Perfect Feast

Chapter 431: It's both a joke and a joke


Hearing what Chen Weiguo said, Liu Yang smiled lightly and said, "Is that so? Then... let's not talk about this issue, right?"

As expected, Liu Yang stopped talking about this issue. As the two continued to talk, Liu Yang would smile and say nothing as long as Chen Weiguo talked about investment. However, when he brought up the customs and customs of Huling, Liu Yang added a few words.

This situation lasted until lunch time, when someone came over and told Liu Yang that he could sit down at the table. Liu Yang stood up and cordially invited Chen Weiguo to the table.

Only then did Chen Weiguo realize that the young county party secretary in front of him, despite his smiling and childish look, was actually very strong inside.

People are still willing to chat with me now, just out of politeness.

It is precisely because of this atmosphere that Chen Weiguo's meal was tasteless. After drinking two glasses of wine, the banquet was over, and Chen Weiguo stood up and left.

When sending her Chen Weiguo to the car, Liu Yang showed an eager look. He held Chen Weiguo's hand tightly and said with a smile: "Welcome Mr. Chen to come back to his hometown often. Huling County will definitely change every day..."

Chen Weiguo smiled and nodded: "Secretary Liu, we will meet soon."

As the car exited the guest house, the secretary sitting in the front row snorted dissatisfied: "Mr. Chen, this Secretary Liu is so outrageous. He is so indifferent to such a big investment project, and he dares to follow us like this. What you said is really overestimating your ability..."

"Haha? Really?" Chen Weiguo smiled, leaned back, shook his head and said: "This Secretary Liu has lofty ambitions, and his thoughts are very within reach. You, your eyes are still too big." Too short-sighted…”

"Uh..." The secretary said in surprise and stopped talking.

Chen Weiguo said very firmly from behind: "After you return, you will immediately revise the plan. The focus is to add environmental protection projects. In addition to exhaust gas recovery, add a sewage treatment system... "

"Mr. Chen, this will exceed the budget. I'm afraid..." Before the secretary could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Weiguo: "If it doesn't work, we will cut off the thermal power plant project and only keep the gas-steam combined power generation. That part. We must take down this coking plant."

At noon, Liu Yang took a rest in the hotel. As soon as he went to work in the afternoon, he met with Huaigang's negotiators as planned.

The vice president of Huaigang Factory is Fu Xuebing, a lesbian in her fifties. This man was not tall, with a fair complexion, but a very plump figure. Holding her hand, Liu Yang felt as if he was holding a soft piece of bread.

The first impression Fu Xuebing left on Liu Yang was that this woman was very shrewd.

Sure enough, after the two sides started talking, Fu Xuebing's impression on Liu Yang became even more profound. But what made Liu Yang feel strange was that almost all of the planning documents made by the other party met the requirements put forward by Huling County. However, since they raised objections regarding land payment and taxation, they naturally hoped that Huling County would give in.

However, the other party also proposed another alternative, that is, Huling County can use land to invest in shares. The conditions given by Huaigang are not unfavorable. The other party only requires absolute control, that is to say, Huaigang's shares cannot be less than 51%.

Seeing Liu Yang finish reading the plan proposed by Huaigang, Fu Xuebing asked with a smile: "How about Secretary Liu, is the plan we proposed acceptable

Read a book! ) Net Supernatural, isn’t it written very clearly in our planning book? Sewage treatment plants, medical benzene plants, phthalic anhydride plants, and high-temperature resistant material plants are all designed to deal with toxic gases... "

When I was introduced just now, this seemed to be Manager Zhang from the Huaigang Development Department.

"Manager Zhang, I understand your planning document very clearly. Let's put it this way, if several of your factories can be launched at the same time, the land price in Huling County can be lowered, or even given away for free. I What I’m asking now is that part of the content that is not reflected in the planning document. When do you plan to open the remaining factories? You just need to tell me the timetable clearly."

Liu Yang looked directly at him, his knife-like eyes hurting Manager Zhang's eyes: "Besides, I still said what I just said. If the sewage treatment plant, medical benzene plant, phthalic anhydride plant, and high temperature resistant material plant cannot After the coking plant is put into production in the near future, how to deal with these harmful substances produced?”

Manager Zhang looked a little unnatural and said: "This... this matter must be done step by step..."

"Yes, I understand what Manager Zhang means. No one can eat a big fat man in one sitting. But how long will it take to do this step by step? Three years? Five years? Or ten or eight years? There is no way I can let Huling The people of the county have been holding their breath for such a long time..."

As he spoke, Liu Yang smiled again and said: "Once the environment is destroyed, it is not easy to restore it. Even if the taxes you pay can repair the environment, if the people's bodies collapse, it will cost no matter how much money it takes." It is difficult to cure. Mr. Fu, I am a stubborn person and like to bring anything to the table. Your plan is very tempting to me. It is much better than the conditions proposed by Laigang. However, if you don’t Please forgive me for not agreeing to the corresponding measures..."

After Liu Yang finished speaking, he stood up and left with a dark face.

Damn it, this is just a beautiful blueprint drawn for myself that is not intended to be realized at all, and it is here to fool around. If I hadn't done enough homework in advance, I might have been fooled by them about acupuncture.

With an investment of 6.8 billion, how big is a piece of cake? What a big political achievement? If you don't care about the life and death of the people and just think about climbing up, you will be a fool if you sign for this kind of thing. If you don't sign, you will be a fool.

But now, even if I am regarded as a fool, I can't do that.

Not long after returning to the office, Huang Decheng and Cui Kai came in again. Before Liu Yang went to Jinling, the Organization Department had reported his name to the Municipal Party Committee, but the approval for Huang Decheng to serve as Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee had not yet come down. But this news couldn't be hidden from people like Huang Decheng. Even if he didn't deliberately inquire, someone would naturally tell him about such a convenient favor.

Huang Decheng is already very satisfied with being able to further advance to the deputy county level. This time he was directly admitted to the Standing Committee. You can imagine Huang Decheng's excitement. Although it is a little regretful that he can no longer serve as the director of the Public Security Bureau, Huang Decheng's gratitude to Liu Yang can still be felt on his face.

This time, he and Cui Kai came here mainly to report on the case in No. 1 Middle School.

The provincial department sent people to cooperate, and all the personnel of the municipal and county bureaus worked together, but this case has been solved. However, the outcome of the case was a bit unexpected.

This case was mainly due to the factional struggle within the bank. Guo Yunqi, director of the credit department, took advantage of Vice President Xu Youna's "sick" vacation to secretly steal some information that originally belonged to Xu Youna's custody. Among them is a seal reserved for record in the bank.

Guo Yunqi asked a confidant to secretly destroy these documents so that he could throw dirty water on Xu Youna and drive Xu Youna, the young vice president, out.

But who knew that her henchman was even more ruthless. After privately engraving the seal of No. 1 Middle School, he withdrew the money from No. 1 Middle School and put the fake seal back.

This case not only involved Guo Yunqi and some people in the banking system, but also exposed the corruption and bribery of the principal and vice principal of No. 1 Middle School. It is really ridiculous!

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