Perfect Feast

Chapter 510: Sun Qingmei went on a blind date


Although Zhao Jingjing's look was more of a joke, it also made Comrade Liu Yang finish his breakfast in a hurry and run away.

Xiaomei was a little interested in him, and he knew this very well, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to go home and lived in the school dormitory every day before Zhao Jingjing came back from Nanyue.

But Liu Yang was not sure whether she was deliberately testing him, or whether Xiaomei had some flaws in the past few days, and Zhao Jingjing found out.

During the few days when she was not at home, Zhao Jingjing, Xiaomei and Xiaoping did a lot of things. Not only did she make the house look more like a home, she also brought back all Xiaomei's cars that were still in Huling.

I originally thought he came very early, but I didn't expect that he drove his aggressive car to the party school. As soon as he entered the classroom, he found that all the students were explaining the honest study inside.

All the courses in the party school training class have been taught, and in ten days there will be a graduation exam and a graduation thesis. Everyone cares about face, and no one wants to go back failing the exam. Even if the leader wants to reuse him at that time, he will not be too strong, right

Fortunately, the contents of the graduation exam are all in the review materials, and it is said that the exam questions are all from here. This means that as long as you study and review the materials carefully, you should have no problem passing the exam.

But there is no fixed routine for graduation thesis. You can do whatever you want according to the subjects you study. But the premise is that your argument must be clear, the evidence must be substantial, and you cannot talk nonsense. These are simple to say, but it is the most difficult and hard skill to write.

"If there is anything else you don't know, just ask me." After handing Liu Yang the review materials that Liu Yang received, Peng Yaohui told Liu Yang what he should pay attention to, and then turned around to work on his own paper.

Liu Yang reached out and flipped through the review materials. After taking a look, most of them were content he had studied. He had memorized all these things when professors and lecturers gave lectures. Not only did he remember them clearly, but he also discussed some different opinions with professors and lecturers.

Who gave him a good mind? As long as what you have heard is recorded in your mind, you will never forget it in this life. There is no need to look at these things that are already understood. Liu Yang focuses on the homework he has done.

From primary school to university, Liu Yang had his own special way of dealing with exams. If he is studying and even has to draw inferences about certain points and argue repeatedly, it may take up some of his time. But if you just deal with the exam, it would be much easier.

Especially in training courses, mathematics, algebra, geometry, chemistry, and physics are not tested. Of course, Liu Yang is not afraid even if he takes the exam. The problem is that training courses only teach philosophy, politics, and economics. In this kind of exam, no matter what kind of fill-in-the-blank questions, short-answer questions, essay questions, etc., as long as you remember what the teacher said, or in other words, as long as you remember what is in the review materials.

You don’t need to understand it, you just need to remember it and you will get high scores when the time comes.

Therefore, in order to prepare for the exam, Liu Yang just read it once and memorized the contents. However, his brain has the ability to remember things.

In half a morning, Liu Yang "loaded" all the review materials into his mind, and then he closed his eyes and silently thought about how to write a paper as needed.

While other students were still busy looking for information and checking arguments, he was already brewing in his mind.

"The exam is coming soon, why are you still asleep?" Peng Yaohui next to him touched him with his elbow, stood up and said, "Let's go and eat..."

"Oh? Ah? Eat? Is it time now?" Liu Yang said, raising his hand to look at the time. Isn't it already 12 noon

"Haha, I won't eat with you. I will go home at noon. My wife and children have just returned from other places. I want to go home and have dinner with my wife and children." Liu Yang smiled and stood up as he spoke.

Peng Yaohui smiled and joked: "You guys, it's fake to eat with your children, but it's real to spend time with your wife, right?"

Just when Liu Yang stood up, Pei Wenjie walked up to him with a smile and said to Liu Yang: "Squad leader Liu, I'm going to treat you at noon today. This is something we have already agreed on. You can't refuse."

She had already heard what Liu Yang and Peng Yaohui said just now, so she said this.

"Haha, you don't have to give me my face, but do you want to give it to our beautiful class committee? There are now more than n versions of what you did in Binhai City have reached our ears, and I just want to hear about it. Please reveal some real news. Let's go, let's find a place and chat while eating, otherwise I will be suffocated by curiosity..." Gong Shangyuan also turned around from the front row and said.

