Perfect Feast

Chapter 517: True meaning


But at this time, Yang Decai started to say again: "Just now you said that when we train cadres, we should consider younger and more educated cadres. As far as I know, among the three deputy secretaries of the Youth League and Provincial Committee, you are the most The younger one, and also has the highest academic qualifications, right?"

Young man, the words you just praised Ou Xiaodan are more suitable for you. You don't want to recommend yourself, do you? I'll give you this opportunity. If you really have this idea, then say it

I don’t believe it. What you said about Li Meizhi just now were not selfish

As if he was afraid that Liu Yang would not understand the meaning contained in his words, Yang Decai looked at Liu Yang and then said: "Do you think you are suitable? If... I mean if, you are allowed to serve as the team leader. Provincial Party Committee Secretary, do you have the confidence to do this job well?"

"I am confident that I can do this job, but I know that I am not qualified enough..." If I were really asked to do it, I would definitely be able to do it well. But...our cadres should not only be qualified, but also qualified

We are not modest. We have the ability, but we are just a little short of qualifications.

"Well, I understand..." At this point, Yang Decai's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Liu Yang with good eyes and asked: "Comrade Liu Yang, if you are allowed to go and exercise, for example, to become the deputy mayor of Renzhou, what do you think? How is it? Do you have the confidence to accept the challenge?"

Yang Decai is an old man. Although he is not young, his words are really leaping. Although it wasn't exactly a hammer and a stick, the way of questioning still made Liu Yang a little unable to keep up with her. The conversation between Ou Xiaodan and Li Meizhi just now suddenly turned to him. Now, he was transferred from the Youth League Provincial Committee to Renzhou City.

However, no matter what, his words still made Liu Yang's heart suddenly tremble. He looked up and saw Yang Decai staring at him unblinkingly.

Those two eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts and reach straight to their hearts.

Going to be the deputy mayor of a big city like Renzhou? According to my current level, it is really progress. Now he is just a department-level official. If he becomes deputy mayor, he will definitely be promoted to deputy director.

And if I stay in the Youth League Provincial Committee, it will be difficult for me to take the position of secretary of the Youth League Committee based on my seniority. If I continue to be the deputy secretary, I will also be adjusted to the deputy department level.

But compared with the deputy mayor of Renzhou City and the deputy secretary of the Youth League and Provincial Committee, there is no need to consider which one has the real power and can better utilize his strengths.

Besides, Zhang Jing is still in Renzhou. Even if he went to Renzhou and couldn't join the Standing Committee, it would still be a very good opportunity to get along with Zhang Jing day and night.

However, if that was the case, why did Zhang Qixiong bring himself to the Youth League Committee in the first place? Even if I stay in Huling until now, I'm afraid I can be promoted to deputy mayor, right

While he was thinking about it, Yang Decai flipped through the documents on the table and said in a low and powerful voice: "Looking at your resume, you have a very unique vision in attracting investment. It was you who single-handedly facilitated the settlement of Sakura Garments and other companies in Huling. But I I feel that your real strength lies in your comprehensive grasp of the entire place. When Huling County is in dire need of development, you can boldly formulate measures to complement industry and agriculture and advance hand in hand. This is something that many people cannot see. "

"Well, and the plan you came up with to promote the city's positioning through tourism and then promote the development of tourism through urban transformation is also great. Now Huling County has a new look, and the Provincial Finance, Development and Reform Commission, and Audit Bureau have On the other hand, various data about Huling County in the first half of the year have been reported. It can be said that Huling County's economy has taken off. Comrade Liu Yang, as the founder of Huling's economic take-off, I feel that you are really underachieving in the Youth League Committee. I hope you You can seriously consider my suggestions!"

This praise is too heavy, but doesn't Minister Yang have other intentions in these words of praise? If Yang Decai didn't praise him for his performance in Huling County, Liu Yang might not be able to think so much. However, listening to Old Man Yang's praise, Liu Yang couldn't help but think more about why

Why did you leave Huling in the first place? Isn't it just that if the tree shows up, Lin Feng will rush it

Now, if I go to Renzhou City to be the deputy mayor, based on my achievements and prestige in Huling County, the average person in Huling County will definitely still regard me as their backbone. And I really treat Huling County as my own child, and I will unknowingly take special care of Huling County.

In this situation, I can own the mountain without pulling it. What do the other deputy mayors of Renzhou City think of themselves? Not to mention others, his invisible father-in-law Sun Zhuoqun would probably be unhappy.

Sun Zhuoqun was unhappy and would step on him with one foot out of nowhere. And if Sun Zhuoqun really wants to step on him, can Zhang Jing watch from the side

If this happens, if I, Zhang Jing, Sun Zhuoqun, or others are involved, it will definitely make a mess.

