Perfect Feast

Chapter 453: Opportunity everywhere


Li Meizhi's dissatisfaction is not only directed at Liu Yang. In fact, her biggest grievance is actually directed at Zhang Shidong. Even though she was just a deputy secretary, she was supported by her brother Li Jigao, but she never took Zhang Shidong seriously.

Originally, she was older than Ou Xiaodan, and her qualifications at the deputy department level were also much older than Ou Xiaodan's. However, he became deputy secretary of the Youth League Provincial Committee a few months later than Ou Xiaodan. Being ranked behind Ou Xiaodan was enough to make Li Meizhi feel aggrieved, but now there was a new Liu Yang. Although he was ranked behind him, the department he was in charge of had much more real power than him.

Why? I won’t tell you that Ou Xiaodan is ranked ahead of me. Why do you, Zhang Shidong, look so differently to a new young man

The office and agency service center he is in charge of have financial signing power. The deployment of personnel in the organization department can be regarded as a powerful exercise. The Propaganda Department, Jihai Youth Management Cadre Academy, magazines, newspapers, film and television drama production centers, Jihai Youth Rural Industry Development Service Center, and Jihai Provincial Youth Exchange Center all make money. unit.

As for the units he is in charge of, except for a youth travel agency that makes money, the rest are units that spend money. Every penny spent must be signed by the top leader for approval. Besides, that youth travel agency is basically a contracting unit now. I wanted to submit a few invoices, but the general manager of the travel agency looked as droopy as a donkey. The clear soup is watery and really not interesting at all.

It turns out that when Man Tao was ill, these departments were temporarily controlled by Zhang Shidong, which made Li Meizhi feel angry. Now that Man Tao is almost dying of illness and has gone through the resignation procedures, Li Meizhi feels that no matter what, these units Score a few points for yourself.

But who knew that in the end, Zhang Shidong was completely assigned to Liu Yang's management. Therefore, Li Meizhi hates Zhang Shidong first, and then Liu Yang. This guy was the county magistrate and secretary of the county committee down below. Did he make enough money? How can you come to the Youth League Committee and still manage these wealthy departments? Isn’t this too unreasonable

This suspicion was finally confirmed when Zhang Shidong gathered everyone to greet Liu Yang in the evening and saw Liu Yang actually driving his own private car to the banquet. If he was not corrupt, how could he afford such a good thing? Car

The banquet after get off work in the afternoon was scheduled at the Youth Hotel, which was across the road to the west of the Youth League Committee office building. This is a physical unit under the Youth Travel Agency, and it can be regarded as the territory that Li Meizhi is in charge of.

In provincial capitals, Youth Hotel can only be considered medium-sized and definitely not high-end. But under normal circumstances, the reception of the Provincial Youth League Committee is held at the Youth Hotel. The only advantage is that you can sign the bill and don't have to spend cash to eat.

However, those who came today were all leaders of the Youth League Committee. Xu Tongfei, the general manager of Youth Hotel, personally stood at the gate to greet them and invited all the leaders in with a smile on his face.

In addition to Zhang Shidong, Ou Xiaodan, Li Meizhi, Liu Yang, Ren Xiangzhong and other leaders of the Youth League Committee, plus the office, organization department, and propaganda department, there are only a few top leaders in the center and colleges who have something to do and can't leave and have asked for leave. Outside, more than twenty people crowded a large table.

Because Zhang Shidong was present, Xu Tongfei had already told the kitchen that the food must be cooked more exquisitely. Some dishes that were not usually served were also served. A large table of dishes was full of color, flavor and taste.

^'Read)^book.? Download online/Just wait a moment and start again. Secretary Ou, Secretary Liu, and team leader Ren, we will go over and toast Li Shu.Ji... "

There are two rows of private rooms on the second floor of Qingnian Hotel. It is auspicious to open a restaurant, so naturally it has caught up with the habits passed down from the south. Private room No. 888 is currently occupied by Zhang Shidong and his group. Unexpectedly, private room 666 diagonally opposite the door was reserved by Li Meizhi for Li Jigao's birthday.

When Zhang Shidong, Ou Xiaodan, Liu Yang and Ren Zhongxiang followed Li Meizhi to the door of Box 666, Li Meizhi stopped and turned around and said: "Secretary Zhang, my brother doesn't like strangers joining in the fun. I'm leading him like this." Everyone, go in and don’t make him unhappy again. Why don’t you wait outside while I go in and say something first?”

Her attitude was so obvious that Zhang Shidong's face suddenly turned red. But everyone was already standing outside the door. If he turned around and went back now, it wouldn't be good if Li Jigao found out. He glared at Li Meizhi fiercely and said in a deep voice: "Who is Secretary Li? He is highly respected, so he won't do so many little things, right?"

Li Meizhi knew that he was cursing her in a roundabout way, but she didn't argue with Zhang Shidong. She just smiled and said, "I'd better go in and talk." Then, she opened the door and walked in on her own.

After Li Meizhi entered, she closed the door again. It wasn't until this moment that Zhang Shidong snorted heavily.

Liu Yang looked amused from behind, and then he gradually understood why Zhang Shidong was so happy when he was transferred to the Youth League Committee. Although he is clearly ranked fourth, he has the heaviest responsibility.

But it turned out that he and Li Meizhi had been incompatible with each other for a long time, but because of Li Jigao's existence, he was helpless towards this woman who didn't know how to respect herself. Zhang Shidong knew who was standing behind him, and deliberately made Li Meizhi angry at him during the division of labor. In addition to valuing himself, using himself to contain Li Meizhi was his most real purpose.

Several people stood outside the door and waited for about three or four minutes before the door of the box was opened from the inside. A man in his thirties came out, looked at Zhang Shidong and others, and greeted with a fake smile: "Secretary Zhang is here. I'm so sorry. Why are you still standing outside? Come in quickly."

Zhang Shidong smiled and said, "I'm so sorry. We just heard that Li Shu. celebrated his birthday today. Come in and propose a glass of water and wine to show your respect for the leader. I'm sorry to trouble Director Li."

Liu Yang didn't know who Director Li was, so he didn't say anything and just followed Zhang Shidong in.

Inside the door, people were drinking and laughing, and people at the table were taking turns to respect Li Jigao. Seeing Zhang Shidong and others coming in, everyone turned their heads together.

The old man in his sixties sitting at the main seat had a thin face and piercing eyes. Liu Yang knew that this must be Deputy Secretary Li without any introduction. Although I have seen him on TV before, this was the first time I saw him in person.

Li Jigao watched Zhang Shidong come in, stood up with a smile on his face, waved with his hands, and said to them: "Xiao Zhang, Xiao Ou, are you here? The children are messing around, and I can only let them, I don’t want to be bumped into by you guys. Since you’re here, come and sit. Come on, add some stools here for Xiao Zhang and the others... "

Zhang Shidong quickly smiled and said: "If we hadn't heard Sister Li talk about it, we wouldn't have known that today was your birthday. We didn't have any preparations. I could only come here to toast you with a glass of wine and wish you good health... "

While talking, Zhang Shidong asked the waiter to bring some glasses and pour wine: "Secretary Li, we won't be sitting down. There is still a table of people over there..."

Looking at this posture, Zhang Shidong planned to just stand there, toast Li Jigao with a glass of wine and go back immediately. He said he wouldn't sit down, so Ou Xiaodan, Liu Yang, and Ren Zhongxiang followed suit and stood by the door without moving.

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