Perfect Feast

Chapter 452: Transferred from Huling


After sorting out his thoughts, Sun Zhuoqun tried his best to restrain his emotions and said with a very calm expression: "Secretary Zhang, it is the honor of our entire Renzhou City that circular agriculture can be designated as a provincial key project. We must give our full support and attach great importance to ensuring the smooth development of this project... "

It wasn't until he finished speaking that Zhang Qixiong said calmly: "Very good. I feel relieved when I hear you say that. That's it. After you go out, call Comrade Liu Yang in... "

In less than five minutes, Zhang Qixiong had already ended the conversation. This made Sun Zhuoqun feel very uncomfortable. Especially the last sentence "Comrade Liu Yang" made Sun Zhuoqun feel helpless. It turns out that the chapter secretary also knows how to call "comrade"? It's just that the person you're calling is not yourself.

No matter how I heard this, I felt that there was a strong sense of sarcasm in Zhang Qixiong's voice.

After Zhang Qixiong met with Liu Yang, Li Dongdong, Lin Yufen, and Wen Hongbin talked separately. When they came out, their faces were all red with excitement. After lunch, Zhang Qixiong did not rest, but immediately held a symposium.

This time, it was Zhang Jing, Sun Zhuoqun, Yao Peng, Li Yibin, Liu Yang, Li Dongdong and others who all participated.

At the meeting, Liu Yang, on behalf of the Huling County Party Committee and County Government, formally reported the current situation and achievements of Huling County to Zhang Qixiong, Hu Jingkun and other provincial party committee leaders.

In the report, Liu Yang gave a relatively objective and true description of Huling County’s achievements and existing problems. We have also fully estimated the form we will face in the next step. In short, the light is ahead. Although there will be some difficulties and twists and turns, there is great hope and a good situation...

After Liu Yang spoke, Zhang Jing and Sun Zhuoqun spoke successively. When it was the turn of Hu Jingkun, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, to speak, Hu Jingkun used three unexpected words in a row: I didn't expect that Huling County has changed so much, and I didn't expect that the team of Huling County is so courageous. Unexpectedly, Comrade Liu Yang is so young...

Finally, Zhang Qixiong made an important speech, fully affirming the achievements of Renzhou City and Huling County and putting forward ardent hopes...

After the meeting, the provincial and municipal leaders left immediately, and Huling County, which had been boiling for a day, finally returned to peace.

In the next few days, the flavor of the New Year is getting stronger and stronger, and children’s laughter and sporadic firecrackers can be heard on the street from time to time. On the 26th of the year, Tian Manman returned to Huling from Jiangnan Province. After a quick meeting with Liu Yang, he finished taking care of the company's affairs, but returned to Jiangnan Province to celebrate the New Year with his mother, brother and sister-in-law.

On the 27th of this year, the county court received the Supreme Court’s approval for Anwar’s execution. That night, Liu Yang went to the detention center to visit Anwar again. On the 28th, the judicial police and armed police took Anwar out of the detention center and executed him. Liu Yang fulfilled his promise and found an ideal cemetery for him. Where will Anwar repent silently and rest quietly.

After the New Year, the new session of the National People's Congress is held. Liu Yang recommended Lin Yufen to take over the post of county magistrate on the grounds that Huling County's economy could sustain and stabilize development. Zhang Jing from the municipal party committee had no objection, and Sun Zhuoqun from the municipal government also expressed understanding and respect for Comrade Liu Yang's opinion.

The election results of the National People's Congress came out, and Lin Yufen was officially elected as the new county magistrate of Huling County.

At the same time, the Municipal Party Committee’s approval for Huang Decheng’s appointment as member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee was also conveyed to Huling County, and the Organization Department’s document Fantasy? has the motivation to move forward. Now that Secretary Liu has been transferred away, people are not only reluctant to give up, but are mainly worried about who will take charge of Huling next and whether there will be any changes in the development of Huling County.

When Sun Zhuoqun saw this transfer order, he felt a little emotional and full of joy. Liu Yang felt uncomfortable every day he stayed in Huling County. But after experiencing Zhang Qixiong's personal beating, he didn't dare to act rashly. He was really frustrated.

Now, Liu Yang, the dog best at biting people, is gone. Can Zhang Jing still stay in Renzhou City

Regarding Liu Yang's successor, Sun Zhuoqun once again showed enthusiasm that he had never seen before. However, this time it was Zhang Jing who took the initiative to launch the attack. On the pretext that Secretary Zhang needed Huling County to be stable and must consistently maintain the effective development of various tasks in Huling County, he immediately sought Liu Yang's opinion and asked Comrade Liu Yang The recommended candidate was presented to the Standing Committee, catching Sun Zhuoqun off guard.

Taking into account the actual situation in Huling County, the municipal party committee felt that it would be more appropriate for Li Dongdong, recommended by Comrade Liu Yang, to take over as county party secretary.

Zhang Jing brought up Zhang Qixiong and used Liu Yang's recommendation to silence Sun Zhuoqun, which made Sun Zhuoqun angry but unable to say anything.

If you force someone else to serve as county party secretary, what if the circular agriculture thing doesn't work? At that time, who will bear this responsibility

Although Zhang Jing hypocritically asked Sun Zhuoqun if he had any different opinions, what could Sun Zhuoqun say? He could only hold back his anger and keep silent.

After the municipal party committee documents came down, Liu Yang and Li Dongdong immediately handed over the documents and left quietly without notifying other cadres to see them off. The reporting date specified in the transfer order was very short, so Xiaomei drove Liu Yang's Toyota to send Liu Yang to report in the provincial capital. She also had another task, which was to find a comfortable home for Zhao Jingjing and Liu Yang in the provincial capital.

Zhao Jingjing and Xiaoping took their children from Pengzhou to South Guangdong by plane. The children were one month old and had not seen their grandfather yet. If you don't go, I'm afraid my father will be unhappy and stepmother Fang Suxin will also have gossip.

But he didn't know that just when he was about to arrive in the provincial capital, the cadres and masses in various towns, especially the villagers in the flooded villages during the last flood, heard that Liu Shu When the reporters were about to be transferred, they all brought unique products that they thought they could produce, and spontaneously gathered at the gate of the county party committee compound, waiting to see Liu Yang off.

In the office upstairs, Li Dongdong and Han Feng could clearly see the scene outside the window. At first, both of them were shocked, thinking that it was a villager from that village who came to petition. After asking the secretary to find out, both of them felt an unspeakable emotion in their hearts.

Not only the two of them, but everyone who worked in the building finally knew that the thousands of people outside the gate came spontaneously to see Secretary Liu off. This scene can be said to be absolutely shocking. In today's era, family ties are slowly becoming numb, and it must be said to be a miracle that there are cadres who can be so loved and supported by the people.

Naturally, this miracle also deeply shocked everyone watching this scene.

After Lin Yufen received the news from the county government, she issued an almost bizarre order: All cadres and employees of the county government should gather outside the county party committee compound to receive ideological education on the new era and new situation.

Facing this scene, can everyone not have any thoughts in their hearts? What do you think? How was it done? The most critical question is... what should we do next

Serving as an official for one term brings benefit to one party. This is what Liu Shuji said when he took office. Although his time in Huling County was short, he did this and the people also remembered him.

Now, the problem before us is that Huling County still has a long way to go, and the road ahead is full of challenges and opportunities. It depends on us whether those of us comrades who remain will remain in infamy for eternity, or whether we will enjoy the fragrance of flowers along the way.

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