Perfect Feast

Chapter 546: Perfect plan


Li Xiulan and Pan Xiaoyong stepped in. The huge floor plan closed quietly behind them, and the scenery in the passage also lit up at this time.

Li Xiulan had been to this place more than once, so she was naturally familiar with it. My son, Pan Xiaoyong, had never been here before, and everything he looked at felt strange.

In front of him was a brightly lit narrow corridor, with large safes built into the walls that looked like double-door refrigerators on both sides. Not long after Li Xiulan walked forward, she pressed the password and opened a cabinet. "You don't have much money in your hand, right? There is still some in here. Take it. Don't be reluctant to spend money where it should be spent. No matter how much money you spend, as long as it can save your brother's life, no matter how much money you spend, worth… "

Looking at the safe with the door opened in front of him, Pan Xiaoyong's eyes were opened. The safe was filled with various banknotes, including US dollars, Hong Kong dollars, and stacks of RMB.

There is still some money here, this is simply a mountain of gold and silver! It was not that Pan Xiaoyong had never seen money before, but looking at the stack of banknotes as tall as a person in front of him from bottom to top still made him feel dumbfounded.

At this time, Li Xiulan took a few steps forward and opened another safe. In addition to several neat piles of banknotes, there are more bank cards and gold and jade, diamonds, jewelry and other items. The rest are documents such as deeds, documents and various certificates.

Looking at this, Li Xiulan was obviously stunned for a moment, and whispered in a low voice: "There are so many good things, but they are not given to us sisters..."

Thinking about it, if Cong Wanqing hadn't given Fu Ailing the password this time, none of the three sisters would have known that there were so many good things in the safe. Li Xiulan couldn't help but feel bitter in her heart.

Li Xiulan looked around the safe and muttered in a low voice, "58867786612345... Well, this one, and this one..."

What she was talking about was the number written on the note that Cong Wanqing handed to Fu Ailing. These numbers are not only the password to open the safe, but also indicate the floor and row of the safe.

These numbers are not high-tech as Cong Wanqing said, but secret notes that Gao Wenjun and Li Xiulan had agreed upon long ago. Cong Wanqing just looked like numbers that looked like nothing, but Li Xiulan knew at a glance that they should be In what order should you interpret them to get the correct password

While chanting, Li Xiulan called Pan Xiaoyong over and handed a mobile hard drive and a black-covered notebook into his hands: "Take these things and find the people above to save Brother Jun. If they don't do anything, Just hand these things over to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection..."

"Sister-in-law, what is this?" Pan Xiaoyong asked in confusion, looking at the notebook and hard drive in his hand.

A hint of ferocity flashed across Li Xiulan's face, and she gritted her teeth and said, "This is evidence that some people in the capital and the province have been using our family's money over the years to ask your brother to do things for them. Why did your brother go in while they were outside? Happy and happy? The worst case scenario is that everyone will die."

As she spoke, Li Xiulan took out a travel bag from the bottom of the safe, put all the dozens of bundles of U.S. dollars, gold bricks, jewelry, and diamonds in the safe into the bag, and then took out the certificates. He opened the three passports, looked at them, and put them into the bag. Then he continued: "In the hard drive, there is also Cong Wanqing's wonderful performance in Yu Linglong. When the time comes, you can post it online. This kind of thing is inferior to pigs and dogs. I Not only do I want him to go to jail, I also want him to be ruined."

Pan Xiaoyong nodded and said, "Okay, sister-in-law, I understand. The airports and terminals are still very strictly inspected. You must be more careful..."

"I know that your brother and I have made preparations over the years. We have already planned the escape route from Binhai City. Originally, the three of us wanted to wait for your brother to leave together, but now it seems that this is impossible That's it. Xiaoyong, your brother's affairs are all counting on you..." Li Xiulan said, closed the safe and picked up the travel bag.

Li Xiulan was really attentive. At this time, in front of Pan Xiaoyong, she didn't say how she escaped from Binhai City and where she escaped from the country.

The reason for being tortured by Cong Wanqing for so many days was not because her brain was not full, but because something happened suddenly and she was confused by the news that Gao Wenjun had been arrested.

This time Gao Wenjun was arrested. In their opinion, it was not because there was a problem on Gao Wenjun's side, but because he was implicated by others. Therefore, neither Gao Wenjun nor Li Xiulan and the others were prepared.

Whether it was the fake passport he used to escape, the bank card from a foreign bank, or other things, they were all locked in Gao Wenjun's safe. Li Xiulan and Fu Ailing neither knew the safe's password nor the password. Bank card password of foreign bank.

Cong Wanqing also had good timing. He appeared in front of Li Xiulan at the right time. Li Xiulan also wanted to use him to find out about Gao Wenjun, so she fell into Cong Wanqing's trap.