He and Peng Yaohui are the deputy district mayor of Daocheng, and the other is the district committee secretary of Bohai City. These two places are close to Binhai City in the south and west. There is a bit of trouble in Binhai City, so it is not unusual to reach them. But this kind of gossip spread so quickly, Liu Yang was startled in his heart, thinking that the two of them must have a pretty good relationship in Binhai City, right? Otherwise, how could they know about it if I just came back yesterday

However, it seems that this time I went to Binhai, I didn’t do anything earth-shattering at all, right? There are actually more than n versions of rumors about me? Are these two guys taking things a little too far

How did he know that this news had already spread through the grapevine in the entire Jihai officialdom before Pei Wenjie returned to the provincial capital.

This is not all Liu Yang's fault. The key point is that this time the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Military Region joined forces to arrest a deputy governor in Binhai City, as well as the chief division, chief department, deputy department, chief regiment, chief division, and deputy division With the addition of a long line of cadres at the pediatric and deputy department level, it would be incredible to avoid a sensation.

What's more, after Shen Kunhe was arrested, the position that became vacant was actually the position of mayor at the departmental level. For the officialdom, which has always been crowded with monks and few people, this is a rare opportunity.

Not to mention Binhai City, even in the provincial capital, there are more people thinking about this position than in a reinforced company. It is naturally not normal to ask each other for news.

Naturally, when you ask for news, you spread the word. As a result, as it spread, the matter changed. As for whose version is true, no one cares at all. What everyone cares about is how to get benefits from this matter.

In this case, Liu Yang, the deputy leader of the provincial party committee's investigation team, is a bit irritating. Among the deputy team leaders who went with him, he was the smallest in rank. They were all principal and deputy directors, so he was the one in charge.

This seemed to be a very unreasonable place, but it happened that after he had a fight in Binhai City with the younger brother of the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Secretary of the Binhai Municipal Political and Legal Committee was arrested, and the mayor was also arrested. Caught, is there really nothing to say here

The human brain can associate, and things that cannot be thought of through association must be supplemented by imagination. After this back and forth, Liu Yang became a key figure in this case.

If Liu Yang knew what everyone was thinking about him, he would definitely be full of disgust and burst into tears. This is not the case. Am I wronged by you for thinking of me so much

However, at this time, no one really felt that Liu Yang was wronged. What everyone was thinking about was how to get some useful information from Liu Yang's mouth.

Unfortunately, even though Liu Yang is a very high-profile person, he is almost universally known. But his rise in official circles was too short. Not many people knew him, and even fewer had enough friendship with him. Therefore, someone paid attention to his classmates from the party school.

Anyway, from the perspective of Peng Yaohui, Ma Teng, and Xing Weibing, it is impossible for the two vacant positions to go to them.

They just wanted to inquire about the news while they were having dinner with Liu Yang, and test it out to see if Liu Yang was talking about the way to enjoy flowers again.

Peng Yaohui proposed to have dinner with Liu Yang, and Liu Yang could refuse, but Pei Wenjie asked Liu Yang to have dinner with him, and Liu Yang naturally could not refuse this request.

Although Liu Yang himself did not feel that he had done anything specifically to Pei Wenjie when he was investigating the case in Binhai City. However, since Pei Wenjie had this idea and felt that he was kind to her, if he did not agree to go to this meal, it would be as if he deliberately prevented Pei Wenjie from returning the favor.

Some people don't like to owe others favors. Some favors, never being paid can be a heavy burden.

When they heard Pei Wenjie's treat, several other people didn't know why, but they still followed suit, saying that since the beautiful Pei was treating them, they should go to a better place.

Pei Wenjie was happy and said that she would go to the Golden Dragon Hotel.

The Golden Dragon Hotel is located two blocks east of the Party School. Although it is not the most upscale hotel in Jihai City, it can still be regarded as a three-star hotel. You can't afford a meal there without two to three thousand yuan.

But among these people, even Liu Yang, the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee, would not take three to two thousand yuan seriously, let alone the other local cadres who hold real power.

Since Pei Wenjie said to go to Jinlong, then go to Jinlong. But Peng Yaohui, Ma Teng, Xing Weibing, Pei Wenjie, Gong Shangyuan plus Liu Yang made up six people, and Liu Yang's car couldn't fit in one.

The six of them took a taxi to the Golden Dragon Hotel and asked for a private room on the fourth floor. The waiter led them upstairs.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, the elevator next to him opened on the fourth floor. A group of men and women walked out of the elevator. Liu Yang glanced around and saw Sun Qingmei's pretty face emerging from the crowd.

She didn't know what was going on, but when she saw Liu Yang's eyes looking over, Sun Qingmei's eyes couldn't help but dodge in a panic, and then she came up to him unnaturally: "Liu Shu, are you here to eat too?"