Perfect Feast

Chapter 535: Make a good calculation


At this moment, Jiang Runguo's mouth was closed tightly, and his body was trembling slightly. He really didn't expect that Liu Yang would attack him so quickly.

This time Liu Changyou went to the provincial capital to "treat a disease", and everyone else saw that something was wrong. As a direct descendant who followed Liu Changyou closely, Jiang Runguo knew the situation very well.

Jiang Runguo knew in his heart that Liu Changyou would not come back to Binhai City again even after he recovered. And this time. There is such a big mess in Binhai City, and Liu Changyou, as the leader, cannot absolve himself of the blame.

The reason why the higher-ups only gave him a major demerit in the party and did not remove him from his post was simply to keep his name in Binhai City and occupy the position of municipal party committee secretary. As for where his people are, it has become a trivial matter that no one cares about.

Once the relationship is straightened out, or Liu Yang gets a firm foothold, Liu Changyou's name will inevitably withdraw from Binhai City because he has completed his historical mission.

Liu Changyou left, but he was still in the position of secretary-general of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee. Youdao was once an emperor and a courtier. Especially sitting in such a sensitive position as his own, it was even more difficult for him to sit on pins and needles. What should he do

Therefore, after much deliberation, he wanted to show his strength and let Liu Yang understand that it was impossible to leave him in the municipal party committee.

In fact, Jiang Runguo was spoiled by Liu Changyou, and he didn't know the importance of the world. As the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee in charge of work, how could Liu Yang be manipulated by him

In addition, there was Pei Wenjie, who was familiar with the situation of the municipal party committee, working as an undercover agent, so that when Liu Yang was in Jihai, he already had a detailed understanding of the situation in Binhai City. Liu Yang had already planned several modes in his mind on how to act when encountering a difficult situation.

Jiang Runguo raised his tail, and Liu Yang kicked him without any politeness.

In less than a day, I just deliberately gave him a trick to show off my power, hoping that he would see clearly his abilities and his energy in the municipal party committee office, and then sell him at a price.

Who would have thought that Liu Yang would actually do this to him and directly knock him off the throne of Secretary-General. There are now seven members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee in Binhai City. Sun Qingyun proposed that Pei Wenjie take over as his secretary-general. Liu Yang, Song Jinkun, Zhu Jianjun, and Zhao Gongsen raised their hands in agreement. Apart from himself, the only remaining Shizhong District Secretary Yu Changxin did not speak. .

In the current situation, what would happen even if Yu Changxin stood up and opposed it? The other party had five votes, and his side had at most two votes. Jiang Runguo was really not sure whether Yu Changxin could speak for him.

Who would do something that would offend others if they were not sure

Thinking of this, Jiang Runguo bit his tongue hard and said loudly: "I also agree with Comrade Pei Wenjie becoming the Secretary-General."

As his words rang out, several people sitting in the two rows of seats at the back who were attending the meeting suddenly let out a roar, as if everything had returned to calm after a storm.

where is this place? Just now, they were just surprised by Jiang Runguo's performance, but as soon as the exclamations came out, these people immediately realized their mistake and raised their hands to cover their mouths without anyone saying anything.

After Yu Changxin heard Jiang Runguo's voice of approval, he was slightly startled, but he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Like Jiang Runguo, he was a direct descendant of Liu Changyou. Yu Changxin immediately understood Jiang Runguo's thoughts. Knowing that Jiang Runguo didn't want to force him to express his position, he spoke before him and saved himself from embarrassment.

Of course, Jiang Runguo actually had two purposes for doing this. The first is that the general trend is that even if I stand with him and express my opposition, it cannot stop Pei Wenjie from succeeding him as the secretary-general of the municipal party committee. The second point is a bit heartbreaking. It cannot be ruled out that Jiang Runguo is afraid that he will say something that echoes Sun Qingyun's suggestion at this time. In that case, it will not only make Jiang Runguo more embarrassed, but also end the long-standing relationship between him and himself. This ends.

Even now, Jiang Runguo still hasn't really given up. He still wants to unite himself and continue fighting with Liu Yang!

However, under this situation, will Jiang Runguo still have this opportunity in the future? After sending a concerned glance to Jiang Runguo, Yu Changxin also said loudly: "I agree!"

As he spoke these words, the entire conference room fell into a strange silence. Even Meng Xianlei, Deputy Director of the National People's Congress, Wang Yanzhong, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Feng Jinrong, President of the Court, Wu Hongsen, Deputy Procurator-General of the Procuratorate, and Chang Ping, Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, who were present as non-voting delegates, could not help but feel horrified and moved.

The vote was passed unanimously, and even Jiang Runguo, who was replaced, raised his hand in favor. What does this mean

This shows that Liu Yang, the young deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, is very powerful. It shows that from today on, Binhai City's innocence has really changed.