Just after being brought into the dormitory of the Public Security Bureau, Li Xiulan understood that if she resisted at this time, not only would she not be able to help Gao Wenjun, but her own life would not be safe either.

Therefore, Li Xiulan, Fu Ailing, and Sun Yan accepted the situation and actively strived to win Cong Wanqing's trust in preparation for their escape.

Today, it happened that Cong Wanqing handed over the password to Fu Ailing, but the three women could not stay in the wolf's den for a moment. Only then did Fu Ailing obey, Sun Yan deliberately dressed in revealing clothes, and Li Xiulan took the initiative to seduce.

All this was just for the purpose of letting Cong Wanqing bring Li Xiulan out. While Li Xiulan followed Cong Wanqing out, Fu Ailing and Sun Yan were also ready to escape.

The three of them discussed the details of these matters while Cong Wanqing was sleeping.

Now, Li Xiulan asked Cong Wanqing to go to the secret room to get the things needed for the escape. Fu Ailing and Sun Yan might have already arrived at their predetermined positions, so Li Xiulan did not dare to delay any longer. After explaining what she asked Pan Xiaoyong to do, she walked out with her travel bag.

She knew that her current situation was still very unsafe and she needed to be careful at all times. However, she didn't know that she really underestimated Cong Wanqing's intelligence and reaction ability.

Ever since he got Gao Wenjun's fluctuating numbers today, although Cong Wanqing didn't understand it, he actually had doubts in his heart.

On the surface, he handed the note into Fu Ailing's hands calmly, but secretly he had already made plans. It would be fine if nothing unusual happened to the three women after they got the note. If there was anything unusual, he would have taken precautions as soon as possible.

Li Xiulan wanted to visit the original Yu Linglong, which aroused his curiosity. This place has been sold to others, why are you coming to see it

In the cafe, he was pestered and delayed for a while, but Li Xiulan disappeared. After searching back and forth in the cafe twice, he already understood. Li Xiulan must have planned this long ago. This woman is going to run away!

Since he can't find it, there's no need to look for it. Anyway, he has already arranged people around Yu Linglong. I really don't believe it. This woman can fly into the sky

At that moment, Cong Wanqing took out his phone again and called Yao Daoxin: "It's true, Li Xiulan is missing. You have to pay more attention there, which makes your people's eyes widen. I don't believe that Fu Ailing and Sun Yan didn't do anything... "

"Hey, Cong Ju, you are really right. Not long after you left, these two women wanted to go out in batches. However, I and my brothers were playing cards under the street lamp in front of your door. Well, they stretched out their heads and then retracted them. Just be determined, they can't run away..."

"Okay, we still need to be more careful and make sure nothing happens. Now I can be sure that Li Xiulan came to Yu Linglong just to get money, haha... The mantis stalks the cicada, but they didn't expect that I played a trick on them. The oriole is behind..." When he said this, Cong Wanqing was very proud.

Everything was developing according to his plan. Cong Wanqing seemed to have seen piles of banknotes waving to him. Damn it, don’t you, Gao Wenjun, know how to scheme? After I finish your woman, I also want to get all your money.

In his opinion, since the three women Li Xiulan wanted to run away, they would definitely take all the money with them. If the number written on the note was the password for Gao Wenjun's hidden money, Fu Ailing would definitely find a way to get the money out.

Shouldn't Gao Wenjun's assets be handed over to the eldest wife

But he never thought that the person who was asking him to take him out would be Li Xiulan. It seems that in Gao Wenjun's mind, he really treats these three women the same.

Li Xiulan was carrying a travel bag and wearing big sunglasses. After carefully exiting the basement door, she walked from Yu Linglong's back door to a street behind Yu Linglong. She looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to her. She couldn't help but smile proudly. He raised his hand and stopped a taxi.

Blowing in the soothing night breeze, Li Xiulan suddenly felt relaxed as she watched the golden yellow belt wrapping the entire Yu Linglong building behind the car becoming increasingly blurry.

By this time, the eldest and second sisters should have arrived at the university town, right? Whether it was Cong Wanqing or Pan Xiaoyong, they all thought that they, Fu Ailing, and Sun Yan would escape from Binhai City overnight. However, they never expected that Gao Wenjun had bought a teachers' apartment in the university town under someone else's name two years ago.

Cong Wanqing would definitely search around for his whereabouts, but he never expected that he and his two sisters would still stay in Binhai City at this time.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Even though the three of us are women, we understand this. Live in this apartment in the university town for a while, and after the weather calms down, take a boat across the sea from the three northeastern provinces through Mongolia to Russia, and then from Russia to Canada... In this way, the sea will be vast. Leap, the sky is high and the birds can fly away.

Want to catch me? Wait for the next life!