If the commotion continues like this, will the province help? If someone in the province reaches out again, who can tell clearly what the result will be? I'm afraid that even if Zhang Qixiong comes forward in person, it won't be possible to balance things smoothly, right

Thinking like this, Liu Yang even started to doubt Yang Decai's intentions. This old guy wants to mess up Renzhou or the province. What good will it do to him

Don't worry about whether what you think is right or not, Liu Yang is now wary of Yang Decai, so he will naturally not follow his words anymore. "Minister Yang, you are so grateful. I just did my job well and I really don't deserve your praise."

Yang Decai smiled slightly, looked at Liu Yang and said, "Well, neither arrogant nor impetuous, you are getting better and better! There are not many young people nowadays who can remain calm in the face of power and interests. You are one of the few I have ever seen. Among the few people, one is more able to face himself..."

The more modest Liu Yang was, the more appreciative Old Man Yang sounded towards Liu Yang, which made Liu Yang complain secretly in his heart. He really didn't know how to continue talking. You can't stand up and point at the old guy's nose and say that he has evil intentions. Why don't you go to Renzhou and be this stupid deputy mayor

If that is really the case, that would be really serious. A big hat for disobeying the organization's arrangements will definitely be put on his head soon.

People are very happy to be promoted from the chief position to deputy director. Why is it so awkward for me to be here? !

Liu Yang was feeling depressed, but Yang Decai said again: "Comrade Liu Yang, when we examine cadres, we look at individual abilities. If you are not qualified, you will not be able to pass my test in the first place. Don't have any worries, I will I know that there are a lot of rumors about you outside, saying that you have such and such connections behind your back, so I personally came forward to investigate you, so that I can stop some people's mouths and let people know why you are You are not entrusted with an important task because of your special status. Besides, when we do our work, we must have a clear conscience! You are not trying to get an official position. As long as you have a clear conscience, just do a good job in a down-to-earth manner. Yeah, why bother thinking so much?"

Liu Yangxin said I don't think much, I just think about what you want to do.

However, Yang Decai, the director of the Organization Department of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, had already said this. Even if he had doubts about his intentions, he could not say to his face that he did not obey the organization's assignments.

If he really wanted to do that, he would have to resign and leave the officialdom. Otherwise, he would not be able to act recklessly in front of Yang Decai.

Although Liu Yang was helpless, he had to bite the bullet and express his position: "Minister Yang, actually I didn't think that much. From my personal point of view, I think my ability is not enough to enter the leadership team of an important industrial city. , I’m afraid I won’t do my job properly and will hold back the team. But don’t worry, as long as the organization trusts me, I will resolutely obey the organization’s arrangements without any hesitation!”

Now, Liu Yang has basically determined that the reason why Yang Decai talked to him in person was because he was afraid that the division chiefs under him would not be able to suppress him and that he would talk nonsense. Even if the lawsuit started, he would be at odds with him. .

Can you be ruthless

However, even if you are a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Minister of the Organization Department, you may not have the final say on this matter alone, right

Yang Decai then opened his mouth and smiled: "This is ridiculous! Young people must be brave enough to bear heavy responsibilities and cannot be so timid that they don't have any courage. Since you yourself agree, then our ministry committee will conduct further research and report it as soon as possible. Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee. However, we must strictly pay attention to the confidentiality system before there is an official communication, and do not tell the contents of our conversation today!"

Liu Yang smiled slightly and said firmly: "Yes, I will keep it secret."

Yang Decai nodded and said: "Okay, let's talk about this today. It's getting late, and it's past the time to get off work... But I won't keep you here for dinner."

This old guy gave himself a dark (humorous) comment at the end, he was really not like his usual self.

Liu Yang said goodbye and left. He drove out of the provincial party committee compound and walked a short distance before he parked the car on the side of the road and took out his phone.

Should you pay attention to confidentiality regulations? It depends on what happened and when. Now I can't care about this matter.

However, Liu Yang had just taken out his phone and before he could dial the number, the phone in his hand suddenly rang. Seeing that the name displayed on the phone was Li Haifeng, Liu Yang couldn't help but be stunned.

I only met the deputy director of the Public Security Department when I went to Binhai City. I couldn't say that there was any deep friendship at that time. Why is he calling himself at this time

After answering the phone, Li Haifeng's enthusiastic voice came from the phone: "Secretary Liu, are you off work? I told you that I wanted to have a good chat with you when I was in Binhai City, but I never found the time. How about we sit together tonight?" sit?"