Liu Yang smiled and said, "Well, very good. It was unanimously approved. We recommend Pei Wenjie as a member of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee and the candidate for Secretary-General. That's it. Minister Zhu, now let's talk about the candidate for the Minister of the United Front Work Department. You are Organization Minister, there must be ready-made candidates in your pocket, right? If you are qualified, let’s discuss a few... "

It is true that Zhu Jianjun is the Minister of Organization, but he does not dare to consider who should be appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. He somewhat understood what Liu Yang meant. He had just taken the initiative to raise the issue of rectifying work style and discipline in the city, which suited Secretary Liu's taste. In addition, by supporting Pei Wenjie as secretary-general just now, I must have won Liu Yang's favor. He was reciprocating the favor by asking me to recommend someone who could serve as the minister of the United Front.

The United Front Minister does not have much power, and there is not much he can do in the city. However, this is a standard super deputy department, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Liu Yang just changed hands and still got it on his own head? This reward is not unimportant.

In fact, Liu Yang had no choice. After all, he had just arrived and had no one he could use. In addition, if the position of Minister of United Front Work that he concurrently holds is not also used, then Jiang Runguo's concurrent appointment as Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee cannot be justified.

Since Lao Zhu was so sensible just now, instead of taking advantage of others, it would be better to take advantage of him, which can be regarded as a rich reward for his strong support to him just now.

At this time, Song Jinkun also saw Liu Yang's intention. I am afraid that no matter who Zhu Jianjun proposes to be the United Front Minister, Liu Yang will not object.

So, while Zhu Jianjun was still thinking about who could hold this position, Song Jinkun already said with a smile: "Secretary Liu, I have a candidate here, can you take a look?"

Liu Yang smiled and asked: "Mayor Song, who is this person? Tell me first and listen. I don't know much about the cadres in Binhai City yet, so I have no plans to adjust the following counties and cities for the time being. There are many vacancies for cadres in , districts and bureaus, but there are many vacancies for cadres in these departments. I am afraid that the decision cannot be left undecided for a long time. Since Mayor Song has available talents, this is a great thing. I would also like you to recommend a few more. Which one..."

This is also a disguised explanation to Song Jinkun that as long as you cooperate well, even if the United Front Minister cannot use the people you recommend this time, there will still be opportunities in the future. There are many places where the departments below are short of people.

"Since Liu Shuji said so, I'll start by throwing some light. If it's inappropriate, Minister Zhu, what are you talking about..." When Song Jinkun heard Liu Yang's words, he immediately realized that he had been a little too hasty. Just now, Liu Yang obviously wanted Zhu Jianjun to recommend candidates. If he jumped out in such a hurry, what would Zhu Jianjun think

If Zhu Jianjun becomes jealous of him, he will definitely be against him during the adjustment of some division-level cadres below.

Don't think that being a United Front Minister is great, but sitting in your position and being obedient to the top leaders of various municipal departments seems to be more helpful to you.

For example, if you are the director of the Finance Bureau, the director of the National Development and Reform Commission, the director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the director of the Public Security Bureau, if you are of the same mind as the executive deputy mayor, you will be much less worried about doing your own work in the future.

After thinking about it like this, Song Jinkun thought of a lot of things. It seemed that Secretary Liu didn't want to see him and Zhu Jianjun fighting. He was enjoying the benefits of being a fisherman on the other side.

This young man is not simple, his appetite is really not small. He wanted to conquer the two of us and quickly create a stable situation in Binhai City. This not only provides an explanation to the provincial party committee and the provincial government, but also can firmly provide an excuse for the future Mayor Li. Killing two birds with one stone is really a good plan!

"Secretary Liu Shu, I think it would be more appropriate for our city government for Deputy Mayor Lu Aizhong to serve as the head of the United Front Work Department..."

As soon as Song Jinkun finished speaking, he didn't expect that the first person to open his mouth to object was not Zhu Jianjun, but Jiang Runguo, who had just missed the post of secretary-general: "No, comrade Lu Aizhong is good at taking charge of agricultural development. Let him be the leader." The Minister of United Front Work is really a bit...not doing his job properly."

How should I put this? The deputy mayor and the director of the United Front Work Department who have been appointed to the Standing Committee are both at the deputy department level. However, the United Front Minister does not have real power in his hands, but he has a reputation and is ranked ahead of ordinary deputy mayors. The most critical point is that the head of the United Front Work Department is a small step forward compared to the deputy mayor who is not a member of the Standing Committee.

In any case, if Lu Aizhong had a choice, he would probably be willing to transfer from the ordinary deputy mayor to the position of director of the United Front Work Department. Although the real power in his hands is reduced, there are steps to rise. Since you can't have your cake and eat it too, you must use your power in exchange for this opportunity for advancement.

Liu Yang was not familiar with Lu Aizhong, but he didn't know why Song Jinkun recommended him, and why Jiang Runguo was the first to stand up against Song Jinkun.

Since he couldn't see through it now, he kept a steady face and looked at where Song Jinkun and Jiang Runguo were fighting, blushing as they argued.