the top power of Qiongyu City, and for the people here, the control of the realm is a legendary character.

"Huh! Do you think that the juniors who are expected to travel to the far travel realm can be compared with the masters who are already in the far travels realm and are expected to attack the Dao control?" Wang Luoheng said with a cold face, teaching this clan to be outstanding, but some I don't know the heights of the descendants.

"The Yun family can't be touched anymore. We want to develop, so let's find another place."

Wang Jingyun suddenly changed his expression and asked: "Uncle Clan, you seem to have said before that the Yun family once offended a big power, can we?"

"I advise you to dispel such thoughts!" Wang Luoheng said coldly, his expression extremely solemn, "Such a character is not what you can imagine. If you want to use their hands to destroy your opponent, maybe you will be destroyed first. ! Moreover, Wu Sanhe used to be the teacher of Zuo Sui Academy, and that is the place, and I dare not move him easily."

"After all, your horizons are still too narrow. When you go back this time, don't walk around anymore, concentrate on preparing, and strive to become an official disciple of Zuo Sui Academy."

Suddenly, a neigh of horses rang, and the carriage stopped suddenly. Two people in the carriage were unstable and almost fell out of the carriage.

"What's the matter?" Wang Luoheng was angry and scolded outside the car.

"Big... Your lord, someone is blocking the way." The coachman said with a trembling voice.

"I'm looking for someone from the royal family, no one else, etc., leave quickly!" A low voice came from outside the car.

The coachman didn't wait for Wang Luoheng to make a noise, and immediately jumped out of the carriage and fled. Those who dared to intercept the Wang's carriage must not be simple characters. Although the coachman worked for the Wang family, he didn't want to lose his life for this.

"So courageous!" Wang Luoheng roared out of the carriage. It was said to the person who stopped the car and to the driver. It's fine for Wu Sanhe to let them deflate, and now anyone dared to intercept the Wang family's carriage. And the groom, knowing that he had lost in Guanshan Town, fled as soon as he was frightened, which was really annoying.

"There is no spiritual energy fluctuation on his body, huh, a body tempering realm martial artist, who dare to stop my Wang family's carriage, is really looking for death! Clan uncle, let me kill him!" Wang Jingyun is a Wang family genius, confident in the tempering state , Will not be weaker than others.

Although Wang Luoheng didn't think the opponent had any abilities, he was also quite cautious and didn't let Wang Jingyun out of the battle.

The person who stopped the car was naturally a cloud and ink who concealed his identity. When Wang Luoheng sneered and humiliated Liyan, he had already sentenced him to death in his heart. Counting the time, Yunmo left the table under the pretext of practicing, and took a short cut to stop the Wang family's carriage.

This time, he not only wanted to speak out for his mother, but also took this opportunity to see what level of his strength was. In his previous life, he was at best able to draw with ordinary warriors in the middle stage of the spiritual realm. But in this life, he used Earth Spirit Milk to temper his body, and his strength surpassed the previous life. He believes that he can kill the mid-spiritual masters by means of means.

"It seems that my Wang family has kept a low profile for too long, and even a small body tempering realm warrior dare to provoke my Wang family." Wang Luo said solemnly, gently leaped off the carriage, and slowly walked towards Yunmo.

"Uncle Clan, don't let him die too fast, you have to torture him well, so as to teach people to know that my Wang family is not easy to be annoying!" Wang Jingyun shouted, deflated at the Yun family, he urgently needs to vent his depression mood.

"Have you heard? That will be your end!" Wang Luoheng's eyes were cold, as if he was a god of death sentenced Yunmo.

"Your nonsense is too much!" Yun Mo flipped his hand, took Han Ye from Qiankun's bag, waved it suddenly, and slashed towards Wang Luoheng.


Wang Luoheng was extremely fast, avoiding the Hanye halberd blade, and slapped it on the halberd pole with a slap. As a result, a huge force came, smashing Wang Luoheng upside down and flying out.

"Uncle Clan!" Wang Jingyun was shocked. He didn't expect Wang Luoheng to be beaten out for the first time.

"I'm fine!" Wang Luoheng leaped up from the ground and patted the dust on his body. "Unexpectedly, a small body tempering state could have such a powerful force."

Wang Jingyun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. Wang Luoheng was obviously not injured. He must have reservations just now.

"Such a powerful body tempering state is indeed rare. However, the gap between the body tempering state and the spiritual state cannot be made up by strength!" Wang Luoheng stretched out his arms, a breath of palpitations emanating from him. Came out. In an instant, Wang Luoheng, who was still ordinary just now, stood there like a tyrannical god.


Wang Luoheng slapped it again, aura surging, and streamers splashed.


Han Ye cut down, but was blocked by a ray of light, and couldn't hurt Wang Luoheng at all.

"Did you see it? This is the power to enter the spirit realm!" Wang Luo curled up his mouth slightly, and then blasted out with a punch, rushing towards Yunmo.

Yunmo's pupils shrunk slightly, and the gun was blocked.


There was a muffled noise, and Yunmo flew upside down, hit the ground fiercely, and plowed a deep ditch in the ground.


A mouthful of blood was sprayed out by cloud ink and stained the ground red.

"The gap between the Body Tempering Realm and the Spirit Realm cannot be bridged!" Wang Luoheng said proudly. He looked down at Yunmo, like a god looking down on an ant.